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This is an encyclopedia article about Nerd42. If you are actually looking for Nerd42, see, Wiki42 or the outdated Meta page .

Nerd42 {3 * (1 + 3 + 3 + 7) = 42} is the online persona of an individual or group of individuals who have haunted the internet since sometime around 2002. Nerd42 claims to be one person, male, a United States citizen and 21 years of age. He tries to maintain a certain degree of anonymity for several reasons.


[edit] Projects

Nerd42 is involved in many projects, often starting them and not finishing them.

[edit] Accomplishments

[edit] Music

See for a complete list of all audio released by DJ_Nerd42.

[edit] Writing

[edit] Collaborative efforts

[edit] Illogicopedia

While becoming dis-satisfied with Uncyclopedia in 2007, Nerd42 became one of the founding members of a new site called "Illogicopedia" where anyone can post nonsense or just generally bang on their keyboards. He pursuaded the Wikia staff and the other Illogicopedia admins to use Wikia as the host for this new project. Since then he has had very little time for helping with the project but, mostly through the efforts of others, the site now has a well-established community.

[edit] Wikipedia articles

[edit] Fiction Wikia articles

[edit] Other wiki articles

[edit] Fantasy/RPG

Nerd42 is the founder of the Silver Sword RPG and claims to have made up the entire Silver Sword RPG universe, relying on advice from Knight and Aargain and on inspiration from previous works of SFF.

[edit] Programming

[edit] Animations

[edit] Sprite comics

  • Secret Level is an extremely low-quality zero-effort sprite comic occasionally updated by Nerd42.

[edit] Works-in-progress

[edit] Abandoned projects

[edit] Suspended projects

[edit] Future projects (maybe)

[edit] Biography

[edit] Real life

Nerd42 is very secretive about his offline counterpart, but has revealed/claimed the following information to be true:

  • He is a male United States citizen. (based on his own statements)
  • He is currently about 21 years old. This is implied by his claim to have been a first-time voter for George W. Bush in the 2004 Presidential Elections.
  • He is a member of an RLDS Restoration Branch. (based on his own statements and knowledge of Restoration doctrine and current events)
  • He has earned the Eagle Scout award in the Boy Scouts of America program and has been an employee of that organization in the past.

[edit] Online history

For an outdated list of some of Nerd42's user pages, see Meta.

Nerd42 has a registered name on many sites, too numerous to mention. Some he visits on a daily basis, some weekly and some monthly. The primary site he has been a member of the longest is h2g2 where he first chose his alias.

The first instance of Nerd42 may have been on a discussion board at, now closed down. Soon after that, and after reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for the first time, he joined h2g2, a collaboratively written encyclopedia project and online community founded by Douglas Adams. His primary homepage exists there to this day. At first, he called himself "Gandark" after his RPG character, but finally switched to his desired alias after he made sure there were no other "Nerd42s" on h2g2.

Since then, Nerd42 has come and gone on countless web sites, and not always under the name "Nerd42."

[edit] Other screen names

For a list of Nerd42's nicknames on h2g2, see this page
  • "Nerd42" is Nerd42's primary screen name.
  • "nerd4242" is Nerd42's screen name on Yahoo Messenger and AIM.
  • "Dr. Nerd42" is an alternate screen name for Nerd42 when he is pretending to be a psychologist, usually on IRC channels. This is usually commenced with an announcement, in allcaps, that "THE DOCTOR IS IN." (a Charlie Brown / Lucy van Pelt reference) He will then proceed to ask questions and give (sometimes comical) answers attempting to find the "root of the problem" even when it turns out that there is no problem to solve. This behavior is inspired by and supposed to parody Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Dr. Nerd42 says his partner is ELIZA, and often protests, "I am a good doctor!"
  • "DJ_Nerd42" is Nerd42's name as a musical performer.
  • "Gandark Underhill" is the name of Nerd42's main RPG character. For more information, see Tripod.
  • "Gandark42" is Nerd42's screen name on RuneScape.
  • "Patriot" is the name of a serial killer from Jefferson Scott's techno-thriller novel "Virtu@lly Eliminated" - and is a secondary alias sometimes used by Nerd42. (such as on It has the advantage of not revealing anything about the person who uses it except that they think they are a patriot.
    • "Randall Stevens" is a ficticious name from The Shawshank Redemption of a man "who only exists on paper." This name was used as the real name of the main character "Patriot" in Nerd42's Matrix fanfic, and has been adopted by Nerd42 at different times as his "real" name, while he does not claim that it actually is. It may or may not actually be Nerd42's real name.
  • "Pyro" is Nerd42's screen name on ifMUD.
  • "Mr. Fixit" is an alternate screen name used by Nerd42 in some first-person shooters such as Starsiege Tribes He often functions as an engineer, repairing and maintaining others health and battle equipment. "Mr. Fixit" often advocates/supports any coordinated strategy his team plans during FPS games.
  • Nerd42 is currently seeking a new username he can use as a Macromedia Flash animator in the Clock Crew.

[edit] Screen name translations

  • "Nerd43" is sometimes adopted by Nerd42 on special occasions, such as when people bother him about changing his nickname and on April Fools Day.
  • "24dreN" is Nerd42's user name spelled backwards. Dren ("Nerd" spelled backwards) is also the name of a NPC in Nerd42's "Silver Sword" RPG universe.
  • |\|3rd42 is Nerd42's screen name written in leet, which then translates back into Engrish as Nerda2.
  • "Areq42" is Nerd42's screen name written in ROT13.
  • "4e 65 72 64 34 32" is Nerd42's screen name converted to hexidecimal.
  • "01001110 01100101 01110010 01100100 00110100 00110010" is Nerd42's screen name written in binary code.
  • "-. . .-. -.. ....- ..---" is Nerd42's screen name in morse code.

[edit] Screen name copycats

Several people including these individuals are alleged by the "real" Nerd42 to have stolen/copied Nerd42's screen name at one time or another.

[edit] Awards and Templates

For those obsessed with humor and parody, Nerd42 also has a user page on Uncyclopedia.
Don't Panic! Nerd42 is actually h²g² Researcher U203906.