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Bold text The legend of Neotsay th Venom Tail samerie
Japan has many legenary woriors but no are as powerful as Neotsay. Image: Short Spiky light-blue hair, Dog ears and an almost fox-like dog tail. The Legend: His mothe was a human but his father was a dog demon. He had 2 brothers and he was stuck betwen then. His older brothe Reokue was a dog demon him self. After Reokue was born an old hag cursed the family making there children weaker. When Neotsay was born he was only 3/4 dog demon. and when his yunger brother Soskay was born he was on a 1/2 demon and on that day Reokue set out with his sword to find and kill the old hag who had cursed there family. After 10 years of searching he finaly found and killed her. But befor she died she used a magic miror to show him what was hapening at home. He saw that the villagers had began to worship his father and that his brothers (Neotsay and Soskay) where being tought the way of the samurie. Reokue became inraged and when he retuned home the next day he brutaly killed his mother and father. Then he set out to the woods to kill his brothers. When he found them Reokue ran screaming tword Soskay. Neotsay then drew his sword and began a devistating battle. But in the end Reokue was the victor and plunged his sword through Neotsay's stumic. But Reokue herd the villagers coming so he ran into the forest. As the viagers ran after Reokue a wise old man who was a friend of Neotsays father stopt and looked at Neotsay's corps. He then piced the corps up and careid it to his home with Soskay walking behined. Wise man talked to a craftsmen who gladly built a statu of a demon monky. The wise old man then laid the corps down and seald neotsay's sole to the statu and built a shrine around it. After 10 years the shrine was forgoten but the storry didn't die. One day a snake demon attacked the village and the wise old man emerged frome his home and told every one that he would sacrifise him self to save the village. So he walked into the shrine. people gatherd around and wached as the man was grabed and lifted of the ground by vines. He screamed in pain as his backed striaghtend his hair grew and his body took the form of Neotsay and finaly his sole was seald in the statu. Then Neotsay drew his sword and his dager and attacked the snake demon. The sword cut a huge hole in the venom sack of the demon. The venom landed on his arm and burned his skin. Then he took his dager and soked it in the venom. He then jumped twords the larg demon and cot of the tooth. The demon screamed as it shrank, it's tail turned into legs, it grew arms, and the larg tooth turned into a sword. The demon grew angry claming to have bin sent by Reokue to kill Soskay. The demon grew andry as it countinud to say he would now have to also kill Neotsay. The demon was quick with his sword but Neotsay blocked every attack. And as Neotsay held off a strong attack he stabed the demon with the venom cloaked dager. The demon laid there dead as the villagers cheard. From that day Neotsay was none as the Venom