Nemo nox

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Nemo Nox was one of the first Brazilian bloggers, possibly the first one to blog in the Portuguese language. He was born in Brazil, and currently lives in the United States.

He is famous for his websites and weblogs, including Esfera (cultural webzine, 1998/2001), Pijama Selvagem (comics and humor, 1999/2001), Pictoblog (image weblog, 2002/2003), Burburinho and Por um Punhado de Pixels, the last two still active today. Por um Punhado de Pixels has earned him the User Prize for Best Weblog in the Deutsche Welle International Weblog Awards 2004, and is often featured in Brazilian newspapers and magazines. His most recent website is A Casa das Mil Portas, where Brazilian and Portuguese bloggers publish microtales (short stories with 50 letters or less).

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