Nelson Montes-Bradley

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Nelson Montes-Bradley
Born September 12, 1935 (1935-09-12) (age 72)
Rosario, Argentina
Occupation Chemist, Music Publisher, Writer, Historian.
Nationality USA / Argentina
Spouse(s) Sara Kaplan
Children Saul, Eduardo
Relative(s) Ricardo Ernesto Montes i Bradley,Eduardo Bradley,Eduardo Montes-Bradley

Nelson Montes-Bradley was born in Rosario, Argentina, in September 12, 1935. He’s a writer and historian, author of Contra viento y marea an essay on the history of steam boat navigation on the River Plate basin, in South America and Más liviano que el aire a biographical work on Eduardo Bradley and his crossing of the Andes, from Chile to Argentina, in a coal gas aerostat in 1916. Montes-Bradley was one of the four original founders of Discos Qualiton in Argentina[1][2].

[edit] Bibliography

  • Contraviento y marea. La navegación a vapor y su introducción en el Rio de la Plata. (Against Wind and Tide). Author House, 2005.
  • Más liviano que el aire (Lighter than Air). A biography on Eduardo Bradley, first ever to cross the Andean by air on a balloon. XLibris. Hardcover, ISBN: . Paperback. Publisher: Xlibris Corporation. ISBN: . 2007. 436 pages.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ La Nación, Nov. 24, 1967
  2. ^ La Prensa, October 30, 1967. Article by Eduardo Lagos. Title: @Tango y Folklore