Negro Ensemble Company

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The Negro Ensemble Company is a New York City-based theater company. Established in 1967 by playwright Douglas Turner Ward, producer/actor Robert Hooks, and theater manager Gerald Krone, the company focuses on themes in "black life".

In 2005, the ensemble was among 406 New York City arts and social service institutions to receive part of a $20 million grant from the Carnegie Corporation, which was made possible through a donation by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. [1] [2]

[edit] Notable alumni

[edit] Current News

The Historic Negro Ensemble Company will celebrate its repetoire of work ranging from The First Breeze of Summer by Leslie Lee, Home by Samm-Art Williams, and Zooman and the Sign by Charles Fuller this 2008-2009 Season. The season is being produced by Signature Theatre Company in NY, NY.

[edit] External links