Nectanebo I

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Nectanabo I
Nectanebo I from a relef discovered at Alexandria
Nectanebo I from a relef discovered at Alexandria
Pharaoh of Egypt
Reign 380 – 362 BC,  30th Dynasty
Predecessor Nefaarud II
Successor Teos

Nectanabo (or more properly Nekhtnebef) was a pharaoh of the Thirtieth dynasty of Egypt.

In 380 BC, Nectanebo deposed and killed Nefaarud II, starting the last dynasty of Egyptian kings. He seems to have spent much of his reign defending his kingdom from Persian reconquest with the occasional help of troops from Athens or Sparta. He is also known as a great builder who erected many monuments and temples throughout his long and stable 18 year reign. Nectanebo I restored numerous dilapidated temples throughout Egypt and erected a small kiosk on the sacred island of Philae which would become one of the most important religious cites in Ancient Egypt.[1] This was the first phase of the temple of Isis at Philae; he also built at Elkab, Memphis and the Delta sites of Saft el-Hinna and Tanis.[2] He also significantly erected a stela before a pylon of Ramesses II at Hermopolis.[3] He also built the first pylon in the temple of Karnak.

From about 365 BC, Nectanebo was a co-regent with his son Teos, who succeeded him. He died in 362 BC and was succeeded by Teos on the throne.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Peter Clayton, Chronicle of the Pharaohs, Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1994. p.203
  2. ^ Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt, Blackwell Books: 1992, p.377
  3. ^ Allan B. Lloyd, "The Late Period" in 'The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt,' ed. Ian Shaw, Oxford University Press, 2000. p.386

[edit] External links