Nebula class starship

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The USS Sutherland (NCC-72015) in 2368.
First appearance "The Wounded"
Affiliation Starfleet
General Characteristics
Armaments Photon torpedoes
Propulsion Warp drive

The Nebula-class starship appears in the Star Trek fictional universe. It was first seen in the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation and was designed by Ed Miarecki, Rick Sternbach, and Michael Okuda.

[edit] Description and attributes

The earliest apparent Nebula-class starship seen in the series was the USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) in the TNG episode: "The Wounded". A variant on the standard Nebula seen in (DS9: "Emissary") during the Battle of Wolf 359 scene, perhaps a prototype version of the class or an earlier, closely related class, has a longer engineering section, tapering to a point rather than rounded off. In (episode titles needed[citation needed]) some types feature a second pair of warp nacelles, scaled down versions of the Nebula/Galaxy nacelles, rather than support for modules; the pylons holding these engines have been seen attached either at the very stern of the secondary hull or higher up, where the module generally attaches. There are also two variant types of hull markings: one seen in "Waltz" features the registry number printed on the nacelle pylons and the second, seen on the USS Phoenix in "The Wounded", has blank pylons and, instead, the registry number and "United Federation of Planets" on the connections between the pylons and the engines.

The Nebula-class design lineage seems to be related to the contemporary Galaxy-class, having a similar engineering hull, a similar primary hull and nacelles. The Nebula-class differs in the direct integration of the saucer section with the secondary hull, the downward curve of the engine pylons, the attachment of those connections farther fore and higher up on the secondary hull, and the short upward-running pylon supporting a changeable module at the aft end of the engineering hull. In addition, the Nebula-class has a different navigational deflector design from the Galaxy-class starship. A dome-shaped module seems standard for some Nebula-class starships; other modules include at least one variety of triangular pod, possibly a weapons module with many photon torpedo launchers. The Nebula-class is portrayed in the Star Trek series as serving in many of the major crises of the 24th century such as the Dominion War and Borg incursions.

[edit] Known Nebula-class starships in the Star Trek series

USS Bellerephon (NCC-62048) (sic.)
Named for the character of Bellerophon from Greek mythology and the ship from the movie Forbidden Planet, the starship Bellerephon was destroyed on stardate 43997 in 2366 by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359 (DS9: "Emissary").
USS Bonchune (NCC-70915)
Named for Rob Bonchune, the starship Bonchune is the first ship sent to recover the USS Prometheus from the Romulans before being disabled in 2374 (Voy: "Message in a Bottle"). Circa stardate 54973.4, the Bonchune is part of a fleet in Sector 001 that responds to an anticipated Borg incursion when the USS Voyager returns from the Delta Quadrant (Voy: "Endgame").
USS Endeavour (NCC-71805)
The starship Endeavour, was commanded by Captain Amisov (Voy: "Scorpion"). The Endeavour was stationed in the Cleon sector in 2368 when the crew of the USS Enterprise-D is controlled by Ktarian operatives hoping to gain control of Starfleet (TNG: "The Game"). The Endeavour is later part of the tachyon blockade of the Romulan-Klingon border during the Klingon Civil War (TNG: "Redemption, Part II") and is involved in the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373 (Star Trek: First Contact).
USS Farragut (NCC-60591)
Named for Admiral David Farragut, the starship Farragut is one of three ships that rescues the crew of the Enterprise-D from Veridian III in 2371 (Star Trek Generations). In early 2373, the Farragut is assigned to evacuate Federation colonists on Ajilon Prime, and is later destroyed by the Klingons near the Lembatta Cluster (DS9: "…Nor the Battle to the Strong").
USS Garuda
Named for Hindu and Buddhist god Garuda, the starship Garuda is docked at Deep Space Nine in late 2371 (DS9: "Emissary").
USS Hera (NCC-62006)
Named for the Greek goddess Hera, the starship Hera was commanded by Captain Silva La Forge with a mostly Vulcan crew of 300. The Hera disappeared circa stardate 47215.5 in 2370 (TNG: "Interface").
USS Honshu (NCC-60205)
Named for the Japanese island of Honshū, the starship Honshu is destroyed by Cardassian warships while transporting Gul Dukat to Starbase 621 circa stardate 51408.6 (DS9: "Waltz").
USS Leeds (NCC-70352)
Named for the city of Leeds, the starship Leeds makes frequent stops at the Deep Space Nine and later participates in the liberation of Deep Space Nine in 2374 during the Dominion War.[citation needed]
USS Lexington (NCC-61832)
In 2371, the Lexington docks at Deep Space Nine (DS9: "Explorers") and fights against the Borg at the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373, where she suffers 96 dead and 22 wounded (First Contact). According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, the Lexington mentioned in TNG's "Thine Own Self" is an Excelsior-class starship, although dialogue in "Explorers" indicates that the Nebula-class Lexington was in service during the events of "Thine Own Self".
USS Merrimack (NCC-61827)
Named for the frigate USS Merrimack, the starship Merrimack transports Ambassador Sarek from Legara IV to Vulcan circa stardate 43917.4 in 2367 (TNG: "Sarek"). The Merrimack later transports Wesley Crusher from the Enterprise-D to Starfleet Academy circa stardate 45208.2 (TNG: "Final Mission"). Circa stardate 46357.4, the Merrimack is given a special assignment from the Vulcan Science Academy (TNG: "Brothers").
USS Monitor (NCC-61826)
Named for the ironclad USS Monitor of Civil War fame, the starship Monitor is sent to the Romulan neutral zone border circa stardate 43462.5 in 2366 in response to rumors of a Romulan mobilization around the planet Nelvana III (TNG: "The Defector").
USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)
The starship Phoenix was built at the 40 Eridani-A Starfleet Construction Yards and commissioned on stardate 40250.5 in 2363. Circa stardate 44429.6 in 2367, the Phoenix is commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell when he makes several unauthorized attacks on Cardassian ships and an unarmed space station in sector 21503. Shortly thereafter, Captain Maxwell is relieved of command. The Phoenix is the first Nebula-class ship seen in Star Trek (TNG: "The Wounded").
USS Prometheus (NCC-71201)
Named for Prometheus from Greek mythology, the starship Prometheus is used by Dr. Gideon Seyetik in his project to reignite the dead star Epsilon 119 circa stardate 47329.4 (DS9: "Second Sight").
USS Proxima (NCC-61952)
Named for the star Proxima Centauri, the starship Proxima was missing in the Gamma Quadrant for several years prior to 2373 (DS9: "In Purgatory’s Shadow").
USS Sutherland (NCC-72015)
The starship Sutherland was built at the San Francisco Fleet Yards orbiting Earth and completed on stardate 44820.5 in 2367 with her propulsion systems built by the Yoyodyne Division. The Sutherland is briefly commanded by Lieutenant Commander Data during the blockade of the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War in 2368. During this time, Commander Data discovered a Romulan task force supplying the Duras sisters (TNG: "Redemption, Part II"). The Sutherland is later commanded by Captain Shelby and assigned to the Ninth Fleet during the Dominion War (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited…"). It visits Deep Space Nine circa stardate 51247.5 for resupply (DS9: "You are Cordially Invited…") and again around stardate 51597.2 (DS9: "Change of Heart").
USS T'Kumbra
The starship T'Kumbra fought in the Dominion War, commanded by Captain Solok with a primarily Vulcan crew. The T'Kumbra docks at Deep Space Nine in 2375 after six months in combat for an overhaul of the ship's warp core and upgrades to the inertial damper systems. While at Deep Space Nine, Solok challenges Captain Benjamin Sisko and his crew to a baseball game (DS9: "Take Me Out to the Holosuite").
USS Ulysses (NCC-66808)
The starship Ulysses studied protoplanetary masses in the Helaspont Nebula and was commanded by Captain Intebi in 2371 (DS9: "The Adversary").
USS Nightingale
Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Used as a search-and-rescue vessel. Fate uncertain.
USS Khitomer
Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Leads a failed assault on Alioth 6. Fate uncertain.
USS Berkeley
Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Originally sent to study the Vesuvi Dust Cloud but fails due to the intense radiation of the dust cloud. Attacked by a Kessok probe but survives. Fate uncertain.

[edit] External links