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The Ndogo are an ethnic group from the south of Sudan, part of the Fertit. They have an estimated population of 40,000, scattered around Wau, Raga and Deim Zubier.[1]

[edit] Language

The language spoken is Ndogo, a Niger-Congo language [2] considered one of the nine major languages spoken in the Sudan, and is taught in primary school. As well as being used as a primary language by the Ndogo (although few are monolingual), it is also used as a secondary language by the Golo and some of the Gbaya among others. It is estimated 10,000 people can speak Ndogo fluently, and 2000 can read and write it. [3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ :: Gurtong Peace Project - South Sudanese Communities ::
  2. ^ Ndogo
  3. ^ Ethnologue report for language code:ndz