Nazare Canyon
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The Nazare Canyon is an undersea canyon just off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal, in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Roughly centered at latitude 39° 35' N, longitude 9° 25' W, the canyon has a maximum depth of at least 5000 m and is about 230 km long. It is larger than the Grand Canyon.
The canyon is being studied as part of the EU HERMES project using a remotely operated vehicle. The project is investigating the specialised canyon ecosystems, sediment transport and deposition, and the way in which the canyon influences and is affected by local ocean circulation.
[edit] References
- Robot sub explores giant canyon Shukman, David, (2007, June 19). In BBC News Online. Retrieved 02:02, June 20, 2007, from
- Physical processes in the Nazare Canyon area and related sedimentary impacts Vitorino, J., A. Oliveira and J. Beja, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 10187, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-10187