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The article only talks about NAULS in Pakistan and that too specfically in Jhang, where as NAULS also known to live in other areas of IndoPak subcontinent as well. In any case they are not in majority even in Jhang and are mostly agriculturists. Article is silent on the origins of NAULS. NAULS are believed to be the natives of Jaisalmir, Rajisthan, India and migrated when there forefathers embraced Islam. However any serarch for NAULS on the Internet does not lead to reference to NAULS in India. Though such a search does return references to NAUL in Europe, aparently with no genetic link to NAULS in IndoPak subcontinenet Response from some one who knows more about NAULS in India, if any, and more on the origins of Nauls is desired. Is the actress Novil Depti of India actually a Naul Depti?