Nautilus Pompilius (band)

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Nautilus Pompilius (Наутилус Помпилиус)
Origin USSR, Russia
Genre(s) Russian rock
Years active 1983-1997
Vyacheslav Butusov (vocals, guitars)

Nautilus Pompilius (Russian: Наутилус Помпилиус), sometimes abbreviated as Nau (Russian: Нау), was a prominent Russian rock band formed in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg) and active between 1983 and 1997. They were an influential band in the post-punk, New Wave wing of Russian rock music. Some of their early hits are popularly associated with the Perestroika period. Their songs accompanied the movie Brother (Брат). Since the group disbanded, lead singer and front man Vyacheslav Butusov has launched a successful solo career.

Ilya Kormiltsev was a key contributor as a songwriter and producer.

[edit] Discography:

Year Russian name English transliteration (translation)
1983 Переезд Pereyezd (Removal)
1985 Невидимка Nevidimka (The Invisible Man)
1986 Разлука Razluka (Parting)
1987-1988 Ни Кому Ни Кабельность (LIVE) Ni Komu Ni Kabel'nost'
1988 Князь Тишины Knyaz' Tishyinyi (Prince of Silence)
1988 Отбой (LIVE) Otboy (Retreat)
1989 Человек без имени Chelovek Bez Imeni (Man With No Name)
1994 Титаник Titanic
1994 Титаник-LIVE Titanic-LIVE
1995 Крылья Kryl'ya (Wings)
1996 Лучшие Песни (LIVE) Luchshie Pesni (Best Songs)
1997 Яблокитай Yablokitay (China-apple)
1997 Атлантида Atlantida

Among their most well-known songs are: "Walks on water" ("Прогулки по Воде"), "Farewell letter" (Прощальное письмо, also known as "Goodbye, America!"), "The look from the screen" ("Взгляд с экрана"), "Flop-Flop" ("Хлоп-хлоп"), "The khaki sphere" ("Шар цвета хаки"), "Bound by one chain" ("Скованные одной цепью"), "I want to be with you" ("Я хочу быть с тобой"), "On the shore of the nameless river" ("На берегу безымянной реки"), and "Tutenkhamen" ("Тутанхамон").

Nautilus pompilius is the scientific name of a species of cephalopod commonly known as the Chambered Nautilus.

[edit] External links