Talk:National Cadet Corps (Singapore)/Comments
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No Of 2007
Before the Romanian Government
Before the Supreme Tribunal of ROMANIA Bucharest office of the Registry
Before the COMMONWEALTH Australia Federal Gvernment [DIMIA]
Before the Federal Court Of Australia NSW Sidney office of the Registry
Before the Honorary Office of The World Health Organisation [O.M.S.] GENEVA.
Before The Honorary Office of the United Nations Organisation Geneva the U.N. High Commission For Refugees
BEFORE THE Australian Public Superanuation Future +Plus+ Super Before the Superanuation Complaints Tribunal Melbourne Office of the Registry.
And others.
Made by the applicant ALEXANDRU PIZLEA born 07 03 1964 [and others.]
Address AVDA Mariano Hernandez Blouque 6 Planta 2 Apart 22. ALMERIA Roquetqs De Mar 04740 SPAIN
Date of document:/........./............./2007
Filed on behalf of the [Party,s] by Applicant and others.
[Address]:AVDA Mariano Hernandez Bloque 6 Planta 2 Apart 22 ROQUETAS DE MAR O4740 ALMERIA SPAIN
[Mobile]: 0034 663268757
[Facsimile]:0034 950322447
[DX Box]:……………………………….
• I ALEXANDRU PIZLEA Born 07 03 1964 and others under oath with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mention the followings.
• I am Citizen of a European Union Country Romania my family are also Citizens of an European Union Country.
• With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned to take in consideration or disregard any unpleasant remarks also considerations be made to the facts that the Commonwealth the Australian Government had made the applicant and others Legally / by Law BAD CHARACTERS after they had been rehabilitated or re-educated through or by their own system or by the community See Reference Letter JAG TIMBER PRODUCTS See Corrective Services Reference Letter Custodial Officer TERRY MERRET. [ See Section 501 of the Migration Act]
• The applicant and others make this affidavit based on grounds and particulars to the grounds, argumentative submissions are also brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others to support the respective grounds and particulars to the grounds the particulars to the grounds .are supported by numerous legal specifications and emphases before the argumentative submissions that support the respective grounds and particulars to the grounds are brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others as a supplement.
• The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mention that the Commonwealth Australia.s Federal Government and others [Romania] are in BREACH/VIOLATION of Human Rights National and International laws/Treaty’s/ Conventions / UNHRC/UNHCR etc [ making applicability of Criminal and or Civil Laws that as a matter of fact and principle violates Civil Rights Family Rights Treaty’s and Conventions etc ]
• The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that accordingly to the Principle of Rights ,Civil Rights any Laws or Constitutional points of Law [Example Commonwealth Constitution Made With The Help Of God Point of Law That Excluded the aborigines as part of the Australian Population Even After The 1925 Permanent Cour De La HAYE case Precedent Regarding Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots That Went Under Greek Or Turkish Government Administration ,,Equal Rights,,] COMMOËWEALTH GOVERNAMENTAL INSTITUTIONS/ORGANISATIONES LAWS are as matter of fact denies/ violates the Civil Rights [ Families Civil rights Laws etc Those Laws are being made for one purpose only to DESTROY FAMILIES TO DENNY THEY RIGHTS TO SUBEXIST the applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honourable Court’s and others submissions in regard to such extents through the content of this affidavit.
With all due respect the applicant would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Courts and others the following point
WHAT HAPEND WITH THE ABORIGINES POPULATION THAT WENT UNDER THE COMMONWEALTH GOVERNAMENTAL ADMINISTRATION [ See Equality and Authority references where at least 300.000 aborigines have been killed or references such as the clearance of Tasmania of the Aborigines Population by the Commonwealth through Killings See Also the Commonwealth Constitution after the 1925 Permanent Cour De LA HAYE International Court Precedent that was done also with the help of the Commonwealth Judiciary that done nothing for the Aborigines Population as A NATION. then destroying their families and denying their Rights to Sub exist a denial of their Sub existence a denial of their family constitutional rights etc.
• The applicant and others with all due respect believes that as a MUST for a fast track mechanism and an immediate response to the HIGHEST JUDICIAL STANDARDS too all the issues that the applicant and others have brought to the attention of the above mentioned and others through this affidavit, this affidavit that it is lets say made in a very unusual or atypical manner approaching various lawful / legal institutions/organisations Simultaneously the applicant and others with all due respect would like to apologise for their unusual approach if anyone would consider their approach under the expected standards and in fact considerations should be made when considering the fact that the applicant and others had made this Affidavit without a Legal Representative support therefore the applicant and others believes are that their approach should be considered appropriate for a fast track mechanism and as in accordance to a fairly procedural fairness mechanism for an immediate Response by the above mentioned and others that are wishing to consider themselves as Parties from the Commonwealth or Commonwealth Australia administrative institutions or organisations and Romania’s National organisations or institutions That the applicant and other’s believe that the above mention should consider this affidavit as a wake up call with an inestimable help If necessary from the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and others let’s say at the International Standards Expectations when Considering the facts that MORE AND MORE GOVERNMENTS OR GOVERNMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIYATIONS OR INSTITUTIONS ARE STEPING OVER THE THIN BLUE LINE AND THAT THE PREVIOUSELY UNHEARD CRIES OF NUMEROUS MEMBERS FROM THE PUBLIC FAMILIES RISE ABOVE THE HEGEMONY OF SILENCE INTO THE HEARTS AND MINDS WORLD WIDE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES THAT ACCEPTED NUMEROUS INTERNATIONAL TREATY,S AND CONVENTIONS WITHOUT any GOVERNAMENTAL ALTERATION = based on National Sovereignty or as some Governments like to implement as in the best interests of the public those governmental Alterations can be defined as SIKNES. [Example commonwealth government and others. Alterations Of the International Convent On The Rights Of The Child [ in Australia also called CROC]that had been introduced and adopted through the migration Laws or Acts are not only damaging the rights of the child/ children’s those alterations are also affecting the civil rights of individuals and families all together. as Humans their Human Rights MAKING The Public’s Faith Into the Integrity of the Justice SYSTEM TO ERODE
When considering the facts that the acceptance of an international treaty or an international convention it is protected by the Vienna Act The Rights Of A Convention also knowingly that there are laws that give the Governments or Administrative Governments the Rights to Challenged the Respective Treaty or Convention Before the Honorary Courts The INTERNATIONAL COURTS FOR JUSTICE if they feel Frustrated or mislead in any way after the signing of a Treaty or a Convention or other agreements such as verbal agreements that have been made regarding the acceptance of any of the international laws into their Justice system that are in the content of an International treaty or a convention
INTERNATIONAL JUDICIAL INTERVENTION/ASSISTANCE [ Art 513 522 Romanian Law ] [See Principle of Rights Registered Constitutionally Registered No 1849 11th Oct 1944 the Convention Between Romania and United Nations in Moscow Approved by The Romanian Government on the 12th Sept 1944. See page 25 Principle of Rights 1958 One of the Conventional points was Sending all persons accused of disaster /Destroying the Country to be Judge by the Justice the Romanian Ordinary Tribunals could not make a Judgment therefore courts and special measures where a necessity.
Argumentative submissions legal specifications and emphases to support the above mentioned ground.
13. The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring this affidavit to the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Court For Justice Hague and other Honorary Courts that they have mentioned and others Accordingly to the Romanian Law the International Judicial Intervention it is usually an application filed before the above mentioned or others by the Chief Prosecutor [ Procurorul General or by the Justice Minister accordingly to the above mentioned Romanian Law that stands to date through different modifications /alterations even knowingly that the above mentioned modifications or alterations of the law/laws should’v been nullified when the so called Democratic Government has overturned the Communism/ Communist Regime or the Communist Government that held the power in Romania for 42 long years, accordingly to the Civil procedure. Principle of Rights the governing Power should’v been credited to the Romanian KING OR TO A NON COMUNIST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL [not to the so called National Front Ex SECURITATEA Communists and Communist Poets / Writers that where WRITING poetry for a Communist Regime] THE Executive Council Should’v been ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE [ including the ROMANIAN KING] THAT HAVE THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS THEIR PROPRETY RIGHTS DENIED BY A COMUNIST REGIM THEN AND NOW BY A SO CALLED DEMOCRATIC PARTY [ when considering the fact that the Romanian King has his property rights/ family rights claims partially returned with Dictatorial Communist Legal alterations Implementations to the property Act [ Example the Communist Democratic Gov can Sale PETROM and other Property’s that are registered in to the Romanian PATRIMONIAL as Heritages without any alterations introduced by the Government and the Romanian King can not sale HIS RIGHTFULL PROPERTY ,,strange Democracy to the KING and Others that lived a life in Exile or left the Country where their Civil Rights Family Rights have been violated at will by a regime that have fail to protect the rights of the Romanian Citizens or Romanian Citizens of different Nationalities that had lived in Romania for centuries ,,] therefore this strange democracy can be called corruption at a large scale /wide corruption when considering the facts that other so called democratic parties that are participating in to the so called Governing Romania through democratism do not fight Corruption Head On bringing they facts before the Courts[ Accordingly to the Law Romanian LAW Any Person that have been sentenced can make an application for Extraordinary appeal notwithstanding the fact that He/ She has executed their Sentence or have their sentences Prescribed ,,Exile,,etc or Gratiated through Amnesty or if the applicant can bring before the attention of the Justice Grounds that accordingly to the Law make the continuation of the Proceedings A GROSS MISCARIGE OF JUSTICE See Art 386 a.b.c. Criminal Procedure states That if there was an abuse of Process the application for a Review should be considered as a MUST and the pronounced DECISION QUASHED Extraordinary grounds of of attak into/of a Criminal Process D.V.Mihaescu and V Ramureanu ] instead of talking NONSENSE BEFORE THE MEDIA having their fights only in the STUDIO MAKING ACCUSATIONS THAT THEY DO NOT PUT IT IN WRITTING BEFORE THE COURTS AND OR PROSECUTORS /INVESTIGATORS THAT DO NOT WANT TO TAKE ANY FUTHER STEPS / FOLLOW UP PROSECUTORS THAT MANY OF THEM ARE EX MEMBERS OF THE SECURITATEA CEAUSESCU REGIM OR SOME OF THEIR CHILDRENS OR OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS [ See Definition of the FAMILY] MANY OF THOSE PARTIES MEMBERS THAT ARE RELUCTANT TO GO BEFORE THE MEDIA ARE EX SECURITATEA THAT ARE ALSO CHALANGED THROUGH THE MEDIA CHANNELS WITH SAME COMMENTS BY THE OTHER PARTY MEMMBER IN FACT THE ACCUSATIONS OF CORRUPTION HAD BEEN ADDRESSED BY BOTH OF THEM AT EACH OTHER THEY ARE .ALSO IMPLYNG THAT THEY PARTY OR THEMSELVES ARE THE BEST THAT ROMANIA CAN GET THIS IS THE SO CALLED DEMOCRACY IN Romania WHERE MANY OF THOSE SO CALLED PEOPLE ARE ONLY PLAYNG THE POLITICS OF DIVERSION BLAMING EACH OTHER TO AVOID DETECTION COVERING THEIR PAST JUST THE WAY THAT THEY HAVE BEEN LYNG THAT IN ROMANIA WAS THE PEOPLE REVOLUTION WHEN IN FACT IT WAS CUE ORGANISED BY THE SECURITATEA AND BY THE AROUND 6000 MAGISTRATES THAT ARE BEIG ACCUSED OF NUMEROUS ABUSES OF HUMAN RIGHTS that are as am matter of fact acting whilst under investigation [Claiming that none of the THEM where part of IT] CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AGAINST ROMANIANS [ Crimes that N Ceausescu was accused of and sentenced] WITHOUT ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED BEING PROSECUTED BY THE JUSTICE SYSTEM THAT THEY CONTROL FACTS THAT ARE COVERED UP BY THE C.N.S.A,S,AND OTHERS THAT CALL THEMSELVES THE DEMOCRATS THAT ARE LOOKING AFTER FAMILIES AND AS A MATTER OF FACT THATS WHAT THEY ARE DOING ,, THE ESTABLISHMENT,, ESTABLISHING THEIR FAMILIES IN CONTROL CONTROLING THE REAL ESTATE MARKET/ INDUSTRY MINING INDUSTRY like the gold mining industry AURORA industry that belong to the Romanians sold to the Commonwealth / Australian family known as being corrupted around the world and an environmental Catastrophe in Papua etc The Exploitation Rights sold by the Corruption with the Help of the Corrupt Magistrates and their Elected Government not by the people or with the accord of the People the rightful owners sold by the corrupt magistrates Implying that they have to privatise this industry because the Government can not Subsidise it just as they have done it with the Rom Telecom and others MOST OF THOSE SO CALLED PERSONS WITH DEMOCRATIC VIWES AND FLER OF INDUSTRIALEST BUSINESS PEOPLE HAVE DONE THIS CONTRACTS etc AGAINST THE Romanian LAWS ALL OF THOSE PERSONALITY,S ARE IN FACT WORST THEN THE COMUNIST REGIM HAS EVER BEEN CONSIDERING ALSO THE FACTS THAT THEY HAVE KILLED AT LEAST ONE OF THEIR OWN [N CEAUSESCU] SENTENCING AND KILLING HIM IN LESS THAN A MONTH[without taking into consideration the 7to21days under the Romanian law LEGAL rights for a person to filed an application for an appeal before the Court when considering the fact’s that N Ceausescu has made oral application of his intentions recorded and made public through the Media Channels] They have also killed Elena Ceausescu a person [a Women] that has no involvement in the Politics in Romania [ a Possibility that they would’v killed even Imelda MARCOS from Philippines if she would’v been at that time in Romania for a visit accusing her of who knows what ]As a matter of FACT IT TAKES LONGER TO SENTENCE SOMEONE THAT PICK POKETS FOR A LIVING than what they have done with Ceausescu,s Family a shameful trial that last less then a month and then killing them both accused of Genocide { in fact many Murderers in Romania THAT HAD BEEN SENTENCED TO DEAD had been Executed after few years as i remember} THAT,S THE SO CALLED DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT AND COURT,S WITH DEMOCRATIC VIWES [that done nothing to punish the Real persons that are hiding under their Protection and responsible for Genocide and other Human Rights Abuse or as they say crimes against Humanity that in fact killing a woman that was not involved in Politics in Romania clearly demonstrates who are the Guilty of killing Innocent and for the Genocide of innocent CHILDRENS IN ROMANIA TIMISOARA ] THATS THE SO CALLED A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT/GOVERNMENTS [COALITION OF PARTIES in Romania ] THAT ARE FIGHTING CORRUPTION IN ROMANIA NOW [ a so called just us system of justice that it is also adopted by the Commonwealth Australia states and federal governments] a system adopted by a so called Democratic Government in Romania that had denied the Rights of a Romanian Citizen with a German Nationality to enter the Country of his birth ,,MIHAIL THE KING OF ROMANIA,, a Family Man that as a matter of fact had fought for Romania having the AUSTRO HUNGARIAN EMPIRE OUT OF TRANSILVANIA ROMANIAN THERRITORY He had also give land and Property to all Romanians and widows after the second World War HE Also Sign the arrest warrant against Antonescu and turning the weapons against the FASCISM that was not a heroic communist move A Clear Indication/Evidence that many Romanians do not understand why the Romanian King had lived a life in Exile in Switzerland and not in the Country of his Nationality like Iliescu and others in the Country of his birth as Romanian Citizen a probability that many Romanians Do not Understand/ Know that the Romanian King has also signed in Moscow the Constitutional Convention Between Romania and United Nations No 1849 12 Sept 1944 one of the Convention Points Being to have all war Criminals Brought before the Justice that’s the International Justice Disregarded by the so called New Democrats that had made accusations of Genocide and death Sentences Clear Evidence of a total Disregard of the International UNO Convention by many Magistrates of Romania that had been given Death Sentences also by the Supreme Tribunal when considering the fact that many that have appealed those sentences have the Verdict Upheld or that The Supreme Tribunals and others Disregard themselves as being Responsible and Accountable for their Decisions Considering that N Ceausescu was not an absolvent of a LAW DEEGRE LIKE The ROMANIAN KING MIHAIL [See Ref Regarding the Romanian territory the book called FROM BUREBISTA TO DECEBAL. And other Historical evidence]
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the Romanian Government that accordingly to the Principle of Rights and Accordingly to the Constitution Racial Discrimination it is considered a Criminal Offence [,,See Principle Of Rights page 153 Line 23-28 Physical Capacity of a Person,, Art 4 Approved Law Decision No 31 1954] With all Due Respect the applicant and others Strongly Believes that The So Called Democratic Government that Overturned the Ceausescu Regime in Romania The National Salvation Front are in fact Guilty of Discrimination when Considering the fact that the Respective Government the Judiciary and the National Salvation Front had Decided Not to Give/Denying the Romanian King Mihail the Right to Entered in Romania the applicant and others believes that in making such decisions the Iliescu Democratic Government the National Salvation Front clearly Demonstrates Racial Discriminations Towards a Swiss Citizen National, Romanian Citizen[Autochthones] German Citizen National when considering The King's Family Origin, considering the fact that the Romanian Government and the Judiciary did not make Similar Decision towards/Against an American Citizen , The Applicant and others Believes that the Romanian Government Discriminative Decision Can Not as a matter of fact be Supported/Argumentated before Any International or National Court/before the Justice when considering the fact that others that had Exiled Themselves from the country/Romania as Millionaire/Returning back as Millionaire Returning to the Country to Claim Property and Possessions that as a matter of fact themselves had Abandoned/renounced to it or failing to make a Claim by taking Romania to the International Courts For Justice property's that the Romanian People had Administrated and Maintained/Maintenance [obviously those Persons most of them Millionaire’s weren’t threat'd by the Romanian Securitatea] when considering the fact that based on the Principle of Rights they had the Legal Rights to claim their Property's or ask to be compensated for it when considering the fact the Romanian Government had Even Compensated German Nationalist Romanian Citizens that had left Romania Legally just as all those returning Millionaires Did left Romania Legally Returning to Romania to claim Millions and some of them being accepted to be part of the Government Government Advisors etc etc , the Romanian Government should be shamed in making such Decisions and apologize to the Romanian King and to the Romanian People and also consider the fact that the Romanian King had Fight for his Rights and for the Rights of the Social Class Families in Romania and that as a matter of fact it wasn’t his family decision to live a life in Exile it was the decision of the Romanian Securitatea that it is also Governing Romania Today Securitatea that had Stole from the Romanian People Property and Income when considering the fact that the Romanians were having their Private Property's and land before the Communist Regime invented the Collectivisation/Association Property's Land and Wealth that had Been stolen From the Romanian Citizens through a False Intellectual of the Civil Rights of the Romanian People Property Rights Robbing the People of their Income Investment Stealing Leasing and saling the Romanian People Rightful Property in the Past and Present the Government.the Securitatea Government.that in the Past had Stole from the Romanian People through Exploitation the Romanian People Regained their Property Rights from the Exploitators through Royal Prerogatives.Decrets that were Given by the King at the Proposal of the Ministerial Council Constitution 1923 Art 3 [See Art 7 of the Constitution of the Republic Socialist of Romania] [See Principle of Rights/Law page 669 Line 1 - 17 Art 9-12 Constitution of the Popular Republic Of Romania] See Art 77 point 7 of the Socialist Republic of Romania.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that the Corruption in Romania {as well as in the Commonwealth Australia} it is in fact law and principle at the Highest level Government Police and Judiciary when considering the facts that at the Recent voting Elections only 30 per cent of the voters had been voting for the European Parliamentarians that had been sent to the European Parliament to Represent the Romanians obviously the Parliamentarians had elected themselves and that the Constitutional Court in Romania agreed that the Accordingly to the Constitution the Parliamentarians that had been elected are the ones that the people of Romania want them to Represent the Country obviously accordingly to the Constitutions and Accordingly to the Constitutional Court this was a Winning for the Corruption in Romania Where lets say that at least half from the 100 per cent of the people that where entitled to vote they where against the Government representants that was on the Lists that’s why they did not even bother to vote them and 20 per cent where undecided. That’s the New democratic Romania that arrested the Director of the UNHRC on allegation of Bribery and place persons under criminal investigations based on their own fabrications.
With all due Respect the Applicant and others Strongly believes and can bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others as mentioned that the Past and Present Romanian Government and Judiciary are in Fact or as in accordance to the Factual Issues that the applicant and others brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others through the Content of this application/Affidavit the Romanian Government Personal and the Judiciary Personal are Guilty of Criminal Offences that are Punishable/Sentenceable/Condemnable with Jail Term and other Sanctions Accordingly to the Romanian Law or International Law not only for Discrimination For Genocide and other Crimes against Humanity robbery when considering the fact that People land and Property it is being Sold or Rented to Oversees Investors or Buyers instead of Returning to the People their Property that had been Colectivisated and others issues as Mentioned through the Content of this application Affidavit land now sold leased or Rented by the Romanian Government that Killed Childrens and People Families instead of having Democratic Elections [Not Even the Comunists did not Went to such Extent what the Romanian Securitatea ,,the actual and past Government etc etc killing women's and children's People nothing like this happened in other Communist Countries like Poland Czechoslovakia Democratic Republic of Germany Russia with `Perestroika etc except the Commonwealth Australia where women's and children's Parents are being Detained in deadly asbestos immigration centre by the Commonwealth State and Territory Governments even after the asbestos products had been stopped from production/franchise in the United Kingdom of Great Britain based on health Reasons obviously in The Commonwealth Australia the Queen and the Governments are/where not interested in the Health or mental health of the Families people Children's that had been held/Exposed to asbestos in asbestos infested Centres for Years [ Romanian Families and Children's Russians Chinese Vietnamese] and others obviously what matters most it is that the Queen Children's and the Commonwealth Governments Australia Politician families and their Children's where SAFE that's what matters to a Bourgeois Orientated Government. ,,not the Social hard Working Class that pay their Fat Salary's and Superannuation,,
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that as a matter of fact the Romanian Government had destroyed all the Agrrar/Agricultural Industries in the Rural areas instead of Giving to the people what belongs to them the Land and Agricol Machineries to work the land that some people Received from the Government instead of Renting or Sold the machineries and the land that was obtained as mentioned through the Content of this affidavit [See also Civil Law Property Rights] also many Industries from the City's Had been sold or Closed by the Romanian Government therefore many Romanians have no other Choice then Going to Work In the European Union Countries to ensure their Family Sub-existence when Considering the fact that the Romanian Government Fail to Protect Ensuring only that the Parliamentarians and others had Become Millionaires sold the Country the land and Property's that Belong to the People the Rightful owners Romania A Country that until 1989 had pay all the Debt to the International Bank Romania a Country that Suppose to have one of the Highest Earning per Working Population/Head/Resident instead the biggest Corruption that can ever exist in the European UNION Obviously a Country that can not Be Accepted by the European Union until Addressing all those Issues The applicant and others strongly believes that all the Romanian Citizens should be accepted in the European Union and by the UNHCR as Refugees with Rights to Work Equal Rights without any Restrictions when considering the Economic Situation in Romania that the Politicians had Created and fail to Clearly bring before the attention of the world the United Nation Offices and the European Parliament a matter of fact instead of bringing the Situation in Romania Before the attention of the UN the Romanian Government and Police are accusing the United Nation Human Rights Commissioner in Romania of Corruption Shame to Romania to their Police and Romania's Disgraceful Government
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others that the Romanian Government etc Intentionally or with Intent fail to Protect or Ensure that the Romanian Citizens Rights are Protected/Respected as in accordance to the Capitalist Property Rights and Socialist or Popular [Labour] Rights as per Constitution Principle Of Rights Property Rights and DIVIDING the Colectivised Land Equally to the persons that had work the land than Every Person that have been Re- Inpropertered to Recive from the European Union or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development the appropriate Subsidy
The Romanian Government Leasing the land or sailing the land therefore the Romanian hard working Social class had been unjustly deprived of their Legal Rights the Romanian Government Receiving those funds that accordingly to the Romanian Business Centre those founds can not be Received by a Person that can put a Feasible Plan before the Romanian Business centre if this person it is over 40 years old a clear indication that the Government that Denied Violate the Romanian Citizens Rights had received more money for their Piggy Banks to pig in as they like Disregarding hard working social class and others Human Rights and Needs of course Even making DISCRIMINATIVE Decisions based on Age Differentiations such as ,, if a person over forty and as a matter of fact can put a feasible plan together the Romanian Government System would discriminate the respective person based on his age . [The Romanian Government making application of the Commonwealth Just -US System of justice that ie applicable in the Commonwealth Australia that the Land Belongs to the Crown to the Police in Romania to the Ex Securitatea Police and others that had been Privileged by the Governments]
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to ask the Romanian Government and other Christians to take their Kindly Saintly Rakles with their Deadly Saints to the Commonwealth Australia or in the United Kingdom of Great Britain instead of Fooling the Romanian People and of Course the Youngest Generation with Stories such as ,, Christ had place the Devol in the Pigs and that after that the Good Devol had come back take Christ to the desert show him the bible that Christ of course did not want to accept and that the Good devil had taken Christ home a possibility with all the Biblical Explanations that he was sent to be placed on the Cross[to Die] by his Father that it is Himself and so on ,,the Priests Archbishops trying to make the applicant and others believe that Christ was so happy for the Punishment that he ask for the Niles to nyl Himself to the Cross that’s how the Priests and archbishops want the hard working Class Families to believe ,, the applicant and others believes that they should keep their Visionary illusions for themselves and explain their Grossely Miscarriage of Justice Before the JUSTICE before the Honorary International Courts For Justice as in accordance to their Unlawfully Honorary Decisions when considering the fact that the Honorary International Courts have in their Archive the Romanian Socialist Principle of Rights and other legal References ,, the Romanian Government have to bring Forward their Argumentative Response that denied the Civil Rights Property Rights of the Romanians that had Prestate a Productive work on the land that they Deserve as in Principle and Law the Collectivised Land that it is Legaly their Rightful Property. and other Property as per example Forests that where and are the Private Property of the People being in the Administration of the Silviculture Ministery or Others Unlawful Proprietors.
The Applicant and others Believe that the European Parliament had obviously seen the Persons that think that the Pigs can obviously Fly when they Receive the Cross with Christ on it as a present from the Romanian Government to be placed in the European Parliament. the Romanian Government Should send one Similar to the Queen the House of Lords and a Few to the Commonwealth Australia Administrative State and Federal Governments only then the Governments will remember Together that Family and Individuals have Rights even Rights such as to Honour their Dead therefore the Commonwealth Australia Government Must Send the Remains of the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea's Son Daniel Alexandru Pizlea to Romania where None of the Commonwealth Australia Government Personal has any Restrictions to Visit the Burial Site or even place a bunch of Flowers the applicant and others consider that the Commonwelth Australia Government can Cover the Expenses of Such Exercise when considering the fact that as mentioned by the DIMIA the Commonwealth Australia Government the Industrial/Economic Relations between Romania and the Commonwealth Australia are as they may say Written in Gold AURORA the Golden Era. that Accordingly to the Property Rights Belongs to the Romanian People and Accordingly to the 12 Sept UNO Convention many of those persons are Guilty of Crimes against Humanity when Considering that the Civil Rights Property Rights of the Romanians had been Violated at large in Romania and Oversees in Australia as mentioned by the Convention etc etc.
The applicant and others believes that for a fast track Mechanism. accordingly to the UNO Convention 12 Sept 1944 the Persons Responsible for Destroying the Country violating or being in Contempt of Law and Law Principle to be Judge by the by the Honorary International Courts For JUSTICE Haye[Hague] Strasbourg. when considering the fact that the Tribunals or the Constitutional Court in Romania has done Nothing for 18 years to Ensure that accordingly to the Principle Of Rights JUST Justice has Been Done. Instead of Corruption [Therefore the applicant and others Strongly believes that the application Die Berufung Must be considered as a Fast Track Mechanisam by the above mentioned The International Judicial Intervention and the BERUFUNG must be Considered as a must for a fast Track Mechanism for a Proper application of the Just Justice Principle Equal Rights Equality Before the LAW Property Rights Family Rights areapplicable Equaly Before the Law accordingly to the Principle of a Developed Society THROUGH WORK NOT THROUGH EXPLOITATION OR OTHER OFFENCES UNDER THE FALS INTELECTUAL CRIMINAL OFFENCES Excluding the Just us System of so call Justice that as a matter of fact Law and Principle it is a System of Corruption Exploitation THAT HAVE THEIR bASMENT /bASES BASED ON PRINVIPLE AS Explained Envisioning one purpose only A MAXIMUM PROFIT FOR THE NON FAMILY VALUES REPRESENTANTS OF THE Government Institutions/Organisations Personal that as a matter of fact are Contributing to the Destruction of the Country and to the Denial of Family Rights violation of the ICCPR and a Denial of The hard Working Social Class Family Subexistence Families that as a matter of fact are Contributing to the Development of the Society Not the Ones that are Living a Life of Pleasurres Doing Nothing then Abusing the Law Childrens Example Elliot Hollingworth Brindle Liddy Illiescu Constantinescu and others Magistrates that Done Nothing to Ensure that the LAW the Family Rights Property Rights and other Principle of Rights are Respected as a matter of fact they have instaurated the Religeos Principle that the hard working families the Social Class can not accept ,, Forgivness palys an important role in the christian believes ,, Prayers and all that Crap Bible Teachings that You should not think about Richness and that you should be happy with what god lord gives you that,s what god lord teachings are [The Church] ,, when it comes to applyng the Equality before the Justice as in accordance to the PEOPLE THE HARD WORKING SOCIAL CLASS that as a matter of fact Law and Principle the HARD WORKING Socisl Class People are and Should/Must be called as the supervisory Body of the Ellected Government Not the Parliamentarians and Senators that are making promisess to the Voters in the End to Give their Votes to the Same Circle that as a amtter of fact will survive another few years in the government before they will change places with their friends that that will pass Symilar Laws through the Same People The Uper or The Lower House thats the System that have No Family Values then for their Own Extended Family System that Purposely Corruptevely Fail to apply Equality Principle and Ensures that the Jus Us Their] System of Corrupt Justice it is supported and Unchalanged with the Help of the Priest That will teach People hard working social class to read god lord teachings and believe in saintly Bible that in fact it was wrriten by them
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Romanian so called Democratic Government the National Salvation Front and others Elected after had Purposely/Intentionally Fail to bring to the attention of my Grandparents or other members of the family [Pizlea by writing an Explanatory/Advising/Advisory letter, advising them or any other members of Pizlea's Family they are entitled to their land their Rightful property or any Compensation when also considering the fact that my grandfather was a war veteran etc] when considering the facts that their legally owned Property had been dispossessed from them through Government Approved laws, laws that where considered as a Violation of the Property Rights by the Romanian people and by the international Communities when considering the fact that if any of the Romanian Citizens living in Romania had/would'v try to challenged the Romanian Government in a Romanian/International Court the Romanian Securitatea/Police would'v receive orders from the Government/Prosecution Office to make the Right Threatening Approach or other Insinuations that would'v brought up politically made up motivated Accusations [Instigators against the Government Political agenda/System etc ] against the Respective Person against his family or family members accusations supported at the Time by the Romanian Democratic Government Personal re-elected after the Killing of N.Ceausescu E Ceausescu and others such as Childrens and Honest hard working Families or family Members of the Romanian Social Class in Timisoara and other City's obviously the Romanian Government Personal Accusing N.Ceausescu through the Media Channels that those Killings where done by Special Forces OF Arabic Origin [Libyans] Employed by N.Ceausescu accusations unsupported when considering the fact that NO PERSON OF ARABIC ORIGIN HAD BEEN REFERED BEFORE THE HONORARY INTERNATIONAL COURT FOR JUSTICE HAGUE see the United Nation Convention Nr 1626 12th of September 1944 Ref Principle of Rights 1958 page 25.
A Democratic Elected Government followed by new Elected Government Members part of the government personal that Supported the System or had been members of the Government that approved the laws and the legal system that abuse/violate/contempt the International Laws Treaty's/Conventions and the Civil Rights and Property Rights of Romanians as a Nation/Nationally the Property Rights that had been taken from them or lets say legally in legal terms their Rightful Property being under Government Administration[Management] for a Common Beneficial interest obviously in the End the Legally/Lawfully obtained common Wealth become a beneficial interest for the Illiescu,Constantinescu and Basescu's Government or Government Representants Personal and their Close Supporters See art 52-53-54-55-56 0f the 1975 Romanian Constitution. See Principle of Rights Page 671 Line 28 art 544 alin 2 Criminal Procedure. art 539 page 672 line 28 to line 33. See art 77 of the Socialist Republic of Romania Constitution 1975 Point/Paragraph 7 and 10.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that the so called Romanian Democratic Government that Elected Themselves after the killing of Ceausescus Family and the killings of Childrens from Timisoara and hard working Social Class and the Actual Government had fail to Respect and give a genuine Consideration to the Civil Rights Family Rights Property Rights of the Social Class accordingly to the Democratic Property Laws the Romanian Government Purposely/Intentionally fail to consider the facts that when they took the Property the Land from the People to Create the Associations [ Collectivisation] they had also took their Animals Cow's Horses and others Like Tractors Combines and other Agricol Machineries the Romanian Government had Initiated Very Profitable Industry for the Government when considering the facts that Romania's hard working Social Class did Not only paid the International Debts to the International Bank they had Reconstruct Romania after two world Wars with the hard Working Social Class when considering the fact that Romania was an AGRAR[Agricol] based Industrialised Country obviously the Romanian Government Fail to Understand that the Tractors and other Machineries that where in the Collective [Associations] and the Buildings where in fact Belonging to the Romanian People not to the Romanian Government Personal and others to sale the Collective Land and Buildings Land that Belong to the Romanian hard working People that worked that Land their land that the Government Forcefully Forced the People to work in Associations/Collectives/Collectivisations by doing so the Government did beneficiate of A MAXIMUM PROFIT when taking into considerations their rewords after working their own land starting with their own machineries etc etc the Romanian Elected Democratic Government and other Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions Purposely/Intentionally Fail/Violate and as in fact and Principle the Romanian Government Must be Considered as in Contempt of Law and Principle Internationally when considering the fact that Romania and the Romanian Government had been Recognised as a Legitimate Government Based on the above mentioned Principle and Constitutional Rights the Romanian Government and the Romanian Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions Purposely/Intentionally Fail to comply as in accordance to the Principle of Rights that where Established at the Starting Point when the Collectivisation and the Administration of Private Land and Property's went under the Government Administration See Principle of Rights page 669 - 670. See also art 558 of the Criminal Law Procedure, Disturbance of Possessions,, [as mentioned in the Criminal Law Procedure based on Principle of Rights Criminal Offences against the Property Rights] [With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others as a Factual example of Romanian Government Just-Us System of Justice ,,Gigi Becali matter that the Romanian Millionaire had Brought before the attention of the Public through the Media Channels making comments directed at the Romanian Government in regards to the Property that Himself did Buy from the Government to be claimed at a later date by the Rightful Owner obviously the Romanian Millionaire Did not Twist the Romanian Government Hands to buy the Property the Romanian Government had sold it to him having Knowingly that if the Proprietor will make a claim the Romanian Government will be liable to pay the respective person Compensation if the Romanian Government and their approved Just-Us System of Justice would be considered/Proven as Responsible and Accountable before the Romanian or before the Honorary International Courts for Justice and others
All the New Machineries that where Bought by the Collective Administration [ Local Government Administrative Organisation] have been Bought with the Profit that was made from the Starting Point with People sweat working their own land with their own machineries and Animals, land that the Government had Forcefully taken from the people for a period of 42 long years land that the Newly Romanian Democratic Government had Sold/Rent land that Clearly belongs to the people the Rightful owners. Art 544 pt 2 536 1c C P See Principle of Rights [law] Page 625 to 649 etc for considerations which is the most appropriate article that the Romanian Democratic Government Personal and others should be Charged UNDER.[ and others like the Commonwealth Australia when considering the fact that based on Historical Evidence as recorded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain at the arrival in Australia the Aborigines People Families where the only ones that owned and managed the Land and it’s wealth their Rightful Property not the Crown Land and the Aborigines Excluded as part of the Australian Population as mentioned in the Commonwealth Australia Godly Lordly Constitution a clear Factual written evidence before the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and others the International Communities of Human Rights Abuse that lasted for Decades ]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like bring to the attetion of the above mentioned that accordingly to art 117 Point 2 Criminal Law Procedure See Princip[le of Rights page 601 Line 4 Reestablishing the Facts. the Court may Reestablish the Fact and Return the Possession/Property to the Righjtful Owners when Considering the Fact Law and Principle tjhat by 1989 the Romanians had Pay the Debts of the Counytry to the International Bank and Considering the fact that all the Colectivised Land and the Machineries By Law were and are the Property of the Persons Families and their Childrens located in the Villages that had work the land when also considering the fact that Every one from the Village were forced to participate in working the land Every Villager was as a matter of fact Recorded with so many Hectars of Con or Betruce etc etc that was allocated per Family to Process through Manual Work . The applicant and Others strongly Reqest that the land and all the Machineries Be Returned to the Rightfull Owners the People the Families from the Villages not as the 2000 or 3000 Persons from the so called Romanian Democratic Government Administrative Organisations had Decided to Lease the land and Keep the Profit that as a matter of fact Law and Principle it is the Income of the People
With all due Respect the applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that accordingly to the Principle of Rights Civil Sanctions page 598 Line 13 -19 Reenstating the Victim with the Goods [Property] Art 92 Criminal Act and Art 116 Criminal Law Procedure Explains Those Measures can be taken before without going through a Court Process Returning Back to the Victim of all the Goods that were taken through Fraud Inducment or other illegal Methodes that were found in Nature The Investigatorial Institution/Organisation that are Investigating the Criminal Offence and the Court MUST RETURN all the Possessions the Property to the VICTIM Without a Request from the Victim
With all duerespect the applicant and others strongly Recomend to the above mentioned and others that the Romanian Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions Personal or others that Purposely Fail to make the application of the law and return to the Families to the People as the Rightfull owners their Possessions their Property as a amtter of Fact Law and Principle Did not only Denied The Subexistence of the Family and other Criminal Offences as mentioned the Romanian Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations have also through a False Intelectual have introdused New Laws tha as a matter of Fact Law and Principle have only one Purpose to Subminate Sabotate the National Economy also accordingly to the Romanian Civil Procedure [,, Any Law Against The Family's has one Purpose Only to Destroy the Family,,] [ When Considering the fact that 1000.000 ns of Romanians are working Oversees to Ensure their Family Subexistence when also considering the fact that an average Salary/Income in Romania it is Around 300 Euros per Month the submination of the Romanian Economy it is Proven the Destructiv Laws against the Romanian Families are a Prooff of the Romanian Government Administrative Personal GUILT Therefore they Must Be Charged with Numeros Criminal Offences Fraud False Intelectual Iducment and Abuse of Office art 209 Criminal Procedure and Others as Mentioned at Page 614 Principle of Rights Criminal Offencess Punishable with the Death Penalty When also Considering the fact that the Romanian Government had Fail to Comply With the United Nation Human Rights Convention Paris ,,Case Precedent Ceausescu's Family taking also in Considreration that they had Disregard the UNO Treaty that Romania had Signed all the Romanian Government Administrative Personal Must Be Charged and Investigated of Numeros Serios Criminal Offencess. Art 230 - 236 Criminal Procedure Principle of Rights Page 614 Line 31 - 44 Convictions Against Criminals that Committed Offencess Against the State Security Point b and others that are Included in the Same Criteria. When considering the fact that the Democratic Ellections through Isurection in Romania Caused the death of Thousend of Romanians [ Many Army Military Units in Romania have Been Under the Control/Comand of The Intern/Interior Ministery/Minister not under the Control/Comand of the Defence Ministery/Minister of Romania Therefore it is a Clear Indication that the Romanian Defence Army WHERE Ceausescu was having the Function as The Supreme Comander of the Army Forces have not been Involved in the Killings The Army/Military and Police Units that where Involved in the Attrocities Killings were as a matter of Fact Law and Principle Under the Securitatea Intern/Internal Ministery/Minister Command See Art 536 1 - 599 Criminal Law Procedure as Directed in the Principle of Rights page 625
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and Others that Accordingly to the Point e. Sanctoins Against the Security of the State Art 25 point 6 Page 615 Principle of Rights Specifies that a Complimentary Punishment it is the Confiscation of the Possessions [Wealth] of the Persons Families that Commited such Crimes as a amtter of fact law and Principle in the Commonwealth Australia such Punishment Exist against Persons that Made Illegal Profits White Collar Crimes that are of Course a wide range of Criminal Offence Crimes under the Fraud Intelectual that the Just Us system of Justice [Corruption] fail to apply[Equality Before The Law] to the High Ranking Families etc etc that as a matter of fact law and Principle had Commited Crimes against the State the Tax Payers the Population it is to be Considered the State when Considering that in Principle There can not Exist a Government without People that Ellected them to Represent the Public the Tax Payers Interests. ,, When Considering the Fact that if the Tax Payers Do Nothing to Ensure that they Interests are Protected as Per Example Diferenciations betwen Idustrial Laws to industries that are Working with Slave Labours Prisons etc etc Those Government Priviledged Laws can be Used Against the Tax Payers the Public Interests Hard working Tax Payers that as a matter of fact Law and Principle are Contributing to the Security of the State Country more then any Senator or other Mannagers Company that as a matter of fact law Principle and Records through a False Intelectual Fraud are Tryng their best to Ensure/Assured that their Corrupt System Can Outsmart the Hard Working Social Class Individuals Families and Childrens the Youngest Residents of this Planet Childrens of the Hard Working Social Class Will Suffer under the Remedy of a Pain Killer etc etc etc .. See also Sanctions Convictions against Persons that are Commiting Offencess against the Tax Payers Hard working Social Class hard Working Individuals Families Page 632 Principle of Rights.
A clear evidence as in Fact Law and Principle of Slavery Exploitation of the Man by the Man as Evidenciary Documented it is against the Aborigines as People as a Nation by the United Kingdom Great Britain and the Commonwealth Australia Administrative Government Personal or Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions Personal [when also considering Howard's Coalition Government Attitude towards Aborigines] treating a Nation as Slaves when considering the facts that SLAVES had been treated Exactly the same their lives and their families where not of an importance to the Senators to the Senate to the Empire to the Emperors or many Kings or Courts that used to Sentence them to work a Productive Work for the Community For the High Ranking Families as Slaves as they do work now [Illegal Immigrants that have no rights to a Pension or superannuation Benefit ] Humans Persons without Human Rights that have no right to vote or Ramming on Boats and others etc etc etc. Without Considering that the Offenders family were in Fact Law and Principle Victims also and that Failure with Intent or Intentional Failure of the Justice the Courts to Ensure that if a Person Convicted do as a matter of fact Law and Principle a Productive Work whilst in Prison the Law the Justice Entitle the Childrens[Victims] of the Offender to Child Support when Cnsidering the fact that the Corrective Services and the Government or Others has Withold the Money that as a matter of fact law and Principle were supposed to go to the family to ensure their Subexistence . The Intentional Failure or the INTENTIONAL Introduction of laws that Priviledged the Corrective Servicess and others was for one Purpose Only To Derstroy Family and Ensure that the Working Prisoner Family will suffer of Stress Related Health Disorders etc etc etc With all due repect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned as for Example Celebrities that are Divorced or Separated are as a matter of fact law and Principle Forced by the Law to pay Child Support Even if the other Parent have a Very Substantial INCOME [ Equaliaty Before the law it is a necessity to Ensure that Everyone can se the Just Justice when there the Equality Before the Law it is Absent/Inexistent there you can not see the Justice than as every one can see it is only Maximum Profit EVEN WHEN PEOPLE ARE BEING PUNISHED TO BE DEPRIVED OF THEIR FREEDOM OF THEIR LIBERTIES THEY FAMILY MUST BE TREATED JUST ]
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts For Justice Hague and Strasbourg and other Honorary Organisations as mentioned above that as a matter of fact law and principle many of the Prisons are being Privatised Institutions as for example in Commonwealth Australia the prison Industries [The Corrective Services Industries making Excellent Profits for the families that are owning the Privatised Business [the Prisons and their Industries] obviously under the Governments Approved Corrective Services Act] that as a matter of fact Privilege those Privatised Businesses to Violate Industrial Laws encouraging Exploitation Slavery when considering the fact that a person it is being Sentence to be deprived of his/her Freedom the Corrective Services have introduced a Corrective Services Act and Regulations that in fact Commonwealth Governments Romania etc had Approved Contrary to the U.N Treaty's/Conventions or the Sentencing Act that as a matter of fact DO NOT Specifies that those people are to be used in Doing/Working Productive Work for the Community and for the Respective Government Owned or Privatised Institution as Slaves where many of the Corrective offices Personal [RR] are receiving Salaries and Superannuation Payments Bigger than an Honorary Army Officer that it is working as a Pace Keeper in Bosnia or other places on the African Continent etc etc as a matter of fact and Principle many of those Corrective Services Institutions are having around 40 members of their Family/Extended Family [Telfer Family Commonwealth South Australia Julie Telfer the Corrective Services Parole Officer in the Commonwealth South Australia that Fail to bring to the attention of the Board that accordingly to the law Alexandru Pizlea should Be Automatically Released on Parole after the End of the None Parole Sentence [ See Commonwealth Australia Law Reform Commission Reports Federal Offenders]
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others believes that accordingly to the Factual evidence Historical Evidence that the applicant and others brought before the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others The United Kingdom Great Britain and the Commonwealth Australia Must be Considered as in Fact Law and Principle in Breach Violation Contempt of their own Constitutional Principle of Rights Civil Rights and other United Nations Treaty's and Conventions International Laws that Protect the Civil Rights Family Rights Property Rights etc as mentioned when considering the factual Issues the Principle and Laws that the Commonwealth Australia Constitution had and it is been constructed was/it is in Fact Law and Principle violating Fundamental Human Rights as Mentioned through the Content of this Application Affidavit Die Berufung when considering the fact that the High Ranking Families Humans that Ensured that their Fundamental Rights are protected did not mentioned that themselves are Superhuman s or above the Laws that themselves and others had Contemplate/Construct those laws are made for Humans and as a matter of fact laws and Principle those laws are applicable to themselves also Equal Rights Equality Before the Law. When also considering the fact Laws and Principle that Under the United Kingdom Great Britain Constitution none of the other nations[Scottish Irish Whales] that had been Covered by or Under United Kingdom Great Britain had been Excluded as part of the Great Britain or United Kingdom Population as in accordance to the written Factual Legally Evidential Document the Commonwealth Australia Constitution that obviously had been protected by the High Ranking families Edwardians and others like Howard family and his Coalition Party and others Senators or Parliamentarians [ See also Equality and Authority ]
A probability that the Great Britain United Kingdom did apply accordingly to the Commonwealth Australia Constitution the Biblical the Christian Church Believes on the Aborigines Population Having the Aborigines Abused striped without Clothes without any property Rights Family Rights etc etc a probability that the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and others should consider that same rights should be applicable to the Commonwealth Australia Personal and others that Continued to abuse/violate the Principle of Rights the United Nation Treaty's and Conventions Equal Rights Equality Before the Law
The Romanians should also understand that the Romanian Government Political agenda/propaganda against the Romanian King personalising the Romanian King and his family as a family that where against the Best Interest of the National Interests against the best interests of the People because the King as they had say Enjoyed Cars Racings clearly demonstrates that what the Romanians have before the World War Two the politicians and others would like to have in Romania Now Car racings that they had in Romania before the War II Didn’t have at that time in Monaco etc I DO BELIEVE THAT MANY OF THE ROMANIANS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THOSE ENTERTAINING SPORTS EVENTS THAT THEY HAVE IN MONACO IN ROMANIA RIGHT NOW etc AND COULD,V HAVE THOSE EVENTS IN ROMANIA AND MORE IF ........ THEFORE MANY OF THE ROMANIANS SHOULD STOP PORTRAING THE Romanian KING [an AUTOHTONE] AND HIS FAMILY AS THEY USUALY DO THROUGH THE MEDIA CHANNELS PORTRAING THEM as THIEFS OR AS MONARCHS WITHOUT FAMILY VALUES OR AS A FAMILY WITHOUT ANY CONCERNS ABOUT THE HARD WORKING SOCIAL CLASS WHEN IN FACT THEY FAMILIE HAD FIIGHT EXPLOATATION AND THE BIG LAND OWNERS THAT OWNED LAND IN ROMANIA TO HAVE THE HARD WORKING SOCIAL CLASS AS LAND OWNERS WITH LAND AND PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECTED BY LAW MANY OF THE HARD WORKING SOCIAL CLASS OWNERS OF GOLD MINES THAT THE ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT HAD FAIL TO RETURNED TO THE RIGHTFULL OWNERS THATS THE SO CALL THE DEMOCRATS THAT OVETURNED THE DICTATURE IN ROMANIA THAT BELIEVE THAT THE INTEGRATION OF ROMANIA IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE 2 PROBATORY YEARS THAT HAD BEEN GIVEN TO ROMANIA [When considering the fact that the National Resource Centre had sold those or Concrete Cemented the Gold Felons for Future Buyers of course they Wouldn’t returned them to the Rightful owners when they had Killed even children's for those Plans Timisoara Genocide] and [ 6000 magistrates that are under investigation for abuse of human rights or other crimes against humanity FAMILY RIGHTS = property rights etc for over 17 years without any criminal charges against them a possibility that a similar system as Commonwealth Australia had been established in today’s Romania]
Accordingly to the Romanian Constitution and Law No 58 /27Sept 1968 the Justice Minister has the Right to file Appeal Extraordinary against the Definitive/Final decision if he/she consider that the Power that made the Definitive/Final Decision has committed a Legal Error and that the Decision was an Unjust /Unlawful decision in fact and law [Principle of the Legality of the Process based on Facts and Law] Natural Course of Justice. See Extraordinary Grounds of Appeal DV Mihaiescu and V Ramureanu.
Also considering the fact that Romania it is a signatory Country of the ONU Treaty and other UNO Conventions the Investigation and the Trial of the Ceausescu,s Family Accordingly to the law should’v been Executed with International Judicial Intervention/Assistance from the Honorary International Court for Justice HAGUE [ Same as has been done with Milosevic and others.] [ a probability that the Criminal investigation against Ceausescu [Theodorescu See An Assumed Risk Where Theodorescu recognise an English Secret Service Agent also submissions where the Romanian Democratic Police has brought before his attention to sign a Statement made by the so call Democratic Romanian Police] and others matters was their criminal investigation a Similar investigation to the Criminal Investigation against the applicant Alexandru Pizlea Criminal Investigation For Fraudulently Crossing the Border through the International Airport OTOPENI Romania From Australia to Romania with an Extension Warrant for another 30 days that have been Issued by the Office of the General Prosecution Bucharest [Procuratura Generala] Notwithstanding the fact that under the Romanian Law after 30 Days a the criminal Investigation against a Person should cease if there it is no evidence that incriminates the person placed under Investigation.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned as reported through the Romanian Media Channels after the Death of the Soccer Player Dobrin that Ceausescu Did not let the Romanian Citizen to leave the Country and Play for another team in Europe the applicant with all due respect would like to bring to the media attention an important Political Propaganda Instrument for the Party [ESTABLISHMENT] that as a matter of fact are Killers and Protectors of Persons that had as a matter of fact Killed Children's Labours elderly In TIMISOARA. Instead of having Democratic elections they are in fact LIERS considering the fact that even women's and Children's had Choose to leave Fraudulently crossing illegally the border if the Government did not Respect the UNHRC Paris Their Citizens Rights Freedoms
In Dobrin Matter considering the fact that he had a Passport he Could’v just choose not to return back to Romania after a Game Overseas Like Many Others .I believe that the Romanian Government and others after the Timmisoaras Killings should all be arrested and put under Investigation and Trial for Genocide instead of making allegations after someone's death that Dobrin never said when alive and if he did he was a liar also considering the fact that Dobrin was playing Overseas he could stay there or leave the country instead of winging when considering the fact that the Ceusescu couldn’t even stop women's if they had the will to leave the country was he a man or was he a CRY BABY. Even Nadia Comaneci had left the Country and the Media Reported that he couldn’t go to make a name for himself because of Ceausescu instead of saying the True that he was a scared cat. and that he Did not even left Romania after Ceausescu Regime Killed Him to work as a trainer a Clear evidence of the Past and actual Government Political Propaganda.
Allegations of Genocide that where brought against Ceausescu,s family and others and as a matter of fact the death penalty that in fact many magistrates and others as Specified by Theodorescu in ,, AN IMMINENT Risck ,, British Secret Services that where involved in the Cue involved in killing childrens elderly labours in Timisoara British secret Service personal Recognised by Teodorescu and as a matter of fact they Recognised Him and arraignments for His [Teodorescu] Arrest where made and his Placement in Prison..
14. With all due respect the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Court,s the International Courts For JUSTICE the appropriate Authority that gives the applicant and others the Rights to Bring this Affidavit / Application before their honorary attention Art 283 paragraph 1 Names this application/ Affidavit,, Die Beschwerde,, when this type of application it is brought before the attention of the JUSTICE by the Chief Prosecutor [ Procuror] it is called Der Protest when this application it is brought before the attention of the Justice by the Parties that believe that they have been treated unjustly or have their Rights Violated it is call Die Berufung. .
15. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts For Justice that any Criminal Offence can Result in Criminal or Civil Proceedings Romanian Law Criminal Procedure Art 1 Republished 13 feb 1948
16. The applicant and others with all due respect would also like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that accordingly to the Romanian Law it is in within the Rights of any Citizen or within the Rights of any person that has his or hers Civil Rights Family Rights violated to have the respective VIOLATIONS brought before the attention of the JUSTICE if necessary before the Highest Level of Judiciary.
17. The applicant and others with all due respect would also like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned through the CONTENT of this affidavit bias laws and views against the applicant and others in within the Commonwealth, Australia and also in Romania, wiling full and acknowledged breaches of Internal/National and International Laws acknowledged by the Commonwealth , by the above mentioned Governments by the judiciary by the Courts also known through the Justice System as an Important Tool of the Governments. [ The applicant Alexandru Pizlea with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice the Commonwealth Legal Aid Commission Act 1979 Section 34 [ 1] that accordingly to this section the Commonwealth can Refuse to grant Legal Representation to an Unrepresented Person Incarcerated Into a detention centre that as a matter of fact apply, for a visa to remain in Australia [ case Reference THANG PHONG LEE the applicant without legal representation has asked the applicant Alexandru Pizlea to help him and make a Legal Aid application for him the applicant Thang Phong Lee being a person with a Disability as a matter of fact the applicant had send the application of the applicant to remain in Australia that was also done with the help of Alexandru Pizlea before the UNHCR in Canberra and Geneva considering the fact that the applicant Thang Phong Lee Legal Aid Application Was Refused based on the Grounds that THE APPLICANT HAD Challenged not only the DIMIA and others Decision that was the Cancellation of his Visa it was also a challenge against the decision of the Commonwealth and others to have Him Incarcerated THE LAWFULNESS OF HIS INCARCERATION DETENTION lets say into an asbestos INFESTED AREA well known by the politicians that ,, advice the Commonwealth Police Officers,, not to participate/ not to be presents when Protesters where having a protest at Villawood against the Government Decision to have People Incarcerated in such Conditions etc See also Legal Aid Response to Thang Phong Lee doc No GD/06G000743 The applicant would also like to bring to the attention of whoever it may be concerned that detainees from UNITED STATES are Detained Incarcerated in NASH HOUSE Hospital in Adelaide unlawfully detained by the Commonwealth for months HIDING or Cover up their Disgusting Kindness having most of them medicated]
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that the Senators the Parliamentarians the Government the Uper and the Lower house of the Commonwealth Australian Government must as a matter of fact answer before the Courts for the Crimes Against Humanity that they have Committed when considering the fact that those Laws where as a amtter of fact Passed through the Parliament Structure Knowingly/with the Knowledge of the Destruction/Dammage Health Dissorders that those applications of the Law have on the Humans Persons Childrens Families that are being detained Under Government Unhumanitarian Directions/Orders that as a matter of fact law and Principle were Violating Health Acts International Conventions Treaty's etc etc With all due respect the applicant and others believes that those Persons that had committed Crimes agains Childrens Families Individuals HUMANS must be as a matter of fact law and Principle accordingly to the Equal Rights Equality Before the Law Charged with Crimes against Humanity when also considering the fact that those Crimes had been Commited Willingfuly
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned before the attention of Just Justice that Considering the Gravity and the Multiplity of their Offencess those Commonwealthj Government persons that as a matter of fact had also Profited from their CRIMINAL Act must must be charged and tried accordingly to the Law accordingly to the Equality Before the Law Just Justice Pay Be Responsable and Accontable for their Criminal Act.s Accordingly to the Romanian Law Page 615 Principl Of Rights Art 25 point 6 Criminal law that as a matter of fact it is a Uno Conventional/Treaty point a Complimentary Punishment it is the Confiscation of Their Wealth the applicant and others believes that when considering the Asbestos Health Dissorders the above mentioned Parliamentarians Senators Must have their Wealth Property Partial or in Totality Confiscated when considering the fact that an ASBESTOS VICTIMS FUND must be Instated or other Health Related Disorders Fund when Considering the Unspecified Length/Considerable length of Detention/Incarceration and the Health Disorders that the People Humans suffer Resulted from Willingful Political Criminal Negligence.
18. The applicant and others with all due respect the content of this affidavit would also like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned theirs strongly believes that the bias apprehension towards the applicant, the applicant Family and others by the above mentioned Governments or Governments administrative organisations or Institutions must be considered as important and valued argumentative point’s that the above mentioned Honorary Courts and others must give a proper and genuine consideration considering the argumentative submitted points as of a very significant importance in that the best interest of the NATURAL COURSE OF JUSTICE / EQUQLITY BEFORE THE LAW it is an achievement with a proper and genuine balanced consideration in that all parties involved are receiving /enjoying a PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS accordingly to the International Justice System Standards, accordingly to the springs of Rights ,Principle of Rights Civil Rights Family Rights etc.
19. The applicant and others with all due respect believes that bringing this affidavit before the attention of the above mentioned Honorary International Courts and others must be considered by the Honorary Courts by the Honorary Justices and others in within the applicant and others Lawful/ Legal Rights when analysing the content of this affidavit.
20. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the International Courts for Justice the UNHCR Convention that must be considered as the Highest Authority or the most appropriate/capable authority that can assessed violations of Human Rights when considering the fact’s that the UNHCR had assessed the Human Rights Abuse Violation Internationally more than any other International Organisation when considering the facts that the UNHCR has Assessed millions of refugees world wide and that as a matter of fact millions of Refugees have been accepted in many Countries based on recognised Facts of Human Rights Abuse that have been put before Governments attention by the UNHCR and many Governments had brought before the attention of the UNHCR Governments or Governmental Institutions that are as a matter of fact abusing Human Rights Example from Australia Senator Evans has brought before the attention of the Commonwealth Government and before the attention of the UNHCR abuse of Human Rights against the FALUN GONG Members in China [ placing those people in detention centres for years should be a clear indication that the Commonwealth Australia abuses them also with a full knowledge that those People can not make a complaint Considering the facts that ,,, THE OBJECT OF THE CONVENTION IS TO PROVIDE REFUGE FOR THOSE WHO HAVING LOST de ju-re or De- Facto Protection of their Governments [ example Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and others] = a clear indication shows that Commonwealth Government knows that their abuse of Human Rights that is unlawfully detaining detainees in detention centres for years it is in fact a Criminal Act/ Criminal offence that also involves GSL and DIMIA to fraud [false intellectual fraud intellectual] considering the facts that detainees are being held into Detentions few years based on assessments made by the DIMIA and the Courts that are ignoring assessments made by the Commonwealth Government Agencies or others like Senator Evans assessments of Human Rights Abuse [See WEY XIAO LING Assessment made by the DIMIA regarding the treatment of the Falun Gong that’s considering the fact that her statement states that her father was only a falun gong practitioner and not a LEADER. As a matter of fact even considering the government assessment that Falun Gong leaders are being arrested and that they are placed in prison without going through the judicial process the Commonwealth government should consider the fact that the Falun Gong may have to elect new leaders or practice without their leaders therefore they will all be a TARGET] The Commonwealth Decision to held those Persons in detention centres for years it must in fact be considered a fraud when considering the costs and others like asbestos exposure and the deadly infectious incurable asbestos diseases and the effect that the prolonged Incarceration can inflict /affect the Detainees Mental HEALTH [ See VIVIAN ALVAREZ Cornelia Rau and others medical Reports or reports regarding the effect that asbestos had on the Hardy Hardware Workers without making any other medical assessments regarding the health of the detainees ,children’s and the visitors that visited the Deadly Asbestos Centre. [also considering the fact that the Government had admitted asbestos Scared at Villawood also their intervention Tones of Gravel had been placed at the deadly detention centre to cover up the asbestos that the government had discarded of as in broken particles using the area as a rubbish dump] The Commonwealth Government abusing their Power HEALTH Act etc abusing those PEOPLE that they have Detained Incarcerate in detentions centre knowingly that ones returned to CHINA or other countries etc those people can not make any complaints of abuse or other complaints regarding their Health Deteriorations considering the facts that many of them have been protesting in Villawood asbestos Detention Centre being in Hunger Strike for days without having the appropriate medical assistance LIKE INTRAVENOS FEEDING etc Even Knowingly that DIMIA and GSL are having Full Knowledge of the Implications that those people may have on their health or Mental Health [ See also GSL Contract and their Obligations under the Health Act ] therefore the Human Rights abuse of the FALUN GONG and others that have Lost their Constitutional Rights that protects their Civil Rights THAT MAY BE AN EASY UNDERSTANDIN of the UNHCR Convention and other Recent Reports released by the UNHCR and others in that Governments that Consider themselves as Protectors of the INDIVIDUALS or Families CIVIL Rights may consider the UN Organisations reports as facts THAT MANY PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD EVEN KNOWINGLY THAT THEY ARE Citizens/NATIONALITY See Catherina Alexandra Pizlea ] of the Respective Countries they do not have their civil rights protected by the states or by Governments administrative Institutions or Organisations as a matter of fact some of those countries are and have been abusing the human rights of individuals and families LIKE THE FOUNDERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH GREAT BRITAIN UK AND THE COLONY OF AUSTRALIA and others that are as a matter of fact Strongly Supporters of HUMAN RIGHTS Civil Rights = FAMILY RIGHTS do Fail to protect the Civil Rights Family Rights of the Social Class See Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Family or others like John Untan married with Australian Lady and they 3 children’s .that had visited the detention asbestos deadly centre for more than 2 years.
21. The applicant and others with all due respect believes that as a MUST for a fast track and an immediate response to the HIGHEST JUDICIAL STANDARDS too all the issues that the applicant and others have brought to the attention of the above mentioned and others through this affidavit that it is made lets say in a very unusual or atypical manner approaching various lawful / legal institutions/organisations Simultaneously the applicant and others believes that their approach should be considered appropriate therefore the Honorary Court’s the International Court’s for JUSTICE according INTERNATIONAL JUDICIAL INTERVENTION Assistance to all the above mentioned and others that are mentioned through the content of this affidavit and others if considered as a necessity by the Honourable International Courts or as an inestimable help when considering the fact that that many of those so called KNOWS IT ALL they KNOW NOTHING AT ALL and most of the laws approved are departed from the Justice or without any principle or as in accordance to the Principle of Rights in fact many of those so called National laws are a disgrace to the Justice System nationally and internationally laws politically orientated twisted and corrupted like most of the POLITICIANS and they advisers Law Makers laws made in the so called best interests of the public when in fact the best interests of the public internationally best laws that many will find are covered by UNO/ ONU [ Non Aggressiveness Equal Rights Equality Before the law etc and or other International treaty’s or conventions that are made as in accordance to the Natural Course of JUSTICE PRINCIPLE OF RIGHTS That Makes a fairly procedural fairness.
22. The applicant ALEXANDRU PIZLEA and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Court’s The International Court’s for JUSTICE and others that accordingly to the Commonwealth court Federal Court Of Australia Decision Justice Von Doussa Civil matter / Proceedings in Von Doussa v OWENS [ N3 1982 31 SASR 116 ] The decision of a contempt can also be described as a Breach of an Order [ Or in this instance regarding the applicant and others claims that are brought before the attention of the Honourable Courts A BREACH OR A CONTEMPT of different Internal Laws/International TREATY,S / CONVENTION,S CAN BE DEFINED AS DESCRIBED BY THE COMMONWEALTH JUSTICE [ SIC set in contents ] THERE IT IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEN A SENTENCE OF IMPRISONMENT FOR A FIXED TERM, ALBEIT ONE THAT MAY VARIED OR DISCHARGED AT A LATER DATE BY THE SAME COURT AND COMMITING A PERSON [ or in this Instant case the COMMONWEALTH ] IN BREACH INDEFINITELY UNTIL THE CONTEMPT IS PURGED [ UNTIL THE BREACH IT IS PROVEN TO BE A LIE/ UNTRUE]
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Court for Justice Hague and Strasburg, before the attention of the Honorary office of the World Health Organisation and others the Evidence Act 1958 Commonwealth Australia Act No 6246/1958 s55[8] amended by No 23/1994 s118[ sch 1item 20.1] when Considering the fact that the applicant Alexandru Pizlea has been convicted based on Evidence that was obtained from at least two main Crown witness that have been consumed alcohol whilst gathering Evidence as has been suggested under the approved Parliamentarian Privilege Act ...act that the applicant and others believes that was passed through the Parliament after the members had brought their decision before the attention of the Medical Board or before the attention of the Health Minister Considering the Fact that the Minister has a Medical Degree that can give authority to Public Servants to consume alcohol whilst on their duties excluding such privileges to others example Truck Drivers Taxi Drivers Public Transport Drivers etc considering that the alcohol consumption does diminish and does not increase in any way any individual mental capacity or others senses such as visual smell and others. A probability that the Parliamentarians that had approved such Privileges must have the appropriate Medical Reports therefore theirs medical assessment reports should be brought before the Attention of the World Health Organisation To enlighten them i suppose. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and before the attention of the Honorary office of the World Health Organisation the decision in SRT where a Criminal Conviction forms the legal basis upon which a Discretionary power is founded then no challenge can be made to the fact of the Conviction See GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL v SPACKMAN [1943] AC 627 Spackman concerned the statutory powers of the General Medical Council Section 29 of the Medical Act 1858 UK relevantly provided. [ The Honorary International Courts and others as mentioned or others must also make the aplicability of Eqal Responsbilitues Equality before the Law ,, Principle that as a matter of fact prevents the Flowrising Corruption Nepotisam Favoritisam and other Priviledges that Senators and other Visionaries as they call themselves are Implimenting through a False Intelectual to depart from the l;aw from the JUST JUSTICE that Enforces the Principle of Rights the Law.
If any registered medical practitioner shall be convicted of any felony of misdemeanour or shall after due Inquiry be judged by the Medical Council to have been guilty of infamous Conduct in any professional respect [ in this instant matters if any of the Government minister or Medical practitioners [as recognised Professionals] that give approval or privileges in respect to alcohol consumption or holding people in asbestos infested area] the General Council may if they see fit direct the Registrar to erase the name of such medical practitioner from the register ....[ with all due respect the applicant would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned Parties that that their decisions must be brought before the attention of the Honorary Courts and others when considering the facts that the Honorary Courts and the World Health Organisation can make the appropriate decision/ORDERS in absence/ without those so called Honorary Professionals Politicians and others Response the applicant and others believes that the above mentioned Professionals Politicians and others should GIVE their HONORARY RESPONSE Internationally accordingly to the Natural Course of Justice without any Bias apprehension .accordingly to the best Interests of the Public of course without leaving on the side All Medical Professional help that they can find including their family Doctors or the HEALTH MINISTER Response Regarding alcohol Privileges or Placing the Youngest Residents of this planet or exposing them and their families to Deadly asbestos Fibre See also Scientific Medical Research from medical specialist Stockholm University that Reviles that accordingly to the Scientific Medical Studies Stress Related Health Disorders can Be transmitted from parent to their Childrens therefore the Commonwealth Government Must be Responsible when Considering the fact that Young Childrens Individuals and Families had been Willingfuly Detained in Asbestos Detention Centres For an Unspecified Length of Time and other considerations that must be considered as a main factor to Stress Related Health disorders when Considering the fact that those persons Families and the Youngest Residents of this planet had been incarcerated/Detained without committing a Criminal Offence of a such a gravity that GIVE the Commonwealth Australian Administrative Government’s Anglo Saxon Impaired/Intoxicated [REFRESHED] Judgment THE legal authority to detained/incarcerate Humans For Unspecified Length of time Based on Politically Motivated Unlawful Unhumanitarian/Inhumanitarian GROUNDS that the Commonwealth call Visionary Ideas, that many people Governments and Honorary Organisations and Courts consider their Visionary Ideas From any Point of View Medically Humanly as Disgrace Sickness that of course the Australians of an Anglo Saxon British Origin Do LIKE TO Argument as their Godly Lordly Pooffy Criminal KINDNESS. Shame., Shame. Shame. To the Founders of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Australia Administrative Governments that of Course believes that their British Just Us System of Justice Example Commonwealth Australia States Governors and Commonwealth Australia Governor General and the Queen that as a matter of fact law and Principle are Responsible Before the Justice For Doing Nothing then Abusing the Law the Principle of Rights Family Rights to Ensure that themselves and their Families will Enjoy a MAXIMUM PROFIT and Consider themselves above the Law through False Intellectual Supported even by the Church and Church Leaders that teaches People to be Obedients to Disrespectful High Ranking Positioned Families and that by Accusing the High Ranking Positioned Families it is an Accusation to the Church to the Justice and that the Christians Should as in accordance to the Christians Believes Should Forgive their Incompetence or Disgraceful Behaviour ,, the applicant and others that do not Trust their OLD CHRISTIAN Crap Of The OLD BOYS CLUB believes that when they See them Sentence Before the Honorary International Courts or others that consider themselves JUSTICE /JUST honorary Sentenced with Jail sentences when considering the fact that their Crimes are Punishable Before the Justice with jail sentences when considering the fact Law and Principle that those persons are Repeated Criminal Offenders that are always Blaiming Someone else and believing that they are Untouchables failing to remind themselves that before the law They are Responsible and Accountable with penalties such as FINDS AND JAIL SENTENCES
See also The Book Called FROM BUREBISTA TO DECEBAL that’s for the politicians and law makers to understand that around 2000 years ago Politicians understood and make decisions that today’s Doctors are following WHEN CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT Burebista had decided that to Eradicate or at least Reduce Alcoholism Grape Vines have to be Pulled Out of course other Royal Punishments/Sanctions that had been in place when considering the fact that his decision being well Motivated/Founded Example wide spread alcoholism through the system See A 50 of 2001 and other remarks that the applicant and others had brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others.
IT IS A COMMITAL TO A PRISON [ In this instant case the Founders of The Commonwealth/ Australia Federal Government and State Government’s] FOR AN INDEFINITE TERM [ UNSPECIFIED LENGHT OF TIME] AND CAN NOT PROPERLY BE DESCRIBED AS A SENTENCE OF IMPRISOMENT OF THE TYPE REFERED IN THE SENTINCING ACT. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Court’s the International Court’s For Justice the remarks made by the Australian Law Reform Commission Reports. Considering the facts that 1000s of Children’s the Youngest Residents of this Planet and they Parents have been exposed to and affected by Asbestos [ GREVIOUS BODILY HARM ] by governments approved product by the Commonwealth Administrative Governmental Institutions/ Organisations and they governmental Law Makers Personnel in Cooperation as a Corporation = The Commonwealth .the above mentioned are as a matter of fact proven facts of a criminal offence by their own governmental lawyers Proven Facts of Criminal Offences [ when considering the facts that the Government Personnel and Law makers has been placing Persons in an ASBESTOS infested AREA even after they have learn from their own Lawyers and Commonwealth Medical Specialist Reports that have assessed the effect that the asbestos have on Hardy Hardware Workers even Knowingly that those workers have been wearing Protective clothing and respiratory protecting Masks. the Commonwealth should consider themselves Responsible when considering the fact that the persons incarcerated/ Detained and visitors did not received any warnings or any of the above mentioned protective equipment.
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others the facts that many persons incarcerated in Immigration Detention Centre in Villawood N.S.W. had been protesting their unlawful incarceration into an Asbestos Infested Detention Centre Declaring Hunger Strike, in protest many of the Hunger Strike Detainees where in Hunger Strike for Long Periods of Time many of them for Months without any Medical Help other then Being under Observation by the Global Solution Line [GSL,GROUP 4] when considering the fact that many of those people under the GSL Detention contract those persons Should'v been Hospitalised after 3 to 4 days of Hungers strike and Intravenous Feeding should’v been administrated to those persons considering the fact that Dehydration's it is as a matter of fact affecting Different Organs/Components of the Human Body [Affecting the Detainees Mental Health also] GSL and DIMIA Management and the Commonwealth Australia Willingly Neglecting the Detainees should be considered as a breach of the Health Act Quarantine Act UNHRC Convention UNHCR Convention ICCPR etc etc
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Romanian Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Compensating the Loses of the Victims as a Result of Judicial Errors to repair the Material and Moral loses that of the Victims See Art 431- Art 418 Page 174 Bucharest 1960 [the applicant and others strongly believe that whilst being detained in Asbestos Infested Immigration Detention Centre based on Politically Motivated Judicial Errors , Judicial Errors when Considering the fact that accordingly to the ICCPR Art 9 and other factors such as Medical issues resulted from government decision in holding a person Incarcerated/Detained for the Simple fact that the respective persons want to be free to work to Ensure their Family Subexistence or their subexistence as Individuals their Request being denied by the Governments with the arguments that those people are taking the Jobs From the Australians when as a matter of fact law and principle into a Country where Everyone has Equal Opportunity the Government argument can be Considered Government stupidity when considering the fact that when People have the Rights to work the small Business Opportunity’s are as a matter of fact a People Project and not a Government Project as a matter of fact the governments consider that they should have their Business Prosper By detaining People at the Tax Payers Expenses with Logo such as Dimia,s Logo PEOPLE IS OUR BUSSINES,, a very good Business when Considering the Fact that Big Mouths Brainless Politicians in most of the cases do not understand that Prosperity does not happened without People and that in most of the Cases it is not the Rich that Help the POOR it is the Poor that Help the Rich and that in the Commonwealth Australia with a 20.000 000 million Population the Rich Senators/Politicians with Enlarged or Panoramic VISIONS VISIONARYS that believe that they System of Getting Rich with the Help of the Tax Payers it is as in accordance to their Godly Constitutional Believes that always Supported them More Police More Jails Detentions and let the poor pray to GOD because who cares Everyone can make a Profit Even the Church for as longer they believes are that They Will Be Happier after they Dead instead of thinking like a devilish Family Man Bad Character such as the applicant and others that Even Knowingly that had been in Prison they do believe that their Family it is their Family Not the Commonwealth Australia etc etc Governments Administrative Organisations/Institutions Joyful game of Abuse of their Civil Rights Family Rights International Rights etc etc
,,as for Example In South Australia around 20.000 People waiting to go before the Courts in a State with one Million Population that’s an Example of Maximum Profit for the High Ranking Families Judges Police Corrections and their Corective Services Established Industries.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others a perfect Example of Just - Us Maximum Profit System of Justice that it is being Used not only in Romania it is also being applicable in the Commonwealth Australia etc etc a System that the Church and their Archbishops Priests with the Help of their Fatherly Godly Jesus Virgin Marry and so on that Give them the Power in their Brain in their Humanitarian Spirit in their Body to do so when considering the fact that they haven’t learn anything else than how to falsely misdirect mislead the people through their farsity See Criminal Law Procedure as for Example a Person that DID NOT PAY CHILD AMMENITIES/SUPPORT IT IS SENTENCE TO IMPRISOMENT/DETENTION/DETAINED/ FOR MONTHS OR YEARS without beneficiating any benefit for the Childrens the family or lets say without making any payments to the Victim the Childrens the Family Even Knowingly that the Respective person had been Prestating a Productive work whilst in Prison. A Possibility that the Governments believes that those Bad Character Kind Devol/Devols That Prestates a Productive Work should be used for the Wellbeing of the Country that,s of course Excluding the Respective Person Family and the Tax Payers as beneficiators as a matter of fact the tax payers are also contributors to the Maximum Non Taxable Profit and the Just Us System of Justice the Police and Corrective Services that turn a blind Eye and/or Enjoys Kindly Refreshments with their Favourite high Class Detainees Like Charlie Molnar Disregarding any Court orders or any of the Corrective Services Rules and Regulations,
The Corrective Services Officers and the Corrective Services Industries the most Profitable Industry are believing that they are above the law Humanitarian Laws Industrial Laws Civil Law and other International Conventional Laws that they are Disregarding For AN UNLAWFULL MAXIMUM PROFIT OBTAINED THROUGH ,,EXPLOATATION OF THE MAN BY THE MAN,, ,,SLAVERY,, Exploatation of the man by the man should also be considered as an Exploatation of the Working Prisoner Family by the Corrective Services and by the Just Us System of Justice the Establishment when considering the above mentioned and other considerations.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that Many of the Victims of a crime are also left out by the Godly Holly Just Us System of Justice when considering the fact that if lets say a Burglary Victim Does Not have an Insurance the Respective Person does not Receive a Compensation for the Stolen Goods that have been Stolen Even if the Criminal the Offender it is Caught that’s the Justice that the Priests and Archbishops have Established and ask every Christian to Pray that they will live a better life After They Will Die they will receive A Heavenly Life Until Then they Should be Obedient and Accepts Hell Or Make It Better themselves by Reading the Bible Because God Jesus and all the other Saintly Poofters that had Live their life as Saints in a cave without being married having childrens / Family without supporting a wife or working together Man and Women or Man and Women’s as family
[The Government Administrative Institutions Organisations etc Response it is that the Respective Persons Childrens are receiving Government Childrens Allowance well of course the childrens are receiving that payment From both parents through the imposable tax that they are paying, the Childrens will also received a payment even if lets say a parent it is dead ,, the Childrens will receive a Payment even if both parents are dead from the tax payers from the Community Not from the Imposable Tax of the Government Personal that many of them avoid to pay of course when taking into consideration that all the Government Personal Expenses are also being pay´.d by the tax payers in some cases even their Vacations that,s including the Police Minister and other Visionaries etc etc.]
Accordingly to Art 444 Page 181 of the Romanian Criminal Law Procedure 1960 that of course the same procedure it is applicable in the Commonwealth Australia etc etc a person that has been Punished to Pay a FIND or had fail to make the appropriate instalment payment at the Fixed Term by the Court The Respective Person will Be sentenced to Imprisonment Where in Most of the Cases the Respective person will pay the Find by being Employed working a Productive work if the Respective person will not be Employed Working a Productive Work the Just Us System of Justice will get their Payment from the tax payers from the respective person Family, Extended Family as tax Payers therefore the Establishment Families are as a matter of fact Through Intelectual False/Falsity or as they say Lawfully Protecting their Interests the Maximum Profit Interest Through Intelectual Fraud the Just Us Systen of justice in most of the cases will never Ensure that the Best Interests of the Social Class the Hard Working Social Class Individuas or Family.s Interests it is Protected JUST and that the Applicability of the Jusice it is done as in accordance to the Principle Of Equality therefore the Victims that are as a result of a Criminal Act/Acts thats including the Offender/Ofenders Family are Protected by the System by the JUSTICE not as in accordance to the Commonwealth Australia British System of Justice and others like Romania that as a matter of fact are applyng the Just Us System Of Justice an abusive System with Personal that as a matter of Fact Law and Principle it is Unjustyfiebly Guilty of Numeros Criminal Offences that they have and are Committing against Man Childrens Womens against Families when Considering the Maximum Profit Factor Exploitation and Slavery whilst a person it is Incarcerated=Detained Inprisoned etc etc Sentenced or Nonsentenced Punished by the Just - Us System of Justice to be Deprived of His/Her Freedoom/Liberties See The Principle Of Rights Page 597 to 601 The Civil Consequences of the Offence to understand the Circle of Unjustice Around the JUST Justice Page 598 Principle Of Rights Art 92-116 criminal Law and Art 116 and Art 7 Criminal Law Procedure. art 7 clearly exaplains that the Magistrate the flor of the Court[The Judiciary Panel] must writte/Specify in the Court Orders what the Victim/Victims are Entiteled to in matters where the Victims are Minors or Incapacitated [ considering the fact that an adult person can Calim their Loses Material Financial etc through the Civil Courts] Art 92-93 Criminal law specifies that the Court the Magistrate etc The Flor of the Court, the Court Panel can order that the Offender must pay the victim an ammount/Sum of Money The applicant and Others would like to bring before the attention of the JUST JUSTICE The Honorary International Courts for Justice and before the Honorary Personal of the Honorary offices of the United Nations that Governments or Governments Administrative Personal have and are Purposely Ommiting/Purposely Fail to make such orders when considering the fact that Many of the Persons Convicted of Crimes Criminal Offences had been sentenced to Prisons where the Respective Persons were Prestating a Productive Work the Governments Administrative Personal and others Knowing/with the Knowledge Purposely Fail to make such orders to Ensure the Survival of the Corrupt System a Corrupt system of Justice Obviousely it can not be called a JUST System of Justice when considering the facts that the base the Foundation of the Justice System it is Exploitation of the Man By The Man Slavery Exploitation of the Family Childrens of the Offender and the Victim not as mentioned and Explained to the Public ,, a Punishment of the Respective Person to be Depraived of his Freedom Liberties for being a Dangeros Ellement/Person to the Sociaety to the Community ,,
With all Due Respect the applicant and Others would like to bring before the attention of the above Mentioned that based on the Principle of Rights as a matter of fact and Law any Citizen has the Rights to Ask before the Justice to bring before the Justice Arguments against Aproved Government Administrative Institution/Organisation Acts arguments that can bring in Evidece the Injustice the Illegality of the Act through the argument the applicants can bring in Evidence the Persons Civilmente Responsable See Principle of Rights Page 123 Art 120.1 - 120.2 Civil Procedure Ethics Control/Assesment Judicial of the Administrative Acts See Also the Legal Bases of the Administrative Acts page 111 Principle of Rights Line 23 - 33[b] Law No 36 25th January 1957 that clearly Specifies The Emmission/Approval of an Administrative Act must be in Confirmity with the Approved Law Law that it is the Expresion of the Working Class and tat the Legality of the Law has Judicial Force only when the Substance of the law it is in the Interests of the Hard Working Social Class. [ Not in the Interests of the Just Us System of Justice Based on Exploatation that Ensures the Survival of the Old Boys Club the Establishment the Corruption that do Nothing to make Changes towards development of the Hard working Sociall Class Society without thinking of Making a Maximum Profit on Yearly Bases [ Millions Billions of Dollars being held in High Ranking Homos-apiens bank accounts that like to be called VISIONARIES with Honor[Onoare]
When Considering the Fact Law and Principle brought to the attention of the Just Justice the Honorary International Courts and others None of the Governments Government Administrative Institutions Organisations Personal had done anything to Correct their Willingful Failure/Errors after THE HONORARY personal the Commity of the Honrary Office of the UNITED NATIONS and the Honorary International Courts For Justice have Introduced International Laws abolishing and Punishng such acts LAWS the acceptance of the International Laws has been welcomed Internationaly By all Countries by the Judiciary that that are calling themselves an Important Tooll of the Government the tooll of CORRUPTION through False Intelectual Offences Abuse of Office Trust etc etc that themselves Obviousely Understand are Punishable With Inprisoment Lengthy Sentences when Considering the fact Law and Principle in that the Judiciary and Others Government Administrative Personal that Suppose to Ensure that the Best Interests of the Public it is protected by a Just Justice insted of a Just Us System of Justice that applyes Two Different Standards of the Justice System See Sentencing Act Romanian or British eSystematicly Unlawfuly Defraud the Tax Payers the Public Families Abusing the Youngest Residents of this Planet. tc etc and Bring yours Honorary Decisions Before the Attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice before the JUST JUSTICE and before the Honorary office of the UNO for a Fast Track Mechanism
With all due Respect the Applicant and Others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice and Others as mentioned that accordingly to the Directions Given by the Romanian SUPREME TRIBUNAL Panel Nr 1 A 3 July 1958 Principle Of Rights See Page 599 Line 44 last Paragraph and page 600 - 601 The Applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned governments governments administrative Institutions/Organisations etc that accordingly to the Law Persons Culpable and obliged or Responsable and Accountable to pay Compensation to the Victims to the Civilians affected are all the Participants in the Offence this cathegory it is Covering/Including the Authors the Instigators and the Complice without Excluding any Government Personal The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice and before the Honorary Offices of the UNITED NATIONS that the Commonwealth Governments and their Government Administrative Institutions Organisations etc Personal and whoever it may be that supported their Decisions also Romanias Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations etc Personal and whoever it may be that supported their decisions are as a matter of Fact Law and Principle held to be Responsable and Accountable Before the JUSTICE when considering the fact that as per Example in the Commonwealth Australia Humans Families Childrens had Been Held into Deadly Asbestos Centre without prejudicing the Federation of the Commonwealth Australia or adduced any Prejudice to their British System , The Romanian Government Must be Held Responsable For applyng Harsh Sentences to the Persons that as a matter of fact Law and Principle where Only tryng to have the Freedom of their Movements as in accordance to the International Laws that Romania had Signed and Agrreed to Respect instead of having the Respective Persons Inprisoned and applyng Punishments that as a matter of fact are called Offences Against Humanity [Crimes Against Humanity] Exploitation and Slavery of Persons and their Families when Considering the fact that a Person that had Illegaly Crossed or Tryng to Cross the Romanian Border DID NOT PREJUDICE THE STATE IN ANY WAY those Persons that had Been Abused through Beatings for the achivment of Forced Labour Verbal abuse such as Tradors Phsycological and Health Deteriorations all of those Criminal Offences Criminal in Nature Under the Act's Criminal or Civil had been Commited by the Government Personal thats Including Police Officers or lets say Corrective Services Officers under the Close Supervission of the Internal Ministery and other Government Departments the Securitatea THE BORDER PATROL MILITARY UNITS etc etc etc
Accordingly to Art 54-56 Romanian Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Paragraph 5 a Court Decision/Punishment such as a fine that the Respective Person Fail to Comply By it is commuted to a sentence with Imprisonment obviously the Law maker Fail to Consider Equality before the Law when considering the facts that many Judges Justices are Eagerly to Bring into their Remarks and as a matter of fact many Politicians Do make such Remarks that as in Accordance to the Principle of Rights Nationally and Internationally No One it is above the law Paragraph 6 of Art 56 Excludes a Judge Justice Magistrate from a Conviction or Investigation as Explained If The Respective Person it is a Judicial Consultant ,, that will be an Insult to the Prestige of the Dignity of the Judge to the Justice,, obviously they fail to mention an Insult to the Public to the tax payers that does not accept their Corrupt Just Us System of Justice Guess what they do not Care about the Bible themselves they Really Consider many of those Bible Bashers Poofters because they DO NOT FIGHT THEM TO GET THEIR INTOXICATED VIWES AND JUST - US SYSTEM OF JUSTICE into A REHABILITATION PROGRAM IN PRISON ON A NICE STEEL BED WHERE THEY CAN REFRESH THEIR BRAIN AWAY FROM ALCOHOL Families and Especially Childrens AND OTHER EXCENTRIC LUXURIOS HEAVENLY Exercises as it happened in Hollingworth John Elliot .Liddy. and others like Doyle Martin Besanko Kirby that consider alcohol consumption/Intoxication a Privileged Corrupt Person etc etc etc that are protected through Royal Prerogatives or other selves protecting laws made by their Corrupted minds of Just Us system of Justice. ,, In the Christian Believes Forgiveness plays an Important Role,,
With alldue respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Commonwealth Australia and others that Consider that Families that are bringing their Arguments before and the justice that they should Sworn on the Bible and believe in their Biblical Justice or on some other Book and that they Poofters Magistrates Judges or Justices will totaly Disregard the Principle of the Natural Family Family Rights or the International Convention on the Rights of the Child etc etc Because one of the Parents have a Criminal Record With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that many Natural Families have and are Suffering based on Principless Decisions Given by Decision Makers that Fail before the Natural Families Principle of Rights before the Law Before the JUST JUSTICE decision makers that as a matter of fact are Protecting and Making Laws that Protect the so Call Poofters and Lesbisns HOMOS-APIENS Excentric Sex lover Cuples that in their Believes and many Law makers , Deision Makers etc etc believes that send a Clear message to the Natural Normal Families that those Individuals should be Protected and their Protectours Honnoured
With all due Respect the Applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others how can they see Immagine a Marriage Certificat or a Birth Certificate of an Unnatural Sick Homos-apiens Prtnership Cuple as they say God Believers or Nonreligeos and Non Believers in the Natural Normal Family
Family Name Before Marriage Michaelfitzpatrick Saint Sir Duck Family Name Before Marriage Kirbysainthines Sirdoyl Pelle Family Name after Partnership Michaelfitzpatrickkirbysainthines Holly Spiridtuns Saint Sir Duck
Michaelfitzpatrickkirbysainthines Sirdoyl Pellepudll Ratkinsony Registered Certificate at the Saint Peter Cathedral South Australia
Birth Certificate for their Child
Family Name Michaelfitzpatrickkirbysainthines Given Name Hristoforakes Khristoforakes Jesus Lord Mother Name Guess Who Father Name Guess Who Date of Birth Privacy Act ASK THE PARENTS Religeon Chatolic Presbitarian Evangelic Anglican Homos-Apiens
Lesbians Child Birth Certificate
Family Name Queeryelizabethmarrycorbensallambush Virgin Santa Killopp use your Imagination Religeon Catholic Orthodoxbaptizumus Penticostal of the Morning Dew Reformed Registered Certificate Canberra. Hollinghoward Kairos Church Prison Ministery
Registration Under the Federation Commonwealth Australia Homos-Apiens Parliamentarian High Court Approved Sex Discrimination Sex Offenders Kokosi Family Act No 1 There are no more Avenues of Appeal
The applicant and others would like to appolagise if any one will feel that this Bad Charracter Visions are Offending any One when considering all the other Facts as per Example as it is in the Bible God has Kick it Out The Man and Women out from his Heavenly Garden for an apple and of Course many Persons believe that God Lord Virgin Haleluia will Forgive them for Everything Else many believe that those saintly as mentioned should send the believers a Fax with appolagies for all what the Humans have Sined ,,Forgivnes Plays an Important Role.......,,
Why not go back to jail for not paying Child Support and the Priest will came to see you to read the bible everything it is great and that they are prying for your family the Priest thinking that will be even better if you go back to jail for a better and prosper Maximum Profit then you will die and you will be going again to be judge by Jesus because you are a bad Character a thief that had to be judge by jesus because you did not pay your child support and because you'v been in jail only after they will decide if you go to Heaven or Hell.
With all due Respect the Applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Visionary Commonwealth Government had Fail to take in consideration that being incarcerated/Detained for 3 or 4 years it is in fact and Law Medically Proved by Government Research of Inflicting /Causing Numerous stress Related Disorders [ See ALRC Correctional Services Reports] when also considering other facts and legal issues example the Time span that it is accorded as in accordance to the law to Appeal a Decision it is around 28 days in fact and in Principle a Detained/Incarcerated person can never be Legally Held into a detention Centre for more then a Year Even if the applicant had to go before lets say 6 or 7 Government Legal Administrative Institutions Tribunals and Courts. when also considering that accordingly to the Romanian Consular Convention/and Commonwealth Civil Law a person Detained must be legally Represented before the State Administrative Organisations/Institutions.
[See Medical Reports regarding the deadly uncurable/Incurable infections that are asbestos Related health Disorders MESOTHELIOMA, Ephitelioid THAT ATTAKS Vital Components/Organs of the Human Body ,, Lining of the Chest , Abdominal Cavity Lungs Heart. etc the applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that the Commonwealth Australian Government Disregard all those medical Issues also the Health Act Entirely with the full knowledge of the effect that the asbestos has or may have on the health of the youngest residents of this planet and their family disregarding the Early Medical Reports [World Health Organisation Reports Regarding the effect that the asbestos has on Humans the Health Deterioration that was an Issue in United Kingdom Great Britain as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Australia purposely omitting to consider the fact that the Asbestos has been credited as a Health Risk Product In the Kingdom By the Founders of the Commonwealth Australia an in fact making decisions that Pregnant Women can Give Birth in-to an Deadly Asbestos Infested Centre having the young born Child for a period of Three Years in a Commonwealth Kindly Lovely Asbestos Environment lets say a Commonwealth Kindly Political Motivated Criminal act committed by the Politicians Judiciary and other Commonwealth Governmental Administrative Institutions/Organisations DIMIA MIMIA Global Solution Personal that had adopted/apply such laws as they say in the Commonwealth Australia in the Best Interest of the Community in the best interest of the Public in the best interests of their Business ,, PEOPLE OUR BUSINESS that can be Find on the Service Provider GSL and DIMIA Letters
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that Accordingly to the Romanian Law See Principle of Rights Page 660-661 Art 471-475 Criminal Procedure When taking into Consideration the Seriosnes and the Long Term Effect that the Exposure has on the Person/Persons Health and others such as If the Offence was with Intent Art 475 Criminal Procedure the Sentence the Conviction/SENTENCE of the RESPONSABLE PERSON MUST BE LENGTHIER Art 473 Criminal Procedure places the Sentence with Imprisoment Betwen 2 - 6 years See also Art 477 Criminal Procedure and Art 476 Criminal Procedure when the Victis are of a Young Age Under 15 years of Age Page 661 Principle of Rights
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that the Commonwealth Australian Government Judiciary and the Police did as a matter of fact Law and Principle Understud the Gravity of their Criminal Offences when considering the fact that the Police Spockperson Advice the Officers not to be On the Site of the Villawood Detention Centre NSW Australia to prevent a Health Risk as they have Mentioned a Low to Moderate Risk Nevertheless an Imminent Risk With all due Respect the applicant and others strongly believes that the Governmrent Administrative Institutions/Organisations of United Kingdom of Great Britain are as a matter of fact Law and Principle Equaly Responsable and Accountable when Considering the fact that they have done Nothing to Intervin through the Queen Appointed Commonwealth Australia Governor General or any of the States Governors when also considering the Fact that the Youngest Residents of this Planet anbd their families were Exposed to Incurable Asbestos Health Related Disorders also when Considering the Fact that British Citizens From England and other Places had been Hold in the Deadly Asbestos Centre Example For Example STASZE MALENKZAK Phone No oo441273880030 an Engish [British] Citizen that has been Deported to England as i have a Conversation with Him on the Telephone he Explained to me that His NEW ZEELANDER De-Facto Wifehas lost their baby after he arrived in England a Possibility that some person are more Sensible or Receptive to Asbestos and that the Cause of the Loss was Asbestos Related Stress and other helth Related Disorders when Considering the Fact that she used to Visit HIM SOMETIME ON DAILY BASES.
With all due respect the applicant and others strongly believes that the Senators the Commonwealth State and Federal are also Equaly Responsable and Accountable when Considrering the Fact that the LABOUR government Strongly Opposed to the Howard Government Mandatory Immigration Detention for an Unspecified Length of Time the applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that when Considering all the Facts and the Multiplity/Number of trhe persons that had been In Detention Centre The Multiplity of the CRIMINAL OFFENCESS that The Commonwealth Australia and Others as mentioned has to answer for the Matter should be Considered without Kidding worse then AUSCWITS when Considering the Fact that The Length of Detention of Many Persons that were Detained in the Commonwealth was LONGER THAN MANY PERSONS THAT WERE DETAINED IN AUSCWITS and not Only that when Considrering the Fact that NONE OF THE GOVERNMENT SENATORS PARLIAMENTARIANS has Decided TO CROSS THE FLOR IN PROTEST WHEN CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT THE POLICE HAD BEEN INFORMED OF THE HEALTH RISK EXPOSURE THERE IT IS A CLEAR EVIDENCE THAT THE COMMONWEALTH AND OTHERS KNEW ABOUT THE SERIOSNESS OF THEIR CRIMINAL OFFENCE THAT THEY COVER UP FOR YEARS.
The applicant and Others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Detention Services Act Schedule 2 ,, The Health and Safety of the Detainees must be met as set out in the Commonwealth Standards [ a probability that 1 to 7 years of Detention/Incarceration it is as in accordance to the Commonwealth STATE/TERRITORY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS LEGISLATION Regulations and Codes of Practice such as occupational Health and Safety [Commonwealth Employment Act 1991 and Quarantine Act 1908 [Cth] The legislative regulatory framework applies to all detention facilities [ also Commonwealth Police Officers are being Restrained from Consuming alcohol whilst on duty as public servants that serve and upheld the Law. See Ocupational Health and Safety Act 1991 or Quarantine Act 1908 Cth.] etc etc
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that accordingly to the Health and Safety Act the Incarceration/Detention of Families including the Youngest Residents of this Planet For an USPECIFIED LENGHT OF TIME in Detention Centre or in Deadly Asbestos Immigration Detention Centre must be considered as a Breach/Violation/Contempt of the Health and Safety Act Crimes against Humanity when considering the facts that the Commonwealth had Held Humans in Asbestos Deadly Centres Knowingly the Effects that Asbestos has on the Humans Health and Especially on the Youngest Residents of this Planet some of them Newly BORN the above mentioned must also take into consideration other International Conventions, Treaties that Australia as a Signatory Country has Agreed to Respect/Comply by which impact on Immigration Detention Centres these includes the UNITED NATIONS CONVENTIONS and PROTOCOLS REGARDING THE STATUS OF REFUGEES See Schedule 2 Detention Services Contract. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above Mentioned the UNHCR UNHRC Conventional point that condemns acts such as Torture and other Cruel or Inhumane or Degrading treatments or Punishments
Article 3.1 of the1951 UNHCR Convention Provides that a Contracting State shall not imposed Penalties[Punishments] on account of their Illegality entry or presence on Refugees
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above Mentioned that the Commonwealth Australian Government Solicitor has advice that the objective of the Article 3.1. is to spare the Refugees from having to face the PENALTIES that might otherwise be imposed on them for illegal entry or presence in the Country .eg Australia ,, the Commonwealth Australia Government Solicitor arguments that the article 3.1 does not prevent Administrative DETENTION for the Purpose of Immigration Processing Without Considering the fact that the Convention it is in fact Protected by the VIENN Act that protect the Convention from their Sick Alterations, the AGS does not understand that His Argument that his bringing Forward as KINDNES it is in fact the Most Repulsive Unintelligent argument that as a matter of fact it is DEGRADING Refugees Humans and the Commonwealth Australia Administrative Governments Personal
The applicant and others with all due respect believes that the Commonwealth Government had Forget that Even Being in School Detention it is called a PUNISHMENT/PENALTY and as a matter of fact was a very UNPLEASENT Punishment for some Obviously the Commonwealth Government Solicitor and others that had been used to such PUNISHMENTS from School when Considering their unintelligible Kindly Argument ,, To spare the Refugees from facing penalties that might otherwise be imposed on them.....,, A probability that the Commonwealth Australia Position it is that holding Someone for Years in Detention it is not to be Considered as a Punishment to have your Rights and your Liberties denied for up to 6.7 years when considering the fact that lets say they where Spared from a lets say 5 to 30 days Jail that Refugees used to get for Crossing illegally the Border in Yugoslavia or even in Communist Romania a Maximum 3 years instead of 6 or 7 years punishment or lets say DETENTION for being illegally in the so call Down Under the Dominion of the Queen in the Colony Commonwealth Australia.
A probability that the Commonwealth Australia can bring Forward an Unintelligible Argument before the attention of the Australian Public that will be Considered as the Smartest Argument that Australia can Put before the International Community the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice that will give them Lawful Rights to Alterate the ICCPR and Article 9 of the ICCPR and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child The applicant and others RECOMENDS that the Commonwealth Government or others that as a matter of fact would like to bring forward such Protestive Argument should as a matter of fact Put their Fingerprints and their Position No or Badge No that will be considered as the best thing that any Australian that Supports Such Laws has Ever Done that will be a consideration for a MUST Punishment to have the Government Personal and Legislative Judiciary Personal KINDLY Detained when considering that they do have the Australian Government Solicitor Argument a 6-7 years detention/Incarceration should be considered as Honorary United Nation Kindness as requested through their Kindly Government Solicitor Argument.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to ask the above mentioned and others to Bring to the attention of the Commonwealth Health Minister to Bring to the attention of the States and Territory Parliaments/ Government and before the attention of the Federal Government Some of the Medical Specialists Research on Asbestos Related Health Disorders or Deadly Infections [ Mesithelioma] a probability that they would like to also address Before the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Privy Council their Willingfull Intention to place themselves above the law and Shamefully Denny that they are Responsible and Accountable For their Political Motivated Criminal Behaviour as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Australia Intention was that they should never Accept Responsibility for what they had Done in fact sending many people Humans Back to their Country after the Commonwealth Australia Personal has used and Abuse them Victims that the Commonwealth Australia Government Personal call them Immigrants Bad Characters Devols Detainees Criminals a Probably that the Commonwealth would like to call them VICTIMS OF Friendly Asbestos and a Maximum Profit Kindness of the Commonwealth Australian Kindly Personal.
KINDNES whilst Exposing Humans to DEADLY Asbestos and other Health Related Disorders Stress etc etc before being returned back to the Country of their Origin some of them being Kindly Treated with some charity Money a probability that Commonwealth Australia had been thinking ahead for their Crematorial Expenses ,, that's really KIND from the Commonwealth AUSTRALIA Personal ,, after many of the Detainees had been Exploitated Working in-to Detention Centre Jobs that as a matter of fact the Persons that had Prestated the Productive work should'v been Entitled to their Full Salary Wages when also Considering the fact that those Persons where never Convicted to Slavery by the British system of Corruption whilst being detained for Years and Prestating a Productive work in many cases doing the Hardes't and Dirtiest Work under the Supervision of the Workers Employed by the Commonwealth Government Administrative Institutions Organisations od Contractors DIMIA.GSL that as a matter of fact were Reciving Full Pay Wages Salary etc etc The Applicant and others with all due Respect would like to bring to the attention of the above Mentioned that Accordingly to Romanian Principle of Rights Page 515 line 7 Industrial Laws Art 33 Under the Romanian System Equal Rights applys betwen any Nationality Age or Sex without Discrimination ,, The applicant and others believes that the Commonwealth Australia in applyng Discrimination Payment Differentiation and Discrimination it is and it was and must be Considered as Slavery and Exploitation By the Commonwealth Australia Towards Detainees that were Prestating a Produvctive work whilst detained when Considering other facts For EXAMPLE the Detainees were not Even Recieving any Payment in Currency/Money/Dollars the Detainrees Detained in Australia that where Prestating a Productive work were as a matter of FACT under Records Pay'd as in Rewards with Cigaretes Sweets or other Food Products when considering that many of the Detainees have Childrens Family etc etc Left in their Country of ORIGIN/NATIONALITY the applicant and Others Strongly Suggest that The Commonwealth was in Fact Law and Principle abusing those Persons Exploitaiting them and Willingfuly Ensuring that those Persons Family's Childrens will not beneficiate from the Productive work that Family Members/Individual had Prestate in the Commonwealth as a matter of fact the Denial of their Family Subexistence was alive with the Help of ,,People it is Ower Business DIMIA MIMIA Commonwealth that Exploatate and Expose those Person Humans to DEADLY ASBESTOS and Other Health Related Disorders Stress etc etc.
The Australian Law Reform Commission Reports has been describing in their Reports that the Victim Restoration it is HIGHLY VALUED where the offenders are DENOUNCED through Reintegrative Shaming Affected Community Members are being encouraged to participate and the friends and FAMILY of THE OFFENDERS. The purpose it is to discuss how the offenders in this instant matters that the applicant and others are bringing to the attention of the above mentioned,, the offenders are as mentioned Commonwealth Governmental Personal and LAW MAKERS,, may repair HARM ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSABILITY BEING PART OF THE RESTORATION also. See The Commonwealth Australian Law Reform Commission Reports for References regarding this Law References and Emphases that are being presented by the applicant and others being applicable and presented before the Commonwealth Courts under different circumstances of the applicability of the LAW especially matters of abuse as in this instant case a clear abuse made by the above mentioned Commonwealth Personnel etc.
The applicant and others believes that the Commonwealth Australia government must compensate the persons that had been placed in the deadly asbestos centre and the visitors when considering the facts that the Commonwealth the Government had decided to placed/EXPOSED the youngest residents of this planet AND THEIR FAMILIES in asbestos infested area that’s the so called great Australian Kindness that also believe that the next solution would be HARDGRAVE detaining the youngest residents of this planet and their families on BOATS a Probability stationed in BASS STRAIGHT HIGH SEEAS for a fast Assessment op to 1 2 3 4 5 6 years forgetting the sea sickness that even the sailors are going through and other health disorders when considering also the facts that Generators would be used [ noise pollution] as already happened at Villawood Detention Centre the generators shaking the grounds making the walls of the buildings vibrating with lights all around like the AUSCWITS concentration camp THATS also an insurance that the asbestos particles are permanently in the air See Art 431 of the Romanian Criminal law Criminal Procedure page 174 year 1960.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that whoever would like to make argumentative submissions against a compensation pay out or that the asked SUM it is inappropriate should sniff at least half a Kg of asbestos themselves and their families that's kindness considering that they had to also pay for all the other Exposures and for the pain and suffering stress related Health Disorders that they have caused and are continuing to cause to families to Children’s the Youngest Residents of this planet , the applicant and others believes that the Commonwealth Australia Government Personal Government Administrative Organisations Institutions etc must Consider themselves Responsible and Accountable Civil and Criminal when considering the fact that all the above mentioned have been addressed before the Honorary International Courts for Justice and others that should also be a lesson for the Commonwealth Australia and for the United Kingdom Great Britain when considering the fact that they done Nothing to Stop the Abuse of Human Rights fail to Instruct the Governor General in The Colony The Commonwealth Australia and the Administrative Government federal Government States and Territory to stop using Similar Political Practices of Human Rights Abuse as they have done with the Aborigines Families and Children’s [when considering the fact that they Clear and Island Tasmania of the Autochthones Aborigines Population that Including their Children’s that’s British Kindness ] to consider that children's and their families are NOT VACUMCLEANERS they are humans not Asbestos Experimental Guinea Pigs
A probability that asbestos contaminations could,v also happened through the International Airports where detainees had been returned when considering the facts that the returnees clothes could,v been asbestos contaminated that's alarming when considering the facts that thousands of people are passing through the airports
The applicant and others with all due respect believes that the UNCURABLE deadly asbestos Infections should be considered worst then anthrax when considering the facts that anthrax infection it is medically treatable.
Particulars to the above mentioned ground.
UNLAWFULL VIOLATION / BREACHES of International Convention by the Commonwealth and / or Commonwealth Government Administrative Organisations / Institutions
LEGAL SPECIFICATIONS EMPHASES and argumentative submissions to support the particular
Breach / Violation of the international Law The International Convention Consular Convention between Romania and the founders of the Commonwealth ,, The COMMONWEALTH,, UNITED KINGDOM/ GREAT BRITAIN [England] and NORTHEN IRLAND Law No 129 officially published in the Bulletin Official of Romania Nr 29 1970 Commonwealth Australia Federal and States Governments in breach/ Violation when considering the fact that as a Colony that it is under the administration of the Commonwealth with a designated Governor General had has/it is violating numerous International Laws Treaty’s and Conventions
See Vienna Act Regarding the Rights of a Convention/Treaty 1969. The Consular Convention between Romania and the Founders of the Commonwealth clearly specifies Legal representation of the Romanian Citizens before the Authorities where the Citizen Resides Accordingly to the Romanian law any person has the right to be legally represented for the whole duration of the PROCEEDINGS.
b PARTICULAR Failure of the Commonwealth Australia and Others to ensure that the Equality before the law and other responsibilities that the Commonwealth accordingly to the laws should,v but fail to accord/apply in the applicant and the applicant’s Family,s matter
LEGAL SPECIFICATIONS EMPHASES and argumentative submissions to support the particular
Breach of UNO/ ONU 1948 SAN FRANCISCO TREATY [ Convention] UNHRC UNHCR convention etc also The Renewed AMSTERDAM UNO Treaty / Convention Signed by all European Union Countries [ Equal Rights Between All European Union Citizens without Discrimination and other points] [ Equality before the law] also means Legal representation should be available for both Parties involved in the proceedings that's equality before the law accordingly to the INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS procedural fairness when considering the facts of the matter [ A 50 of 2001 A Pizlea v The Queen] Where numerous Colonial Commonwealth Police Officers has been placing persons under arrest and charged the respective persons with criminal offences /evidence gathered under the umbrella of alcohol consumption/Commonwealth officers intoxicated whilst Exercising his or her,s DUTY of a public servant that upheld s the law having their claims represented by a Government Lawyer that's the so called Equality and Authority in the Commonwealth supported by the founders of the Commonwealth through their Governamental Administrative Institutions/Organizations a Probability that the Founders of the Commonwealth / Australia States and Federal Governments would like to bring some changes THAT THEY HAVE MADE TO THE INTERNATIONAL RULES OF CONDUCT OF A POLICE OFFICER WHILST ON DUTY AS A PUBLIC SERVANT THAT SERVES AND UPHELDS THE LAW Before the Attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice
The applicant and others would also like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Courts The International Courts and others that accordingly to the Procedural fairness { Justice under the dominion of the Queen] the Crown Prosecutor Rosemary Davies during the trial had provide the Jury with two different versions of the events statements of the transcripts of the Recorded Evidence that as was put before the court where made by Detective Foulis , the court had taken a brake to give Rosmery Davies the opportunity to adjust the Transcripts that’s a clear evidence of Corruption before the Jury and Justice with the help of justice and jury that are so stupid {Rubbish Rats] that instead of withdrawing from the COURT they accepted Changes to be done so they can bring a guilty verdict a possibility that that was they purpose as their Elected Jurors to enjoy some pizza as COMPLIMENT from the CROWN ,THE QUEEN,, South Australian Jurors Persons regarded as Highly Valued VISIONARY'S that would like to bring their verdict in argument before the Medical Council The World Health Organisation and Before The Honorary International Courts for Justice.
The applicant and others believes that that's the so call justice when as they say it is in the Christian believes that Forgiveness plays an important role in the Christian believes ,, Welcome to South Australia Great The Festival State where Commonwealth Police Officers are having Festivals Fiestas with Memory Refreshments West End Drought it is Great Under the Dominion where the Just - Us System of Justice it is Supporting Alcoholism Nepotism that of course Flourishing Corruption it is and always was part of the Anglo Saxon Religious Believes Down Under The Dominion of The Queen in the Commonwealth Australia
That's to have PRIESTS that had finish the TEOLOGY extorting poor and sick that are going before them to explain to them their sufferance Giving the Priests money for a prayer and all those priests are giving them a book of psalms etc or advising them to read the Bible explaining to them that they will be OK instead of doing some writing about those people situation to the Right Department Like Health Department , Minister or others that can give them HELP ,,that's what they HOLLY POWERFULL GOD TEACHES THOSE PRIESTS TO DO whilst doing politics economy and other studies like being Police Informants in Ceausescu’s era obviously some of them collaborators with U.K Commonwealth Secrete Services It also a probability that in those priests Christian believes ,,Forgiveness plays an important role and that Ceausescu’s Family it is Guilty for all the Killings Children's Hard Working Social Class and others Even for the Killings that where done after him and his wife was Executed,, when considering the fact that those priests are Educating the people that they should believe in the Bible that teaches them that ADAM and EVA had been the first Humans made by God on this Earth then obviously they all believe that the people on this earth are all related therefore in their Christian believes are brothers can married sisters parents can also bang children's and be Forgiven by their Brother Jesus Christ / Hristos considering that people in Higher Position instead of applying the law they are believing in all this Christian NONSENSE example commonwealth Federal Attorney General Philip Ruddock [Australia] The applicant and others believes that all those Christians, Priests and others like Philip Ruddock and Commonwealth or other Police officers should read other Educative Books instead of fooling themselves. [From Burebista to Decebal law books like The Principle Of Rights or K Marx and Engels and other interesting Books that can be obtained from Carneige Foundation GENEVA etc etc etc]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that accordingly to the Bible the Priests had Forgotten the words that are saying to HELP People many of those people Poor or Rich Church Followers or Not that have make their Contribution to the Church and the Church Priests the that Church was exempt of paying taxes and received Help from the Tax Payers through the Government should consider that the applicant and others wonder when the Church will open their Pockets to make their Contribution to the poor and needy Instead of SUPPORTING EXPLOATATION
With all due Respect the Applicant and others would also like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that Even the Police that has their Own Banks like POLICE CREDIT UNIONS etc that many wonder are those Institutions and other Privileged Institutions/Organisation that consider themselves above the Law or JEWELS in the Crown made any Considerations that even DIAMONDS can Crack so easily just like Special Treated Steel like a Diamond can break even with a Softly Touch or a bit of Noise Like for Example GLASS have their ever ask themselves Like For Example the Police or the Church that their Corruption and False pretences do indicates that their Precious Jewels are in fact or become a Forgery a Fraud's Falsity and that's what the Reality is .
Therefore those Governments or Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions and others that are Considering themselves as mentioned should consider that people hard working people did place them on the position where they are also the people the hard working class the Social class that's the Big Family that can easily change their positions and their attitude [ LAND POLITICS INDUSTRIES PRIVILEDGES and power. Example ,, when logos such as People is Our Business are used by the Governments the Commonwealth clearly advertise That Slavery and Exploitation has not been abolished by Great Britain 1860 law and that as a matter of fact De-Facto laws are in place or that many of the laws haven’t changed at all For centuries like administrative laws Industrial laws in prisons have changed from bad to worse Jails and Detention Centres that are being Run by Families that are treating people worst then their Monkeys Ancestors Example People that where doing jail in the Colony they where able to save some money and get a piece of land to build their house See historical References today the land it is own by the Families Real Estates Running Families or by the Crown most of the land being Crown Land See historical Evidence Equality and authority and updated Evidence [ See Ref The Most Profitable Industries for the Families Jails and Detention Centres as Reported by the Government that supports them through the media channels example ALEXANDRU PIZLEA 10 months Detention A PROFIT FOR THE VANSTONE AND OTHER FAMILIES OF 67.500 Dollars Before Tax and Other Expenses at the tax payers expenses cost of 67 500 Australian Dollars obviously tax payers that agreed and voted for this political agenda Not Myself or my family as a matter of fact my family did brought before the Commonwealth Australia Publicly and Openly their Position regarding The Detention Centre Federal LAND Managed by English Business Personal with the Head office in England under direct Subordination of the Close Knit Family that totally disregard the Human Rights the Health Act also being Protected by the Commonwealth Australia Federal and state Governments When Considering the Fact that State Offices of the DIMIA are under the Federal and state Jurisdiction. STATE police officers placing Persons and also Families Children's in Deadly asbestos Centre Knowingly that Villawood Immigration Detention Centre it is a Health Hazard for the Detainees. [As Reported by the Commonwealth Australia Police Force Spock person and by the Hon Senator Member of the Coalition Government Amanda Vanstone one of South Australia's Great Visionary Family Supported to the Max by Her Hon Sister Part of John Doyle JUST-US system of Justice the Hon Miss VANSTONE a great Friend of Hon Just -Us Justice Nyland, part of Establishment as mentioned by the Hon Issac Issacs In EQUALITY AND AUTHORITY.] Establishment that Fail to Understand that The Civil Rights Property Rights and the Property Laws that are protecting their Establishment Interests are also applicable For the Aborigines Claims when Considering the fact that the Commonwealth of Australia and the History Never Denied that the Aborigines where the Only Owners of the Land that they Call THE LAND DOWN UNDER AUSTRALIA The Rightful Owners that had their Civil Rights etc etc Denied for 100s Of years By an Abusive Just-Us System of Justice with Honorary Prime Ministers that in their Constitutional Christian Godly Believes fail to Apologise to the Aborigines and Re-conciliate a probability that the Commonwealth Australia and United Kingdom of Great Britain has a LOT TO LEARN FROM CHINA AND TIBET instead of Thinking about themselves that they are above/higher from the Rest of the World and that they S...t does not Stink therefore many believes that instead of asking others to correct themselves the in fact should look at themselves before talking and showing to the world they hater-full Smile and their Godly Constitutional believes of hatred a clear indication of the Commonwealth Australia Unfair Just -Us Justice of System that does not have any Humanity other the Protecting the LAND THAT THEY ACCAPARATED /TAKEN Wealth etc etc as mentioned by the Hon Sir Isacs Issacs in Equality and Authority also brought before the attention of the above mentioned through the content of this affidavit , Purposely/Intentionally Neglecting Human Life even the Youngest Residents of this Planet Exposing them to DEADLY Infections of Asbestos.
The Corrective Services System in Australia also has in place a abusing system that disregard all the Human Rights Beatings and Isolation like for Example in South Australia Where Beatings and the so called Officers Reaping THE PRISONERS Clothes off with a METAL HOOK giving them a night gown and having them sleep on a concrete bed FOR HAVING A SHOWER IN THE INFIRMERY AND WALKING OUT from the shower TO LOOCK FOR A TOWEL on the bedside metal cabinet of course wetting the flor as they may know the Corrective services Fail to install a Dryer in the Shower The Corrective Services accusations being ridiculous that Alexandru Pizlea had pee/leek on the floor therefore they Treatment was to have the applicant beaten up and make him sleep on the concrete bed hey That’s Justice and Humanly treatment under the Dominion of the Queen the applicant believes that he is an Unlucky Person that Could Not Find Friends in the Commonwealth Police Force that are buying at least one Dozen of Alcohol as Refreshments for persons that are Under the Corrective Services Supervision after Intoxication being Congratulated by the Prosecution Office even getting a Discount for Leaving the Country because as the Drunken Crown Witness had Explain Before the Courts he Received Threats that could not be resolved by the Commonwealth Police Officers in South Australia and that the Crown Witness Karoly Molnar had to Leave the Country having his passport given to him as Mentioned by the Prosecutor Peter Brebner Contrary to a Court Order/Defying a Court Order [ Contempt of a Court Order] that's the so called Just Us System of Justice applicable in the Commonwealth Australia Under the Dominion of the Queen. [Assault , Abuse and other Criminal Offences that Must be Addressed before the Commonwealth Australia Corrective Services Personal.and Before the Courts and others as mentioned.]
With all due respect the applicant and others would also like to bring to the attention of the Honorary courts and others above mentioned that Romania had a similar Exploitative and Abusive Situation through the Corrective Services System with a touch of sweetness like for example when refusing to go to work because of the Beatings that Prisoners used to Receive whilst Working the Prisoners that where accused or sentenced for Fraudulently attempting or Crossing the Border where Beaten placed in ISOLATION for at least 10 days as they used to say one day Hot Day one Day Cold Day ,, one day used to give them the Unsupportable Food and one Day was a cold day Getting nothing most of the times people used to get 20 days Isolation a 10 days Extra for being Found with some Polenta that the Prisoner used to keep to eat on the Cold day or in some cases prisoners where asked if they want to go back to work on the 10th Day if the Answer was no in most of the cases the Punishment was another 10 days Isolation One Day Hot one Day Cold many times after few days the Isolated Person was Beated by the Plutonier/Sargent [Officer] that he want to go back to work when also considering the fact that the Isolated persons where receiving as a Supplement daily Beatings. and other treatments like a Bucket of Cold water on top of him in the Middle of Winter that was Romanian Officers Kindness that used to also call the people that where charged with offences as mentioned TRAITORS. See Art 431 -432 Criminal procedure Bucharest 1960 and the UNHRC Convention Paris that Romania had Signed and agreed to Respect only then the Romanian Just Us System of Justice Apparatus will understand the applicant claims Regarding the Legality of the Applicant Convictions. also the Romanian Corrective Services [Penitenciar] will understand the Notion of Assault . Abuse in Service that many of them are Guilty of [Plutonier POLOG And Others Like Nick Named Black Arrow From Penitentiar Timisoara ,Plutonier Maxim Penitentiary Timisoara.]
[ See A Pizlea v The Queen A 50 OF 2001] [See Also In The Federal Court Of Australia [ a Commonwealth Court ] A Pizlea Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Isabella Loredana Kokosi v Administrative Appeals Tribunal D.I.M.I.A. MIMIA ] The Commonwealth Australia Family Law Act also specifies that children’s must have legal representation when matters of Family Separation are brought before the attention of the Courts ,, obviously those laws are excluded in the Commonwealth Federal Court when Immigrations matters or when Aborigines, Romanian Families Background or others have such matters before the Commonwealth Courts and have their Civil and Political Rights Denied/Violated/Excluded through government administrative intervention by the Government or Government Administrative Organisations / Institutions or others influential Families
See Also ISABELLA L KOKOSI and CATHERINA ALEXANDRA PIZLEA v THE CHILD SAFETY DEPARTMENT and others FILE No: BEEN-CCM-385-87of 2006(Browns Plains Office) QUEENSLAND [ In this instant matter the Childrens had been taken from their Mother by the South Australia So called Commonwealth Police Officers that Explain to her that they have a warrant without having their say and the Mother having her say before the NSW Courts in that the childrens must be extradited to South Australia that’s a clear evidence of violations of Civil and family Rights Separating Catherina Alexandra Pizlea from her brother and sisters of course based on unfunded Accusations made by the Childrens Grandmother a Bible Basher that had her childrens taken away from her because of child Sexual abuse Accusations Supported by Claudia Kokosi that as a matter of fact had brought before the attention of the Child Safety Department and before the attention of the Beenleigh Childrens Court Queensland submissions such as [sic][she had run away after she learned what's happened with Isabella L Kokosi her Sister whilst being a Child a minor] and that Claudia Kokosi had been placed in-to Foster Care clear evidence presented before the Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions and before the Court, that Evidence of course Purposely/Intentionally omitted by the Honorary Justice by the Honorary Courts by the Just-Us System of Justice Down Under the Dominion of the Queen in the Commonwealth Australia where the Commonwealth Police Officers and Other Government Personal are Enjoying Quality Australian made Refreshments whilst on their Duty Serving the Public or the Justice obviously treating themselves better than Royals
Where Justice accused as a Child Molester that had been sent to KIRIBITY Island From South Australia Commonwealth Could not be returned to face Justice, what a Joke in the Commonwealth Australia ,, as Reported through the Media Channels because there are no Extradition orders in the Commonwealth Between Kiribati and The Commonwealth Australia of course fail to mentioned that the International laws wouldn’t give the Commonwealth Australia any Rights to Legally apprehend/approach such a great Commonwealth Australian Personality that had been Glorified by the South Australia as one of the Commonwealth Greta’s and that not even the British Interpol has no powers/Laws that would give them the Right to Bring such a Great Personality part of the Commonwealth Australia Justice Family to intervene Down Under the Dominion of the Queen where the Edwardians and others members of the above the Justice family believe that their taboo it is there to stay many people in the Commonwealth Australia believe that the International Communities can not accept such JUSTICE that applies the so call JUST-US System of Justice. [as reported through the Framed Magazine] Issue No 28 page No 3 Legal Band Aid by Michelle Pang. Page 5 The Politics of Corruption by Tim Anderson.
The applicant and others would like to recommend to the Commonwealth /Australia also the FRANCE system of Justice that also applies as a Extraordinary ground of appeal ,, IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE LAW ,, that’s not in the best interest of the high ranking families when considering the fact that also EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW applies to high ranking families law makers Government officials and others when considering the fact that by breaching/violating the law makes them in fact Criminal Offenders. See Vienna Act Regarding the Rights of a Convention/Treaty 1969. See the Consular Convention between Romania and the Founders of the Commonwealth.1970 See Also Reference from the Romanian Civil and Criminal Procedure through the Content of this Affidavit LEGAL REPRESENTATION FOR THE WHOLE DURATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS With all due respect the applicant and others would also like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Court for Justice and Others Matter No 2 1992 26 NSWLR 309 Registrar of The Court Of Appeal V MANIAM The applicability of the Sentencing Act 1989 in NSW Australia A commonwealth Court Decision Comment made by KIRBY P with whom HOPE A-JA agreed made some pertinent remarks about the nature of conviction for Perjury At 314 he said A conviction of Contempt of Court [ In this instance a conviction of Contempt of a Treaty/ Treaty’s / Convention and other Human Rights under the Principle Of Rights etc] it is a conviction of an offence Criminal in Nature [ Example the HIGH COURT Warning such as AUSTRALIA MAY BE IN BREACH when in fact EVIDENCE PROVES OTHERWISE ] Punishment of the convicted contemnor must therefore take into account the considerations Normally applicable to the punishment of Crime and apt to uphold the purpose this jurisdiction,[ Considering the Fact that the Founders of the Commonwealth are Members of the EUROPEAN UNION and that Australia did not invented the Commonwealth of Australia Themselves. And other Legal Specifications that the applicant brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others The Jurisdiction of the Honorary International Courts for justice applys in the Commonwealth or Commonwealth of the Colony Australia] vis the undisturbed and orderly administration of justice in the Courts accordingly to law. Thus in determining the punishment which is apt to the Circumstances which have led to a conviction of CONTEMPT it is appropriate to bear in mind the purposes of the Contemnor DETERING the Contemnor and others in the future from committing like Contempt’s and denouncing the conduct concerned in an approximately emphatic way. [ A possibility that the above mentioned Honorary International Courts can apply same remarks as in orders when considerations are being made in the Matter A 50 OF 2001 A PIZLEA v the QUEEN Where an Alcoholic Crown witness pee on his leg ,,attention by the crown and a so called Commonwealth officer drunk that he also pee on the fence on a vacant land obviously filtered West End Drought australian made ,,filtered of alcohol,, the applicant with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Commonwealth Police Officer Detective AMOS Statement before the Courts the detective states that he order sergeant Gue to paused and start the Recordings as himself Det Amos considered that some of the Discussions where not of an Importance to the Courts luckily for the Jury and the Courts that some Important Recorded Evidence was not Paused by the Honourable Detective Chief of the Operation such as Commonwealth Police Officer Detective Peter Foulis having a Lick/Pee at the Arkaba Hotel Toilet emptying his Bladder from after the absorption of the Memory Enhancer Toxant or Intoxicated Momory with the toxant named Alcohol Thats Justice Under The Dominian Of The Queen in the Commonwealth Australia]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others like The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Commonwealth Australia considering the fact that before the Courts the matter had been listed The Queen v V.Gugea and A Pizlea or A Pizlea v the Queen the following Hypothetical Solution for this matter A Pizlea and V.Gugea
Considering the facts that Both Persons accused of the Criminal Conduct [ A Pizlea and V Gugea ] had entered a Non Guilty Plea at the starting point and considering also the facts that Paul Roofe the Director of public Prosecution had been accused of Corruption and other abuses of office like High Profile Gambler that Spent most of his Time in a TAB making bets on Horses also Casino etc etc etc What would be the Answer of the queen or others as mentioned above Internationally considering the fact that A pizlea and V Gugea ask to have the Conviction under Review INTERNATIONALY before the Honorary International Courts for Justice A Pizlea and V Gugea with all due respect would not like to insult the Alcoholic Witneses of the Crown or lets say they Alcoholic Royal Witnesses and their Evidence to be Properly Ventilated BEFORE THE JUSTICE before the Public Based on which witnes Evidence A Pizlea and V.Gugea would be find Guilty of the Crimes that they had been accused Based on Crown Witnes Commonwealth Police Detective Amos Recorded Evidence Based on Crown Witnes Drunken Commonwealth Detective Police Officer Peter Foulis Evidence Based on Karoly Molnar Drunken Crown Witness Serving Home Detention taken out by the Police that where doing him a favour that also included Intoxicating the Person that was serving Home Detention acknowledge by the Courts By the Crown that Never Informed the Corrective Services of Karoly Molnar Conduct that of Course would’v put Karoly Molnar in Breach of Court Orders regarding his Home Detention Bail Conditions of Course Excluding some Privileges [Like Drinking Intoxicating Himself] that Karoly Molnar could'v Receive from the Corrective Services Officer that had Karoly Molnar under Supervision for being such a close friend with Highly Regarded Honorary Commonwealth Police Officers that whilst on Public Servants Duty Serving and Upholding the law and Order [JUSTICE] can even Consume a Dozen or more in quantity of Refreshments Namely WEST END DROUGHT until they can not Remember or Changed and Modify their Evidence [See EVIDENCE Act 1958 Act No6246/1958 ,,No 3674 s34 The inspection of the Statements During the Trial or Inquiry the applicant and others believes that the Inspection of the Recorded Court Proceedings Should also be available to the Inquiry even if such an Inquiry it is done by a Higher Courts Example The Honorary International Courts For Justice Hague and Strasbourg. also considering the fact that the Commonwealth Australia Courts had been given an Erroneous Judgement when Considering the fact that the applicant had not been Legally Represented before the Courts as a Romanian Citizen Should Accordingly to the International Consular Convention and I.C.C.P.R. Article 9. See also Prerogative or Constitutional Relief as set out in 75V of the Commonwealth Australia Constitution
• With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice that accordingly to the United Nation Treaty/Convention that had been signed by the United Kingdom of Great Britain in San Francisco with the participation of other countries the United Nation Convention/Treaty that obviously had the same Conventional Points as the Convention that was signed by Romania and that those Conventional Points are having Applicability in the Commonwealth Australia [the Colony when Considering that the Colony does not celebrate Independence day they celebrate Australia Colonization Day ] The United Kingdom of Great Britain or the International Communities have the Rights to Arrest Criminals that are Accused of Human Rights abuse as for Example Killing of the Aborigines Population including their Children’s and other Human Rights Abuse ,,Grievous Bodily Harm with Intent [ Politically Motivated Negligent with Intent to destroy the Detained Persons Humans Health their Lives] when Considering the fact that Thousands of Adults and Childrens Families have Been Exposed to Deadly Asbestos and other Health Related Stress Disorders by the Commonwealth Australia Governments and by the Federal Tribunals and Courts Personal and DIMIA Personal and other Administrative Governmental Institutions/Organisations Personal.
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and Others the Remarks made by J Fox in the Matter Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Gungor the Full Court ,,FOX FISHER and SHEPARD JJ at 445 446 while it stands the conviction must be conclusive so far at least as concerns a Tribunal Reviewing a decision which takes the Conviction and the Minister DECISION AT ITS STARTING POINT
The applicant and others Strongly believes that the Commonwealth Australia Legal System the Judiciary and the Politicians should make argumentative submissions before the Honorary International Courts For Justice if they had ever consider that Commonwealth Australia It is in Fact in Breach of their Own Constitution ICCPR International Convention on the Rights of the Child UNHCR UNHRC etc etc when Considering the Facts that Not only an adult Person Even Children’s that the Commonwealth Government and the Judiciary has Legal Responsibilities are Having their Rights Violated Abused also when those abuses are brought before the Commonwealth and State Government Attention also being made Public the Government fail to Respond or Purposely are Turning a Blind Ey as the always Did a possibility that their Governmental Honour and Judicial Honour it is been Obtained/given to them by the Fountain of the Honorary Her Majesty the QUEEN and others that consider them as honorary a probability that those others that consider them as Honorary are Blind as Well or a Probability that those Persons have no Moral or Ethical Standards and if they do they share them or have them Similar [Corrupted]
With all due Respect Alexandru Pizlea Viorel Gugea and others would like to ask the above mentioned and others if the Criminal Conviction should be supported based on the others Crown Witnesess Commonwealth Detective Police Officers Evidence that Supported the Evidence of the First Three Drunken and or Paused Enhanced Memory Crown [Royal] Witnesses.
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that the District Court Judge ,,BISHOP,, has erred when instructing the Jury in his Summing up to the Jury when making False References to alleviate the Alcohol Intoxication of the Crown Witnesess such as ,,They stop to get some Refreshments,, the applicant and others Strongly Believes that Judge BISHOP was instructed to use those Remarks by the Chief of South Australia Police when Considering the fact that the Judge had Mentioned at the TRIAL that himself was having a Friendly Barbeque Party with the Police Chief obviously in the Highly Corrupted South Australian System John Doyle M Kirby etc High Standards Legal Society Refreshments it is the Legal term that it is being used for alcohol Consumption/Intoxication.[,, obviously the Commonwealth Australia had fail to understand that alcohol Refreshments Consumption by the Commonwealth Police Officers can also be associated with Corruption/Prosperity in Corruption in the Police Force or their Short Refreshed Enhanced Memory had Forgotten Roger Rogerson and other Scum’s of the Commonwealth Police Force a Probability that the Alcohol Refreshments Memory Enhancers Did't have a Positive Effect on their Honorary Decisions/Judgments ,,] The applicant and Others would like to apologise for being BAD CHARRACTERS and reminding them all the above mentioned Sorry. With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others Strongly Believes that the Honorary International Courts and other Honorary International Organisations as mentioned above or others can in fact Help the Commonwealth Australia to Redress Fashionably many Issues that the Commonwealth Australia it is Failing to Understand and are as a matter of fact a Concerned to the Honorary International Courts/Organisations. [obviously a Similar Option it is available for Romanian Government or Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations and the Judiciary ]
Alexandru Pizlea Viorel Gugea and others with all due respect would like to ask the Queen to give her Majesty Honorary Answer for a fast Track Mechanism before the above mentioned and Others when considering the facts that Alexandru Pizlea and Viorel Gugea had been treated with such Kindness and Refreshments fairness Down Under the Dominion of Her Majesty the Queen. in the Commonwealth Australia where alcohol consumption/Intoxication with so called West End Drought Refreshments it is the Commonwealth Australia Old Fashioned Royal Privilege that Entitled the Commonwealth Police to Promotions and Compensations.
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others to make Considerations and Properly Aerate/Ventilate the Evidence that had been brought before they Honorary attention [ See High Court of Australia Application Book Alexandru Pizlea v the Queen] fail to consider the facts that the accused Viorel Gugea was in fact awaiting a Retrail and that the accused was't arrested on Conspiracy Charges when clearly the Commonwealth Australia Police as mentioned at page 36 in the Judge Summing Up reveals Recorded Evidence On call No 12 on 12th of September that Gugea and Molnar had discussed the Price of 6.5oo Dollars per ounce obviously if such evidence would'v been Real Gugea would'v been arrested Gugea was't arrested then or before leaving Sidney N.S.W. obviously because the Refreshments Commonwealth Police Operations it is in fact a FARSE/FALSITY of Bullywood Pause Recording Start Recording.[ See Case Studies that relieves Relatonship Betwen Commonwealth police and Informants a ,,similar Relation Between Molnar and Foulis when considering the fact that he was relesed from custody as mentioned with the Help of the Prosecution the Crown the Commonwealth Police,, as mentioned in the Framed Magazine Issue No 28 Oct 95 page 12 INFORMANTS by Ian Makkah and Mc Dougall.]
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others with all due respect would also like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others the Recorded Evidence as mentioned at page 36 Line 1- 6 in the Judge Summing Up to the Jury the Judge Comments Regarding the Telephone Recordings ,,sic,, I have Directed to you that, in considering this case, really there is nothing in those conversations which affects the Accused adversely at all. Evidence pas presented in the Judge Summing Up to the Jury Page 31 Line 14-19 Revels Conversations as mentioned Driving Long Distances Reference to Girls and that Gugea and His Man Being Paid 1000 each for this Job ,,The question is who was Gugeas Man and what was the job that they had being paid 1000 each for Driving long Distances or for The Girls when considering the fact that Gugea was talking on Call No 24 with himself in foreign language ,,sic,, as agreed here in evidence was in fact a call made to the telephone No of Gugea's mobile telephone considerations should be made to page 36 calls 8.10.11.and so forth where as indicated by the Crown by the Police the calls that had been made excludes Alexandru Pizlea as being part of the recorded Conversations.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honourable International Courts to consider all this as a Simple Explanation/Explication why the applicant Gugea was Not arrested in NSW Sidney and why the Court transcripts do not have the Stenographer Initials at the top or bottom of the Page and also consider that Police Corruption it is a Reality and Especially when Refreshments and close friendships between Commonwealth Police and Informants like Molnar would in fact without any Principle/Principles or legal bases would eventuate to the Release of Harden Criminals/Offenders with Connections to the Crown that entitled them to be Royal Witnesses when considering the fact that the Queen v A Pizlea and V Gugea that’s Call Commonwealth Australia Kindness Promotions and other Refreshing Privileges where Moore Edwards applies the Edwardians Family System of just-us system of Justice [See Equality and Authority]
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others the Judge[Judge Bishop] summing up to the jury in relation to the Charge of Possession against the applicant as mentioned at page 20 in the Judge summing Up where as mentioned the Parliament has extended the meaning of possession in the Controlled Substances Act [Section 4] at page 20 line 13-22 the Judge Explaining to the Jurors how this works [sic ,, To prove that the accused Knowingly had the possession of the heroin on the occasion alleged you must be satisfied that he then had the heroin in his physical custody or control under circumstances which demonstrated that he had a conscious mental recognition o Knowledge of the presence of the heroin that he was assenting to being in custody or control and that he had the intention of exercising the power of custody or control over the heroin to the Exclusion of other person who where not then acting in arrangements with him whether he then had the heroin in his manual custody or whether it was then situated where he alone or a person with whom he was acting had the Exclusive rights or Power to place his hands upon it and so have manual Custody as and when desired.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice and others that as a matter of fact law and Principle the Commonwealth Police had the Control and the Custody and the Possession of the Heroin when considering the fact that no Finger Prints or DNA evidence had been presented before the Courts a probability that if they would they would'v Incriminate themselves also considering the fact that the Police had a Recording camera when considering the fact that the Incident was presented on the 5 a Clock News and that the Ford Laser was not the accused Property Therefore the Police should be charged for Possession Offence and other Criminal offences as brought up on Beach Inquiry [Barry Beach Q.C]
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts and before the so call Visionary Parliamentarians Judge Bishop Royal and Crown Witnesses etc etc the Following Argument that it is a Possibility wil enlighten the Illusionary/Visionary Parliamentarians and other United Kingdom Great Britain and Commonwealth Australia etc etc mind explorers law makers personalities that believes that accordingly to their Judgment or way of thinking they are ,,the best of the best the a la carte the cream,, instead of thinking about themselves that they are in fact Killers that had placed Families Childrens in Detention Centres for years Exposing them to stress and other stress related Disorders Exposure to Deadly Asbestos when considering the fact that those person do not need to prove that asbestos affects or will affect their normal lives IT IS FOR THE COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIA TO PROVE THAT THERE WAS,T ASBESTOS IN DETENTION CENTRE OR TO PROVE THAT VILLAOOD ASBESTOS AND PROLONGED INCARCERATION IT IS A COMMONWEALTH KINDNESS AND BLESSING ,A Probability that those Commonwealth Politicians Parliamentarians etc etc that as a matter of fact had Knowledge of their Offences should consider themselves as offenders that they offences are unforgivable same as thy consider many offenders charged for Murder that themselves the Politicians had Considered to Intervene and have their parole Recommendation Scrutinised Giving them no Chance or very slim chances to reintegrate in-to the Community instead of thinking about Doing something for the Reeducated Offender his family when considering the fact that they are also victims and the Victim Family
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others the following argument as in response to the Possession Comments made by the Judge to support the Parliamentarians extension meaning of the Controlled Substances Act Section 4. If two or more Reeducated Individuals Persons Humans that had been Released from Prison charged for Pick Pocketing are catching the Bus or Tram or Train to return Home and they are behind an Old Lady that carry a bag where inside the bag it is a wallet with a considerable sum of Money or in front of them it is a person that had his wallet placed in the back Pocket as the can see a Fat wallet and considering the fact that they can have Manual Custody Of The WAllET When Desired would the Police charge those Persons Individuals Humans for Possession when considering the fact that Some time happened to have those persons under surveillance to ensure that they would get home safe, obviously based on the politicians police and many law makers judgments Decisions and Love in their God and Jesus Hristos or Christ and the submitted argument those persons would never get a Chance whell based on the applicant and others Bad Character or as they may say Devilish character those Released persons should get to their Family or get that chance to be with their Family obviously i am not Godly Lordly Sirly as they are this is only my opinion Honorary or not Probably a Family Orientated Decision not a Chief Justice John Elliot Doyle or Kirby Decision they most probably would never have to think they can only agreed with Bishop Nyland and their Refreshed Commonwealth Down Under Crown Royal Witnesses or others mind wise Visionary's with Illusions like themselves
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts before the Honorary International Organisations and others the Remarks that the Judge[Bishop] had made in his Submissions when Summing Up to the Jury [sic] Like a Great Many Words ,,Possession is incapable, entirely, of precise and satisfactory definition. Possession is something different from ownership. It is not necessary to own an object in order to possess it, for example, you may own a book but have lent it to a friend to read. You still own the book but your friend has it in his possession
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to respond to the Commonwealth Australia Administrative Governments Personal Judges and other Commonwealth so call Visionary's Police and/or any other Legal analyst as in response to the Judge argumentative Summing up Remarks that are unintelligible without any sense and that as a matter of fact based on their Just -Us Principless/No Principle System of Justice sounds Correct/Appropriate to their Brains and Ears when considering the fact that they had done nothing for years then supporting their Incorrectivness and that as a matter of fact and PRINCIPLE Incorectivnes that do not sound Correctly/Appropriate in any way to many like for example applicant Family and others like great many words that the applicant the applicant family and others , that would like to respond as in Response to the as mentioned Personal in that they should keep their Explanatory argument for their own undeveloped Brain and consider that when their Brainless Anglo-Saxon where living under the ground or in caves Unalphabets without a System without a Currency of their Own whilst in Romania Families where Living in Castle's City's and House's and that’s not to be Considered Discriminatorial or Hate those great many words should be considered as FACTS instead of calling persons Bad Characters or as they usually call my Ancestors BARBARIANS. or as they call them now Gipsy's. Calling themselves Civilised Killers not barbarians that Killed the Adult Population Including Children’s from at least one South Pacific Island Asbestos Exposure and Forcefully separating families including their Own for Unspecified length of Time many of them without Committing any Crimes others then being in the Commonwealth Australia without a Visa or having an Expired Visa a Crime Punishable with years of Incarceration/Detention based on Anglo Saxon Commonwealth Australia Visionary Highly Undeveloped Brain Accordingly to the Judge Perceptions as mentioned ,, You still own the book but your friend has it in his or her possession,, the Judge fail to think Genuinely and Correctly or Explain Correctly that the Book it is at all time the possession of the Owner he just lent it to his friend to read it it can only be own or the possession of the other person if the respective book it is bought by the respective friend in this instant matter the Heroin in the car was in the possession of the Police was their Property as mentioned by their Refreshed memory and other Precedent references David Kelleher. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention as in great many words another argument about Ownership or Possession for Example A person can access some information from the Internet Copy and Study the Information the respective person that access the information it is not the owner or Possessor when considering the fact laws and Principle that to possess something it is to own it studying the document does not give the respective person the Rights to Own the Document or to possess the Document when considering the fact that the original document it is own and the possession of the original owner the rightful owner or the Producer of the document
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to also bring to the attention of the brainless argumentative Judges and others from the commonwealth that accordingly to a great Romanian Saying there it is something that no justice or any law expert from the commonwealth can argument on and sounds like this WHAT IT IS IN YOUR HAND IT IS NOT A LIE the applicant and others without an alcohol Refreshment Intoxicated Brain with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the ones that supported the Conviction and the Judge Justice argument for so many years that they should Keep the argument for themselves for their police etc etc and that as a matter of fact not against the Alexandru Pizlea and Viorel Gugea when as a matter of fact the car that the Heroin was found was their possession and they should think that by visiting someone at his place not always can charge someone of having knowledge or being in possession of an Item with Royal Witnesses as those Commonwealth Crown Royal Witnesses when accordingly to they Undeveloped brain they Really should Check with a surgeon if they need a brain transplant when their argument combined with the Intoxicative refreshments are Genuinely and properly/Correctly Ventilated or calculated before the Justice as in fact they can have another great word ,,Do Not Insult My Intelligence ,, with your Stupidity before making their Comments as in writing before the Honorary International Courts for Justice accordingly to their Royal Crown Witnesses Honorary Alcohol/Intoxicated/Refreshed BRAIN and their Bully Wood acts ,,Stop , pause Revive Your Intoxicated alcoholic Brain/Brains ,, or for the Commonwealth DIMIA like a great many Words ,,Stop Revive and sniff a half a pound of asbestos to get rid of your Alterated politically motivated hapless Brain that construct arguments that as a matter of fact are showing/Expressing the Unwillingness of the Commonwealth Government to Comply with the UNHCR Convention that’s of course the Commonwealth Government Solicitor making arguments as explained by the applicant and others to protect the unfair Commonwealth Migration Act not to protect the Human Rights as in accordance to the UNHCR Convention or the Health Act obviously under the Commonwealth Health Act Families and Children’s Must be held for an Unspecified length of time in Immigration Detention Centres those Persons accordingly to the Commonwealth Australia are illegal ALIENS not Humans therefore an Asbestos and Stress treatment it is a necessity for the Aliens just as Alcohol Refreshments are a necessity for the Royal Crown Witness's Commonwealth Police Officers under the Commonwealth Australia Intelligent wise Visionary’s.
Alexandru Pizlea and Viorel Gugea with all Due Respect would like the Members of the Jury that Find them Guilty and the Courts Involved to Give their Honorary answers before the Honorary International Courts for Justice and to Her Majesty the Queen therefore she can Present a Unanimous answer Internationally that considering the facts that the Commonwealth would like to Give Accreditations that alcoholic/Intoxicated Commonwealth Police Officers are an asset to the Police Force Internationally persons that the whole Commonwealth Australia are so Proud Of. A probability that the other Police Officer [Public Servants] around the world should follow their Colleagues Example and start lining up to the BOTTLE SHOP for their Memory Enhancer .and consider the fact that they can even be promoted or Compensated for their Bravery's [ Six shooter in one hand and as six pack into another ,, a clear evidence that the hard working social class needs lots of refreshments that’s of course looking after their brain not to suffer of dehydration a possibility that soon they will teach the world some new tricks like having some Drips into their hands to enhance their memory just like the Incas from Peru chewing Coca Leaves a treatment for High Altitude similar attitude that the Commonwealth Police Officer from NSW that Shot the French Tourist Lucky for himself Considering the fact that Down Under they are supported so instead of falling down they are going High and higher and higher ]. that’s Justice Under the Dominion Of The QUEEN . [See Framed Magazines for new discovery's]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of thee above mentioned and others that when considering the facts and Law that the Court Transcripts Had been Modified with intent of course the name of the Stenographer had been omitted from the transcript that as a matter of fact law and principle Includes Both Names of the as the Prosecution the Police and the Refreshed/Intoxicated Crown and or Royal Witnesses had put it Offenders the applicant and others strongly believes that the court transcripts had been Purposely Corrupted/interfered wit Doctored therefore the applicant and others with all due respect ask the Commonwealth Australia the Crown The Queen When Considering the fact that the Queen V Both Accused to answer Before the Honorary Courts the international courts for Justice and others as Mentioned or any other Court or International Organisation/Institution or Persons that the Honorary International Courts For Justice may believe that it should be appropriate to Receive The Crownly Queenly Prosecutor Honorary Answer when considering all the other facts that the applicant and others had brought to their attention.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that when the applicant first charged in the Commonwealth Australia had been forced to sign a Statement [Interview Statement] that was written by the Police at Liverpool police station the applicant had his legal rights denied being asked to sign a Statement that was written by a Commonwealth Honorary Police Officer at Liverpool Police Station Without having a Legal Representative Present accordingly to the Law or accordingly to the International Consular Convention Between Romania and United Kingdom of Great Britain The applicant and others with all due respect would like to ask the appropriate authorities the Release of the Document The Statutory Declaration that in fact was written by the Commonwealth Police Before the International Courts For Justice and Others to Analyse/Verify the 1992 Document [See Lord Reid Conway v Rimmer 1968 ] Discovery of Documents[ Evidence]
See Also R v JANDO [ 2001] 125 A CrimR 473 at [ 13 ] [ 14 ] and [39] See Also [ Civil] REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA v NATALE ATTILO ZAPPIA No 2 File No SCCIV 02 1324 dated 08 / 09/ 2003. Judgment SASC 327
The applicant would like to bring before the attention of whoever it may be concerned that the Double Standards justice of System it is as a matter of fact applicable in Matters where the Rich Families or association to the Rich and powerful families would affect the so call High Class Colonial Society For example in the matter of DENNIS HODGER the manager at the HARRIS SCARFE IN South Australia sentenced for Fraud No charges of contempt have been brought against him for not giving EVIDENCE AGAINST THE ONE OF THE SHARE HOLDERS LOCHLAN reported through by the Media that the manager Dennis Hodger had as a matter of fact made submissions that he was prepared to give evidence against the Lochlans involvement in the fraud , the matter was listed before the CJ Doyle in the supreme court of south australia Consideration such as the legal rights of the applicant where applicable before the Court such as A PERSON HAS THE RIGHTS TO REFUSE TO ANSWER TO ANY QUESTIONS THAT THE CROWN USED AS EVIDENCE and that it is the crown duty to prove someone incrimination without making any advantages or other promises to the crown witness [ See A 50 of 2001 Karoly Molnar an alcoholic etc received a discount of two years for giving Contradictory evidence before the jury also after The so called Offender had been portrayed before the SOUTH AUSTRALIA MEDIA The Advertiser . the applicant Alexandru Pizlea believes that he has the Rights to bring his Matter before the whole World and their Media without any shame also considering the facts that if a Drunken driver wouldn’t been on the road the accident wouldn’t happened notwithstanding the facts that the Non drinking driver involved in the road accident with the drunken driver has a accident record therefore the Australian Public should understand that alcoholic COPS POLICE and Politicians are destroying lives and erode the justice system also that Parliamentarian or Court privileges as such should be considered as UNINTELIGIBLE/UNINTELECTUAL WHEN CONSIDERING THAT ALCOHOL DESTROY,S MORE HUMAN LIFES FAMILIES THAN ANY OTHER Government non provided or approved TOXANTS ON THIS PLANET.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned the facts that persons that are Consuming Drugs are being called Drug Addicts and are Receiving Government Help by Doing for Example Drug and Alcohol Courses even if those persons are Not EMPLOYED or acting as Public Servants
The applicant and others Believe that Police Officers that are Drinking whilst on duty they should be excluded from public/government offices when considering the fact that a Lawyer can work as a waiter a Drunken police Corrupt Officer or Government official Public Servants etc Can Also Changed their JOBS GET A Peak AND AN AX and go working in the Bush or Building site doing some Concreting instead of receiving work References and working in another Government Department with Recommendations From The Police Head Quarters DRUGS CARTEL [See Framed Magazines as Mentioned]
[See Extraordinary Grounds in the Criminal ,, or Civil Process [ D.V.Mihaescu and V.Ramureanu ] when considering the facts that the Civil Procedure of the Criminal Procedure where not applied by the Commonwealth courts in this instant Matters The Queen v A Pizlea and V Gugea and The Queen v A Pizlea and Pizlea v The Queen a 50 of 2001 also other matters that the applicant had Brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others through the Content of This Application
The applicant and others with all due respect bring before the attention of the Honourable Courts Organisations and others as mentioned through the Content of this application [Affidavit die Berufung ] the following References See page 299 line 29 as mentioned art 248 art 232.] See line 25 26 27 28 page 298. See also as Described page 335 art 409 Line 1 to 25. also art 9 of the International Convent on Civil and Political Rights.
See also Section 474 of the Crimes Act as Mentioned se also Framed Magazine remarks regarding the s 474 of the Crimes act where also a PICTURE of a Special Training Course of Police Royal Commission it is showed a Probability that this Exercise it is been done with the help of someone like Hon DOYLE MARTIN BESANKO Hon Reverend John Elliot. Peter Hollingworth and other Government Officials Like MARK Brindle S.A. and the Honourable Member of the Commonwealth Federal Coalition representing QUEENSLAND that had taken a Drug and Alcohol Course under the Pressure of the Labour Party ,,the applicant and others believe that that those above mentioned can ENLIGHTEN the Honorary Courts The International Courts for Justice the above mentioned Honorary International Organisations and others about their Special Training Techniques
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Court’s the International Courts For Justice that accordingly to the Criminal or Civil Law the Sentence of the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea Must Be Considered UNLAWFULLY WHEN CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE WAS PRESENTED BEFORE THE COMMONWEALTH COURT,S As had been mentioned to the Courts and before the Jury Karoly Molnar had brought before the courts attention and the jury that the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea had handled Him the Heroin ,,of course evidence from drunken crown witnesses that pee on his leg,, Peter Foulis Presented his Evidence before the jury and the courts that he was the first who handed the evidence the heroin The applicant believes that the Honourable International Courts and others as mentioned above must consider the presented Evidence not only unlawfully or unacceptable but in fact contradictory evidence without any DNA or Fingerprints as evidence was presented before the Courts Before the Jury ,, Not from the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea Not from the so call CO-OFENDER VIOREL GUGEA as had been presented before the Commonwealth Courts THE CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE MUST IN FACT BE CONSIDERED JUST LIKE THE INFINITY GAME THAT CAN NEVER GIVE A UINANIMOUS Jury DECISION OTHER THE IN THIS INSTANT CASE FLOWRISHING CORRUPTION WHEN ALSO CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT ALCOHOL ICS SHORT MEMORY CROWN WITNESESS Description of the INFINITY Lets say at least one Romanian artistic Sculpture the column of Infinity [ Coloana Infinutului] by C Brancusi can profe, DOES WORK WONDERS WHEN Commonwealth Public Servants Police Officers and others working together as a Family placing themselves above the Law Incriminating themselves Lawfully with De-Facto Alterations of the Law / Points of Law Subsections of the Acts that has one purpose the IMPOSIBILE/Impossible [ Continuation of corruption and degradation of the human beings ]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Courts and other Honorary International Organisations and others as mentioned above as well as in the Orders to invite the Crown and the Queen for the Reconstruction of the Events on the day of the operation when considering the fact that accordingly to the Commonwealth System of Justice the Queen the Crown had v Pizlea and Gugea the applicant and others Believe that Equality before the Law must apply if justice has to be Done the Queen and other Members Representing the Crown [ that,s including Archbishop’s etc] can as a matter of fact act ,, Including p......g on the leg acting Re-enactment of the operation as being Karoly Molnar or Peter Foulis AMOS Gue etc
With all Due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and Others the following remarks that are Recorded Page 43 in Judge Summing Up to the Jury [sic][,,and give it to Foulis to Smell than said YEP NO WORRIES IT,S GOOD ,, The applicant and Brought before the attention of the Jury when Giving Evidence that the Transcripts of the Applicant ALexandru Pizlea,s Recorded Interview are as a matter of fact based on Police Corruption False and misleading the applicant would like to bring in evidence that as a matter of fact the YEP YEP answer mentioned in the Recorded Transcripts before the Court are being made by Peter FOULIS for one purpose only to achieve a Conviction for the Crown for the Queen . Considering all the Above mention Facts and Evidence that the Commonwealth Australia Must bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts/ Organisations and Others when Considering all the facts and arguments brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others through the content of this affidavit application.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and others that the Chief of the Operation Detective Amos Admitted before the Court that He order Detective Gue to Pause and Start the Recordings when the Super Detective Detective Amos Consider that the Exclusion of some of the Recordings Conversations where not of an Importance to the Courts, of course the Super Detective, Detective Amos Did Consider that Peter Foulis Trip to the Toilet at the Arkaba Hotel to have a Lick /Pee after the consumption of Alcohol ,, May have been a Dozen ,, of west end drought bier was in fact a presentation of the Commonwealth of Australia And the South Australia Police Honour
The applicant and others believes that all above mentioned and others should Consider as an Honour for the members of the Crown the Queen to be Invited to present such an Act/ Demonstration of JUSTICE UNDER THE DOMINION OF THE QUEEN
With all due Respect the applicant would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts/Organizations and others the Remarks made by His Honour Judge BISHOP in his Summing up to the Jury Page 42 [sic] ]He said that Gugea made a couple of calls that then they left and eventually they got to the Deli after STOPING FOR REFRESHMENTS URINATIONS AND ALL SORT OF THINGS] The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned or others that the Judge his Honour Bishop as a matter of fact DIRECT THE JURY OR LETS SAY INSTRUCT THE JURY THAT PUBLIC SERVANTS COMMONWEALTH POLICE OFFICERS /CROWN WITNESES WHERE IN FACT LIERS WHEN GIVING EVIDENCE THAT THEY STOP TO PURCHASE ALCOHOL THEY WHERE IN FACT THEY ONLY GOT SOME REFRESHMENTS TO REFRESH/ENHANCE THEIR MEMORY a probability that next time judge Bishop will have Commonwealth Police Officers Crown witnesses that are serving the public to upheld the Law that will stop for Refreshments and then go to the METHADONE CLINIC and jurors that they have to be excused by the Court because they have to go and get some refreshments and go to the methadone clinic before all the cops are getting there.
With all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts/Organisations and others that Similar Submissions as Judge Bishop are as a matter of fact brought before the attention of the public by the Honourable Senator Amanda Vanstone a Representant of the Commonwealth Australia Federal Coalition Government a very concerned person that consider that the Health of Humans Commonwealth Public Servants Police Officers it is in fact of a very significant Importance Even if Considering the facts that they participation/Involvement was requested for only ONE DAY ,,The Honourable Senator Admitted that there it is a Risk at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre and therefore and thereafter the Commonwealth Police Officers should not be exposed to such a Risk , a probability that the Honourable Senator Amanda Vanstone have some Healthy Reports Regarding Asbestos Health Issues at the Parliament House in Canberra and the Honourable Senator Doesn’t want to share those reports with the other members of the Government and that the Honourable Senator Minister of the Department of Immigration Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs would like to bring those Reports before the attention of the Honorary International Courts/Organisations and others with Remarks Similar as made by Commonwealth Police Officer Peter Foulis ,, THAT AT VILLAWOOD IT IS NOT MUCH ASBESTOS AND THAT THE Humans Detainees are being very careful not to consume/inhale to much etc etc etc. A probability that the Commonwealth Australia Coalition Government does receive also support from the Priests and Archbishops some of them Justices considering the Asbestos or/and Considering the LOGO of a such a good Business for all of them from the Justice to the Priests Archbishops etc etc ,, [sic] ,,people our business,,
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that the Romanian Government and others as Mentioned above/Orders [also Considering the Argumentative Submissions] should consider such an Invitation as a presentation of their Honour before the International Courts for Justice when considering the facts that the Honorary Courts and others has arguments such Incriminatorial brought before their attention by the public [ die Berufung] all parties must have the Rights to Defend their Honorary Positions. [ See Family Constitutional Rights Principle Of Rights and others that applys Equality Before The LAW Jus Cogens etc etc etc Carneige Foundation Geneva Switzerland etc etc etc or Paris UNHR Convention etc etc etc.]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Commonwealth Australia should consider themselves in breach Violation of the UNO/ONU Treaty Convention San Francisco when considering the fact that together with America USA they are participating in Aggressive wars that are as a matter of fact argumentated that they participation it is a Christian cause and that without having this wars the Christianity it is in Danger because the Respective Country.s are Building Weapons of Mass Destruction without considering the fact that the Christians that are believing in nothing then Destroying the whole world are having in fact enough Nuclear weapons to Destroy the World at least 500 times a clear indication that 10 or 20 Nuclear heads will not make any difference , the applicant and others with all due respect believes that those so call Politicians should wake up to the Reality and make considerations that themselves with their Godly teachings are in fact destroying and have weapons of mass destruction before any other Country that they are accusing of Being terrorists when as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Australia it is sailing Uranium to nearly every Country on the ASIAN Continent that’s what as a matter of fact should be considered a terrorist Act.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Christian Big Great God Lord teachings it is in their arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and they misunderstanding of the UNO/ONU Treaty and other UNO organisations Convention With all due respect the applicant and others would like to ask the above mentioned and others to answer if they Consider the war in Iraq and the Contemplation of another war in Iran as an American Plan to save Humans or Humanity from some Kind of Destruction or the Remarks made by the Honourable Sir ISAC ISSACS are as a matter of fact that what in fact those Politicians are Doing Destruction of Humanity to save a Car Industry and others as mentioned in the Equality and Authority instead of making some Changes , changing themselves and their way of thinking before destroying the Humans based on their Highly Vision Family VALUES. Considerations should also be made that the war against Christianity Humans it is Not Over More and More Sophisticated Weapons of Mass destruction are being made and Researched By the Christians and more money are being spent for causes as such than for any other Humanly Humanitarian Cause on this Earth therefore all Christians that believe in God Jesus Virgin Marry and other holly Saints should Pray to Receive more and more Godly POWER of Corruption and False Politicians and INTELECTUAL Power FULLS families instead of Peace and fare System of Justice without Refreshments that Enhance Mental Capacity.s to so many politicians law makers and other as mentioned Family Orientated Visionary’s. that destroys families and children’s exposing them to Deadly Asbestos for Politically better and prosper Kindly Commonwealth Australia.
c PARTICULAR The Judgment Of the Commonwealth Court and/or The Decision of the Commonwealth Federal/States Administrative Institution/ Organisation was Erroneous and Discriminative
LEGAL SPECIFICATIONS EMPHASES and argumentative submissions to support the particular The Commonwealth/ Australia States and Federal Government’s in Breach/Violation of the International Convention ON the Rights Of The Child See Vienn Act Regarding the Rights of a Convention/Treaty 1969. Art 97 112 of the Romanian Family Law Specifies, Both Parents Have Equal Rights In The Upbringing of the Child [ See Principle Of Rights] not as per Commonwealth Australia or United Kingdom of Great Britain Standards that treated Similar the aborigines and English Childrens [the Aborigines the STOLEN GENERATION] a Commonwealth Australian Government political agenda that it is alive Today towards the Ethnics and Aborigines when considering the fact that through the Media Channels the Government it is Accusing Parents or family members of Sexually abusing Childrens as young as TWO MONTHS [ obviously the Aborigines baby had not been given a Statement ] the government and their Political Motivated agency's had fail to consider the fact that not Even a GORILA do not Sexually abuse their two months old Baby's or a Chimpanzee Like some of their own Commonwealth Government Personal including Priests Archbishops that the Commonwealth Government fail to Prosecute, as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Government had intervened with protective arguments such as ,, Accusations as such are an Insult to the Church,, the Commonwealth Australian Government political Propaganda Consider that their ongoing process of Family Destruction it is a process of Education for others to learn that that’s the most viable/appropriate solution that they had learn as Politicians that will ensure that their family's are being Honoured by other wealthy families that had made their achievements through similar approach [Destroying Families it is in fact done by the Commonwealth Australia through their own unfunded accusations, Political agenda and the Commonwealth approved laws that are blaming other people for the Criminal Acts that they are Guilty of that as a matter of fact will destroy their own Government a government that can not find a better political propaganda then attacking families instead of helping them that of course without a thoughtful thinking from the Commonwealth Australia Government personal that the accusations are fit for themselves and that the laws that are made against the hard working families will be applicable to their own families in the near future obviously their family will not always be at the Steering Well and that those childrens that they had forcefully separated from their families and others will Remember their Kind act or Laws for Example Denial of their Rights to have a Family as a family Unit Because one of their parents or both parents where not included in the Constitution as part of the Commonwealth Australia Population or because one or both of the parents where not Citizens of the Commonwealth Australia and one of the parents had been accused or sentenced of a Criminal Offence the Autochthone the Child born in the Commonwealth Australia had no Rights to have a Family in the Commonwealth Colony where Criminals used to be sent to without a chance or very slim chances to return to Europe the Commonwealth Australian Government bringing before the attention of the Families or before the attention of the Family Member the autochthones through their Government lawyers that Their Family Constitutional or International Rights in the Commonwealth Australia are TERMINATED. that the Child as an Autochthones has no rights to have her Biological Parent in the Country of Birth of the Autochthones and that the child family rights are decided even considering the fact that the Parent had Served a Jail Sentence as in accordance to the Criminal Law Applicability Procedure after the End of the Sentence the Just -Us system of justice deciding that one Punishment was not Enough and that the respective person and the family should be placed before the Courts once again for the same Accusation/Crime that the respective person was dealt with by the Courts into another Court that will give another punishment for the same [,, DOUBLE JEOPARDY,,] a probability that in this instant matters the Commonwealth Australia Government had fail to include in the accusations of course the Commonwealth Australia Government can include those accusations in the Future ,,Unlawful inhalation of deadly asbestos fibre on the Commonwealth Australia Government Land with intent to defraud/Unlawfully obtain a Compensation from the Commonwealth Australian Government when considering the fact that the Commonwealth Australian Government had placed this asbestos and the Humans in the Detention centre area as in accordance to the Health Act or as in accordance to the Occupational Health and Safety or Quarantine Act
See CATHERINA ALEXANDRA PIZLEA AFFIDAVIT before the A.A.T./ Federal Court of Australia. Also presented before the Commonwealth Administrative Government in The commonwealths Colony Australia. See Also Isabella Loredana Kokosi Statutory Declaration, See Also Law No 21 1991 Regarding Romanian Citizenship Paragraph 2 Art 5 Point b See Also Principle Of Rights 1958 Science Edition Justice Ministery. The Applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mention that accordingly to the Internal and International Laws that the applicant has brought before the attention the Founders of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Colony AUSTRALIA IT IS IN INTERNATIONAL/INTERNAL BREACH/VIOLATION of HUMAN RIGHTS SUCH AS Civil Rights Family Rights CHILDRENS RIGHTS etc With all due respect the Applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honourable Courts and others their strongly believes that the above mention JUDGMENTAL Decision to Forcefully Separate a Family when Considering the fact/Law That under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 DE- FACTO relationship are having same standing as marriages can only be considered / described as erroneous and discriminative, also considering the facts that the applicant and others had no legal or proper representation. See also Article 9 of the International Convent on Civil and Political Rights PROLONGED COURT PROCEEDINGS or POOR REPRESENTATION = No Representations etc With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Court’s and others the Disgraceful Comments that the Commonwealth Administrative Government Lawyer had brought as an argument before the Court to support an unrepresented child born in the Commonwealth Australia from an naturalised Australian Citizen Parent and a tax payer [ [sic] Prior to the hearing a tatement was also filed by his daughter Catherina Pizlea, However after objections to its contents by Mr MARKUS [ Commonwealth LAWYER] for the respondent this was not taken in as evidence] The applicant and others with all due respect would also like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Court,s For JUSTICE the response of the Commonwealth through Professor GOD Walker [ sic] while the best interest of the Child and other considerations weigh against affirming the decision under Review in my view considerations of Community Protection [ See Commonwealth Migration Act S 501 ] and expectation carry the greater weight in this case The decision Under REVIEW SHOULD BE AFFIRMED With all due respect the applicant and others would also like to bring before the attention of the Honorary COURTS The International Courts For Justice the decision of the Commonwealth Court The Federal Court of the Colony AUSTRALIA Justice MOORE SIGNED BY HIS ASSOCIATE J EDWARDS one of the well known Family name in the establishment most of them Educated in South AUSTRALIA state well known rated at a highly and wide ranging corruption into the Police Government and Judiciary [ Also Disgracefully Dishonoured From the Office Department Chief Prosecutor PAUL ROOFE with a good salary and excellent superannuation Package as most of the legal representants the Judiciary that represent the Commonwealth the Establishment the CORRUPTION are receiving their PUNISHMENT ]
With all due Respect the applicant Alexandu Pizlea and Others would like to ask the Honourable Courts the International Courts for Justice and the Honorary Organisation the World Health Organisation to Respectfully ask the Commonwealth Australia Government Personal, Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations Personal [ Federal Court Decision Makers Moore. Edwards] and others like Community members that support the Commonwealth Decision to hold Humans for un Unspecified length of time in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre [[and others Villawood being Considered based on Health Expert reports an asbestos infested Centre ] to answer to the following question themselves and their Childrens as Families.
1. What would be their answer to those Persons Humans that have to live for 20 years or more with the painful stress health related Disorders that they will die of an Asbestos Related Infections that their Organs will be affected by Asbestos Related Illnesses based on Acknowledge Government Politically motivated Negligence. Can the Commonwealth Administrative Government Personal give their answer to Pizleas family and other Families [Example Ioan Untan and his family etc etc etc of course through the Honorary International Courts for Justice and Honorary Organisations of the United Nations when Considering the fact that the Commonwealth Administrative Governments Personal may feel Uncomfortable to Contact or Address their Answer/Answers to those families that are considered to be or have members of A LEGALY MADE BAD CHARRACTERS in Comparisment with their Commonwealth Honorary Families or Normal Social Standards Families that are in the Commonwealth Australian Community Society.
How those Persons Families and their Childrens the Youngest Residents of this Planet and others that had been Exposed would feel and How the Responsible Persons should be Punished and how the Commonwealth Australia can Repair the HARM that they had caused would any of them consider that the Commonwealth Insult Directed at the Honorary Office of the UNHCR must be admitted by the Commonwealth Australia Government Personal and as a matter of Fact Law and Principle the Commonwealth Australia Apologise and be Responsible and Accountable when considering the fact that Abusive language it is Punishable when also considering other factual Issues and others as for example ,,the Queen has recognition that the UNO had been Recognised as Honorary by the Queen,, the Commonwealth Australia Personal should follow same Royal Precedent of Course there may be very atypical/ Exceptional Circumstances that is if themselves and/or their families are Considering themselves above their First Family See [Equality and Authority] [example Vanstone Family and other Commonwealth Government Personal that may consider themselves above the UN above the Law. or above the International Laws Treaty's and Conventions.]
Described as the South Australia Establishment that reflects a remarkable close knit complacent and old fashioned upper class whose ramification includes THE LAND POLITICS ONE OR TWO Private Schools Commerce and industries whose solidarity is butterssed by a High DEGREE OF ENDOGAMY among the forty famous Families and whose value remains strongly COLORED by an activist attachment to Edwardian England more than any other it demonstrates that the Exclusive Clubs retain a role in the structure of PRIVILEDGES and POWER despite a number of changes that have attenuated their pretensions See Equality and Authority The Melbourne Club and the australian club Sydney both of which customarily extended Honorary membership to Judges of the High Court of Australia did so in the case of Sir ISAAC ISSACS who become Chief Justice and later the Governor General but he refused the Invitation because of their General Policy of discrimination at this level Racial and religious Discrimination is usually subtle enough not to become Public the members of the Out GROUP which is the object of Discrimination are rarely willing to endure the quasi martyrdom involved in braking the taboo [ The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that since then the Taboo has extended/Grow and that the Endurance martyrdom in Crushing the Taboo it is grater therefore considerations MUST BE MADE to all the Remarks that the applicant and others had brought before the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts for justice BEFORE THE JUSTICE and others when considering the fact that JUSTICE IT IS JUST not Just Us System of Justice that it is applicable in the Above Mentioned Countries or others that the Honorary International Courts Honorary International Organisations are weary about A System of Justice instaurated by the British and by the Existent Commonwealth Australian Government that Destroyed/destroys the ABORIGINES families and others exploited them and denied they rights to subexist. See Commonwealth Court justice Moore Decision Regarding the APPLICANT Daughter best interests of the Child best interests of the FAMILIES[ [ sic] I have read the reasons of the tribunal it is not apparent that the Tribunal erred in its consideration of the interests of the applicant’s[ UNREPRESENTED BY LEGAL REPRESENTATIV] and the applicants Daughter It is not apparent that it otherwise fell into jurisdictional error [ that’s after the Commonwealth Justice] HAD considered the International Convent on the Rights of the Child and other internal/INTERNATIONAL legal TREATY,S and Convention ] the application should be dismissed with costs .The Honorary Court’s the International Court’s For Justice and others can also see the response of the applicants regarding their Commonwealth Disgraceful and shameful erroneous decision in hand writing on the documentation that the applicant’s with all due respect proudly like to present before whoever it may be concerned.
The Applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Court’s the International Court’s for Justice The Federal Court Justice Comments regarding to the applicant’s young Daughter Regarding Her request ,, If The Court decision it is made against her rights as an Australian Citizen Born in Australia to have her Family Rights ,, both parents to participate in her upbringing that’s Parental love Financial Support Educational Support it is a clear indication that they have to choose what to do with their Australian Citizenship one of their Choices it was to Wipe Their Arse with it Another one was For the POLITICIANS TO WEAR IT ON THEIR NICE WITHE SHIRTS ON THE PARLIAMENT QUESTION TIME,, the decision of the Commonwealth Justice MOORE was of a clear understanding through his answer SHE WAS AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN [The Commonwealth Administrative Government Institution / Organisation, has made they Disgraceful Decision Deciding to Cancel her Citizenship with a clear message to everyone that THEY ARE NOT SORRY FOR WHAT THEY DONE TO THE ABORIGINES AND THAT THEY ARE NOT SORRY FOR WHAT THEY ARE DOING WITH THE FAMILIES , CHILDRENS THAT ARE AS A MATTER OF FACT BORN IN THE Commonwealth that are as a matter of fact AUTOHTONES PERSONS WITH CIVIL AND FAMILY RIGHTS , THE COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE Organisations/Institutions clearly shows disgraceful attitude towards the persons and families that they been abusing /abusing now through their double standard system of justice [ Just – us the rich system of justice and the hard working class system of justice the founders of the Commonwealth clearly response to the world is that they had never accepted that they are as a matter of fact Responsible for all the abuses pain and suffering that they have caused to the Humanity like the Germans that as a matter of fact Honorary Nation have accepted Responsibility and Accountability [ many of them being Shot or Serving Lengthy Sentences ] the German Nation that also had compensate persons and families for the pain and suffering that they had caused therefore the Commonwealth founders WILL NEVER BE LIKE THE GERMANS A NATION WITH HONOR If the International Communities and the Honorary International Courts For Justice will Turned a Blind Eye when the British System it is as a matter of fact Law Medical Science abusing any Humanitarian Law abusing and Neglecting Even the Youngest Residents of this Planet as Explained and other Issues that the applicant and others had brought before the attention of the Honorary international courts and others before the JUSTICE . As a matter of FACT THE British the UK Commonwealth HAVE KILLED OR HAVE MORE INOCENT VICTIMS ON THEIR CONSCINSE WITHOUT HAVING A CONFLICT [WAR] THAN ANY OTHER NATION ON THIS PLANET when considering the fact that they had killed Innocent Children’s Also whilst bringing to Extinction the Adults and Minors Children’s of an Entire Island Tasmania and Denying the Aborigines Families Subexistence for hundreds of Years through a Systematic Calculated Killers Abusive system of justice that their called Gods Help the applicant and others strongly believes that if God and all the others Saints Marry Mc Killop etc etc that help them for so long the Forgiveness System of Just Us System of Justice that they Installed must be STOPED by the DEVOLS BY THE HONORARY COURTS WHEN CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT ACCORDINGLY TO THE BIBLE THE DEVOL IT IS THE MANNAGER OF THIS WORLD ANDS THAT THEIR PRAYNG TO FORGIVNES WILL BE ANSWERED BY THE JUSTICE AS IN ACCORDANCE TO THE BIBLE IF THEY WISH WHEN CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT ACCORDINGLY TO THE BIBLE THEY DISOBEY THE WORDS OF GOD LONG AGO THEY EVEN FAIL TO REMAIN UNDRESED AND LIVE AN UNSHAMEFUL LIFE
See the court precedent 1925 PERMANENT COUR DE LA HAYE REGARDING THE TURKISH OR GREEK CITIZENS THAT WENT UNDER THE GREEK OR TURKISH GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION AND COMPARE THAT WITH THE COMMONWEALTH KINDNESS REGARDING THEIR TREATMENT TOWARDS THE ABORIGINES POPULATION AS A NATION THAT AS A MATTER OF FACT ARE SHOWING TO THE WORLD THEIR OWN FLAG [ See UNO ONU Treaty Protocol Convention] Setting a Case Precedent For The Commonwealth /Australia Federally for The Federation in that the Commonwealth Government it is been proven to be RACIAL and DISCRIMINATIVE against Persons That are fighting for their family rights as it always has been for the ABORIGINES = AUTOHTONE The applicant CATHERINA ALEXANDRA PIZLEA Applied FOR ROMANIAN CITIZENSHIP and in sign of protest she will never be an Australian Citizen when Considering the facts that she was treated by the Justice same as they Been Treating the aborigines FOR MORE THAN 200 YEARS as a Nation without any Rights as HUMANS or family Constitutional Rights Civil Rights ICCPR ICROC . See Commonwealth Australian Constitution also Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Application for Romanian Citizenship
The Applicant Catherina Alexandra Pizlea can be recognised as an aborigines that have her Rights Recognised Internationally Therefore she can Enter in Australia or Leave Australia With a Romanian PASSPORT When considering the fact that her Rights as an aborigines Nationality by being Born there will never give the Commonwealth any Rights to make the application of any of their Restrictive Dictatorial Godly LAWS she will always have her Rights brought before the attention of the JUSTICE internationally.
Application in that the Honourable Courts can se her Rightful Protest that THE YOUNG AUSTRALIAN WAS UNINPRES and through her application she renounce to ever take a Commonwealth Australia Citizenship without Human Rights Family Rights Family Constitutional Rights the applicant Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and others also believes that the commonwealth Australia in making such a decision to take the Citizenship from a person that has rights in over 20 Countries in Europe [ when Considering the fact that she is also a Romanian Citizen See ONU renewed through Amsterdam Convention.
[ the decision of course made Under the Act By the Commonwealth Governmental Institution/Organisation under Direct Supervision of the Founders of the Commonwealth considering the fact that the Commonwealth has a designated Governor General For the Colony appointed by the queen and other members of the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL considering the fact that under the Commonwealth Constitution the queen has Legislative Power or being regarded as the fountain of the Honorary when considering the fact that none of the queens have that mentioned Honour before marriage See also Sex Discrimination Act regarding De-Facto Relationships See Isabella L Kokosi Statutory Declaration See Also Ctherina Alexandra Pizlea Affidavit ]
Legal Representation failure
Legal Specifications Emphases and argumentative submissions to support the particular With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honourable Courts and others Art 9 of the International Convent On Civil And Political Rights Principle of RIGHTS Science Edition Justice Ministry 1958 etc. Consular Convention Between Romania and The Commonwealth When Considering The Fact That Great Britain United Kingdom England and Northern Ireland are the Founders of the Commonwealth Including Commonwealth Australia States and Federal Governments also Elected by the Commonwealth See AUSTRALIAN Citizenship Rights /.Australian Constitution/ See Principle Of Rights Family Rights Civil Rights , International Convention on the Rights of the Child. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned the Colonial Government Decision to forcefully separate the applicant family was not the only Unsafe Unsatisfactory or Unlawful decision the applicant and others believes that the Denial of the applicant to have access to visit the Burial Grounds of His Dead Child must be considered also a breach a Contempt of a person Civil Rights when Considering the Facts that A person Criminal or Non Criminal Does not have any Restrictions to Visit Their Dead DOGS [PETS] burial Grounds The applicant and others Believes that the Colonial Commonwealth Australian Government Personal may want some other optional Kindly Request instead of Criticism or requests made by the applicant ,,such as having the Remains of his Son brought to Romania therefore he can visit the Burial site when he pleases ,,
The applicant and others in the same position would like the Colonial Commonwealth Australian Government to Place the Burial Remains of the applicant Son or Others in the Commonwealth Parliaments therefore the applicant and others can have access in visiting the Remains of his dead Child Via INTERNET if the applicant Request of having his Son Remains Buried in Romania it is an Impossible task for the Colonial Commonwealth Australia Government
The Colonial Commonwealth Australian Government Personal Fail to Understand that whilst the applicant had visited his son Burial site the Local Administrative Government had also made decision to remove the Wooden Cross from the Burial Site that of Course was in Perfect Conditions a Kind decision under the Colonial Commonwealth Australia Godly Constitutional Believes Inquiry can be made regarding those allegations with Salisbury City Council that of course will confirm that i have talk to them and that accordingly to their Act or Lawful Decisions they throw away cross's that of course are in perfect conditions without informing the Family
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention Of the above mentioned and others Art 171 and the following Criminal procedure Romania Law. That states. Legal Judicial assistance through legal Representation ,, Equality before the LAW,, also the delegation Requests Consent Forms Affidavit etc that the applicant and others made before different legal Organisations Institutions ,, Internal or International Or other specialised legal Bodies the Ground and particulars to the Ground exposing the Pronounced Decision/ Decisions that accordingly to the laws Should/ Must be considered Unlawfully in Breach Contempt / Violation of Internal and International Civil Rights or others as the Honorary International Courts and other Honorary International Organisations as mentioned above may se as Fit/ Proper to Impose To Various Parties and Persons as OFFENDERS etc mentioned through the content of this Affidavit or others as mentioned by the Honorary UN Organizations when considering the fact that the UN organisations and others can provide relevant Documentation before the JUSTICE. [ The applicant and others believe that The Honorary International Courts and other Honorary Organisations/Institutions above mentioned and the others must take in consideration the Applicant and others Requests Before making a Decision or imposing any ORDERS]
Considering also the fact that The Commonwealth Court The High Court of AUSTRALIA WORNING THE COMMONWEALTH THE FEDERATION States and Federal Government that they MAY be in breach of UNHCR Convention also considering the facts that the UNHCR are a Human Rights Commission an organisation that has and done different assessments regarding HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE by different Governments or Governments Institutions/Organisations etc. Also many of the assessments that are done by the UNHCR or other UN organisations are done with Helpful information received from Different Government Organisation /Institutions or other Government Officials See Also Article 1 A [2] of the UNHCR convention that Defines a Refugee as any Person who. Owing to a well Founded fear of being prosecuted/ persecuted for reason of race religion nationality membership of a particular social group or political opinion it is outside of his country of his Nationality and is unable or owing to such Fear is unwilling to avail Himself of the protection of that Country See also comments made by HON Sir ISAAC ISAACS .or Others like Hon Sir PETER LEWIS ex SPIKER OF THE SOUTH AUSTRALIA PARLIAMENT.
Also in Romania Numerous persons have brought before the attention of the Government Organisations/Institutions through the media channels accusations of abuse Human Rights Abuse and other Evidence of Misconduct have been presented as Documentary Evidence Before the Justice Minister and others. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to ask the Honourable International Courts and Others that an ORDER should be made That Evidentiary Documentation be available Before the INTERNATIONAL Courts and Others. Discovery of Evidence Authority See Lord REID [ Conway v Rimmer ]1968 The administration of Justice Outweighs any Public Interest in withholding the Documents therefore is the public interest that the Administration of Justice shall not be frustrated by the withholding of documents which must be produced if JUSTICE is to be Done. [ when considering the facts that the disclosure of the documents could not be considered against the Security of the best interest of the national interests]
e. PARTICULAR Denial/Failure with intent of the Romanian Government Administrative Organisation to Protect the Civil Rights Family Rights Property Rights of the Romanian Citizens after the year1989 [See Art 77 of the Romanian Constitution Point/Paragraph 7,,RSR,,]
Accordingly to Art 7 of the Constitution of Popular Republic of Romania The Socialist Property of the State ,,Common Goods of the Romanian People Includes ,all the wealth of the Ground , Factories, Mining Industry, the Forest, the Water and the Springs or other source of the Natural Energy All the Communication Industries Transport Feroviar [Trains] River Maritime [SEE] Air Transport, Banks Post Offices Telegraph Telephone Radio and Television, Printing Industries, The Cinematography Industry Theatres The State Farming Industries the Trucks and Tractors and the Factories that where located in the Country Towns and the Nationalised Buildings Homes from all Romanian City,s etc See Principle of Rights page 626 = Socialist Property The Socialist Property Cooperatist Colective incorporates The Inventarium [ Stock Take] Alive or Dead of all the Farming Land Collectivisied through Association [ Colective ] ,, CAP - Productive Agricol Cooperations,,
See Art 544 Point 2 Criminal Procedure [CP] Unlawful Possession. of the Private Land that belongs to the People that had their Property Rights [land Machinery and Others like Animals Carriages] taken from them by the Government establishing the Association Colectivisation With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Democratic Government that Governed Romania after the 1989 Cue had as a matter of fact committed numerous Criminal offences when considering the fact that the Village People that as a matter of fact had been working the Land in Colective CAP had their Property Stolen and Sold example Machineries Land Buildings and Animals had been sold by Government Personal without considering the fact the Birth of the Colectivisation [Association] CAP Productive Agricol Cooperations/Corporations that as a matter of fact had ben created by the Government Enforcing Laws that forced the People in Colective Farming managed by the Government Employees of the local Government that with the approval of the Ex Securitatea and Comunist Bourghes had sold the land the Property of the hard working people the owners of all the CAP land and Structure Including the Agricol Mechanised Stations .S.M.A. stations that had been created as a result of the Investment of the CAP profit to by buying machinery's to work the farming land Mechanised instead of working the land with animals and by hand was the investment that was a result of the People Sweet hard work with their own animals and machineries working the land from the starting point when the Associations Colectivisation Begin Example Pizlea Iosiv and my Grandmother Pizlea Catita and others that had their land and other Agricol Machineries taken from them to be used by the Associations Colective Colectivisations C.A.P .without being Compensated by the Romanian Government when considering the fact that My Grandparents and my parents and us as Children’s working together with as a Family the Collective land Peoples Land Collectively working at the CAP and SMA or I.A.S Agricol Institutions of the State that also had been Created by the Government by taking land and Money from the CAP to form this new Institutions I.A.S. that had also been Sold and most of the land Rented land that belongs to the people that work the land and others that are the Rightful owners of the land that was Previously taken by the government from the Rightful Owners now sold or Rented by government Personnel That’s the new Democracy and Property Rights Civil Rights in Today’s Romania that the Romanian Government Apparatus Propaganda it is bringing before the European Union as European Democracy and European Property Rights Where Priests or as the Government had put it Church has the Right to sale the land that belongs to the Christian Community to the People to Developers to make a Few Euros Instead of selling some of their Priests Property to help the Church if the Government and the Church Goers did not make enough Contribution for the last lets say 1500 years that’s Untaxable Contribution obviously the Romanian Government give them the Rights to sale the Christian land the community land when considering the facts that the Church would Not Exist without Christians that land Belongs to the Christians ,The Priests had been Given the Privilege the Rights to sale the Christians Church Goers land in exchange for Seats in the Government and vote Preferences and support that the Government received from the Christian Party it is like the others should be considered Unchristian because of their Criticism that of course includes mentions such as Corruption at the Government Ministerial Parliamentarian level and others that of Course Involved President Basescu Business Venture in selling the Romanian Maritime Transport and others that as a matter of fact those people that Must be Charged and Imprisoned and had their Unlawfully Obtained Wealth Confiscated Recovering the Lose by selling/ACTIONING some of his Property's to recover the Lost considering the fact that Many of the Government Personal had Abuse the Office the Trust Creating a Considerable Lost to the Romanian Economy and to the People
,, Art 536.1 Criminal Procedure [CP] 268.15b-26615c Art 268.... etc Principle of Law [Rights] Page 625-649 Fraud against the Romanian People Stealing the Wealth of the hard working Social Class
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others the following argumentative submissions legal Specifications and emphases etc to support the above mentioned particular.
With al due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and especially to the Romanian Government the following Question Who Give Them The Rights To Take the Collectivised Land when in FACT LAW AND PRINCIPLE THE LAND WAS LEGALY THE PROPERTY OF THE COOPERATISTS MEMBERS See the Romanian Principle of Rights Property Laws Property Rights
Administrative Failure [ With Intent ] of the Commonwealth Federal and State Governmental Institution Organisation [ Australian Public Superannuation ,,Future Plus Super,, and others to hold the Applicant and others Money Unlawfully after the applicant and others had been Legally out/Exempt/Excluded from the Commonwealth Australia Jurisdiction.
With all due respect the Applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Court’s For Justice and others the following legal errors with Intent that depart from the Law the Commonwealth the Federal and State Governmental Institution Organisation Failure of the Commonwealth Administration the Australian Taxation Office to ensure that the Registered Administrative Governments Institution/Organisation and their Employers MIMIA or the DIMIA Personnel as Commonwealth Employers that as a matter of fact are being Paid by the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE BY THE TAX PAYERS do comply in their duty accordingly to their Rules or Regulations under the Act [ a clear indication in that the Commonwealth are in breach or lets Say in breach of their own Constitution Constitution made as it States WITH THE HELP OF GOD a God that as a matter of fact does not understand the Principle of Rights Civil Rights that’s Family Rights a possibility that the Founders of the Commonwealth or the so call Australians do not understand that MAN AND WOMEN has fought the Biblical God that Did not Accept them as described in the Bible ,, Disobedient Adults that went to the Extent ,, OF sharing an Apple [ Childish demand from lets say a childish Dictatorial God that make such demands that two adults not to eat a fruit and when they did he could not accept the choice that the adult Male and a Female had choose that’s sharing an Appeal/ meal etc as the applicant and others that had brought their matters before the attention of the Commonwealth Courts [ exple J UNTAN ] and his family an Australian Born Lady Married with a Romanian Citizen to share Responsibilities as Parents in the Upbringing of their Child or Children’s ,,as a family , and that’s sharing their responsibilities through the Thick and Thin living as a family even if they have to eat a slice of bread or an apple a day , also other families families that had been living in the Commonwealth and being forcefully separated some of them of a Chinese Background treated similar of course that’s because they had Committed a Crime the GOD or GODS that placed Children’s above Angels had decided to punish them by forcefully separating those childrens and their families because as they said their parents had committed a criminal offence that they pay for it not only themselves their families their Childrens where also sufferers when considering the fact that the Government the so called Just us System of Justice have Decided to take their parent and take all his Salary/Income without thinking that the childrens that are parentless are not Criminals
? WHO Did the God Jesus or Virgin Marry Punished [ Virgin Marry also when considering the fact that many Priests and others had Invented another Organisation in Spanish Iglesias where they can pray for Forgiveness soon they may invent another Organisation that have to pray to Jesus Brothers when Considering the fact that the Religion has already brought up that hey Jesus had Brothers and Sisters] the Priestly System of Justice that believes that they know it all have decided to Punish Childrens families for the MAXIMUM PROFIT that they can get themselves and they Families with the help of the Scientifically Bible that they believe that it is the most important Book in the society Written by the People as the Priests have been mentioning that have VISIONS OF SAINTS ANGELS AND OTHER CRAP when considering the fact that if any one would go to a Psychiatrist and told them that they are having Such Visions are Considered to be DECLARED INSANED and that’s because people that are believing in those Sightings are as a matter of fact Medically INSANE as a matter of fact based on Written Evidence that the Church Had Decided to Keep Those Persons that are also Declared as SAINTS and have Been Written Numerous Passages or Chapters In the Bible had Been Insane when Considering the facts and Medical Science many Priests that had ben Reading the Bible So many Times and that are trying to Explain to others that they have in the Bible what they Need are as a matter of Medical Science Insane when Considering the fact that without Learning about Science and other Educational Books no one person can SAY THAT THE BIBLE AND THEIR GODLY SAINTS HAD MADE HIM AN HELICOPTER PILOT
The applicant and Others Believe that The Priestly Invented System of Justice did and does as a matter of fact law and Principle attacking and Disregards the Fundamental Rights of the Family of the Social Class,, The Children’s The Parents The FAMILY the Civil Rights the Humanitarian Rights and other Rights that accordingly to the Principle of Right that’s the Springs of Rights they fail to Preserve ,,
The Question that the Godly Law Makers and the Politicians should ask themselves it is Finding the ANSWER what will be their answer if themselves are PLACED IN THE SAME POSITION, they may be able to also find out the TRUE/REALITY ABOUT the laws that they are passing through the Parliaments THEMSELVES and make Considerations on what punishment should they Receive that’s based on their Honorary JUDGMENT if themselves and others that committed criminal Offences should be treated Similar Forceful Separation of Their Family and others like for Example WORKING FOR A MAXIMUM PROFIT AND HAVE THEIR PARENTS CHILDRENS WIFES bringing them Food and other Items because the Loved ones will never Give Up on their Family ,, they may also Reconsider or not that Depends on their Honorary Character their Godly Constitutional Rights made by themselves or by the Founders of the Commonwealth and or by the Commonwealth Australia they may also ask themselves if their expectations of acceptance of such Laws /Rights by the International Communities by the Honorary International Courts For JUSTICE ,, by the Justice,, when considering also the other issues that the applicant and others has brought before the attention of the Honourable Courts and others Exple [ Equal Rights Equality Before the Law or the treatment of the Aborigines Families] and other Issues that the applicant does bring before the attention of the above mentioned through the Content of this Affidavit /,, Die Berufung,,
With all due respect the applicant would like to bring before the attention of whoever it may be Concerned his Religious believes as described by J BERNEL and others . See The Doctrines of the main Sect’s of the Contemporan Era Christians By Bruno Wurts Timisoara 1984 Centre of Social Science Timisoara University also ,, Questions and Answers to Teenagers regarding their problems [ in understanding the Religion] and the Atheist Education Politic Edition 1982 Bucharest , The Humans are reporting themselves in this world as creative persons of Culture ....considering the facts that the Actual Society of this Era /Time Society that does not Approve/Permits everyone to live their Dreams or achieve their Goals many people are Refugiating themselves into a world of fantasy and hoping that through some kind of Supernatural Intervention they can create a new world for themselves with new Values [ Religeos] a very specific life if not here on Earth they believe that they dreams will become reality after death because of their faith Religious Believes that’s lets say they own Physiological treatment whilst facing this cruel world.... many nations are having different believes Christians have Killed their Believes as have been explained they have Crucified Jesus Christ Musilmans did not do that therefore they believes are in their profets that teach them to fight for their families , many Christians teachings are to Kill Other Families or families that are fighting for human Rights Romanian Orthodox have always been fighting for families even if they have to overcome many so called above God standovers Like English and Others as a matter of fact the Romans had Admired their Courage and had their Fights for Family for their existence as a nation Monumental See Traian Column for more Details Many of them in Romania do not follow same Principle/VALUES
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice that the Corrective services and others like the Detention Services are in fact Paying the Persons that are Employed in doing a Productive Work a Lets say 10 Percent of their Normal Salaries/Wages a clear indication of breach of the Industrial Laws in Place and Guilty of EXPLOATATION of The Man By The Man
The Correctional Services Industries the most Profitable Industries are as a matter of fact Paying a 10 per of the Social Security Benefit [ Between 12 -to 26dollars Weekly that’s including Student Allowance ] to the Unemployed Persons that of course are Involved in working for the Dole Scheme Cleaning their Rooms and others if in Contrary the Correctional Services officers that are assessing the Situation are making decisions if for example someone has been Sacked from his work place or others the Corrective services Officers [a Commonwealth Employer] it is placing the respective persons on a 10 cents per day program and or remove them in Segregating Unit/Units as Punishments and other restrictive Correctional Services Internal Regulations Like Denial in having Contact with their Families for a Week or More and others Punishments adopted by the Corrective Services to Ensure that the Deprivation of the person Liberty it does in fact come with supplements once you get under the Correctional Services Act Like Going to their Inside Tribunal with Justice Prosecutor and Punishment Decisions of course the Justice of the Pace Become Judge the Corrective services officer become chief Prosecutor etc etc etc instead of placing the respective person on a Communication Course or other Educative Reeducational/Rehabilitation Courses when considering the facts that the Correctional Services Minister argument before the Tax Payers it is as a matter of fact that 40 to 50 thousand dollars per year per Person Detained are Spent in Re-educating the Respective Person and not Abusing the Human the Person
For Example When Philiph Raddock was saying it is in the Christian believes that forgiveness plays an important Role in Christian believes He was saying the word Forgivness because he knew about the Guilt that he was powerless to do anything about when considering the fact that Philiph Ruddock Himself had been involved in MONEY FOR VISA scandal that himself accepted that he used the Money towards the Ellection Campain.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice and others as mentioned etc etc that the applicant and others are not as a matter of fact a Discriminative the applicant and others may be Considered as Bad Characters or Devilish Family Orientated persons that in their Opinion believes that Homosexuals that think that have are being Insulted should think twice when considering the fact that every one has the Rights to express their Opinion therefore the applicant and others would like to bring to their attention their Sincere Opinion when Family arguments of adoption are brought before the attention of the Courts by the Persons of a different perspectives of Families and their Sexual preferences
With all due respect the applicant and Others would like to bring before the attention of the above Mentioned and others as mentioned by the South Australian Judge in a great many Words The Children’s of the Homosexual Couples that are brought up in such Family Environment also children’s that as a matter of fact had been Placed in to a Special Kindergarden for Children’s of Homosexual Families [Sidney NSW Australia] Those so called Great Families are having in fact their Family Rights Respected without being Considered as Criminals when considering the fact that they are in fact Law and Principle Teaching their Children’s and showing their Children’s on the Day To Day Bases their family Love and Understanding that must be considered the Process of Destruction of Heterosexual Family Values when considering the fact that the Children’s can not See the Daddy Kissing Mammy and other Considerations such as NO HOMOSESUAL CUPLES CAN EVER HAVE CHILDRENS OF COURSE THROUGH Sexual INTERCOURSE THATS Issues that they can Not Teach or Bring before the attention of their Childrens and if they do Explain to their Childrens or to the Courts the Courts and they childrens will understand that that’s not a NORMAL OR NATURAL FAMILY
With all due Respect the applicant and others believes that this it is an appropriate Argument for the Lesbian Couples also when considering that as a matter of facts and Law the Homosexual Community are accusing other Families [Heterosexual] or individuals of Discriminative or Racist Believes towards the Lesbians and Homosexual Community the applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and to the so called FIRST FAMILY the Queen that it is according Honours to persons that are fighting for the Gay and Lesbians Rights Sexual Rights Family Rights that of Course she Protects and Respects When Considering the Fact Law and Principles the Just - Us British System of Justice Protects Poofters High Ranking Families that Molests/Abuse Childrens Without Placing them in Prison Example Archbishops Chief Justice like John Elliot and others that are Going or have been Before the Commonwealth Courts the High Court of the Commonwealth Australia etc etc to Enjoy Decisions of Forgiveness From Highly Regarded Justices Like MICHAEL KIRBY and others from the lower Courts that Consider that Alcohol Consumption/Intoxication whilst on duty as a Public Servant or In the Service of The Queen it is a Honorary Example of British Honour that Including Changing and Modifying Evidence and other Special Service for the Commonwealth Police Officers such as having a Dozen of Bier in a Hotel Room obviously None Knows How the Bier Got There who order the Bier or How Much Bier they have Been Drinking Honourary Commonwealth Police Officers of a RARE Intelligence that of course Remember that they Listening to the Tapes Ten Times and then accepting that they have never listening to the tapes [ When Considering Detective Foulis Evidence that he had Listen with Amos and then he never listen to the Tapes] and that as a matter of fact and Law that was Evidence Before the Court and of Course if Detective Foulis Never Listen to the tapes his Chief of the Operation Never Listen to the Recorded Evidence Either and that their Evidence was a Charade Supported by the Chief Justice Doyle Martin Besanko at the Wisely Recomandative Decision of Justice NYLAND of Course a Highly Regarded Professional Known by Correctional Officer Case Manager PETER RUSSEL Mobilong Prison that of Course had her as a Lawyer and she Fail to Appear Before the Courts to Represent Peter Russell before the Courts after he pay her a Considerable sum/amount of money an obvious example of the Commonwealth Australia South Australia Corrupt System of Justice where a Scumbag Lawyer will become a Scumbag Justice/Judge at the Recommendations of the Crown where as in accordance to the Principle of Rights Family does Matter that’s the family of the Old Boys Club or as in accordance to the Hon Sir Issac Issacs Remarks in ,,Equality and Authority,, [ with all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others Art 317 Paragraph 1 and 2 of the Romanian Law CIVIL PROCEDURE 1980 Ioan Hatmanu Anatolie Arhip George Dornescu Judiciar Consultants Justice Ministery. paragraph 2 states that . a Irrevocable Decision can be RevocableAppealed when the Decision was given by the Judge or Justice without Considering the Dispositions regarding Public Interests the Compatibility or the Competence of the Public Servants in this Instant Matters Public Servants Servants of the Crown Queen and Others that had been Intoxicated or Accepted such Evidence without Considering the Public Interest at Large other then Privileging Representants of the Queen the Crown Witnesses without Even Considering the facts that Themselves shouldv Get Advice From a Medical Practitioner if alcohol affected/intoxicated witnesses or Jurors are allowed to give IMPARED Evidence/decisions when considering the fact that the Jurors decision was Evidenciated by Alcohol Consumption Therefore the applicant and Others Strongly believes that the Jurors Decision must be questionable if their Decision should Ever be Considered as a Unanimous Decision or other Questions such as if the Members of the Jurors had been Carefully Selected by the Crown the Queen to Ensure that the Queen Crown Christian Believes will give the Rights to the Public Servants or Queen Crown Servants etc etc to Intoxicate themselves whilst working in Public Offices etc etc. when considering the fact that the Trial was agerned because of careful Police plan to have the applicant Photograph with an Extended Journalistic Police Correspondent Comments on the First page of The ADVERTISER Australian News Paper.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others the applicant application Regarding the Accuracy of the Transcripts That had also brought before the attention of the Honorary International Courts For Justice With all due Respect the applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that accordingly to the Romanian Civil Procedure 1980 Administration of the Evidence[That of Course includes Court Transcripts Written Evidence] Art 198 -199 art 198 states that any Modifications adding’s or waving the Contents of the Witness Statement must be allowed by the Judge Justice etc Signed by the Judge Justice by the Stenographer and by the Witness the applicant and others believes that Corruption must,v been play an Important Role when Considering the Fact and the Principle of the Legal Procedure that took place in the Commonwealth Australia when also Considering the Fact that the Matter was listed before The High Court with Modified Court Transcripts that Do not have NOY EVEN THE INNITIALS OF THE STENOGRAPHER. WHERE EVEN THE NAME OF THE ACCUSED VIOREL GUGEA IT IS IN FACT SPEALED WRONG See High Court Application Book Page 162 R v Viorel Gugeo and Alexandru Pizlea Documents Dated Friday 13th of June 1997. With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that there it is a clear indication in that the Honorary International Courts should Strongly Believe that the Alterations and the Missing Initials or others as specified on the transcripts where Both Accused had their both Names included on the Court Transcripts Can only Be CONSIDERED AS CORRUPTION WITH INTENT
The Applicant and others with all due respect would like to also bring to the attention of the above mentioned that when considering the Facts that many Corrupt Police Officers Commonwealth Police Officers are as a matter of fact transferred into another Government Department The applicant and Others Strongly Believes that THE CASE AGAINS Ms CORBY that as a matter of fact Receive a Lengthy Sentence in Indonesia for Cannabis should be as a matter of Fact Law and Principle Reviewed when considering the fact that No One In this World Could’ve Passed through the Commonwealth Australia Sydney Airport with around 10 Kilograms of Marihuana in her bag without POLICE INVOLVMENT the applicant and others believes that the Commonwealth Policy in transferring Corrupt Police Officers to Work as Corrupt Police Officers For DIMIA it is in fact law and principle a Wrong Decision when considering the fact that the Commonwealth Australia Needs so many Construction Workers a Possibility that those Highly Steroids Developed Corrupt Dimia Police Officers could be an asset to the Building Industry
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that there may be a possibility that accordingly to the Jurors Christian Believes Drinking whilst on duty it is a Privilege that they can Turn a Blind Eye On Accordingly to the Australian Version of the Christian Bible or accordingly to the Old Version of the Bible the Wild Wild West System of Justice that it is Flourishing down under the Dominion of Corruption or under the Dominion of the Queen Where Ex Priests persons that teach as they say God Word are being Geting Drunk [Bachus Justice for the police and other Privileged Homos-apiens] and Abusing one or two Childrens that of course whilst the Holly Powerful God Went on Holiday Down Under The Dominion Of Corruption the Dominion of the Queen and Others when considering the Remarks that Philiph Ruddock had Brought Up ,, In Christian Believes Forgivnes Plays an Important Role,, there can only be one simple Explanation when it came to Justice God Lord Jesus it is as a matter of fact the Most Corrupt System of Justice when considering the fact that Church Leaders always consider that their Lord God should always Forgive them and that people that are not Listening to their Crap are Devols Fact Known by many many also know that Devols are Always Fighting and Especialy Family Orientated Devols like the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea aad Others that had been Forcefully separated from their families as Bad Characters Persons or devols that are bringing before the attention of the above mentioned and others Issues of Corruption such as Alcohol/Intoxication Exploitation Slavery Asbestos and other Politically Motivated Crimes or Criminal acts that Based on Medical Evidence or accordingly to the Health Act or Quarantine Act does in fact affect people Health-wise Stress Related Illnesses that some Politicians believe that they Can Cover Up with Gravel Buried the Problem Just as they beloved God that as they say send His Only son to Die so that all can be Forgiven for their sins that of course does not applies to the hard Working Social Class Including Persons Incarcerated Detained that are to be used for a MAXIMUM PROFIT the System that as a matter of fact have been Instaurated/Established by Priests Archbishops and others that have and are failing to Understand Equality or Equality Before the Justice Humanitarian Laws Family Laws and the Principle of Rights.
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that all this Christian Forgiveness way of Justice where every Religious sect it is Printing a New Bible ,, Australian Version of the Bible,, Lutherans The New Believers Bible and others and others that are using the Bible to instaurate Profitable Orientated Organisations Like Pentecostals Baptists etc etc should as a matter of fact Law and Principle have their Wake Up Call and Consider the Remarks made By BRUNO WURTS and others that many of those Religious Organisations that of course Even the Spanish Dictionary Describes Iglesias = Organisations , Organisations that are as a matter of fact have become organisations that are more orientated or more Balanced towards Profit Orientated then Educative like teaching people that the Bible was not Written by God or Saints and that as a matter of fact was written by people and that God Did Not make People Saints the Church does because of their Charitable work because they have Contributed to the Multiplication of their Churchly Business Not Because of Their Scientific Discovering or Their Contribution to Education as a matter of fact and Principles it is the Organisation that Instigates or Starts Hatered Wars and Destructions when Considering the Fact that all the Recent Wars that Brought Suffering and Destruction after the Signing of the UNO Treaty/Convention have started based on Religious Condemnations/Accusations that as a matter of fact where having One Purpose as described by the Hon Sir Issac Issacs Land Politics Industry Power , Power that many People Know that instead of Cooperation as Indicated by the Honorary Members of The United Nation Organisation[Organisations] Organisation without any or very little suport from the Godly Saintly Christian Believers when Considering the Support From the Christian Believers that,s Billions of Dollars in starting wars that bring Sufferance and destruction and wealth for a Few Godly orientated Family,s that will Enjoy a So Call Heavenly Life [ Example of accusations People that where Fighting Germans where called Soldiers or Partisans even Knowingly that the partisans where Committing similar attacks on German Troops ,,hay guess what The Burning For Power Godly G.W.BUSH start to introduce new words in their Political Propaganda Agenda Terrorism Terrorists to people that where/are fighting to retain Control of their Countries wealth for their People for the Autochthones.
With all Due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Commonwealth Civil or Criminal Procedure many Government Royal or other Personal Employed in Public Offices are as a matter of fact Excused From Giving Evidence because of their Positions/Functions See For Example Witness Proof Romanian Civil Procedure Art 191 Par 58. With all due Respect the applicant and Others Believes that many of those People Government Personal as a matter of fact Law and Principle should be call to Give Evidence when Charged/Accused of an Offence Even if the Respective Person it is a Priest or an Archbishops when Considering the fact that there Evidence of a Criminal Act Exist the Priest as a matter of fact Law and Principle it is NOT A PRIEST it is a person that it is been accused of a Crime and as mentioned under the Bible the Church System of Justice the respective person have to be judged as in accordance to the Law ,, they may say as mentioned in the Bible Jesus said ,, If you think that you have't done anything wrong you can throw Rocks at Them,, obviously there it is an answer ,, they should keep they Biblical Explanatory Remarks for Jesus when he will came to judge them Himself and that the Justice/Judges will do their Job accordingly Regardless even if their God Jesus or any other Saintly Visionary will not Forgive them they will Consider that the Devol that Took Jesus through the Desert and Show him the Bible [Corinthians] a possibility that he would’v have Jesus saved from Crucifixion will forgive them for their JUST Decision.
With all Due Respect the applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the UNO Convention that can also be obtained from a SLAVIC country like Russia and that the applicant and others Strongly Recommends to the Commonwealth Australia and others to DO to Understand their Crimes against Humanity are Punishable Just Like USA and United Kingdom of Great Britain as part of the UNO had Done in Milosevic Matter and others that as a matter of fact had been accused of Crimes against Children’s and Elderly the Commonwealth Australia that as a matter of fact law and Principle it is Under the Supervisory Supervision of the last Court of Appeals that it is Located in England and as a matter of Principle Law and Fact had Done Nothing to Ensure that the Youngest Residents of this Planet and their Families are not Treated Unhumanitarely/Inhumanly when considering the facts that they have Committed Acknowledged Crimes Criminals acts against Families and Children’s and that the Federal Court the Federal JUSTICES/JUDGES in the Commonwealth of Australia Instead of Ordering a Medical Inquiry with a complete Medical Check Up regarding the Health of the Humans/Detainees that have been Detained in Immigration Detention Centre the Humans the Detainees have been Replaced in Same area total Disregard of their Health or Complications that they can Encounter during their Lives or the Cost of the Governments of Various Country when Considering Stress and Other Health Issues as described.
With all due respect the applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned the remarks made by the Commonwealth Coalition Government Representative towards Citizens of Romania New Zeeland Fiji Nicaragua Chile as reported through the Media April 11 2006 Daily Telegraph those Persons where Regarded as Criminals by the Coalition Commonwealth Government and Shifted in a maximum Prison NSW Long Bay Jail after the Government Spent Money in Rehabilitation Courses Such as Victim Awareness and others the Commonwealth Coalition Government Failing to Consider themselves as Criminals when considering the facts and Legal Issues that Holding Families and Even New Born Childrens for up to 3 years in Jail was as in accordance to their Constitutional Godly Believes the Holy Powerful God that Enlighten their Visions Developing their Biblical Teachings that John Howard wants and the Church wants to have in the Prison System by Instructing Publicly the Corrective Services that the Criminals Humans in prison should not be allowed to Receive Books others then the Bible that’s call Education as in accordance to the Church Christian believes that never want People to be Educated. [ As a matter of fact I believe that in 1893 in Romania was the separation of the Religion Church from the Education System ,,Ministery,, ]
The applicant and others believes that a Homosexual Couple like lets say for Example Archbishop Pele or M Kirby shouldn’t be allowed to adopt Children’s when considering the fact that by adopting a child a Girl would be Contrary to their Family views Believes when as a fact Themselves Dislike the opposite SEX what could they offer/Teach the Child Involuntarily/Without their Will that they Dislike the opposite Sex of course the Child will Grow Up with such Conceptions in the Mind if the child the Person adopted wul'd happened to be a Boy what perspectives of Family he would learn to Dislike the opposite Sex or to have a Family as he had seen and grow up with or just from curiosity he will try same Environment etc etc
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that Offenders Criminals are doing their best to Rehabilitate themselves with or without the government help the question is when the Homosexuals will try to Rehabilitate and if the first Course does not work they should try again and again just as they are making the Criminal Offenders do to reintegrate into the Society instead of always augmenting that themselves Poofters or Lesbians are being Discriminated etc etc .
The applicant and others believe that the Homos and Lesbians can as a matter of fact go to do some Family Courses Family Communication Skills or Physiological Treatment when considering the fact that many of them will make arguments that accordingly to their believes they Knew that they where Homosexuals from an Early age argument that can be credited coming from a person with Psychopathic disorders when considering the fact that they realy bring through their argument Evidence that they Knew about their Sexual Preferences/Inclinations at Young/ Early Age and that the Respective Child Did Not Receive any Medical Expert Help Art 110 - 111 of the Romanian Family Law page 474 Principle of Rights Specifies a parent it is being Excused from Locking after Caring after a Child if the Upbringing of the Child Education of the Child [ that of Course including someone that will educate a child that themselves Dislike the opposite sex or that they knew about their Physiological Disorders from an early age ] or Professional Education of the Child See also Art 112 of the Family Law and Art 118 of the Family law Point e Persons that are affected of a Curable or Incurable Diseases/Sickness or that the Respective Person has other well Established motives therefore the respective person can not be given the task . For Example a Person that Decides to Live a Lesbian or Homosexual Relationship can not be credited as an appropriate parent to be a parent when In Fact Law and Principle Dislike or hate the Opposite Sex or living a Natural Family way of Life.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of whoever it may be Concerned that the Commonwealth Government Administration fail to Provide the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others with relevant instructive documentation [ Evidenciary Superanuation Benefit/Payment Statement ] whilst in the Commonwealth Australia or after Leaving Australia notwithstanding the Facts that the applicant did Provide the Department whit appropriate Contact Address the Commonwealth fail to Ensure that NONE of the applicant Rights are Violated in that the Applicant or others can Receive the Superannuation Benefit /PAYMENT as Described on the informative Documentation FAXED to the Applicant on Feb 2 2007.By Mary Berman after telephone Confrontations/ Arguments/ that the Future Plus Super call Abuse when as a matter of fact and their Principles Comments the management of the Future Plus Super had brought as defence in their Letter Response that had been sent before the attention Of the Honorary International Court for Justice Hague and before the Honorary office of the United Nation in Geneva the UNHCR that the Superannuation Payment must be held by them for a maximum profit as i have been Instructed by Phone until i will be at the age of 65 the applicant Alexandru Pizlea as a very Kind Character had decided to assist the Kindly Commonwelth Australia Initiated Institution/Organisation Future Plus Super for a few more months with his Rightful Money in making a maximum profit for the Company/Organisation/Institution for the Commonwealth hopefully the management will not feel frustrated for the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea their Client Kindly Request as in Response therefore both parties are beneficiary's of a maximum Advantages without any of the parties feeling Frustrated in any way when considering the fact that the Client The Applicant Alexandru Pizlea have been in a way mistreated by the Commonwealth and by the Future Plus Super by helding the applicant Money after the applicant had been Excluded From the Commonwealth Restrictive Laws and that the applicant money had been invested by the Future Plus Super without the Client Applicant Approval.
See Salem Salem ,,UNCTAD.. Imperialisam a System of Robbing and Exploating other Nations Politic Edition Bucharest 1981,, Speeches such as ,, It is not the Rich who help the poor as a matter of fact it is the Poor who help the Rich in some cases example Commonwealth APS Future Plus Super Dictatorial that believe that because of their Position and Governamental Family representing the Rich and Powerful they can classified themselves above the law and Protected without considering the facts that the Equality Before the Law and Equal Rights are as a matter of fact laws that that tey all agreed with as a matter of fact themselves do not like being robbed the hard working social class agree that Exploatation of the poor it is also Unacceptable [Robbing the poor and making inestimable Profits should as a matter of fact be seen by the Justice and punished as in accordance to the Law the above mentioned PROFITOURS or Others/that the Honourable International Courts/ Organisations believe that had as a matter of fact Violate the Law as mentioned through the content of this Affidavit Application must pay with interests and Answer for their Criminal Behaviour]
The applicant and Others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the Romanain Government and others that TAROM [Air Transport ROMANIA] accordingly to Art 549-550 Criminal Proceedings See Page 670-678 Principle of Rights Romania 1958 TAROM must answer before the Honourable International Courts/Organisations and others when considering the facts that TAROM obtained through demand from the applicant fraudulosely Falsely the sum of 36 Euros when considering the facts that the applicant as mentioned through the argument had his Ticket paid in Full from Sidney to Timisoara obviously including the Luggage the applicant would like to bring before the above mentioned attention that considering the fact that the International/National Privatised Company
With all Due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Romanian Government by the International National Privatised Air Transport Company TAROM and others as mentioned, Considering Also the Illegality of the Process that the applicant Alexandru Pizlea recieved from the Romanian Authorities Airport Police etc [ Accusing the Applicant Of a Criminal Offence ,,FRAUDULOSELY CROSSING THE ROMANIAN BORDER the applicant and others believes that the respective personal should accordingly to the Law [ Art 539 Criminal Procedure 547 C.P Art 587 C.P Art 289 C P Art 245 C.P.Art 284-286 C.P Art 269.C.P. have the applicant and others accusations against the airport and Internal Ministery Personal brought before the attention of the airport and Internal Ministery Personal attention by the Law/Legal Experts to bring before their attention the Criminal Charges as mentioned Considering the content of this application affidavit etc etc.
The applicant and others with all due respect believes that the airport Immigration and Border Control personal that Charged and placed the applicant under investiation obviously placed the applicant under Investigation for Fraudulosely Crossing the Romanian Border for motivated Reasons therefore the above mentioned Honorary International Courts and others should be consider the Charges for False Intellectual Giving false and Misleading Evidence etc as a reasonable request also considerations should be made to the fact that a Romanian Citizen has Been accused of fraudlosely Crossing the Romanian Border when in fact Romanian Citizens do not even need a Visa when crossing the border from Italy to France, with all due respect the applicant and others believes that the applicant Civil Rights etc had Been Abused with Intent by the Romanian Authorities as a matter of fact all his Human Rights had been Violated by the Romanian Authorities in Cooperation with the Airport Immigration Authorities [Personal] and the Prosecution Office that as a matter of fact had Registered the Accusations as an investigatory offence/Crime in the National Computer that of course bringing other Complications with it such as the applicant having very slim Chances of getting Employment in Romania when Considering the fact that Employers are Requesting the Criminal Record form issued by the Romanian Police [Internal Ministery]
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others believes that the Romanian Authorities had Intentionally or with Intent construct such accusations to ensure that the applicant would have very slim chances in earning a living in Romania to Ensure that His Subexistence and his family subexistence it is been denied or has a very slim opportunity a probability that those Investigatorial Charges had been constructed in Cooperation’s or at the Request of the Kind Commonwealth Australian Government when considering the fact that the Romanian Government and the Commonwealth Australia Government good Economic Relations [ Aurora Gold mining Exploitations etc etc ] Gold that obviously does not goes to United Kingdom of Great Britain or Australia Exceeding the kilograms or Baggage Excess through the Vamal /Border Check In Point.
[ The applicant with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Romanian Government such an Expert if the above mentioned believe that a lawyer must be appointed by the Romanian Government to Represent the applicant and present this matter before the Romanian Government or others .Hon RODICA EVELINA DRUGAU a very good Lawyer as a matter of fact the applicant can bring to the attention of the Romanian Government to verify her School Marks or other credentials if the Government has any doubt’s , the applicant has been informed that she is very professional and well known lawyer in the City of Timisoara Romania]. UNHCR Convention States This Convention shall not apply to a person who is recognized by the Competent authorities of the Country in which he has taken Residence as having the Rights and obligations which are attached to the Position of the Nationality of that Country See the Consular Convention Between Romania and Great Britain of United Kingdom Also the applicant and the applicant Family being Unrepresented before the Commonwealth Authorities [Breach/Contempt of an international Convention and Commonwealth Australia Laws ICCPR . ICRC.etc etc See A Pizlea V the Queen A 50 of 2001. See Halsbury laws of Australia Dallison v Caffery [1965]1 QB 348 at 369 [1964] 2 A II ER 610 per Lord Denning MR Ca .Re Van Beken [1974]9 SASR 163 at 248 9 per the court The Full Court [ Where evidence is credible and material tends to disclose innocence of accused,, See A 50 of 2001] Richardson v Regina [1974] 131CLR 116 at 119-22. 3 ALR 115 48 ALJR 181 per the Court 'Conviction will only be set asaide if the Conduct of the Trial Results in a Miscarriage of Justice]
The applicant with all due respect would like to Request that Romania /TAROM pay the applicant 100.000 Euros for every EURO that they obtained from the applicant through their DEMAND to pay 36 Euros For Excess Luggage/EXCESS BAGGAGE TICKET] the applicant had sent a copy of the Document Issued by the TAROM to the Honorary Office of the U.N. in Geneva [ 0 . 281 4520436976. 6. 0. ] considering the fact that a Well Known International/National Company that make Millions in Profit had lower themselves to such extent to even Demand the Payment in Euros not in Australian Dollars or Romanian Currency LEI
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to bring Before the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and others to consider the Request as kindness when considering the fact that Many Persons from oversees or Romania that had Visited Romania can come Forward before the Honorary International Courts and Other Honourary International Organisations if such a request it is brought Forward before the attention of the Public through the Media Channels to give Evidence in that at the Border Control the border Control Personal had and are in fact Demanding Money from People or as a mater of fact Confiscate/Take Items without Permission many of those persons that are Working at the Romanian Border Control are Living in Luxurios Villas and drive Expensive cars that of Course with their Modest Salaries 200-300 Euros per Month they would'v need two lives to Achive such Luxuries but of Course based on the Romanian Released Information Gypsies are the ones that are criminals when as a matter of fact many of those people are hard workers that had been working as Distributors and others Even in Ceasescus Era and those Border Control Government Personal have been Involved in acts as mentioned from Ceausescus Era and Obviously Now
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others believes that the Romanian Government must as a matter of fact bring to the attention of the Commonwealth Australian Government to Equip the Immigration Detention Centre with a scale therefore the Deportees can as a matter of fact check their Baggage before leaving to Ensure that they do not Exceed the allowed Kilograms
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others also believes that the Romanian Government Must Bring to the attention of the Commonwealth Australian Government to Check their Scales at Sidney International Airport a possibility that their Scales are not working properly when Considering the fact that there was not an Excess Kilograms Baggage Note on the Price of the Ticket or any other notification that indicates that the Ticket was played Sidney to Timisoara and the Baggage Excess only to Bucharest or that there was not an Excess Kilograms baggage at all a probability that their scales where out of order or that the 67.500 Dollars Cost of the Detention was not Enough to have the applicant Baggage Cost included in the Price Ticket all the way to the Final Destination only to Bucharest. if there was any Excess Baggage or excess Kilograms Baggage Ticket
The applicant and others believes that there it is another possibility that is that the Commonwealth Australian Government could not se that one bag and a back pack bag it is an Excess Baggage after nearly 17 years in Australia a probability that the Romanian Governmental Authorities should have some Diplomatic talk regarding those Possibilities before making their final Decisions Regarding the Applicant Claim. a possibility that the General Manager Miss Livia Tuica should approach the Romanian Government with such Request to Ensure that their Defence that excludes the TAROM from Culpability are Excluded.
The applicant believes that Instead of being asked if he had any money and others Rights such as give the applicant SOCIAL HELP Payment the Romanian Authorities and the TAROM Airport Authorities want in fact to take everything they can from the Applicant .
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others the Kindly Attention that the applicant had Received at the International Airport Otopeni Romania The applicant had been Charged/Investigation Ref No 310556 for Fraudulosely Illegally Crossing the Romanian Border whilst being Escorted Returned by TWO[2] Commonwealth Australian Police a clear Evidence of Corruption considering also the fact that the applicant could not Illegally Crossed the Border without someone Facilitating the Illegality [ obviously unknown to the applicant that he was charged or held under preventive arrest as a matter of fact if such accusations would,v been brought before the attention of the applicant the applicant shold,v been Served with an Investigatory Document also other Rights such as having a Lawyer Present]
With all due respect the applicant and others Strongly Recommends to the Romanian Authorities to Release the Following Documents before the Honourable International Court,s /Honorary UN Organisations as mentioned Investigatory Procedure Criminal Investigation Model No 39 See Criminal Investigation 1974 Page 141 Model No 43 Extension Referral Procedure Page 149
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that the applicant Criminal Investigation against the applicant should be considered as a Similar Corruptive Investigation that was brought before the attention to the Public and before the attention of the Prosecution Office Bucharest Against the Honorary Reresentant of the UNHRC [Director] in Romania when considering that the Extension Warrant made against the applicant had been signed and approved from the Starting Point by the General Office of the Prosecution Bucharest ROMANIA without any Incriminatory Evidence a clear Evidence of Just Us System of Justice applies in Romania where accusations are made without any Incriminatory Evidence the evidence can be Manufactured Doctored/make up Later even against a Human Rights Commissioner.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the ROMANIAN CONSTITUTION ART 2 The National Sovrenty belongs to the Romanian People The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned [Romanian Government] that their absurd political agenda can not be considered as a positive factor to a United Europe and that as an example Doctrines as Such had in fact Destroyed for Example U.R.S.S. Yugoslavia and others See for Example Commonwealth Australia where Every State want some kind of Sovrenty where Equal Rights or Equality Before the Law Differentiate from one state to another [that’s called Privileges where States are taking Each others to Court instead of Cooperation, at the tax payers expenses that had to pay for the Sovrenty State’s or Territorial Laws. ,, The applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mention and others the French Law Expert C.A.Colliard states that Cooperation Between the states [Countries] it is the most important for the Society ,, [Obviously to have a Uniform Justice of System and Political Views it is a hard task when many Families are having Views such as Outlined By Hon Sir Isac Isacss Ref See H Morgenthau Politics Among Nations 1967 C.A.Colliard Institutions Internationales Dalloz Paris 1967. etc etc
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that many People as Nations like Visionary views as Brought forward by the Honorary offices of the UNITED Nations Organisations [ INTERNATIONAL Laws ]. Instead of Political Establishments Families and others with views such as mentioned by the Hon Sir ISAC ISACSS .In ,, Equality and Authority,,
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Romanian Government and other Romanian Government Administrative Organisations believes that Sovrenty Belongs to the Romanian People and that the Romanian Government should Controlled [Investigated] Corruption with the help of their Uncorrupted Agency’s that are instituted by the Establishment of the new Democratic Romanian Government. without being verified/Scrutinised by the European Union Commissars or other Honorary United Nations Organisations Like UNHCR or UNHRC.
The applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that such Doctrines should be considered as an Indication of the Romanian Government and other Government Administrative Organisations their arrogance to cooperate in totality/totally with the European Parliament to Create a United European Union in fact the Romanian Government arrogant Political Principles had to be Resolved through Expensive Court Processes that are Supported by the tax Payers or through International Intervention Pressure etc etc.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Commonwealth Australia Similar arrogant Political Principles can be clearly Evidenciated by inspecting Investigatory Reports made by Q C and others that clearly bring in Evidence the fact that Cover Up and Corruption it is in fact Flourishing with the help of Law Makers and Politicians when also Considering the fact that the Investigation into the Immigration Detention Centre did not in fact Exposed and Punished the persons Responsible of Misconduct and other Crimes against Humanity [ Humans Rights]
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mention as an Example the Matter of PETER FOULIS an Officer of the Commonwealth that as a matter of fact had been Punished by the system even considering the fact that he Served the Commonwealth with Honour for 16 years and that a Commonwealth Politician or a Commonwealth Police Officer as Public Servants themselves will be EXEMPT even considering the facts that some of the Commonwealth Police Officers had only served the Public for years Most of them are protected by Privileged Laws that makes a Mockery of the JUSTICE SYSTEM. Instead of applying the Equality Before the Law as in Equal Rights for all the Residents of this Planet. as in accordance to the Springs of Rights Principle of Rights not principle Made by CORRUPT POLITICIANS WITH THE HELP OF THEIR LEGAL ADVISERS THAT MOST OF THEM ARE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF CORRUPTION.
With all due Respect the applicant would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that the DIMIA Australia did in fact want to humiliate the applicant before leaving by offering the applicant the Charitable Kindly SUM of 250 Australian Dollars that as a matter of fact the applicant Refused to take it when considering the fact that the applicant Alexandru Pizlea did not want to Accept their Humiliation as a matter of fact the applicant did not Supposed to be placed in to an Asbestos Infested Detention Centre also, as a matter of fact the applicant should,v have His Money [ when considering the fact that the Superannuation Scheme and the Administrative Commonwealth Approved laws where not applicable to the Applicant being Excluded from the Commonwealth or Government Protection or Jurisdiction] Money that where held by the Commonwealth Australia APS Future Plus Super a Commonwealth Government Administrative Organisation The applicant would,v pay his Ticket and Leave their Asbestos KINDNES by Himself without having a Happy Jumpy Show Off Police Escort. [ also other Considerations that the applicant and his family had been put through by the Kindly Commonwealth Australia.that are being brought to the attention of the above mentioned and others through the Content of this Application Affidavit]
The applicant as a matter of fact Considering their approach and their failure would like to demand that a 10.000 Dollars to 1Dollar THAT THEY OWED TO THE APPLICANT to be paid to the applicant as in interest by the APS Superannuation FUTURE PLUS SUPER considering the fact of their Willingfull Failure. Therefore they should learn their lesson instead of always thinking that they are BEST on WHAT they are DOING such as Making a Maximum Profit For themselves with other People Money Considering the facts that through their answer their believes are that others like the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and his family had to learn through pain and suffering not only inflicted by the government or by the Justice system also by themselves as part of [THE SYSTEM] to play an important ROLE to ensure that they are making their Honorary Contribution Attitude by Insulting the applicant and others disregarding the Business Ethics like I Understand My Clients , Doing the Right Thing for my Clients it is doing the right thing for the Company Investment , and others that the APS Future Plus Super fail to consider in exchange for A MAXIMUM PROFIT etc. .
With all due respect the Applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned Honorary Courts and others the following Points that are brought to the attention of the Applicant by the Commonwealth Government / Australian Taxation Office at Page No 8 that was faxed to the applicant bringing as EVIDENCE their Administrative Failure. that can also be conjunct as DIMIA Administrative Failure AS WELL.
• Advice clients who have already left Australia that they may be eligible for the payment The applicant and others has never received such advice for a period of two months whilst in the Country as a matter of fact when the applicant make inquiry about his Superannuation Benefit payment they where very Recalcitrant as a matter of fact i have called on Numerous Occasions to have answers such as may I receive my money at the age of 65 when in fact the applicant has clearly Explain to the DIMIA that their Governmental Restrictive Act or regulations should not apply in this matter considering the fact that the applicant does not wishes to return to Australia a Probability that others in the same position would like the Government to apologise for what their done to their families when considering the fact that by Violating their Rights to have the Information on how to have access to their Superannuation Benefit Money and as a fact they where Relaying on Family’s Help instead being Providers for their Families Instead themselves and their families have been provide with an Excellent Payment Slip that many of the applicants and their families did not have before the Government Immigration ordeal that the applicant has also send it to the Government and Courts with Complimentary Adjustments etc AND other References as described in the letter that was addressed before the SUPERANUATION UNHCR / International Court for Justice and others a so called Justice Down Under The Dominion Of The Queen Where Family Matters a Just US System of Justice or as Described in the Comments Made By the Hon Sir Isaac Isaacs land politics power Commerce and as described on the DIMIA LOGO PEOPLE IT IS OWER BUSINESS. [ See 1860 Law brought before the attention of the UNO by the Great Britain and others also the argumentative Submissions presented by the applicant and others ]
• Advice your eligible clients that are currently working in Australia that they can start their online application now and With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorable Courts and others that as a Tax Payer working whilst serving a sentence i was never approached by the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE DIMIA or by the Australian Superannuation whilst working for Power in Roof Trusses a Timber Products Industry to informed me that my visa will be cancelled or that a decision for the cancellation of my VISA had been made by the Commonwealth The Commonwealth also knowing that after the cancellation of my visa i was held in Prison [Working a productive work ,,work references being send before different Commonwealth Government administrative Institutions/organisation ] for a period of 10 months on Parole Refusal i was working I have also been working whilst Incarcerated in Detention Centre Receiving Bonus POINTS for a while working whilst being another 10months in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre
The applicant was sentenced By the South Australia District Court as a Federal Offender when considering the fact that the applicant was not a Citizen therefore the Federal Jurisdiction APPLYS under this Circumstances any offender that has Committed a State Offence accordingly to the Law the offence it is a State offence the offender being a FEDERAL. offender dealt by the state’s Courts. See Australian LAW Reform Commission and Other REFERENCES that the applicant would like to bring before the attention of the Honourable Courts through the Content of this Affidavit an appeal was lodged by the applicant before the supreme Court also before the High Court of Australia the applicant has also Apply Before the state Courts and Before the Parliament For an Inquiry an application for a Judicial Review was also lodged before The High Court Of Australia The applicant and others that have their visa cancelled Under section 501 would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Court.s For Justice as the applicant has brought before the attention UNHCR or before the attention to Whom it may be Concerned through Consent Form that the applicant had made for TRUONG QUOC THANG also before the Federal Court Of Australia and Parole Board of South Australia that NON citizens / Visa applicants that have been accepted in the Commonwealth Australia under the UNHCR CONVENTION and or other Federal Government Schemes to have their Families and Children’s Going through same Abuse of Human Rights Forced to live a life without a PARENT in the country of their birth going through the same destructive process that many Australian Families have been put through at the beginning of the Colonisation of a Continent that,s by the Great Britain United Kingdom [ See Equality and Authority for References and other Historical Evidence] English and others deported/Relocated From the Kingdom Forcefully separated from their Children’s Families/Forcefull Abandment of their Families by The Monarchical Colonial Families that Considered themselves as families with Morals MAKING Demands from others to do same ,, See Equality and Authority,, Morals and Values Based on Human Rights Abuse [ See Definition of the Family as described under the Australian Macquarie Concise Dictionary] Families that are continuing to Go by Same PRINCIPLES See Isaac Isaacs Written Comments and comments from others that he did not make much of a Contribution to the legal System or other REMARKS as such etc. See Equality and Authority] a clear indication that much remains same Under the Dominion of the British Empire of the so call Just US System Great Britain United Kingdom System] Families are being treated same through the Kingdom Familys or Family Members being Relocated by the diverse Family Control Institutions at their Will Remarks being made by the applicant Family members and others before the United Nations and the Commonwealth Courts accordingly to the Law also accordingly to the Commonwealth Constitution
The applicant and others with all due Respect would like to bring before the attention of the Honorable Courts the International Courts For Justice and Others that accordingly to the LAW as fact the Persons that are Deported from the Commonwealth Australia are Federal Offenders that have committed an offence A COMMONWEALTH OFFENCE taking into consideration that they are not Citizens of any State of Australia they are considered as Federal offenders that have committed a State Offence Nevertheless they are offenders that have committed CRIMINAL OFFENCE IN of Australia in the Commonwealth when also considering the fact that the Federal Court it is Dealing with their Matter [Example Nicolae Ioan Deported from the Commonwealth /Australia to leave in England Separated from his Family to live as a Person Relocated from his Family that’s accordingly to the Commonwealth that Describes those Persons are of a Bad Character Parents that are being Punished to live a separate life from the people that they Love that,s the so called Justice System and Politicians ARGUMENT THAT those persons have Committed Crimes REPUGNENT and that as a fact the Commonwealth Community can not have such people once released [ the person it is innocent person without having the Rights to live close TO THEIR FAMILY that’s the so called great politicians and law makers or police and corrective services Recommendations that those people families do not have rights GREAT POLITICIANS THAT OBVIOUSELY HAVE NOTHING IN THEIR HEADS THAN AS MENTIONED IN THE REMARKS MADE BY [Hon Sir ISACS ISACSS See Equality and Authority]. and others as mentioned by the applicant and his family before the Commonwealth Courts before the Federal Court etc etc and before the UNHCR. (See ALRC 2002 reports , 1982 Sentencing of Federal Offenders The Commonwealth relies on State Criminal Justice to handle offenders against the laws of the Commonwealth (State Laws are as a matter of fact Laws of the Commonwealth when taking into consideration that Australia it is a colonial Country a Federation) The administration of the Criminal law of the Commonwealth it is organised upon a State by State basis and there may be significant differences in the procedure applying to the TRIAL of a person charged with an offence against the Commonwealth Law according to the state in which he is TRIED. UNDER ANY CIRCUMNSTANCES IN THE MATTERS AS MENTIONED IN THE Australian Law Reform Commission or others where the federal jurisdiction applys those persons are in fact Federal offenders.
In DPP v EL KHARHANY the NSW court of Criminal Appeal (NSWCCA) stated that for the purpose of the new legislation was not CLEAR it said that part IB glossed over, and left unresolved conflicting policy choices. One such choice was whether that Federal offenders should be treated Equally with one another [state ofenders or federal ofenders] irrespective of where their OFFENCE was committed, [ States and Territory when considering that under the Commonwealth Australia as a Federation has Representants from every state and territory Elected by the state governments and others that have their rights to Vote.
The Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned the following matter that has been put before the Commonwealth Court as a Precedent as an example or authority for the Honourable International Courts That I have Mentioned above and others to understand their own contradictions or lets say the mixt complexity of the politics of blind justice Power ORIENTATED AS Described in Equality and Authority by the Hon Sir ISAC ISACSS ex Gov Gen of the Colony The Federation Australia See R v Shrestha (1991)173 CLR (When as a matter of fact DIMIA Minister’s Delegates MIMIA have informed the Parole Board regarding their intentions to Cancel the Applicant Visa, Review of the applicant Refugee Status before the Parole Board decision to release the applicant ,,It is obvious to the applicant’s and should be obvious to the Honourable Court that the Parole Board the community have made (make) their decision to release the applicant into the community, The applicant has been issued with a Release order from the Board not with a transfer order regarding his transfer from Prison to an Immigration Detention Centre.[an asbestos deadly centre] ( a transfer order from one Prison to another) See R v Sherstha (1991) High Court As a matter of practice, offenders who are non citizens and subject to a deportation order are deported by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs when they are released from custody. It is been suggested that this is unsatisfactory because the period of release on parole is part of the sentence imposed on the offender, if the offender is deported at the end of the non-parole period he or she it is not being required to serve his or her entire sentence, including time in the community under supervision The applicant with all due respect believes that the Parole period after the end of the non parole period/incarceration term sentence could not be considered same as a sentence of imprisonment as a matter of fact the person released it is assessed by the Community Members members of the board as a person of a god character rehabilitated ready to be with his family understandably that many of those persons do return to prison for as longer the UNSUFICIENTLY DEVELOPED SOCIETY will underestimate the Released Person therefore many of those persons will fell helpless in front of the reality powerless in achieving/leave their dreams or goals that all of them are thinking of or are being educated through different vocational courses. a home a family children’s etc when considering the facts that Governments are spending more money to keep a person in prison [around 45.000 dollars annually] then give the respective person and his family support after release from prison in fact many of those persons ones Released are being Hunted or pik,t on by Governments Administrative Institutions to have them back into a costly system for the tax Payers assessed by the governments as the most profitable Industries in the world. With all due respect the applicant and others believes that their Incarceration into a Detention Prison or lets say the extra time spent in Custody should be considered as a violation of their civil Rights also a violation by the Correctional Services Act when Considering the fact’s above mentioned and others example wrongful imprisonment when considering the facts that no arrest warrant or Court order could/Have been issued as in accord to the Federal Legislation without a total Disregard of the Justice System [same with the Aborigines under the Commonwealth Constitution] When considering the facts that many of those people have been treated In the Commonwealth as described UNDER the Federal Jurisdiction and mentioned by the ALRC Unfairly unequally therefore the Commonwealth being responsable and accountable as mentioned by/ under the Commonwealth Australian Law Reform Commission ALRC References also as in accord to the Equality before the LAW and other References as mentioned Criminal in Nature mentioned by/ the UNHCR and two Q C [queen consulters] P KIRBY J and HOPE JAJ also known as the Full Court of the High COURT when considering their decision after defying the contempt/violation of a lets say in this matter a decision to have Villawood Detention Centre Closed Considered to be a HEALTH HAZARD AND Reopened THROUGH A LIE by the Commonwealth DIMIA Federal and [State Government when considering that the State had never opposed to it’s reopening] when considering the facts that Families Childrens[ Youngest Residents of this planet some of them Born/ and or living in such Conditions ] have visited or have been placed into a as they have mentioned through their reports/ comments Deadly asbestos area that had No warning Signs in PLACE acknowledged by the Commonwealth Government/ Contractors Group 4 also known as GLOBAL SOLUTION that have made and Signed a Contract without having their Solicitor to solicit the Right Information[also a possibility that the government contractors and the government purposely Disregarding the Health Act and the consequences that their Greediness as in Cooperation with connected Families that are Power Orientated as mentioned above Disregarding any DIGNITY OR HUMAN RIGHTS CIVIL RIGHTS AS THEY HAVE DONE IT WITH THE ABORIGINEES AND OTHERS FOR Century’s Regarding all of those abuses as their Business ,, being a Health Risk Law Risk to moderate risk nevertheless a imminent RISK [ a breach/ Violation of the Health Act] A Criminal Offence that Must be Reported by the Commonwealth/ [or by the Management of the Hardy Hardware considering the facts that the Government had brought before the attention of the Management their valued Reports ] also Before the World Health Organisation Geneva bringing before their attention the Commonwealth Specialist Medical Reports that have been before the Management of the HARDIE Hardware. and other reports for example Reports Regarding the Stress Related Disorders that can affect Children’s and families and also can be passed through their genes as reported by the Swedish Institute of Medical Science when also making consideration of the 1978 Nestle World Health Organisation Reports Also Considering the Facts that Asbestos Samples where also detected in the Kitchen Area. at the villawood immigration detention centre Where families and children where having their meals.
It was argued in the High Court case of Shrestha that offenders who are liable for deportation on release from custody should never be granted a non-parole period or released on licence. The High Court rejected this blanket approach, but stated that where an offender would almost certainly be deported upon release from custody, this factor should be taken into account by the court in fixing a non-parole period and should also be taken into account by the parole authority in considering whether the offender should be released on parole or licence. This was not the only relevant factor, however. The High Court also stated that the parole authority should consider other factors such as the likelihood of rehabilitation and any other mitigating factors…
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that the Head of the Parole Board of South Australia had fail to consider that Under the Sex Discrimination Act the De Facto Relationship are Having same Standing as Marriages as a matter of fact the Head of the Parole Board E F NELSON did make Discriminatory Remarks towards the applicant family when as a matter of fact Family Ties had been brought up before the Board ,, to live with Some Women in Sidney NSW the Head of the Parole board and the Board fail to Consider that that some women was in fact a wife Under the Law Sex Discrimination Act Legally Recognised.
(R v Shrestha 1991 173 CLR 48 [10]-[15])
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honourable International Courts that i have mentioned above that the remarks made by the Full Court of the High Court are as a matter of fact in contradiction when considering the fact that the High Court has Done Nothing to stop the Commonwealth Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions Illegal Unlawful Interventions when considering the facts that the Commonwealth Federal Government DIMIA have fail to instruct or approach the Courts from the beginning PRIMA FACIA when considering the fact that the person convicted would,t have to go to another Process of Humiliation accordingly to the High Court Precedent R v Shresta to be placed in front of a Justice to have same matter for which the applicant has been sentenced thrown into his face for the second time after lets say a person that finish his jail/imprisonment sentence must be considered innocent and released into the community accordingly to the orders and the High Court Precedent R v Shrestha therefore the process of having a person before the Justice for the second time for same offence must be considered a Process of Double Jeopardy a shameful administrative intervention when considering that state Courts in sentencing Non Citizens Federal jurisdiction Applies [as have been mentioned in R v Shrestha High Court the Justice/the Courts should sentence a person that it will be almost certainly deported to a fix term if contrary the person should have his probatory parole period in to the Community as decided by the Community Representatives The Parole Board Members] therefore the state Court acting under Jurisdiction of a Federal Court must consider the Commonwealth Government or State Government administrative Institution Organisation DIMIA decision to have the person Going through another Judicial Process a process of Humiliation and their decision conviction/Sentence to forcefully separated families Illegaly or Unlawful Decision therefore the Commonwealth making a decision that the respective person to forcefully abandon his family or as argument by the Gov Solicitor and Implying that IT IS OK FOR AN AUSTRALIAN BORN CHILD TO BE DISPLACED FROM THE COUNTRY OF HIS / HER BIRTH IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A FAMILY AS A FAMILY UNIT CIVIL RIGHTS Family Rights etc ,, or submissions such as ,, It is not in the best interests of the Child but other Considerations Outweighs the Best Interests of the child a Child Born in Australia an Autochthone born from a naturalised Australian Citizen and an immigrant parent. The Government through Government administrative intervention had apply same Civil Rights as they had apply to the Aborigines limited Civil Rights because she did not choose to have a Parent without a criminal record before she was born [ the aborigines being considered as being criminals Just for the simple fact of Fighting for their Civil Rights Family Rights a probability that she should’v choose to have a Parent like Reverend Chief Justice JOHN ELLIOT an alcoholic Priest a sex offender without a criminal record or others alike example Police officers like Peter Foulis Amos May Gue Haken Dennis Martin Gilligan [and others like Justice M Kirby a fine Family ACHIVER DOYLE MARTIN BESANCO Nyland, Bishop etc] as mentioned at the 1976 Barry Beach inquiry Barry Beach QC findings where police officers admitting a range of crimes Including Conspiring to give false Evidence Fabrication of evidence Assault Harassment Intimidation Perjury Fabrication of Evidence Failing to Investigate complaints Unlawful arrests Suppression of Evidence See Framed Magazine issues No 7 15 17 20 23 26 28 1995 All those police officers and others like prosecutors or Judges that Suppressed much of Evidence as SUCH do Believe that they are above the law therefore their contempt’s of the Natural Course of Justice Process should be applicable as defined by JUSTICE BLEBY J in CONTEMPT SENTENCE 15 Months Prison Sentence case Ref REGISTRAR of SUPREME COURT of SOUTH AUSTRALIA v ZAPPIA [2003] SASC 276 R v Zappia[2002]223 LSJS155 Criminal Law Sentencing Act 1988 s3,s4,s5,s10,s11,s32, Correctional Services Act 1982s22,s74A,s79[repealed] District Court Act 1991s48 Supreme Court Rules 1987 r93.08,r93.10 Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 Criminal Justice Act [UK] s 39 Sentencing Act 1989 [NSW] Referred to von Doussa v Owens[No3] 1982 31 SASR 116 distinguished Nicholls v Director of Public Prosecution 1993 61 SASR 31 not followed Morris v Crown Office 1970 2QB114 Registrar of the Court of Appeal v Maniam No 2 1992 26 NSWLR 309 Attorney General for New South Wales v Whiley 1993 31 NSWLR 314 Wood v Galea 1996 84A Crim R 274 Wood v Staunton No 5 1996 86 A Crim R 183 Smith v The Queen 1991 25 NSWLR 1 discussed
With all due respect the applicant and others believe that Retrenched Police Officers and other Public Servants that had been Compensated or had received payments whilst of Work Pending Investigation for different offences breaches/contempt’s by bending the Rules of Conduct they of course had ERRODE the Natural Course Of Justice therefore the Equality Before the LAW should apply accordingly and that Contempt Sentences MUST become REALITY/Applicable to Those that Believe that they are above the LAW if contrary those offenders/non offenders/PRIVILEDGED Criminals are as a matter of fact Encouraged to commit Crimes as SUCH without any fear of the law, as a matter of fact Going to a School like Police Academy etc for this Simple Fact Knowing from their parents and Family or Family Friends that the OLD SCHOOL THE TOWER OF CORRUPTION it is in fact FLOWRISHING whilst Unacceptable/Inaceptable privileges makes the Natural Justice a JUST US System of Justice that protect the OLD BOYS CLUB With members such as Hollingworth John Elliot and others alike.
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that Public Servants [ Police Officers etc ] that had Consumed Alcohol whilst on duty should see the Government Doctor or their Family Doctor for a consultation Doctor Report before bringing to the attention of any one their Argumentative submissionary EXCUSESS. Or as a matter of fact any members of the Public that are called as Jurors should ask for a medical Advice Before Making a Decision/ Verdict or if any of the members of the Public Jurors as in the matter Pizlea v The Queen that had made a Decision Should ask their Family Doctor for a written ADVICE /a doctor assessment and keep a Copy one For THEMSELVES and Send one to the Law Makers and others that are part of the their Justice APARATUS/SYSTEM OF JUSTICE.[Government Governor General Privy Council]etc an apparatus that accordingly to their Judgment have fail to Consider the High Court Decision or lets say that the High Court had fail to remained the decision makers their judgment or purposely fail to brought the unlawful governmental Intervention before a Higher Law Institution Like The International Court’s for Justice when considering the fact’s that the Old British System of Justice had fail to recognised and protect the Civil Rights and the Family Rights of Ordinary Citizens for hundred’s of years
The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that an order /a Decision had been made that the non parole period should be considered for federal offenders and that the State courts should fix a sentence without a parole period for offenders that would almost certainly be deported or that consideration should be made considering the facts that by Law federal offenders are beneficiating of remission ,,,, it is also a possibility that Federal and State Governments Corrective Services and others are liable ,, Accountable and Responsible for all of those unlawful Incarceration/ Detention/ Imprisonments Violations of Human Rights also through EXPLOATATION when considering the Payments that those persons had been receiving whilst unlawfuly/lawfuly detained/ Incarcerated prestating a Productive Work , work that outside the Prison would,v been paid accordingly to the Industrial laws.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others the Recommendation Support Letter from he NSW Parole Board Ref Doc No 4134063 Recommendations made by T Sadler and George Law 13 April 1994 that states [sic] Mr Pizlea is presently working as a Storeman for Regents Park His overseer has nothing but praise for his work performance adding that this Inmate has been one of the best referred to the Corrective Services Industries by the Silverwater Work Release Program .etc etc]
The applicant and others would also like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others the NSW Correctional Services reports as reported in the ALRC NSWLRC ¡ new south Wales law reform Commission regarding the mental health of the Reception prisoners the applicant and others would also like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that same reports should be accredited to the prisoners families elderly extended families and children’s when considering the facts that they are also going through the same Judicial Process {sometime unfair} as a family {as presented before the UN organisation The Honorary Office Of The UNHCR. Canberra and Geneva}hopefully presented before other UN offices .etc. With all due respect the applicant and others also believes that the Aborigines excluded as part of the Australian Population accordingly to the Commonwealth Australian Constitution [UNTIL RECENTLY] should,v never been Inprisoned by any of the Commonwealth Courts when considering the facts that they where not covered by any Civil or Criminal law accordingly to the Constitution Excluded as part of the population it should clearly be a Constitutional Denail of their Subexsitence in one word and more simply they actually NEVER EXIST for the Administration therefore their rights where inexistent nevertheless once the Commonwealth acknowledge their Existence the Commonwealth must be liable ACCOUNTABLE and RESPONSABLE for all Violations Mistreatments etc
The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that Civil Rights Family Rights are only given to special families like ex Reverend Chief Justice JOHN ELLIOT OR PETER HOLLINGWORTH MARK BRINDALL or BRINDLLE etc etc etc Honorary as they been called by many in the commonwealth or in the world by the Honorary High Ranking families that do nothing then bridging the following submissions ,, In the Christian Believes Forgiveness plays an Important Role,, child molesters that committed crimes ,, as specified under the Migration Act section 501 persons that have committed crimes against Childrens Crimes repugnant to the Community [,,Honorary R.R as i have been mentioned that the applicant and others believes that the only honour that they should have when considering the fact’s that The Queen can have them dishonoured instead of shaking their hands obviously that’s the so call JUSTICE DOWN UNDER THE DOMINION OF THE QUEEN when considering the fact that she had dishonoured a President N Ceausescu had his honour taken from him by the Queen a President of a Country and those Commonwealth scams are being protected by the Westminster System of Justice as honorary AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS paid a Superannuation and a Pension etc without being placed in Prison having the Federal Attorney General Philiph Rudock making Christian Remarks such as IT IS IN THE CHRISTIAN BELIEVES THAT FORGIVNESS PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE etc etc It is a possibility that he Never Read the Bible [or it is a probability that he only read the Australian version of the bible with the Kangaroo jumping around and birds singing in the mally three close to the billabong ] the Christians from australia most of them European missionary had fail to bring to the attention of the Federal Attorney General to read the other bible where mentions are made such as Dishonoring a women The Christian Priests Catholics Protestants Presbyterians or Others should in fact bring to the attention of the Federal Attorney General and Hollingworth that as a matter of fact Instead of taking the honour from a young Catholic Girl he shouldv go and take that from his Queen considering the fact that she is the Founten of the Honorary,s See Legal APENDICS THAT ALL MAN HAVE HONOR AND THAT THE QUEEN IS THE FOUNTEN OF THE HONORARY THE APPLICANT AND OTHERS BELIEVE THAT ANY PERSON THAT CONSIDER HOLLINGWORTH OR ARCHBISHOP CHIEF JUSTICE JHON ELLIOT and others alike AS PERSONS WITH HONOUR when also considering the fact that John Elliot has addmited that he had commited not one but at least two offences of child abuse abusing one or two boys he also can not remember how many as the Commonwealth police officer Peter Foulis could not remember how much alcohol he had consumed whilst on duty as a public servant People that call them honorary they should have Kokosi Stefan Honour to be a R .R [ Thats to do their own childrens] as i have mentioned previously also whoever doesn’t want to Bring the facts before the Justice should have same honour R.R like many Police Officers having thousand of Complaints covered up or purposely failing to investigate through government administrative intervention orders or other High Ranking Families Intervention the applicant and others believes that they should be send to the Founders of the Commonwealth to the Queen to have their say accordingly to their Honour and put their submission before the queen and before the Honourary Courts The International Courts for Justice ,, a possibility that they can be Honorary ENUCS in the service of their Beloved Queen instead of making speeches before the public at the international LAW CONFERENCES or being in government offices.
Wit all due respect the applicant and Others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that consider that Forgiveness Plays an important Role In The Christian Believes and that their Lord or Jesus or God the Father Of their Lords Or Jesus Did Not Get In Africa or America or Australia Before themselves the Missionaries if their Lord OR Jesus that as they say Could walk on the Water when he was alive don’t they wonder why this so called great Holiness holly Powerful could not get to those lands than on the Bloody Bouth,s with their missionaries to teach them about their believes in god or that was their God Lords teachings By Killing them and Decimating those Humans Like the ABORICINEES American Indians through their Crusades [cruciades] to show their Lord/God/Family s Greediness For Exploatation The so called Holly Powerful God Lord Jesus Family was not poerwfull Enugh to have their Holly Powerful Destructive God or lets say as they put it their Kindly Believes to have their Indians or Africans or Aborigines Christianised or lets say Baptised not by lets say some INDIAN or Black or Romanian etc God Lord Jesus or Saint like Saint John before they went around the country’s on their Mission to let,s say SPREAD the WORD of THEIR POWERFULL HOLLINES FAMILY OBEDIENCE AND BELIEVNESS IN WHAT THEY ARE SAYNG BECAUSE THATS THE WORD OF Their GOD LORD JESUS without considering that the one that was baptising and spreading this Religious believes was as a matter of fact DECAPITATED
The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned the 1860 ENGLISH LAW Adopted by Many Governmental Families and others Example. African Blacks Being sold as slaves by the slave traders hey guess what the English Kindness and others come up with a better Law that abolished the slavery Slaves Trade in 1860 of course that was just their show off when in fact slavery means Exploatation of the Man By the Man [ Call U.N.Organisations for Advice] as a matter of fact the above mentioned and others should understand that slaves trading wasn’t stopped in fact the English Holly Families and Others where continuing to trade Slaves in Countries that where under their Governamental Administration evidence can be obtained Lets say From the Archives [AFRICAN Countries Australia and others] The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that THE 1860 International Law Clearly Bring to their Attention the Sanctions that are been Imposed Under the 1860 Law as I REMEMBER THAT INCLUDES BIG FINES AND JAIL. Are any of the Governments or Administrative Government Organisations or Institutions Etc that would like to Bring to the attention of the Honorary Court’s The International Courts for Justice and other Honorary Organisations their ARGUMENTATIVE SUBMISSIONS PUBLICLY regarding THEY De Facto Laws or other Modifications or ALTERATIONS that Give them in fact the Rights To Exploatate any Human Beings Even a person that it is as a matter of fact INCARCERATED Convicted of a Criminal Offence.
• The Commonwealth Australian Taxation Office and the Superannuation Future Plus Super does in fact Admits that the tax Payers the Superannuation Future Plus Super Clients are in fact taxed three times when considering the fact that the Future Plus Super does pay tax from the Profit like any other Registered Business that in fact it is making a profit in this instant matter the Future Plus are making a Profit with the Peoples Money therefore the Contributors the tax payers that are having their weekly Contribution to the superannuation found from their taxed salary’s are as a matter of fact being taxed from the profit that in fact it is Resulting from their already once taxed Money The Commonwealth Government Australia as a matter of fact Unlawfully Taxing them once more after they had taxed the profit that results from their Investment The Contributor the tax Payers in fact can not in fact even make a Tax Return Claim on the Money that had been taxed from their Superannuation
From the Informative Documentation released by the Australian Taxation Office [ A Commonwealth Government Initiative Faxed to the applicant on the 2 of Feb 2007 in Spain clearly specifies Will my Clients Need to include the Payment in their Tax Return No the payment will not form part of your client’s assessable Income the withholding tax applied to the PAYMENT will in effect be a FINAL TAX. The applicant and others would like the Commonwealth Government to answer and Release Documentation that in fact Same Procedure applies to the Parliamentarians Senators and other High Ranking Families as have been mentioned Hard Working Family Honorable Man John Elliot Peter Hollingworth etc Like Company Managers Owners and Other Public Servants Elected By the People to Represent Them. like Ian Mc Fairlane etc.etc.etc. [ Equqlity Before The Law and Discovery Of Evidence ] The Government and others to Put/Bring Evidence Before the Public if There are any Special Privileges that they had Forget about to Disclose before or after the Election to the Voters to the Public The Hard Working Social Class that pays for their Sweet Salary’s and Superannuation. When considering their hard work that their legal and others Advisors are Prestating.
• The applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others The applicant and others Request/ Consent to Do a SEARCH of the LOST MEMBERSHIP REGISTER AND CALCULATE THEIR REFUND ENTAITLEMENTS WITH INTEREST when considering the fact that DIMIA a Commonwealth Government Initiative and Government Diplomatic Officials has in fact all the Records of the Deported or departed persons that had LEFT THE COMMONWEALTH Australia without being INFORMED by the Commonwealth Government Australia of their RIGHTS
• With all due respect the applicant and others believe that Persons that had been incarcerated and received a Legal Lawful Payment for the work that they had prestated whilst in prison should as a matter of fact receive their Superannuation Payment or a Search for their payment must be done by the Tax Department and the Superannuation when considering the fact that every Employer without Exemption Suppose to pay the employed person a Superannuation Contribution as a matter of fact Prisoners in the Commonwealth Australia Receive a Payment Slip with the name of the Employer without making any Specifications where his Superannuation or how much superannuation had been Paid by the Employer or the Name of the Superannuation FUND. or if they salary’s are being paid as in accordance to the Industrial laws. or in fact the Respective Government Administrative Institution/Organisation it is in Fact in breach of the Industrial Laws and Evidence can show that those workers are in fact being EXPLOATATED [ EXPLOATATION OF THE MAN BY THE MAN] As a matter of fact many of the Australian Citizens Incarcerated have all their Rights Denied by the Commonwealth Australian Government Unconstitutionally Their Rights To Vote [ ANY LAW AGINST THE FAMILY FAMILY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS IT IS FOR ONE PURPOSE ONLY TO DESTROY FAMILIES ] When considering the fact that those people persons placed in Prisons are placed in for REEDUCATION under direct Supervision of the Government Administrative Management and government Contractors [ See other international Convention that the Commonwealth Government etc had Signed and Agreed to Respect] See also Criminal Investigation where clearly explains that their Rights the Prisoners Rights are as a matter of fact made in collaboration by the Corrective Services and Police Department. and as for example in Commonwealth Australia where the Police Department Release Information Police Recommendations to the Corrective Services Parole or Probation Officer.
• With all due Respect the applicant and others would also like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that The Romanian Government and the Corrective Services [ THE PENITENCIARY.S] MUST BE AS A MATTER OF FACT CONSIDERED IN BREACH OF UNO /ONU Treaty’s Conventions when considering the fact that the Government had and does violates the Humans Rights of Citizens Constitutional Rights Family Rights and as a matter of fact Prisoners and others are having their Civil Rights Denied a DENIL of their Family Subexistence through Government EXPLOATATION SLAVERY The Departments Making Unlawful Decisions Considering that a MAXIMUM PROFIT through Exploatation it is in fact in within their Rights Even after they had signed International Treaty,s and Conventions The Applicant and others with all due respect would like the above mentioned or others that the Honourable Courts and others Honourable Organisations would like to Considered as Offending Parties to Respond Verbal/Oral argument or argumentative submissions as Prisoners when Considering the Fact that Slavery and Exploatation it is in fact Condemned Internationally or lets say the Respective Offenders as Parties Should READ IMPERIALISM A SYSTEM OF ROBBING AND EXPLOATING OTHER NATIONS [ The above Mentioned and others will understand the De-Facto factor of Exploatation Instead of having Slave Trade that’s having slaves Prestating a Productive Work for NO Pay or for a very little Pay or Rewords [Reword Points Like for Example in Villawood Detention Centre Where People that in fact Do Not have a working Visa and are Prestating a Productive work UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT JURISDICTION some of them For a Period of YEARS before getting Deported are getting paid Crematorial Expenses Money Many Governments and especially the Commonwealth have in place an abusive System of justice where Legal Representation Denial or POOR REPRESENTATION that in fact it does happened in very often many of those violations are in fact done through a systematic Diversionary system that’s Called POOR REPRESENTATION that should be considered as a matter of fact and law considered just as being unrepresented `[ A PURPOSELY SYSTEMATICLY COVER UP THROUGH A FALSE INTELECTUAL Fraud and Denial of the person Rights when considering the fact that the so call Represented person was in fact and law Unrepresented . The above mentioned FACTS does Occurred Constantly IN THE COMMONWEALTH Example Aborigines and others as Explain having their Rightful Rights Denied by an ABUSIVE System Of Justice where as a matter of Fact many of Rich Families that have Assets and Money are Receiving Legal AID Assistance a VERY GOOD COMPETENT LEGAL ASSISTANCE After they Defraud the Tax Payers OF MILLIONS Example HIC Insurance Director ATKEN Steve Visard etc.etc.] only then Those Governments etc will understand that many of them are in fact accusing others for something that IN FACT themselves are DOING and as a matter of fact law Proven Guilty of The Commonwealth Australia Government Personal making themselves CRIMINALS Guilty of at least one Criminal Offence that they Corrupt System of Justice JUST-US System of Justice that in fact knows that it is ABUSING Families From the Hard Working Social Class or the Poor INOCENT CILDRENS Youngest Residents of this Planet and their PARENTS or Elderly Falsely obtaining money From the Tax Payers for services that as a matter of fact law and principle they do not Exercise Willingffuly with Intent will ensure that persons that they should accord assistance are affected of numerous Health Related Disorders Disregarding Health acts Nationally or Internationally [Stress and other Stress Related Disorders] not only the PARENT that it Is incarcerated suffers because he can not help his family and other Inhumane Abuses that are Existent through the Jail System like Beatings or being HAND Cuffed TO THE TABLE AS IT HAPPEND WITH THE APPLICANT ALEXANDRU PIZLEA and others IN the Commonwealth/South. Australia. GREAT ,, The Kids F.....s State Down Under The Dominion Of The QUEEN. Or as it happened in Romania Being Hand Cuffed to the Heating Element the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Master Dietrick being bashed with the Rubber Baton because Alexandru Pizlea,s Ex Wife had visited Master and brought him some Food and other Items and share some of the items with the applicant as friends Considering the fact that we,v been friends and living in the same Dormitory with around another 60 persons or more.
• The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that are to be Considered as offending parties What Happened with the 2 per cent that was taken by law Compulsory from every person Including Prisoners that where prestating a Productive work in to a Socialist Organisation A POSSIBILITY THAT THOSE MONEY HAD BEEN WISELY INVESTED SAME AS THEY had wisely invested their INCOME A PRISONER a Worker a Person Working in BUILDING INDUSTRIES Earning around 2200 Lei Working in Repairing Wooden Boxes around 1700 Lei and other Industries in the Jail Perimeter having Different pay awards.
--- The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others like Stancu Ioan Stancu Pampi Caba Silviu Kiss Ludovic Master Dietrich Roxa Marcel [Florin Tomescu bashed at the border SINCOLAU MARE by the Border Control until fell Down Bubbles come from his mouth EPILEPTIC of course without having a medic to assessed his Health Problem] and others that had been SENTENCED for Offences that where achieved as had been mentioned at Ceausescu,s Family Trial that made Ceausescu Guilty of Genocide and other Crimes against Humanity Like Human Rights abuses = that’s as the applicant and others understand Crimes against HUMANITY that as a matter of fact Put Romania in breach of the UNO/ONU and UN Human Rights Convention Paris etc [ with all due respect the applicant and others would like that Romanian Government Administrative Institutions/ Organisations to accept all those accusations or Disclaim all those accusations through Verbal/Oral Argument or in writing Video Link will also be an ACCEPTABLE Option
• With all Due Respect the applicant and Others Would like to Bring Before the above Mentioned and others the Administrative Failure of the Commonwealth Australia Government and their Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations or others Government Administrative Organisation Or Institutions that are as a matter of fact are a Commonwealth Government Initiative example THE AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC SUPER ANUATION Australian Taxation Office to Ensured/Assured that Breaches of the Industrial Laws let’s Say Lawfully Proven through the Approved Corrective Services Act’s THAT AS A MATTER OF FACT bring to the attention of the International Communities that Incarceration or lets Say a Sentence of Being Deprived of Liberties in Fact BECOME EXPLOATATION of THE MAN BY THE MAN when Considering the facts that lets say in the Commonwealth Australia a Person that Had Never Work his Entire Life Will get Same Pension Benefit as a Prisoners that had been Incarcerated For 20 or 30 YEARS OF their LIFE that’s even Considering the Fact that the person Incarcerated Did Prestate a Productive Work all this Time in Government Controlled Industries that had Pay Tax From the ANUAL Profitable Income. LETS SAY WITHOUT HAVING ANY WORKERS Legally Employed other THEN SLAVES based on their Lawfuly/Legaly Unlawfull Decisions the Corrective Services Institutions that accordingly to the Industrial act and Occupational Health and Safety act have The Respective Contractors that are Providing Work Places for the Prisoners have to pay Insurance for the Prisoners as Workers and Production Bonuses for the Correctional Services Officers that are Ensuring that the Employed Production Worker [the Prisoner] Person Employed in a Productive Work it is Explotative to the MAX for a MAXIMUM PROFIT that it is payable with Production Bonuses
• The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the Above mentioned Governments or Government Administrative Organisations If they Consider the Unpaid Work Slavery through the Jail System as Employing Illegal Workers To Avoid paying Taxes and the Immigrants that had been in Prisons as Immigrants or Persons that had Been sent by the UNHCR to be Explotated as Slaves being Forced to do a Productive Work through Different Corrective Services Prison Regulations that are breaking you if you do not chose to work [ like being Isolated in different Units and others that the Corrective Services From Romania or the Romanian Government and the Commonwealth Government or the Corrective Services can Bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts the Honorary International Organisations mentioned and others as mentioned.
• With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the APS Future Plus Super and before the attention of the above mentioned and others The Statements of the Money that have been Sent to their Account and the Statements of the Profitable Income that was achieved as a whole when Considering the fact that without my weekly Contribution the Respective Profitable income wouldn’t be achieved
• With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to bring to the Attention of the APS Future Plus Super that as a matter of fact the above mentioned Documentations as mentioned in their Request had been Sent to the DIMIA Decision of Visa Cancellation and a copy of my Residency Visa A probability that I was an ILEGA L Alian Abused by the System when Considering the Fact that My Permanent Resident or RESIDENT visa was a Mistake was in fact an Eastern European New Zealander Visa that was changed in- to a BF Kind of Visa Therefore please send my money as requested through my argument to the BANK of ANDALUCIA Please also Consider the Prima Facia Argument and R v Sherstha that the applicant and others had brought before Your,s Honorary Attention Considering also the fact’s that if the Commonwealth Government would,v Cancel the Applicant Visa From the START PRIMA Facia Inform the applicant and Others that For the Sentenced Period their Status it is A NON WORK Provisional Visa the applicants and others would,t had to bring all those requests to yours Honorary Tribunal / Office or others as mentioned attention.
• With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary Complaits Tribunal that their Answer and Contribution to the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea BANK of ANDALUCIA Account will be their Honorary Answer Before the Honorary Courts the International Courts For Justice and others [ The Applicant also believes that all other Corespondence had been recived by your,s Honours Considering the fact that the applicant and others had Put IT Before the PUBLIC through Different Media Sourses and UNHCR Offices Australia Canada SOUTH AFRICA New Zeeland U.S.A. France Romania AUSTRIA and others. .
With all due respect the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to mentioned that those Remarks Should Not Be Considered as Discriminative in Any Way those Should be Considered as the Choices that the above mentioned Governments and their Administrative Institutions /Organisations decided to Make/Made After the Respective Governments Personnel Analysed all the Legal Avenues the International Laws and After Placing Themselves in Similar Positions
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others called as Bad Characters By the Commonwealth Australia would like to wish all of the a Sincerely Good Luck for their wise Choices as in accordance to the Law Industrial Laws Correctional Services Act and others that the Commonwealth would Like to Bring Before the attention of the Honorary International Courts and before the Honorary Office/Offices of the United Nations
PARTICULAR g. Exploitation of the Man by the Man Slavery Offences Commited by the Colony the Commonwealth Australia Government, Romanian Government etc.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts for Justice that accordingly to the law the sentencing act none of the incarcerated persons Imprisoned Detained Persons had been Sentenced to prestate a Non pay or very little pay Productive work when considering the fact that the sentencing act has Specification of such sentences as for example being sentence to serve a Community Service Sentence it is as a matter of fact law and Principle a sentence that it is Given to a person that had committed a crime to Prestate a Non Pay Productive work for the Community Under the Romanian Criminal Law Sentencing Act When a sentence that it is given to a person that it is to prestate a Productive work in the community it does specifies in the Orders that the Person it is Condemned/Sentenced to Serve a Sentence at a Specified Work Place where a Maximum 50 per cent of his salary/Income it is been taken by the Government and Placed in a Special Account None of the Orders Given by the Court when a Sentence of Imprisonment Detention Incarceration in-to a Penitentiary Deprived of his Freedom mention that the Person it is sentenced to work a productive Work without pay or a very Little Pay The Corrective Services Act had/ has and it is in fact Imposing such measures Unlawfully when considering the fact that None of The Courts had Imposed orders of Exploitation Slavery when a Sentence has been given to a Sentence Person as I have mentioned when such sentences are imposed the Justice specifies that at least 50 per cent of the person that it is pre-stating a productive work should be received by the Respective person to ensure the Respective person and his family Subexistence and Exclude Incidents or legal errors or Contempt of the International Laws Civil Rights Family Rights Exploitation of the Man by the Man and Slavery. A clear Indication that Exploitation of the Man by the Man it is in fact a Cruel Reality and that Many Governments had Crossed the Thin Blue Line Insulting the Humanity the Justice the UNITED NAIONS HONORARY ORGANISATIONS and the Honorary International Courts For Justice that i had mentioned Hague and Strasbourg and others that accordingly to the Honorary International Courts and the UN Organisations are willing to Expose and Punish the Exploitation Slavery and comply with the International Laws Treaty's and Conventions. See Criminal Investigation Service Cultural Media and Editorial 1974 Romania Lt Col Ionescu George Ilie Major Tibacu Nicola Cpt Brinzei Dimitrie.
With all due Respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and other would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Honourable Courts and others as mentioned would like to invite as Parties or Offending Parties [Offenders] the Following Submissions as in accordance to the Principle of Rights as in Fact and Law
Accordingly to the Law the Non payment of the Child Support or the Non Participation of a parent in the Child Support payment it is Punishable by law with Prison Sentence When considering the fact that a person that had been Punished to a Prison Sentence for an Offence as Such and that the Respective Offender/Person that Prestate a Productive work whilst in Prison His or Her Childrens did not receive any help Financial Help from the Beneficiary that Exploited the Respective Person and His Family when Considering the fact that the respective Person Childrens did not Receive any Payment From the Government Administrative Institution/Organisation considering the fact that the Respective person had been Punish based on factual and Lawful Evidence that was brought before the attention o the Courts that Sentenced the respective person as an Offender [in some matters the amount owed to the Childrens it is being brought as Evidence before the Courts as Evidence]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to ask who is as a matter of Fact Law and Principle Guilty of Offences against Young Persons Children’s, Elderly and Families for Exploitation and other White Collar Crimes under the Intellectual Fraud who are as a matter of fact law and principle Repeated Offenders [Recidivists] others then the ones that as a matter of Law Fact and Principle are also guilty of False Pretences the Police the Corrective Services and the Government that as a matter of fact law and Principle are the Maximum Profit Beneficiary when considering the fact that based on the Minimum Annual Income of the person that had been Prestating a Productive Work whilst being Employed by a Government Institution or by a Government Contractor that as a matter of fact law and Principle had pay the Respective Person a Minimum Industrial Award Income an Income that had Been Stolen most of the Times Entirely by the Government or Government Employed Personal that of course have Knowledge of their Crimes or Criminal Acts as past and present Offenders A Corrupt Government Personal that obviously are trying to alleviate their Pain and Suffering by Refreshing their Intoxicated Brain with Alcohol Privileges and Visionary Speeches that they make before the Public such as The CRIMES AGINST CHILDRENS ELDERLY EXPLOATATION ARE THE MOST REPUGNENT AND THAT THE PERSONS THAT ARE DRUG DEPENDENT OR SALE DRUGS HAVE TO BE PUNISHED IN SUCH WAY'S THAT THE BIGGEST CRIME OFFENDERS WILL RECIVE A MAXIMUM PROFIT TO ENSURE THAT THEY SUFFICIENT DEVELOPED SOCIAETY CAN MAKE THE APPLICABILITY OF THE LAW CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT THE COMMONEALTH COLONIAL GOVERNMENT PERSONAL etc HAS NO CLEAR WILLINGNES TO ACNOWLEDGE THEIR Criminal OFFENCES LET'S ALONE ANY REMORSE FOR THEM or THEIR CRIMINAL CONDUCT the applicant and others are inviting the Government Personal to make the applicability of the Law based on the Evidence that Stands Before Them and Accusations that are brought by the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others Against their Government Personal and consider the Matter South Australia Registrar v N A Zappia as a starting point in their Defence See UNO Equality Before the Law Equal Rights Criminal Law Sentencing Act and Principle of Rights when considering the facts that the Decision of the Colony the Commonwealth Australia j Moore signed by his associate EDWARDS it is in fact Law and Principle a Principless or Less Principle Decision See the Decision of the Commonwealth Australia Federal Court Alexandru Pizlea Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Isabella Kokosi v DIMIA and AAT also other decisions as Mentioned through the Content of this Application Affidavit ,,die Berufung
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned Honorary International Courts and others factual issues as evidence that can also be legally proven by the Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations Personal with documents that can bring in Evidence their Kindly Spending for a person Incarcerated in a lets say ROMANIAN Jail/Gaol. to Ensure that the Government Administrative Organisation [Corrective Services Industries under Police Supervision] it is achieving a MAXIMUM PROFIT through Exploitation of the Man by the Man Slavery When Considering the Fact that the Persons Incarcerated Detained where in fact and Law Sentence to a Prison Sentence not Exploitation Through Slavery and that their Families Children’s did not Receive from the Courts any Orders in that they are also being Punished to Pain and Suffering and a denial of their Family Subexistence when considering the fact that one of they family Member was in fact working a Productive Work as a Slave Exploatated in such cruel ways to assured Ensure that the Government could beneficiate through a False Intelectual/Intelectual Fraud of a Maximum Profit whilst a person was incarcerated to be deprived of his Freedom The Prisoners the Humans that had been incarcerated in Prison used to be served a very Diverse healthy menu like For Example Beeans With Chicken Heads with the Feathers on and Beck’s on and un-clean Chicken Legs [that the Prisoners used to call them Calculators and Telescopes] obviously the persons working in the Kitchens where instructed by the supervising Police Officer to Cook them like that therefore themselves and other Detained Prisoners will receive the best Flavour and a poliqualification whilst eating Pealing Feathers that’s Kitchen hand Experience
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to ask the above mentioned etc etc Colonial Australian Government Personal if they would consider same healthy Kindly Menu when considering the fact that the Commonwealth Government Personal did consider appropriate to insult the Honorary Office of the United Nation in Geneva for bringing to their attention that they are in Breach/ Contempt of Law Conventions and that as a matter of fact law and Principle the Prolonged Detention/Incarceration of Humans Persons in Detention Centres and others as mentioned it is considered as Crimes Against Humanity when considering the facts that Detaining and Exploitation Humans without being Sentenced/or being sentenced for a Specified or AN UNSPECIFIED LENGTH OF TIME to Labour Camps Example to Auschwitz had been Considered Crimes Against Humanity Denial of their Family Subexistence through Exploitation.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others the close relationship between Police and Corrective Services where as a matter of fact Persons that had been Released from Prison on Parole and as a matter of fact and Principle where being Employed had been returned Back to prison for the Simple fact that they Did not Present themselves to the Parole in Person obviously Because they where working in the Country and that the Parole [Corrective Services Officer] could not go to visit the person at his work place or at his place after work instead of Doing that the Corrective Services believes that a 40-50 thousand per year and a maximum profit that can be obtained from Exploiting the prisoner it is as they present they argument in the BESET INTERESTS OF THE Community that’s of course their Maximum Profit the Most Profitable Industry in the World [Exploitation and Slavery] with persons Citizens that have taken from them by the Government even their Rights to vote their Rights to Support themselves and their Family lets say 50 per cent of their Income /30 per cent to be Invested to pay the Victim and a 20 per cent Re-education Expenses
With all due respect the applicant and others believe that the Commonwealth Australia Government Personal and other Government or Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations Personal are as a matter of Fact Law and Principle Answerable for Crimes Against Humanity Before the Honorary International Courts for Justice Haye/Hague and Strasbourg when considering that accordingly to the Evidence Presented and Existent those Governamental persons have in fact and are in fact Law and Principle Abusing Human Rights also being in Contempt of Law by Abusing Certain Fundamental Rights Civil Rights Human Rights and others as explained
a The applicant and others with all due respect would like to ask the honourable Courts and other honourable organisations to Invite/Order the above mentioned Governments or Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions or others that are considering themselves as parties or whoever the honourable Courts and other honourable Organisation believes that must be considered as offending Parties to address they verbal/oral argumentative submissions via Video Link therefore the above mentioned Honorary/Honourable Legal Institutions and Honorary Organisations can assist through their intervention in making the appropriate orders the above mentioned Governments or Governments Administrative Organisations/Institutions and others accordingly to the international standards [See Introduction to the International Law and The Concept of Jus Cogens in International law Carnegie Foundation GENEVA]etc
b The applicant and others with all due respect would like to ask to as the honourable Courts and other honourable organisations to Invite/Order the above mentioned Governments or Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions or others that are considering themselves as parties or whoever the honourable Courts and other honourable honourable Organisations believe that must be considered and called as offending parties to address they written submissions electronically or via Post office therefore the above mentioned Honorary/Honourable Legal Institutions and Honorary Organisations can assist through their Intervention if necessary in making the appropriate orders on behalf of the above mentioned Governments or Governments Administrative Institutions/Organisations [accordingly to the International standards [See Introduction to the International Law and The Concept of Jus Cogens in the International Law Carnegie Foundation Geneva]etc
c The cost of the proceedings including the costs of the International Intervention/Assistance of The Honorary International Courts and other Honorary International Organisations Intervention/Assistance be covered by the above mentioned Governments and others that the Honourable Courts and the above mentioned Honourable Organisations believe that must be considered and called as offending parties.
d The Commonwealth Australia or others that he Honourable Courts and Others as mentioned above that are considering themselves as Parties or whoever the honourable Courts and Others as mentioned above believe that must be considered and called as offending Parties to Honour with a ten million Euros each member of the United Nation Organisation The Honorary office of the UNHCR for insults adduced to the honorary representants of the UN Organisation by The Commonwealth /Australia and Honour each of their member with another ten Million Euros when considering the fact that Breaches of the Health Act occurred and many of the UNHCR Honorary Personnel had been Exposed to deadly incurable infectious Asbestos fibre by the Commonwealth Australia or any other Decisions/Orders that the honourable International Courts and Others mentioned above may see as a better option to impose as in accordance to their Honour [ The Honorary Courts and others as i have mentioned above should consider this order as a Mark of Excellency for the Honorary Office of the United Nation Organisation and their conscious and hard working Honorary Personnel. There Considerations should be also taken into account when considering the facts that Commonwealth/ Australia had totally disregard the Honorary Office Warnings and Advice ]
e The Commonwealth Australia to Honour the applicant and other each adult Exposed to Stress Related Disorders and Exposure to Deadly Incurable infectious Asbestos Diseases with ten Million Euros when considering the fact that breaches of the Health Act such as Stress Related Disorders, and Exposure to Deadly Incurable Infectious Asbestos diseases occurred in the Commonwealth Australia and or any other Decisions/Orders that the Honourable International Courts and others as mentioned above may see as a better option fit to impose as in accordance to their Honour.
f The Commonwealth Australia to honour all the Childrens,, The Youngest Residents of this Planet,, with twenty million Euros and pay for any medical intervention that Relates to Stress or Asbestos Exposure [ See the Honorary Office of the World Health Organisation OMS for Detailed Instructive Medical Reports ] that the may Encounter in their Lives when considering the fact that breaches of the Health Act occurred in the Commonwealth Australia such as Stress Related Disorders and Exposure to Deadly Incurable Asbestos Infectious Diseases resulting from Government and others negligence and Cover up or any other orders that the Honourable Courts and others as mentioned above may see as a better option fit to impose as in accordance to their Honour
g The Commonwealth Australia or others as mentioned above that are considering themselves as parties or whoever that the Honourable Courts and others as mentioned above believe that must be considered as offending Parties to honour all Government Embassy Consular Diplomatic Officials with at least ten Million Euros when considering the fact that breaches of the Health Act occurred in the Commonwealth Australia and many of those Government Diplomatic Officials had been Exposed to Deadly Incurable Asbestos Infectious Diseases etc as a result of the Commonwealth Australia’s Negligence and Cover Up
OR ANY OTHER ORDERS THAT THE HONORABLE INTERNATIONAL COURTS International Organisations and Others as mentioned may see as Fit and proper to Impose when considering the applicant and others Request and Argumentative Submissions and others for example CONSIDERATIONS SHOULD BE GIVEN to the Above mentioned and others if any PROTESTIV arguments are brought before the attention of the Honorary Court’s / Organisations or as a matter of fact if the above Mentioned Honorary Courts/Organisations will consider as a Must their Intervention when Considering the facts that many of the above mentioned Instead of doing something they are in fact Doing nothing
With all due respect the applicant and others Believe that the Honorary International Courts/Organisations should as a matter of fact give the Invited Parties a Time Limit to Respond to the Accusations brought Before the above mentioned and others as mentioned in the orders attention as in accordance to,, Equal Rights,, ,, Equality Before The Law,, at the Completion of this application affidavit. [ the applicant and others believes that the time Limit it is around 30 days maximum of course anyone of the above mentioned as parties etc etc can Correct their Errors and bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts/Organisations their Honorary Response for a genuine Evaluation that’s the applicant and others suggestion ,, see argumentative submissions for a fast track Mechanism ,, that should be considered Efficiency instead of Dreaming /Sleeping like the Romanian President Mr Traian Basescu at the Human Rights Abuse Conference of course leaving shortly after the Conference started a possibility because of the very unpleasant Issues that where disputed very Depressive and Stressful for the Honorary Prezident.]
With all due respect the applicant and others [ Honorary International Court’s for Justice Honorary International Organisations] etc etc would like to apologise if any of the above mentioned are feeling Frustrated in any way the way that the applicant address his argumentative submissions or if anyone will feel Frustrated if Courts Orders/Instructions will be Given Through International Intervention Through the Intervention of the Honorary International Courts /Organisations, the applicant and others Honorary International Courts/Organisations believe that as a matter of fact and law the Parties that are Invited or consider the Honorary International Court’s International Intervention/Assistance should also take in-to consideration the following. Art 520 Page 668 Principle of Rights 1958 Romania that states. It is not Considered to be an insult when a person bring to the attention of the other person by Exercising His Rights in addressing that the other Person/Party Must Correct and Discipline Himself/Themselves [Also considering the fact that the applicant and others are making this application without Legal Advice or [Legal Instructions or Briefings as many police officers and others receive before Court Proceedings]it is a possibility that the applicant addresses are not made as in the usual language that it is Used in the Courts the applicant and others believes that sometime this kind of language gives a wake up call to parties that Must Correct their Errors and Discipline themselves.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to apologise for being a Bad Character as Publicly Brought through the Media Channels the Commonwealth Australia Like to say that they are very Kind the applicant and others Even Knowingly that they had been made Legally Bad Characters they would like to see their kindness as Requested through the Arguments without making any Paul Roofe Deals.
Summary of argument
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to appoligise to the Honourable Courts and others for any repetitions of the argumentative submissions and legal specifications
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and others as mentioned to consider this application for Judicial Intervention/Assistance when considering the facts that the applicant and others Accusations of abuse Civil Rights Human Rights etc must in fact be discredited by the above mentioned or others that the Honorary Courts and others would like to invite as parties or Offending parties
Failure of the above mentioned or others to ensured that the International and or National Civil Rights Family Rights Individual Rights the International Principle of Rights etc must be considered by the whole International Communities in a Civilised System of Justice/ that is required when word of Natural Course of Justice is being/has been used with the meaning that Justice has been Done By the Justice
Without Respecting/applying the above mentioned Rights and the Principle of the Law’s the Governments Administrative Institutions or Organisations of the Governments or others as mentioned Parliamentarians or Monarchical/Edwardian families THAT AS A MATTER OF FACT HAD Achieved Numerous Properties and Capital through Less PRINCIPLE or Principless THROUGH A Systematic Abuse of the LAW the Civil Rights Family Rights of the hard working Social Class [ one example of abuse of the Human Race in the past and present are the Aborigines and the Ordinary hard Working Social Class In the Commonwealth Australia]
Other examples that the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to be Examinated closely by the Honorary International Court,s for Justice and Others the Decision made by the Commonwealth Government to Forcefully Separate Families FAMILIES being forcefully separated when considering the facts that ,, Parents are being separated from their Childrens Husbands from their Wife’s in the Past and Present by the commonwealth Australia and Federal and States Governments or others as mentioned in the orders sought [ an Example Alexandru Pizlea,s Family [ Court Matter NSD 375 of 2006] a clear indication of Principless Less Principle Instead of Equal Rights or Equality before the Law Civil Rights Family Rights
The Commonwealth Australia with a Corrupt System of Justice Decided to Cancel the Citizenship that’s denying the Nationality The Civil Rights etc etc To a Person Born IN Australia from a Naturalised Australian Citizen CATHERINA ALEXANDRA PIZLEA an Innocent Child unrepresented before the Justice [ From the Starting Point ] treated as they are treating the Aborigines Autochthones for more then 200 years Also the Cancellation of one of her Parents Visa Alexandru Pizlea,s Visa against her Will See Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and Isabella Loredana Kokosi Affidavit] the applicants and others believe that the cancelation of Citizenship of Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and the Cancellation of Applicant Alexandru Pizlea Visa was made as in accord to the Commonwealth Constitution with the help of Lord God a Probability that the House of LORDS with their Lordly Laws had done all this to be glorified by they Prophets by they Monarchical Colonial Family in Romanian the word Profet it is readable in English and will be pronounced profit. Considering that the Bible it is Written by Prophets = for Profiteers the Honorary Courts and Others must as a matter of fact Understand the Process of Braking the archbishopial Justice the Old Boys Club the Taboo [Where as they say ,, In the Christian Believes Forgiveness plays an Important Role ,,that’s lets say Forgiveness for their High Ranking families as they have teach those Christians for many years that LORDS Sir,s are not to be Punished many of them being protected by the Corrupt Families Police and other organised Institutions] as mentioned by the applicant and others through the content of this application Beswerde die Berufung Affidavit. See the International Convention on the Rights of the Child [children’s] in the Commonwealth Australia also Called C.R.O.C. [ Haga Convention the Rights of a Child ]
The Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others for Example the Applicant De-Facto wife Isabela L Kokosi with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and before the attention of Philiph Rudock and others that are believing in the TEACHINGS SUCH AS Forgiveness Plays an Important Role in the Christian Believes the applicant and others like for Example Isabela L Kokosi belive that this it is NONSENSE or lets say another way for their so call High Profile Families to AVOID JUSTICE The applicant would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others Isabela,s Experience a Person that as a matter of fact Had made a Claim before the South Australia Police Isabela as a young Child was Raped by her so call Father she was also accused by her family Sisters and so call ,d Mother as being her Fault Her Mother as a so called Good Christian had taken him to the Church and Baptise him [ Baptist Church] he also promised that he will never do it again he Done it again the Week After the Question it is what is this called in the Christian Believes or their Lordly Godly Believes or their Archbishoply Priestly Predicatorial Christian teachings Believes or any other Religious Group Forgiveness was also applicable by the System in the Commonwealth by Compensating Drunken Corrupt Cops that fail to follow the approved Rules of Conduct of a Police Officer as Public Servant that Supposably Served and Uphold the LAW WHILST being INTOXICATED. not by drinking to many bottles where only a few ,, then he could not Remember,, that’s the Justice that the Commonwealth Australia and others would like to have is this kind of justice supposed to be called a Civilised System of Justice a probability that together with the Jurers they will be able to make their argument ACCEPTED INTERNATIONALY. before the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice with considerations such as that those Privileges are/aren’t in fact being VOTED by the Public as WHOLE when considering the fact that the Court Rooms and the Justices Must in Fact be Responsible and Accountable when argumentative submissions are proving otherwise ,, Please Consider the argumentative submissions that are brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others and Evidence as presented in the Argumentative Submissions before considering the meritorious Value of the Evidence that was brought before the Commonwealth Courts by Intoxicated Public Servants that are as a matter of fact being paid by the Public by the Tax Payers.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to ask the above mentioned and others Which GOD Lord or Christian it is Forgiving them IT IS A POSIBILITY THAT HE OR SHE OR WHOEVER HE MAY BE HAS THE SAME HABBITS that as a matter of fact the applicant and others believe that they Christian Teachings are as a matter of fact OUT of TIME when considering the fact that many members of the Public are in fact FINE,D SENTENCED AND GO To Prison even for abusing mistreating an ANIMAL. even Considering the Fact that many of those are Poorly Educated in Comparisment with many of the Example Mentioned through the Content of this Affidavit Application. .
See also The Principless or Less Principle of the Section 501 of the Commonwealth Australia Migration Act and the so called Honorary people that work so hard to constructively Envisioned such so called Undiscriminatory Laws or Acts Considerations should be made by the Honorary Courts and others if those people that had envisioned such laws are in fact Criminals that are considering themselves Untouchables when considering the fact that the laws that they had Envisioned are affecting families and Children’s The Youngest Residents of this Planet Accordingly to the Romanian Law Art 88 of the Family Law See Principle of Rights Page 469 Specifies that whoever make himself Responsible and Accountable for a Child without making a proper/Appropriate Request/Forms that are Required for an Adoption has the Obligation to Provide for the Respective Child for the whole period that the Child it is Consider by the law as a MINOR In this Instant matter Pizlea,s family v DIMIA in the Commonwealth Courts the applicant and others believe that the above mentioned the Commonwealth Australia Must Consider themselves as Responsible and Accountable to fulfil their obligation as Provider The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others Believe that the Commonwealth had Fail when Considering the fact that 150 to 200 Dollars per Fortnight the Contribution that the Commonwealth decided to made as provider or lets say as a Parent it is not as in accordance to the Law that specifies that the calculation must be made as in accordance to the Monthly Income of the Person or Persons that made the decision that makes them Responsible and Accountable
When Considering the fact that the decision was made of a Common accord with the Australian Public etc Public that as a matter of fact Supports/Agreed with the law [ Child Support Law] The applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned or others as mentioned in the orders that No Member of the Public that it is representing the Public Interests and the Family Rights Civil Rights.... in the Commonwealth Parliament others did NOT opposed the Act the Law that As a matter of fact place the Commonwealth in breach of different Civil Rights of INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIEY Rights for example Forceful Separation of the Families therefore Catherina Alexandra Pizlea must be entitled to receive the Contribution the Child support calculated based on the Profitable Annual/Monthly Income of the Commonwealth/Australia When also Considering the fact that Great Britain the founders of the Commonwealth and others DID in fact make Court Precedent that Incriminates such Criminals and their Decision/Decisions Notwithstanding the fact that that the Decision Makers are Government Personnel Example the German Government Personal had been Punished by the Alliance International Court Accordingly an Example/Precedent that The Honorary International Courts for Justice Hague and Strasburg to Follow. ,, The Jewish Population that had their Families forcefully separated had been Compensated for the Abuse and Mistreatment for the pain and suffering Endurance and other acts that Violated the Human Rights ,, that the Commonwealth Australia Fail to Understand that as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Personnel are making Themselves Guilty off Lawfully See Commonwealth Australia Migration Act as Documentary Evidence. See the Nuremberg TRIALS of different government Personnel
The applicant and others believes that after a proper Ventilation Aeration and genuine Consideration of the evidence that the Commonwealth has brought before the attention of the International Communities ,,The Asbestos Infested Commonwealth Government Land and the acknowledgment of the Commonwealth Australia Personal that decided that by covering up at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre a Low/Medium level of Asbestos with Gravel does excludes the Family Orientated Commonwealth government Personnel FROM BEING considered as Criminals that are RESPONSABLE and Accountable WITHOUT Explaining Before the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and to the International Communities why Exposure to Asbestos of the Youngest Residents of this Planet and their Parents and others that had entered the Commonwealth Federal Land Managed area shouldn’t be considered a Crime against Humanity. See also the Commonwealth Australia NSW Health Act and other Evidence that the World Health Organisation can Bring to the attention of the Courts through their Medical Science Specialists Or other Reports That The Commonwealth has brought before the attention of the Courts and others example See Case Precedent Commonwealth Australia Employees v HARDY HARDWARE Pty Ltd. and The Commonwealth Australia Prime Minister John Howard Televised Speech Threats that the Commonwealth will Stop the Company from Operating in the Commonwealth Australia if the Compensation Payments are not Honored/onored by the Company. The Applicant and others Believes that Same WARNING Must be Enforced to the Commonwealth for the COMMONWEALTH / Australia Products through International Intervention UNO and by the Honorary International Courts for Justice. and others [ See Federal Civil and Administrative penalties in the Commonwealth Australia]
With all due respect the applicant and others would also like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts Consideration and others that the Commonwealth Police Officers had been Warned by the Government through their Representant NOT to Enter the Infested Asbestos area whilst Demonstrations Protested against the Commonwealth Government Decision to held Humans People [ Immigrants or Detainees as INDICATED by the Commonwealth Government in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre] ,, See Daily Telegraph APRIL 2006 Where the Commonwealth Government Representant Minister For DIMIA Senator AMANDA VANSTONE said ,, IT IS A VERY LOW RISK OF CONTAMINATION BUT IT IS NOT APPROPRIATE TO EXPECT OR ASK THE NSW POLICE TO RUN THE RISK OF BEING SUBJECT TO THAT RISK IN THE INTERESTS OF THE DETAINEES THEIR FRIENDS FAMILIES AND VISITORS AND NSW Police WE have taken a decision to relocate the detainees] See Also Daily Telegraph April 11/ 2006. [The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others to consider that the Commonwealth Federal and State Government,s warned the Commonwealth police officer of an imminent Health Risk considering the fact that their participation was requested only for a few hours ,, Not such Considerations where in fact discussed as issues brought Before the PARLIAMENT on QUESTION TIME a probability that the Parliamentarians Members Elected by the Public whilst meeting with the Public have been ADVICED by the Voters that it is in the best interest of the Australian Public to disconsider /Disregard the Honorary Organisation of the United Nation or as a matter of fact the Protesters a probability that they consider that the protesters are not of an ANGLO SAXON Edwardians Orientated family See Equality and Authority as a matter of fact the Honorary Senators or any other members of the Commonwealth State and Federal Parliament like for example The Health Minister the Commonwealth Australia FAIL and/or Purposely NEGLECT any Health Issues ,,the Humans the Detainees and their Families all Together,,
The Commonwealth Australia has Fail to as in Accordance to the Law make the appropriate calculation The Commonwealth Implying through the Family Law Act without making any laws when considering the fact that the Forcefully Separation of the Families it is Considered to be a Crime By the Family Law by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child [C.R.O.C] Principle of Rights Civil Rights etc Deciding that the Support that the Child should recive from the Providers as Decision makers that Decided to Forcefully Separated her Providing Family from a Family Unit to a SINGLE parent must be less then what the Family Law act Specifies ,, That the Contributivel Support to be as in accordance to the income of the Parent the Provider The Honourable Court should also Consider the applicant Catherina Alexandra Affidavit [ The Honourable International Courts and others should take in to consideration that the applicant Alexandru Pizlea was a Provider Before Being Imprisoned being Imprisoned Based on evidence gathered whilst the mental capacity of the Main Crown Witnesess was affected sufficient to give Rise Serious concerns [ When ANSWER AS SUCH was given to support the Crown the Queen Yes I HAVE CONSUMED Alcohol on the day of the operation ,, it was 3 or 4 BIERS,, I CAN NOT REMEMBER a clear indication that the Crown witness had lost Count and that His/ their Recollection of the Events Should,v/Must be considered as CORRUPTIVE ,,when also considering the fact that ANOTHER ONE OF HIS Answer when Giving Evidence for The Crown that the Witness that was/who was participating with him in the Operation a Prisoner did Consumed Large Quantities of alcohol.]
With all due Respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to bring to the attention of the Above Mentioned and others the Evidence Brought Up in the Commonwealth Court By the Commonwealth Crown Witness By the Crown ,, The South Australia Police had In their Possesion A Colour Photograph of the Accused Viorel Gugea the Information obviousely was Recived From New South Wales Commonwealth Police Office With all due respect the applicant and Others would like to ask The Honorable Courts and Others Why wasn’t the Applicant Viorel Gugea Arrested In New South Wales when Considering the fact that Viorel Gugea was under Surveillance and that as a matter of fact many Criminals are arested by the State Police Before Leaving the State in cases as such as The Queen v Alexandru Pizlea and Viorel Gugea where Police Officers are Monitoring the Telephone Calls
A probability that There wasn’t any Heroin at all and that the applicant as in fact was Going to Adelaide as Said in Court ,,To Loock For a Mushrum Farm,,
A Probable / possibility that the sentence that was Given to the Accused Viorel Gugea was in fact not as accordingly to the Law when considering the evidence that was brought before the Court’s evidence that can not incriminate V.Gugea when considering the fact that accordingly to the Crimes Act Section 32[3] in the second column of the Schedule the Prescribed amount in grams in relation to the Heroin it is 2 grams[stet] The Crown the Queen fail to prove at any stage that V Gugea had in fact in his possession 2 grams of heroin at any stage when also considering the fact’s that the Recording that could prove V Gugeas Criminality or Criminal Activity had as mentioned in the Court’s being stoped ,, that was Testing the Heroin procedure ,, the testing being done by Foulis P and Chief of the Operation AMOS,, a probability that the Commonwealth Officers where Testing a few ,,West End Drought,, and that all the evidence that had been brought before the attention of the Courts as a matter of fact it is Nothing Else and must be considered nothing else then their own Fabrication [The Crown the Queen fabrication]
When also considering the fact that the applicant V Gugea was accused and unlawfully Sentenced as being a Currier when also Considering the facts that Not once During the trial or Pre-Trial such evidence was adduced /Brought against V Gugea by the Intoxicated Crown Witnesses or their colleagues as they say they have recorded evidence at their will ,,paused and start the recordings just like Hollywood Regisors un-till the story in this instant matter the Fibs become interesting,, enough to supported this Criminal Convictions CASE/MATTERS.
When also considering the fact that there it is no recording Evidence that can prove or Justify the Crown/QUEEN accusations that Gugea was Giving the Commonwealth Officers Crown Witnesses any Heroin as a Sample obviously that was the time when the Team was Busy making arrangements at the ARKABA [ may have been a Dozen of West End Drought may be more considering their Cloudy state of minds and the sweaty situation where the Crown witness had to use the Toilet to fix the Recording/Transmitting Device that was attached to the Crown witness commonwealth Police officer body Peter Foulis [ please reconsider this valuable Recorded evidence at the ARKABA hotel prearranged room by the Commonwealth Police Officers as Operational Survilance Room] The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honourable Courts and others the Following Court recorded Evidence Page 69 line 21 to 31 It was put to him [ P Foulis] by Mr Hyde that he had not seen the accused [Alexandru Pizlea] produce the Heroin and that he Foulis was manufacturing the Evidence that Evidence for the purpose of ensuring that the accused was convicted , that Mr Foulis Denied He said [Peter Foulis] in relation to the three separate conversations on the original tape or the copy of the original tape which he had been given after that day The original he repeated is clearer [ we don’t have it here] Obviously the evidence clearly bring in Evidence that The HOLLYWOOD or lets say the Commonwealth BULLY- WOOD Just Us system of Justice HAS Installed in the CRIMINAL COURT,S Down under the Dominion of the Queen as Specified in Q.C Barry Beach Inquiry See REPORTS and Remarks brought before the attention of the Public through FRAME Magazine.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that he was legally made a Bad Character after being convicted on evidence that was Given by Intoxicated Commonwealth Police officer and other alcoholic Witness Crown Witnesses of a good Character as in accordance to the Rules of Conduct of a Police Officer whilst on Duty or as in accordance to the Commonwealth Court a probability that the Jury in the Public Interest will be able to bring an Honorary Argument regarding their Unanimous Decision when considering those Argumentative Submissions or Considering the fact that the applicant had been Portrayed on the ADVERTISER as a person that Disregards the Justice in the Commonwealth in South Australia Where Family Matters See EQUALITY and AUTHORITY.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others example the Honorary Members of the Commonwealth Australian Justice System that their Excuse for making a Publication before the applicant Alexandru Pizlea Trial in the Advertiser with Considerations that based on their good Police Advertising a Few Months agerment of the TRIAL for a better selection of the Jurors will be an improvement the applicant would like to thanks them for their Kindness and i do BELIEVE THAT THEY REALY LIKE MY SYMILAR APROACH IN SHOWING KINDNES BACK KINDNES that also came with a Request before the Honorary International Courts and others as mentioned or as brought in the Orders ,, The applicant and others request that as in accord to ARTICLE 9 pf the ICCPR Long Court Proceedings they believe that many persons may suffer Significantly of Stress or other Stress Related Disorders therefore the Applicant and others believes that the Above mentioned Parties etc etc Should/Must be treated by the Honourable International Courts and others FAIRLY Accordingly to the BEST INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC the ICCPR Must or Should Be Considered as a good Reference by all PARTIES INVOLVED therefore all the Stress and other Health Related Disorders will be out of the Question. [ With all due respect the applicant and others Believe the ICCPR must be in the Best Interest of the Public considered by the 6000 Magistrates and others in Romania as a Kindly Reference and they Should’v /Should think and make such request before the JUSTICE instead of Living such a Stressful LIFE]
The Applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to bring before the attention of the above Mentioned a Case Ref to the Above mentioned Argument Mr Cristopher SKASE matter Publicised by the Political Correspondents in the Commonwealth Newspaper and Media Channels for months as the Big Bad Wolf , the Commonwealth that as a matter of fact denied his Claims that he was an ILL person in fact The Commonwealth Australian Government Expecting to have Him in Australia for a Fair Trial [ The applicant and others Believes that the Commonwealth and others as mentioned in this application AFFIDAVIT Should Be treated Same when considering the facts that that’s the Twenty First Century SYSTEM of Just-Us system of justice it is Fairly System of Justice or as in accordance to the PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS therefore the applicant and others believe that Equality Before the Law should/must be applicable when considering that the best interests of the public it is the best interest of the Justice when properly ventilated or Genuinely considerations are given to the arguments that are presented before the COURTS before the JUSTICE.
A probability that the arranged/well prepared operation by the Just- Us System of justice together with the Joint States Police Force that wants to have their Alcoholic Commonwealth Police Officers and their Crown Informants Privileged Compensated and Honourably REENSTATED in their Disgraced Commonwealth Police Force with the help of the Disgraced JUST US SYSTEM OF JUSTICE DOWN UNDER THE DOMINION OF THEIR QUEEN,, [ See for Example a Similar Decision of Association Just -Us System of justice MOORE and associate EDWARDS Decision given by the Commonwealth Australia Federal Court in the matter of the UNREPRESENTED APPLICANTS Alexandru Pizlea Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and Isabella Loredana Kokosi v the A.A.T and DIMIA.
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Art 978 Romanian Civil Proceedings See Principle of Rights Page 143 line 32 to 43 where accordingly to the Law where the Justice that make the applicability of the Law must make the applicability of the text of Law Just when considering the fact that the Justice will Give Life to the Law through the interpretation and aplicability of that Law [ When considering the decision that was made by the Just Us System of Justice in the Commonwealth in the matter of R v Gugea and Alexandru Pizlea / R v A Pizlea and Pizlea v the Queen [R] A50 of 2001 the Decision that accordingly to the Law Must be Considered that has an EDUCATIVE ROLE ,, The big Question that the Just Us System of Justice has to Answer it is who is responsible for the Educative Role that as a matter of fact give the public Servants Commonwealth Police Officers an Educative Precedent that give them the AUTHORITY to BE INTOXICATED whilst Serving the Public to Upheld the law ,, Can the Commonwealth High Court of Australia bring to the attention of the Public that their AUTHORITARIAN Decision AND THE EDUCATIV ROLE THAT CAME with it THROUGH THEIR Intoxicative DECISION it is in fact the Will of the Dominant Class [ The Dominant Class it is not in fact the Politicians or Others if their interests are Contrary to the Best Interests of The Public or if the Hard working Class Families and Children’s have their Civil and Political Rights etc etc Denied ] when considering the fact that the Law must be the EXPRESION the WILL of the Dominant Class that’s the Hard Working Social Class ,,See Equality Before the Law Considering that the alcohol Intoxication Consumption decision Stands would the Just -us System of Justice believes that their Decision bring whit it DEMOCRACY or HIPOCRACY and Chaos when considering ,,Equality before the Law ,,than Also consider that Equality and Authority can also be brought as an argument before the Just Us System of Justice EQUAL RIGHTS FOR THE HARD WORKING SOCIAL CLASS considering the fact that the Precedent has an Educative role ,,drink carefully until you can not remember how much alcohol you consumed on the day and that’s OK accordingly to the Commonwealth Australia Just -Us System ,, The fact is that the Just Us Law System of Justice Give the Police The Precedent to do that and receive Compensation before being Reinstated a clear indication that Same law Should be applicable to all persons that had been Dismissed with the appropriate WORNINGS to their Employers that those PEOPLE are Protected by the Law law that as a matter of fact the applicant and others with all due respect believes that should be associated with the law that was applicable in America [USA] WILD WILD WEST where after a bottle of Scotch or a few Bier’s Injustice Killings and other Misconducts brought Fear and Death through the Community See Framed Magazine ISSUE No 28 oct 1995 Page 5 When Ian Temby was Carryng out the ICAC,s Milloo Inquiry Where Police Officer had Shot Innocent People Verballed them and loaded up with DRUGS etc etc etc ...
See also Page 144 Principle of Rights Romanian Law No 5 1952 Line 12 to 23 where the above mentioned and others can lawfully direct the Decision maker the Court and Justice or Justices in this instant matter the Commonwealth Austaralia Just Us system of Justice to address their Decision that as a matter of fact could not be considered In the best interest of the Public The BEST INTEREST OF THE JUSTICE when considering the fact that the Decision could not be used as a case precedent that will Give the Above MENTIONED ,, A SPRING OF RIGHTS,, that as a matter of fact and principle has not been supported Scientifically by Medical Council by the Health Minister or by the Health Act or Evidence Act. only If the Medical Council the World Health Organisation can Give Recommendations that Persons Employed in Public Offices can as a matter of fact and principle or that based on Medical Research can Serve the Public or lets say be Intoxicated whilst on their Duty. [ A probability that the Commonwealth Just-Us System of Justice can bring before the attention of the World Health Organisation [OMS] John Elliot matter as an Example and others that as a matter of fact that Should think in addressing their Problem through a Drug and Alcohol Course before Finding a New Employer or a new job as in Peter Foulis case a hard working person that the Department love so much washing the Department cars must be an Appropriate Option. When Considering the fact that Many Police Officers had in fact brought evidence of STAND OVER and other Policy’s that they are facing in Combating Corruption See Example Adelaide Young Officer Having His House Molotov Bombed for the Simple fact that he Brought to the attention of the Department that whilst doing his duty as a Public Servant he had stopped and ask an Intoxicated detective to give a BREATH TEST] Evidence can be Obtained From the Media ,,Considering Case Precedent Lord Reid Rimmer V Conway,, or others that the Honorable International Courts and others can Bring before the attention of the JUSTICE,,
The Commonwealth Australia DIMIA has been requested to Answer to the applicant Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and Isabella Loredana Kokosi numerous question one of the questions was Who wants to be a Parent or a Husband Their answer was their DECISION The Commonwealth Australia’s Court Decision was a clear ANSWER To Catherina and Isabella [ See Federal Civil and administrative penalties in the Commonwealth Australia]
A Probability that the Commonwealth Australia Government Administrative Organisations/Institutions Did Not Understand the Affidavits that where brought before the Commonwealth Court Attention the Clarity of their Plain English Request that was a Romanian Family Request A Request from an Ex Permanent Resident with an Eastern European Visa From New Zeeland as Mentioned from the Commonwealth Australia Department to have their family and their family Civil and Political Rights Respected as in accord to the Principle of Rights Internationally Equality Before the Law as it Must be for all Autochthones or others
A Probability that the Commonwealth did want to show how their Just Us System of justice that it is applicable for many Autochthones/Aborigines and others when considering the fact that the Commonwealth Australia DIMIA has the Aborigines/Indigenous/Autochthones can clearly show Discrimination Racism Down Under the Dominion of Their QUEEN when considering the Fact that no Immigration Department in Holland or other Countries that Respect the Civil Rights of their Citizens their Autochthones has them Discriminated to a such Extent ,, Lets say that in many Countries Like Romania The Constitutional Description of the Social Class Structure includes Romanians Hungarians Serbs and other Nationality’s all being included in the Romanian Constitution as having Equal Rights See Principle of Rights 1958 The applicant and others Believes that the Commonwealth Australia Just -Us system of Justice had Fail to Ensure that the Civil Rights of all Citizens and Residents are as a matter of fact Included in the Monarchical Constitution mentions such as EQUAL RIGHTS without discriminations Such as Racial or Nationality Discriminations that including the Rights to Work and others that the Commonwealth Australian Constitution The Monarchical System of JUST-US SYSTEM OF JUSTICE had/has FAIL when Considering Evidence that can be Presented by the Applicant and others and by UNHCR. The Commonwealth Federal and State Government Fail/Violate also the ICCPR or as a matter of fact Purposely Fail to Consider that as a Colony of Europe when Considering the Facts that Great Britain UK and other Included Countries Like Ireland had Signed the Renewed UNO Treaty/Convention in Sweden that Clearly Specifies Equal Rights Between all Citizen of the European Union Countries The Commonwealth Australia Federal and State Governments the Colony should consider that the Violation/Breach of the ICCPR does as a matter of fact put the Administrative Government in Breach of any other Convention or Treaty when considering the facts that The Civil Rights Of the Citizens and Other Nationalities are being ABUSED OR VIOLATED also a Constitutional breach when Considering The Convention on the Rights of the Child and other Legal Rights as Specified [ Legal Representation Equality Before the Law Breaches/Violations of The Health Act etc etc etc Also Considering the Fact that the Commonwealth Australia DIMIA Migration Act Many of the Article/ under Different Sections of the Migration Act that have been passed through the Parliament as Laws are in fact made for one PURPOSE ONLY TO DESTROY FAMILIES TO DENIED THEIR FAMILY SUBEXISTENCE ,To Stress Families Children’s through PAIN and Sufferings to destroy the family dreams of reunion therefore as a matter of fact Law and Principles any Law that has the Purpose to Destroy Families can Not Be Justified as in the Best interest of the Public the Community then by a Government POLITICALY MOTIVATED to protect Certain Fundamental Rights of the High Ranking Families and other Personalities that are in Close Association with it. See Equality and Authority and others such as Remarks made by John Howard Leader of the Federal Liberal and Coalition Party’s that as a matter of fact had never brought the Issue of Reconciliation with the Aborigines that as a matter of fact should be considered as recognise the Equal Rights FOR ALL NATIONALITIES IN THE COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIA.
A probability that the Commonwealth Australia as a matter of fact Did want to show Even more of their Just Us System of Justice not only under the State Jurisdiction in fact Federally as Well [ MORE EDWARDIAN Style Just Us System of Justice Down Under The Dominion of the Queen a Kindly Introduction/Welcoming to the Wild Wild South Just-us System of Justice Where you can Find Commonwealth Police Officers with a Six Pack In one Hand and a Six or a SEX Shooter into Another ] Police Officers That are Holding hands with sex Offenders See Frame Magazine and other Evidence as argumentally Submitted.
The applicant Believes that For as Longer as the Family It is been separated The Commonwealth should Calculate the Support Accordingly to their DECISION When Considering the fact that the Commonwealth answer was that Alexandru Pizlea was not an Ideal Parent for Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Therefore the Commonwealth as a matter of fact Took that Responsibility as a Parent and as a Husband Obviously that the Commonwealth had Forget their Responsibilities CHILD SUPPORT WIFE SUPPORT as in accordance to the Commonwealth Profitable Income
See Australian Law Reform Commission Principled Regulation; Federal civil and administrative penalties in Australia ALRC 95(2002)[28.8] ( The ALRC and NSWLRC have discussed the difficulties that relates both to the particular characteristics of the corporation as a legal person and the sentencing options 23. Equity Fines. An equity fine involves three stages: transfer of shares from the corporation to the state criminal compensation fund, disposal of the shares by the found, and distribution of the assets to persons affected by the conduct of the corporation. (example Pizlea,s Family John Untan Family Cornelia Rau Family and others) 24. Turnover Fines. a similar type of fine to the equity fine, but based on the annual turnover of the corporation 25. Dissolution or deregistration of the corporation. Sometimes referred to as ,,corporate capital punishment” 26. Disqualification. Disqualification orders are designed to restrain the activities of corporations, for example orders to cease certain commercial activities for a particular period, to refrain from trading in a specific geographic region, revoking or suspending licences for particular activities, disqualifying the corporation from particular Contracts (for example Government Contracts), or frizzing the corporation profits. 27. Internal discipline orders. These orders can involve the appointment by the corporation of a compliance director who is required to report periodically to the relevant regulator on the compliance strategies implemented by the corporation. 28. Organisational reform orders. Organisational reform orders take the form of ,,a court order that requires a company’s organisation and methods to be reviewed under court scrutiny, in order to avoid a repetition of the offence in issue” 98 This type of sanction implies that the development and implementations of a compliance program is desirable. 29. ………….. 30. ………… 31. ………… 32. ………… 33. ………. 34. ………. 35. Adverse publicity orders. Adverse publicity orders are aimed at SHAMING the offending corporation by requiring a public confession of wrong doing.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others that the Honorable Courts and others would like to invite as Parties to take in consideration Art 108 of the Romanian Family Law that Specifies the Authority that make the Decision as described in art 42 - 43 Family Law have the obligation Responsibility [ See Also Federal and Civil Penalties in the Commonwealth Australia] in all cases/ Matters to exercise an Effective Roll and a Continuous Supervision on the Parents or Persons that are having the Childrens on their care in that they are Caring and that the Upbringing of the Child as a person it is in a wormed Environment [ The applicant and others with all due respect would like to Request International Judicial Intervention When Considering that the Commonwealth Australia had Fail in their Duties as Caring Parents and that the Justice System has done Nothing to Ensure that their Parenting Role should be Calculated accordingly when Considering the fact that the SUPPOSED parents [ The Commonwealth that it is as a matter of fact Administred by Persons Families not by Buildings ] have in Fact fail to provide when also Considering the Fact that example Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and Her Mother Has to Pay to Commonwealth Bank a Considerable SUM that was Borrowed Because of the Commonwealth Government Family Orientated views to Forcefully separate the Family and Cancel the Citizenship/Nationality Denied her Rights Unrepresented Child before the Justice an Autochthone Born in The Commonwealth Australia.
The applicant ALEXANDRU PIZLEA and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned or as specified in the orders THAT ACCORDINGLY TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED ROMANIAN LAW THE COMMONWEALTH as [Providing Parent when considering the Commonwealth Court Decision ] had fail to ensure the quality of Life or if there are any Physical or Morally Conditions where the parents and the Childrens are affected such as Development Morally and Intellectually the Level of Stress and other Disorders that can affect the Child in any way morally or Intellectually [ or their Parents].
Accordingly to the Commonwealth Westminster System of Justice the Civil or Administrative authority the Legal Body it is Accountable in all Cases Matters of the WRONG DOING if the Person Persons a Child or an Ex Child can prove their CLAIMS NEGLIGENCE ABUSE etc
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea wuld like to Bring to the attention of the above Mentioned and Others that Accordingly to the Law Nr 21 1991 all members of my Family are in fact Romanian Citizens and as a matter of fact have their Civil Rights Family Rights Denied by the Commonwealth Australia Not Only accordingly to the Romanian Family Law or accordingly to the Consular Convention Between Romania And the United Empire /REGAT of Great Britain that also applies in the Commonwealth Of Australia
Accordingly To the Commonwealth Australian System of Justice Family Law [ That the Commonwealth Australia It Is In Breach] EVERY CHILD HAS THE RIGHTS BY LAW TO BE REPRESENTED BEFORE THE JUSTICE AT THE TIME OF A FAMILY BEAK UP In this instant Case/Matters that Alexandru Pizlea and others as brought before the attention of the Honorary office of the United Nations etc etc The applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that the Commonwealth Must Be Responsible and Punished for at least One Criminal Offence Forceful Separation Of the Family Forceful Abandonment of the Family when also considering the fact that the Commonwealth as Persons Or AS COORPORATION had Fail in their Duties as Carers when considering the Fact that the Questions had been ADDRESSED BEFORE THE COMMONWEALTH COURTS AND A Careless Decision has been made by the Commonwealth Administrative Legal Institutions
Failure of the Commonwealth to accord Legal Representation to a Minor [ Catherina Alexandra Pizlea] etc that as a matter of fact and Law Could not afford or has an affordable Income Must be considered as a Violation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and others By the Commonwealth Australia.
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea his family and others Believes that the International Honorable Courts and others Must view or Regard this application Beswerde Affidavit Die Berufung as in the applicants Rights to be Brought before the attention of the JUSTICE / Courts Before the attention of the Honorary Courts For JUSTICE Hague and Strasbourg and others to Monitored the Standards of the Commonwealth Australia System of Justice Romania,s or any other that is Promoting Legislation to Ensure that the Legal Rights the Fundamental Rights are as in accord to the SPRINGS OF RIGHTS PRINCIPLE OF RIGHTS for a FAST TRACK MECHANISM TO ENSURE that Equality before the Law Equal Rights and Others as mentioned submitted through the content of this application are Properly and Genuinely Ventilated before the Justice. See U.N.O. O.N.U U.N.H.C.R. ETC FOR ADVICE to Sought the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Required in the INTEREST OF JUSTICE IN THE INTERESTS OF HUMANS AND HUMANITY.
With all due Respect the Applicant ALEXANDRU PIZLEA and Others would like to ask the above mentioned the Following Questions
DOES the Decision makers BELIEVE THAT THE CHILDRENS and THE FAMILIES Forcefully Separated etc as mentioned are being affected in any way by the COMMONWEALTH Australia Government Administrative Decision [Commonwealth Administration Of Justice Decision]
Does the Commonwealth Australia [ Romania ] Believes that their Families their Childrens etc Should Enjoyed same Treatment by the Justice as Catherina Alexandra Pizlea,s Family and others in the same Position
With all Due Respect the Applicant and others would like to ask the Government and the Government ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTIONS/ORGANISATIONS. Personnel to Bring the Following Questions to their Family Attention to ask their wife’s and Children’s how would they Feel if
• Their Family it is Forcefully separated against their will • If they have their Rights denied such as Carring for Each other as united family not forcefully separated forcefully Divorced • How would they Fell if they had Restrictions to Visit the Burial Grounds Site of Their DEAD [ Hopefully their answer before the Justice will be GREAT] • How would they family feel if their family it is affected Morally and Financially by the Government and their Government Administrative Institutions Organisations SUCH AS MORALY FINANCIALY EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT Please See Ref Art 97 - 112 Romanian Family Law that States Page 473 Principle of Rights ,,BOTH PARENTS HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS IN THE UPBRINGING OF THE CHILD To Exercise their Rights and to the Common Accord their Parental Obligations to the Child Ensuring all Environmental Conditions apart from the Parental Good NIGHT KISS Such as Material Goods Pocket money Toys Clothes ...... See Also Art 42 Paragraph 4 Romanian Family Law In Regards to the Education and Professional Studies for the Child [Higher Education]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that the Article clearly specifies Parents not Legally OR CHURCHLY Married Couples that should be a lesson for the Commonwealth and others that parents are parents and that many times Legally Married Churchly Married Couples are as a matter of fact and law Incapable or Unreasonable/Irresponsible Parents as for Example The Commonwealth Australia Senators and others that have decided to forcefully separate Families Children’s from their Parents and others See Definition of the Family When considering the fact and law that the commonwealth government Personal had made such decision considerations must be made that based on their Visionary Impaired Intoxicated way of Thinking/Judgment the senators/ministers or others have NO FAMILIE VALUES OR THINK
• With all Due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Commonwealth Australia Law Reform Commission Reports regarding the Level of Stress that Inprisoned Womens with Dependent Childrens Doing Time also the Correctional Servicess Reports as in Regards to the Receptioned or Inprisoned Persons the Percentage of the Persons That are Incarcerated Knowingly that they are Affected of Stress or Other Stress Related Dissorders See Also the (American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:
D.S.M.-IV-TR (2000) xxxi cited in N.S.W. Law Reform Commission The applicant and others Believes that the above mentioned Decision makers or others can as a matter of fact Quantify the Level of Stress that a Parent Forcefully Separated from His Child/Chilrens Family it is Exposed To by the Higly regarded Honorary Intelectuals that Consider themselves as Protectors of the Community of the Family,s [ a probability that protectors of their Family Friends such as alcoholic Commonwealth Public Servants thats Police Officers and others like Reverend Chief Justice John Elliot Peter Hollingworth and others as mentioned with Higly Regarded Catholic Lordly Christian Believes that the Queen and the Queen Council or Privy Council and the House of Lords are calling them as MATES FRIENDS OF THEIR HONORARY CLUB of the Old Boys TABOO.
After a Proper and Geniune Consideration Assessment the Commonwealth and Others Romania can as a matter of fact Understand the Level of Stress that the Childrens that are Forcefuly Separated Based on the Government or Government Administrative Organisations Decisions ,,a Possibility that they will Understand that that if an Adult it is as a matter of fact Affected [ also after Himself and His Family being Exposed to Deadly Asbestos ] to a High Degree of Stress Related Disorders the Commonwealth Australia will Understand The Childrens [ Migrants Childrens] that are Forcefuly Separated By the Commonwealth Government and Others as Decision Makers can Quantified their ACCOUNTABILITY and Responsability. See Catherina Alexandra Pizlea and her family Matter/NSD 375 of 2006 and others Like [IOAN UNTAN and his Family Married with an Australian Citizen See the 1984 Sex Discrimination Act De-Facto Relationships being regarded as having Same Rights/Standing as Marriages] and Other Thousands of families that are Suferers based on Governments Decision Makers Decisions That do Not Understand That Any Law Against the Families has one Purpose Only To Destroy the Families thefore the Social Class Does Fight Against such Laws when Considering that the Social calass the Socialism will never be Destroyed See References from Marx and Engels and Others.
• The applicant and others would like To Bring to the attention of the aove mentioned and others Commonwealth that the Commonwealth Australia does in fact Accept in Australia Persons Convicted of Criminal Offences from England and Deports Forcefully Separates Families Childrens Born in Australia From their Parents Being Lawfuly made by the Government Government Persons or Parents of a BAD CHARACTER See Definition in Maquarie Concise Dictionary Third Edition See Also the Diverse Definitions of the Families
• The Applicant and Others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honorable Court,s the International Court,s for Justice Hague and Strasbourg the facts that The Commonwealth Australia Justices most of them Ex Archbishops had made a decision that as a matter of fact Stands Today for more then 200 years that as in accord to the Commonewealth Australian Constitution that it is made as they say with the Help of God or Lords Clearly explaining their Sytem THE HOUSE OF LORDS that are Believing that themselves or their families are above the Law Without Considering the fact that the Equality Before the Law it is In Fact Applicable to Themselves and their Families that Including the Biblical Passage See the KINGS that A Man went to the kings and tell the king THEIR CHILDRENS WILL PAY FOR THEIR PARENTS MISTAKES In this Instant matters the persons that had been playng Games with families and Contineousely are Doing this as in the Name of their Religeos Believes Implayng that their Believes should be Law on this Earth are as a matter of fact Beliving that they somehow will be Excluded from Punishment Even when considering the fact that they are abusing Childrens the Youngest Residents on this Planet that obviousely must be considered as an abuse of the Families in General See Family Law and Criminal Law that as a matter of fact should/must be applicable when Considering the facts that those above mentioned in Submissions are in fact Disregarding International and National Laws without making any Considerations that the Principle of Rights are applicable in general
• With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others as mentioned in the Orders the Following Questions • What are the Civil Rights Family Rights of a child an Innocent Child Born in Holland from a Dutch Citizen and a permanent Resident Would the Government approve Legal Representation before the Justice or would the Government Cancel their Nationality Citizenship if Requesting that Her family Rights be Respected as it happend in the Commonwealth Australia • With all due Respect the applicant and Others would like to ask what are the Family Rights Civil Rights of an Autoctone a person born in Holland / Aborigines from Holland lets say they Rights for the last 200 years Are They Rights being made with the Help of God like in the Commonwealth Australia ,,or Others had participated Please send your answer to the Commonwealth Australia With all Due Respect the applicant and Others would like to ask the Commonwealth Australia and the Monarchial Family and the House of LORDS to read the Bible to the Whole World where are the Remarks that with the Help of God they have the Rights to Exclude the Aborigines Autoctone as part of the Australian Population even after Great Britain England Amended the 1860 Law that Considered Slave traficing illegaly ,, Exploatation of the Man by the Man,, [ See also UNO ONU 1947 Treaty or other UN International Human Rights Convention That had been Signed and agreed to be respected by many Countries one of those being also Romania.
When also considering the other facts that the applicant had brought before the attention of the above mentioned through the content of this application Relating to Exploatation and other Considerations that would bring in fact to the Surface that the today prisoners In the Commonwealth etc are in a symilar position Slaves /Prisoners Forced to Work without pay or a very little Reword that in fact Bring the Government in Breach of The Industrial Laws The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned to take in-to consideration the Process of Destruction of the Human Culture of the Human Race that the aborigines has been Exposed to by the Great Britain UK by the Exploatative Families or as Mentioned By the Hon ISAC Issacs By the Establishment the Edwardians and by the First Family the Commonwealth for more then 200 years The Exclusion of the Aborigines From the Commonwealth Constitution should be considered by the Honorable International Courts by the Honorable Justices and others as a DENIAL OF THEIR FAMILY TO SUBEXIST A DENIAL OF THEIR SUBEXISTANCE See UNHCR Convention For References. See Also EQUALITY and AUTHORITY where references are made that lets say that at least 200.000 innocent Aborigines had been Killed by the Establishment in peace time or lets say Pacecefuly without Calling themselves Criminals or considering themselves Responsable and Accountable a Systematic Process of Destruction of the Aborigines Families Through Killings Forcefull Separation of their FAMILIES example the Stolen Generation and others like Childrens that are Claiming that had been Sexualy Molested by the PRIESTS in Missions See also The Advertiser May 9 2003 S A Regarding to Sex Allegations See also Advertiser Nov 15 2003 South Australian Magistrate Charged with Sex Offencess. and others Like Corruption See Advertiser Tuesday July1 2003 Obviousely none of those Fine Family Personalities being Sentenced THATS JUSTICE DOWN UNDER The Dominion of the Queen [Priviledges] See also Ref Repertoire Des Documents de la Cour De La Haye Serie I 1922 1945 Tome 2 Geneve 1967 pag 634 also the decisions C.P.J.I. ,,Wimbledon,,1923 and Lorus 1927
The applicant and others with all due Respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that many of the Sexual Molestation Abuses are as a matter of fact Not Investigated NEGLECTED by the Police WHEN in fact those claims are Brought Forward the Police has Charged the VICTIMS with Defaimation of Character thats Just Us Justice in the Commonwealth South Australia
With all Due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above Mentioned and Others that Considering the fact that many people has Lost Faith in the Justice System Down Under therefore Persons that have Been Sexualy abused should Bring their Claims Before the UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATIONS [ Family] and before the Media When Considering the Fact that the Commonwealth Religeosly Orientated Government Administrative Institutions that are Believing that in the Christian Believes Forgivness Plays an Important Role and of course that does Happend very Often in the City of CHURCHES ADELAIDE where Commonwealth Police Officers do have Priviledges to Drink whilst on their Duty,s as Public Servants Where Members of the Commonwealth Government can ABUSE Disabled Childrens in the Commonwealth Office Without Going to Jail [exp Mark Brindle] lets say a Member of the Commonwealth Government that can make a Difference when his VOTE it is been Counted his vote regarding the CIVIL RIGHTS FAMILY RIGHTS OR Alcohol Consumption Priviledges that are being aproved by the Commonwealth Parliamentarians Thats the Justice Just Us JUSTICE DOWN UNDER THE DOMINION OF THE QUEEN. Where Archbishop PELE with the Support of his Beautifully Handsome Wife SHIMMY and their family Friends Kirby Michael and His Beautifuly Handsome Wife SHIMMY Mark Brindle Hollingworth John Elliot and others .....Commonwealth Australia VISIONARY FAMILIES with Higly Regarded Family Values that the Commonwealth are so proud of an ACHIVMENT to the International Communities as considered in the Commonwealth for Their Contribution to the Law to the Justice JUST- US SYSTEM.
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others with all due respect would like to appolagise for the above mentioned Remarks and would like to ask the above mentioned Not to Consider or Disconsider those remarks as Discriminative In Any Way when Considering the Facts Like Freedom of Speach and other Liberties that themselves are enjoing and as a matter of fact I wish them and Their families Good Luck for their wise/wisely Choices and as they had mentioned as in accordance to what i Learn whilst in THE Commonwealth Forgivness plays an important Role in the Christian Believes the applicant and others Believes are that some Good Books wold also play an Important Role in their Christian Believes Example Equality and Authoriy Extraordinary Grounds in the Criminal Process that of course considering the other factors Like Civil Rights.I.C.C.P.R. CROC.UNHCR Convention Imperialism a System of Robbing and Exploating other People/Nations The Doctrines of the main Ramifications of Different Religeons in the Contemporan Era [ in Romanian DOCTRINELE PRINCIPALELOR SECTE ALE CRESTINISMULUI CONTEMPORAN by Bruno Wurts Timisoara 1984] Questions and Answers to the Atheist Education of the Teenagers Bucharest. and others that can be obtain Please call UN office the H.C.R. In Geneva for the Right Advice or Directions to.......
The applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others to take in-to consideration also other cases/matters of forcefuly separation of the Familie Like Vivian Alvares Cornelia RAU and others that have been abused by the Commonwealth Government or Government Administrative Institutions or Organisations etc Lets say for Example Cornelia Rau being Held into an Immigration Detention Centre for Months without Being Charged of a Criminal Offence placed into a detention Centre awaitng Deportation without any of the Government Administrative Institutions/Organisation etc Like Government Contractors Group 4 or G.S.L. Mannagement or persons on the Mannagerial Position or any of the Personal or others Like DIMIA Mannagement or Personel Support Like Contacting her Family or Having an Interpreter for Her to Explain to their Mannagement or others the Reality that was and it is that she was Detained Unlawfuly and that should be Considered as Corporate Negligence that can also be called Cover UP for the Cushy Jobs and Handsome Payments By the GROUP 4 G.S.L. and Dimia Commonwealth of Australia Government Department [ a probability that they Response as Parties before the above Mentioned and others Should be ,, TO DO THEIR JOBS THE RIGHT WAY IT IS NOT IN THEIR SLOGAN ,,BUSINESS IT IS in DIMIA and GSL best interest a Missunderstanding probably that Business with Illegal Immigrants must be to Profitable ] or IT is not in the best interest of the ICCPR or Civil Rights or others............ LIKE UNHCR UNHRC Convention. a Probability that same answer will be Given by the Commonwealth and their Administrative Institutions/Organisations of the Government for Helding People Humans in Asbestos Centre Without having any Warning Signs for Visitors..........
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others with all Due Respect would like to ask the Above Mentioned and others the Following Question
Are there Any One who would Like to oppose that Catherina Alexandra Pizlea her Family and others are not Entiteld to Compensation as Argumentated before the Public When also considering the facts that asbestos samples had been Presented Before the Commonwealth Court Federal Court and that as a matter of fact witnesed by the GSL of Course Disregarded by the Justice Just Us Justice Honorary J Moore . Please Make your Response as in Accordance to the Health Act ICCPR Commonwealth Australia Civil Rights and others Please also Consider the Spicy better then Antrax asbestos Health issue Argument...............
The applicant Would like to bring to the attention of the above mentione and others the Government Published Reports on Daily Telegraph 13 April 2006 that Reveled that 51 of the 842 Samples Contained asbestos material Posing a law to Moderate Safety Risk later tests Revealed a Low Level Health Risk [ Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Playng Hop Scotch with ASBESTOS in the Visiting area at Villawod Immigration Detention Centre Stage 1 after the big Cover UP with Gravell] With all due respect the applicant would like the GSL or DIMIA Personal or as they Expect to be call Officers most of them Ex Corrective Servicess Officers to present their Officers Honorary Arguments Before the Honorary International Courts For Justice [ when considering the fact that they are expecting to be called or to address to them as Officer after the completion of a 6 weeks Course thats let,s say enough time to be good enough to Learn how to writte to the UN Offices or Hague ] and others as mentioned only then they will get their Honour when they will argument they Honorary Position why They Union did,not Consider a STRIKE and not Enter in-to or did Not placed a Warning Sign to an ASBESTOS Infested area in fact togheter with their union had decided to cover all this UP for Years.
The applicant and others with all due respect would also like to bring to the attention of the above Mentioned and others the hard workig G.S.L. Personal that as a matter of fact where walkind around the Centre in Betwen the Fences Colecting and Disposing of Asbestos samples with protective masks on their Mouth and Detainees have never been Issued with such Impliments or the Visitors of Course the Systematic Cover UP was to Protect the Health of the Detainees as a matter of fact many Visitors had been put in the position of walking around 1 Km from the Stage 2 Car Park to Stage 1 to visit their Family Members after an 8 or 10 Hours work as well as the Child after an Exhousting day at School plus School Care Example Isabella Loredana Kokosi and Catherina Alexandra Pizlea as per GSL and DIMIA Kindness whilst the GSL vans where Driving their VANS Passing where Lifting all The Lovely ASBESTOS FIBRE IN THE AIR or lets say in the Vistors HAIR without Enthering in-to their Respiratory organs/System that,s a posibility Considering the fact that the Commonwealth GSL and DIMIA Realy Truely Believes that With the Help Of Mighty GOD Asbestos Only Affected the Hardy Hardware Workers.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above Mentioned an Example of Giant Corporations NESTLE that as been Reported by the World Health Organisation OMS had incidents where Childrens the Youngest Residents of this PLANET had been Affected because of Negligence See Reports From WHO OMS Geneva
The applicant and Others Believe that the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and other Honorary Organisations Must Consider that the Asbestos Issue Must Be Considered as a Wilingfull Negligence Politicaly Motivated and as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Australia Responsabilities and Accountabilities Must be Assessed by the Honorary Personal of the World Health Organisation OMS and The Honorary Personel of the United Nation Office H.C.R and when considering the facts that Implications/Complications as in the Health Issue of the Persons affected should be suported by the Commonwealth when considering the fact that many of those Health Implications/Complications Issues Can Develop later in Life ,, the Commonwealth must in fact be consider Accountable and Resolve some of the other Issues that the applicant and others had brought before the attention of the Commonwealth Publicly such as COMPENSATE the Abestos VICTIMS. that are as a Resolt of the Coalition Political willingfull Political Motivated Negligence. [ Depresion Stress And Other Stress Related Health Disorders that the Visitors Detainees Humans had been exposed by being held in-to detention centres for an Unspecified Lenght Of Time] See also R v Shersta High Court Precedent.
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to ask the above mentioned and others the Commonwealth Australia Federal and State Government Especialy DIMIA and GSL the following Question
Who is Responsable and Accountable for all the Human Rghts Abuses such as Exposure to Asbestos and Other Strsess Related Disorders when Considering the fact that the United Nation Organisations had Worned the Commonwealth that Detainig Humans Beings in Detention Centre for an Unspecified Lenght of Time Without being sentenced or Convicted of a Crime WHEN ALSO CONSIDERING THE HIGH COURT PRECEDENT THE QUEEN OR Regina V Sherstha when also considering the fact that Childrens and Womens had Been also Incarcerated [ Can the Answer be made Public through the Media Channels when Considering the fact that the Coalition has given their Political motivated Answer Regarding they Kind SORRY to the Aborigines Stolen generation through the Media Channels].
Hopefuly Not the same answer will be Given By THE cOMMONWEALTH through AMANDA VANSTONE that was given by the Ex Minister for IMMGRATION [DIMIA] Philip Ruddock in the Phedophilia or lets say Taking Honour Matter From a Young Catholic Girl Reverend Governer General Queens Man Holligworth Peter an his Failure to Dissmised a Reverend Chief Justice SIR John Elliot Even Knowingly that he has an Alcoholic Problem also known by all His Coleagues and that he admited that he only abuse 1 or 2 childrens that obviousely because of his Pristly alcohol consumption whilst on the service of the public applyng the JUST-US JUSTICE IN THE COMMONWEALTH DOWN UNDER THE DOMINION OF THE Queen SERVING THE Pub lic CROWN with HONOR ,, In the Christian Believes Forgivnes plays an important role [ Hopefuly they Do not Forghet about the Cruciades and the Happy time that they have Destroyng Families in the Name of Religeon ]
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned the Comments of the Hon John Howard as Published in the Adveriser Regarding Reverend Gov Gen Hollingworth Matter There It Is Nothing In His Conduct as Governer General and indeed no proper basis in relation to the Other Matters [ The others etc Christian Believes ,,Excluding Cover Up for John Elliot for years And Honouring Himself Considering the facts that this Christian Catholic women that Fight him all her life and Complained to the Commonwealth Police Office Did not learn Propely the teachings that the Archbishops teach the Christian Hard working Social Class ,,Believes such as the Federal Attorney Gen Philip Rudock Is talking about Forgivnes]
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned the Kindnes and Love that the Stolen Generation Aborigines and English/British Children had Recived whilst spending their Childhood in the Missions/ Learning with the help of Christians God,s / Lord,s Kindness that invented their System That,s including the Killings of the Aborigines clearing Tasmania through Kindnes Killing that accordingly to the Commonwealth Constitution with God,s Help A PROBABILITY THAT THE Commonwealth ARGUMENT BEFORE THE Honorary International Courts and other Honorary International Organisation will be that they wold like to Recive Same Kindnes and Forgivnes as they had Given Accordingly to their Christian Believes or their Constitutional believes [that Excluded the Aborigines as part of the Commonwealth Australian Population [ even after world War II UNO Treaty /CONVENTION San Francisco , OR EVEN AFTER THE 1953 UNHCR Convention or ,, See the relevant convention points that as a matter of fact Australia Disregard/ violated that as a matter of fact Protected the Fundamental Rights of the Aborigines Considering that the Commonwealth Australia Constitution had Denied the Aborigines and others Subexistence their Family Subexistence when Considering the fact that their Civil Rights are not Even Mentioned in the Commonwealth Australia Monarchial Constitution The Object of the Convention it is to Provide Refuge for those who having lost the Jure or the De- Facto Protection of their Governments ,, See also UNHRC Convention.] ,, To provide refuge also means to protect their Civil and Politcal Rights when Considering the fact that the Respective Government Accepted to protect their Civil and Political Rights that,s under a United Nation Convention and other International Conventions obviousely if Citizens or Non Citizens International Intervention should be considered as a must when Evidence of abuse of The Civil and Political Rights Family Rights etc it is brought before the attention of the JUSTICE that,s lets say With the help of GOD OR GOD,S LORD,S TEACHINGS Hopefuly The Honorary International Courts For Justice will Give them The Answer Requested Through the Argumentative submissions and Requested Orders By the Humans Beings thats considering the fact that Principle of Rights Civil Rights should,v been applicable for Everyone without Discrimination based on Religeos believes or Racial a probability is that,s why the aborigines and Others do not have their Civil Rights Respected Because the Have,t Learn the Christian Believes from Those Honorary Reverends Sir,s Missionaries Alcoholic Police Officers or Higly Regarded Politicians. The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attentionof the Honorable International Courts and Others as mentioned that taking into consideration Art 23.1 of the ICCPR the commonwealth of Australia it is as a matter of fact in breach/violation of the Convention/ Civil Rights Family Rights and other fundamental rights Article 23.1 of the ICCPR States. The Family it is the Natural and fundamental group unit in the Society and it is Entitled to [ Obviousely Protection] by the Society and by the STATE [ See also the Romanian International Consular Convention betwen Romania and UK Great Britain] The applicant and others with all due respect would like to ask the above mentioned or others that the Honorable International Courts and others as mentioned would like to invite as Parties or Offending Parties the Folowing Questions,
Did the Commonwealth Australia and others like Law Makers etc fill at any time that they are in Violation / Breach of any of the Points of Law Included in the ICCPR/ Family Law or other Fundamental Civil Rights whilst Envisioning The MIGRATION Act also by amending such laws or points of law to the UNHCR CONVENTION Knowingly that any Modifications Alterations of the Cnvention should,v as a matter of fact be brought before the attention of the International Court for Justice when Considering the facts Vienn Act that protects the Rights of the Convention.
Can the Commonwealth Australia Bring before the attention of the International Courts for Justice and Others Attention their Argumentative Submissions Regarding any Complaints that Commonwealth Australia Consider that are in the Best Interests of the Public and based on whose Decision the Commonwealth Australia had decided to apply all the Convention Alterations Modifications when considering that as a matter of fact the Commonwealth by Doing So had Violated Breach Not only The UNHCR Convention the Commonwealth had Violated /Breach the Vienn Act that Protect the Rights of A Convention or a Treaty Same Act Vienn Act does in fact Protect also the Rights of The Consular Convention betwen Romania and United Kingdom of Great Britain.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the Commonwealth Government Art 17.1 of the ICCPR that states No one should be subject to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family home or corespondence or to unlawfull attaks on his honour or Reputation. With all due respect the applicant and others believe that the Commonwealth Australia the Courts and Commonwealth Government Administrative Departments as matter of fact attak Families and Individuals when Considering the fact that NON citizens [Other Nationalities] that had been incarcerated had been called AND LEGALY MADE/CALLED as Bad Charracters after the End of their Sentence when Considering the fact thjat the Corrective Services had as a matter of fact Spent Tax Payers many in Rehabilitating those Persons after those Respective Persons had as a matter of fact also recived Charracter Refrences From their Employers and Being assesed by the Parole Office by the Community that they are Ready to be relesed into the Society
The applicant and others with all due respect believes that as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Government Australia had as a matter of fact Insulted Even English Citizens and their Families Some of them Being Placed into Villawood Asbestos Infested Centre as Bad Charracters After Serving in the Commonwealth Australian ARMY with HONOUR [Peter Fortune] more then any Commonwealth of Australia Prime Minister SCUM of English Decendents that has ever Served in-to a Commonwealth Office a Senator or Parliamentarian that as a matter of fact had NEVER apply For Citizenship in the Commonwealth Australia as a matter of fact many of those Senators Politicians and others being Servants or an EXTENTION of the Monarchial First FAMILY that Done Nothing to Protect the Civil Rights Family Rights of the Hard Working Social Class as a matter of fact the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Commonwealth Australia had Retained and Protect those so call HUMANITARIAN LAWS of Forcefuly Separating Families with the Help of their close knit Religeos Families Believes and their Church as mentioned in the Commonwealth Australia Constitution by the Founder the Queen her LORDS and Others that believe that God as Mentioned in the Commonwealth Australia Constitution Give them the Right to Kill at least 200.000 Aborigines and Separate English Families and Others Leaving Childrens Parentless without considering that their Decision was as a matter of fact the Bigest crime that they have Done in the NAME OF THE RELIGEON OR GOD.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Honorary International Courts and others as mentioned to bring before the attention of the Invited Parties or Ofednding parties the Following Questions
Are there any Diferentiations that it is Based/Accordance to the Springs of Rights or Principle of RIGHTS of the Civil Rights that are Given to A Family that it is of a Romanian Nationality/Citizenship or English Nationality/Citizenship when Considering the fact that the Commonwealth Australia or Others are as a matter of fact Separating Families or Forcefuly Separating Families based on their Citizenship or Nationality
Are there any INTERNATIONAL established Rights that are Given to High Ranking Families to Disregard or Denny the Civil Right or family Rights of a Citizen and of a Child born in the Respective Country as For Example In the Commonwealth Australia that as a matter of fact does Exempt the Law Makers or the Governments of Being Responsable or Accountable before the JUSTICE that of Course before the International Courts for justice where EQUALITY BEFORE the LAW it is APPLICABLE
Are there any Laws in the Family Law Act that as a matter of fact Denies the Family Rights Based on Religeos Believes Nationality Citizenship Race Colour or Social Position or Criminal Record. [Please also consider Public Servants thats Police Officers and others as mentioned that as a matter of fact admited that had commited Criminal Offences without having their Family Rights Denied or Separated].
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others would like the Commonwealth Australia or any others that believe that Families Deserved to be treated as the Applicant Family and other Families that had/are being treated similar by the Law makers and/or by any Government to bring to the attention of the Honorary Courts the International Courts Honorary Justices their Arguments based on the APPROVED LAWS or Migration Act/Act,s that as a matter of fact can OUTWEIGHT THE FAMILIES CIVIL RIGHTS That are protected by International Laws
With all Due respect the applicant and others Believes that considering the fact that the Commonwealth Australia and their Just Us System of justice did not only Insolted the applicant as a matter of fact the Commonwealth Australia State and Federal Government as Submitted with the Public Support had Insolted the Applicant and others Families and
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to bring befor the attention of the Honorary International Courts and Others the Following Courts Precedents The Decision of the Full Court in Daniele Degereli v Minister for Immigration and Etbic Affairs [1981]4 ALN N39 and Gungor his Honour said at [582] For the Exercise of Power no Challange can be made to the fact of the Conviction or the Essential Facts on which the Conviction was Based The Decision of the Commonwealth Court High Court of Australia in Ziemens v Hewthorn and Co LTD 1943 1 K B 587 That a Conviction it is not a civil Proceedings Admissible Evidence on the Essential facts on Which was based Had attracted Much Criticism and some legIslative INTERVENTION On the Question of Abuse of Process Davis J noted at 583 that the legal proceedings may not be instituted or Carried on for the Purpose of Chalenging by Inapropriate Means the JUDGMENT OR ORDER OF THE COURT
With all due Respect the applicant and others would like to ask the Honorary Courts the International Courts for Justice and other Honorary International Organisations to Question the Commonwealth Australia Federal and States Governments if they Law Makers Courts etc and Others would like to Bring their Argument Before the attention of the Above Mentioned and Others If any of the Migration Act Sections or other points of Law can as a matter of fact Outweight the Convention on the Rights of the Child or the ICCPR See Art 23.1 Are there any other Points that in fact give the Commonwealth Legal Right to Forcefuly Separate Families Childrens from their Parents or Making Dishonorary Governamental Arguments in Replay to a Child Born in the Commonwealth Australia and through their Decision that clearly Indicates to the Applicant Family and Others that ,, If one of the Parents it is a Non Citizen the Family as a UNIT has no Rights to be protected by the the Society laws and if the Commonwealth Australia consider their Decision as DISCRIMINATIING Families Based on their Nationality When also considering the fact that Under the Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 the Following Remarks are being made ,,THE OBJECT OF THE ACT IT IS TO REGULATE IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST THE COMING INTO AND THE PRESENCE IN AUSTRALIA OF NON CITIZENS,,[ other Nationalities] ,, a clear indication of racisam and hatred when also considering the fact that the Commonwealth has the Aborigines Excluded from the Commonwealth Constitution for 100,s of years,, Dening the Aborigines Civil Rights their Family Rights to SUBEXISTSee UNHCR Point of Civil Rights. and others as Specified in Principle of Rights Romania 1958 Page 490 Line 6 to 13 Art 15 OF THE Romanian Constitution.
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Above Mentioned International Courts and others that in fact the above mentioned Rights that are mentioned in Art 15 of the Romanian Constitution are as a matter of fact being Violated/Denied to Individuals to Families and others that are Citizens of an European Union Country Nothwitstanding the Fact that Accordingly to the UNO/ONU Renwed Treaty Sweden and Signed by all the Euroipean Union Countries the Citizens from European Countries Accordingly to the Treaty are having Equal Rights without Discrimination a probability that the European Parliament Does not Understand the Definition of the UNION See a dictionary for References a probability that the European Parliament does not Understand that the restrictions applicable to Romanian Citizens are Not applicable to Spanish or English Citizens in Romania or that a Romanian Citizen of a German Nationality Does not have any Restrictions that are applicable on His Right even considering the fact that Both Persons or Individuals are BORN in Romania or lets say other nationalities like Romanian Serbs Romanian Hungarians The applicant Believes that the above Mentioned Remarks must in fact be brought before the attention of the European Parliament when considering the ICCPR and other arguments that the applicant brought before the attention of the above mentioned and others through the Content of this application the applicant and others strongly believe that No Romanian or any other Citizen of the European Union Countries should have his or her Rights to Subexist Denied/Violated or Evictus by any Politicians or Political Council that are twisting Civilised Laws Adopted by the United Nations Organisations as in accordance to the Principle of Rights and protected by diferent Treaty,s and Conventions that brings before the attention of the Government or Governments Administrative Organisations Personel and others they rights also thats EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW thats being Responsable and Accounatable for their Legal Judicial Circus that the Politicians with the help of their Legal Advisers fail to understand that their Implementations are in fact a violation/Eviction of Certain Fundamental Civil Rights that Incriminates the above mentioned of False Intelectual that as a matter of fact it is a Criminal offence punishable with Jail Sentences Internationaly by all Countries States or teritory,s
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that the decision of the Commonewealth DIMIA MIMIA etc to have the Applicant Visa Re-Cancelled once the Commonwealth Court the Federal Court of Australia Made the ORDER that the Decision of the MIMIA be Quashed should be Considered as a matter of fact and Law an Abuse of Process when Considering the Commonwealth Australia High Court Decision Ziemens v Hewthorn and Co LTD 1943 also considering the fact that the DIMIA MIMIA had listed the matter again Before the Commonwealth Australia Federal Court and others instead of Appealing the Decision of the Commonwealth Court the Federal Court of Australia before the Commonwealth Australia High Court when also Considering the facts that the MIMIA or DIMIA whoever make the Decision Fail to Comply with by/With the Court Orders to pay the Applicant the Legal Costs Considering the fact that the applicant was unrepresented before the Courts on the day of the Court Proceedings
With all Due Respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea Would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others the Commonwealth High Court of Ausytralia Decision/Rullings that States. The Commonwealth Court the High Court of Australia will Not Grant a Special Leave to a MATTER THAT WILL BE SUBJECT TO BEING OVERIDEN BY ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION THROUGH SOME LEGISLATIVE INTERVENTION [ My Emphases Or other princip-less, less or No Principle like High Ranking Family Conection or other Government Administrative Organisation/Institution Intervention]
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned that in their believes the Commonwealth Court the High Court of Australia should never be considered as a Supervisory Court in fact why the High Court should even bee considered as a Court when their Decision it is ,,That the High Court will not grant Special Leave or or Listen to a matter that will be subject to being overriden by Administrative Decision , a Clear Indication that Sugesrs that NO One in Australia Can Challange a Ministerial Decision or a Law that it is passed through by the Parliament by Parliamentarians Even if such Laws are Contrary to the Civil Rights Family Rights Principle or as Explain and Written to the Applicant Alexandru Pizlea by Rosemary Musoline Registrar of the High Court Appeals Can not be Heard by the Privy Council as explain to the applicant accordingly to the 1982 Act Separation of Power.
With all due respect the applicant and others believes that considering all those facts and others as mentioned through the content of this application affidavit the applcant application for International Intervention/Assistance should be listed and Brought before the attention of the International Courts for Justice when also considering the facts that the Chilrens and families that are being Put in Deadly Immigration Asbestos Centre Can Not have Their Claims Brought Before the Attention of the Commonwealth Courts because of Such Interventions as a matter of fact The Honorary Office of the UNHCR has brought before the attention of the Commonwealth Government that they are in Fact abusing Human Rights with a total Disregard of the Health Acts and others as Specified through the Content of this Affidavit.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the Above mentioned that the Commonwealth High Court of Australia should have the Authority to Review matters under the Section 474/475 of the Commonwealth of Australia NSW Crimes Act when Considering the facts that the Jurisdiction of the High Court it is as a matter of fact Extended through the Commonwealth also considering that the Commonwealth Courts STATE COURTS are using Case Precedents from all States therefore the State Laws are as a matter of fact Applicable in all States when considering the fact that the Conviction was achived based on the respective State Laws, the applicant with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned that as a matter of fact Case Precedents and Laws from England Irland or Scotland or Wales [UK.of GB] are also applicable in the Commonwealth Australia.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to address the Queen or any other Prezident if themselves would like to have any of their Security Officers[ Police] Detectives Police Officers or others as mentioned intoxicated with Drugs and Alcohol when Considering the fact that in the Commonwealth Australia Under the Dominon of the Queen the Commonwealth Monarchial Vice Regal Office have those Commonwealth Officers Public Servants Priviledged with Habits or other qualities Unpunish Qualities such as mentioned by themselves before the Queen Counselers ,,Training Techniques of Dishonesty Fabrications and Cover Up to the Courts With all due respect the applicant would like other considerations be brought before the attention of the above mentioned Example the Death of Princess DIANA and DODI and Considering the fact that the alcohol Consumption was of a Small Quantity a probability that other Evidence being Suppressed to Ensure the Healing Process of the Childrens Nevertheless the alcohol being one of the main Factor as brought before the attention of the Public through the Media Channels.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others to address the alcohol issue before the Public and Before the attention of the Medical Council World Health Organisations when considering the fact that the Best interest of the Public it is always being brought by the Government or other Government Administrative Institutions/Organisations [Law Institutions and others that are Implyng that the Best Interest of the Natural Course of Justice must be a primary Considerations ]the applicant and others with all due respect would like to have the above mentioned and others the Public THE MEDICAL COUNCIL AND WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION ANSWER AS IN ACCORDANCE TO THEIR MEDICAL Scientific STUDIES to Educate many Law Makers Politicians and others as mentioned through the content of this Application Affidavit and bring to their attention if there are any ERRORS IN THEIR JUDGMENT AND LAWS OR THE APPLICABILITY OF THE LAW or LAWS.
With all due respect the applicant and others would like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others to also take in-to Consideration the following question that Peter Foulis was asked by the Barrister Jonathan Hyde in Court. [ and others as mentioned through the content of this Affidavit application.
Question Mr Foulis it is the case that you are unsure to how much alcohol you had consumed on that day [ on the day of the operation ]
Answer YES [ That was the answer of a Higly Qualified Intoxicated Commonwealth Police Officer ,,a probability that through his answer the Public Servant admited that he had lost Count ,,or that the officer enhanced mental capability did not make such notes in his Note Book considering the fact that Refreshments as such are on his Daily meniu as in accordance to the best interest of the public or in the best Interest of the NATURAL Meniu/course of the JUST-US JUSTICE Down Under the Dominion of the Queen in the Commonwealth Australia.
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea and others with all due respect would Like to bring before the attention of the above mentioned and others that in the Commonwealth Australia the Faith in the Criminal and Civil System of Justice has Erroded as a matter of fact the Public doubt that the Commonwealth Australia has a Civilised System of Justice Rise above the Hegemony of silence into the Hearts and Minds of a Doubt -Heavy Public as a mattewr of fact many of the Q C that had Prticipated to Different Inquiris are making Such Statements such as ,, the plight of verballed loaded or othrwise FRAMED people that are Wrongly Convicted it is beyond believes,, many of the QC that had been participating in Different Inquiris are asking Where it is the so Call Promised ROYAL Commission,, when considering the facts that they had work hard and NONE of the Commonwealth Police Officers that had Commited Criminal Acts had been Punished By the JUSTICE Many if those Corrupt Commonwealth Police Officers Public Servants are in fact Reluctant to Admit that in fact they are CRIMINALS nowingly that Nothing will Happend to them,, The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the above mentioned and others that accordingly to the Q.C reports many of the Matters that had Been Presented before the Commonwealth Courts before the JUST-US System of Justice Must be Review,d under the Section 474 of the NSW crimes Act when all avenues of appeal had been Exhausted or under Recomandation of theState,s Attorney General ,,Attorney General Fiat,, or under the Federal Attorney Recomandation when Considering the Fact that his office has Supervisory Federal Jurisdiction ,,of Course when the above mentioned are TURNING A BLIND EY to such interventions and also considering the fact that the Royal Commission Inquiry Reports that are presented before the Courts or before the Commonwealth Australia Government that has a VERY LIMITED VISION of what Constitutes Corruption Instead of makiing a Positiv Administrative Intervention the Government Intervention it is to protect and ensure that the Corruption in FACT IT IS FLOWRISHING through Priviledged Parliament Acts or Laws that as a matter of fact are Unacceptable Internationaly [example Alcohol Consumption See Health Act or the Medical Council / WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION for Appropriate Advice When Considering the Fact that Many of the Commonwealth Australia Politicians and others had made all those priviledges for themselves thats lets say for a Better and Wiser ADMINISTRATION OF THE Just- us Syatem of Justice ,, where family matters See Equality and Authority ,,
[ See Imperialism a System of Robbing and Exploating Other People where Factual Remarks that are Disclosing the British Establishment London where 100,s of tones of Gold are going anualy through the London Exchange a probability that another god book of AUSTRALIAN STORY,S it is about Warigal and Captitan Starlight for a better Understanding of the Exploatation of the Aborigines Land under the Administration of the Commonwealth when considring the Commonwealth Government Assurance to the People ,, That Family,s matters and that Equality and Authority it is as a matter of fact is bringing in Relief the family structure in the Commonwealth Australia ]
Separated without making any considerations that the Hard working Social Class Childrens and forcefuly Separated Families Childrens that are Suffering not as Described in the Migration Act or as in the argument that the DIMIA brought against the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Catherina Alexandra Pizlea Isabela Loredana Kokosi in the Commonwealth Court ,,Persons that are making a profit from Illicit Drugs,, or remarks as such ,, Alexandru Pizlea should not be considered as a Parent ,, for Catherina Alexandra Pizlea or a Husband for Isabella L Kokosi ,,This so called Honorary Humanly Behavior that Justice etc has shown in Court must be considered a Symilar Justice under the Furer ,,Where families Parents or Childrens where Forcefuly separated some of them Forever some of them for very long periods of Time etc.etc.etc
The applicant Alexandru Pizlea send this unfinished affidavit / without Corrections of Gramatical Errors in that whoever believes that they may be consider themselves as offenders would not implay that this affidavit was taken them by surprise they may also consider that other factual issues will be brought befor their attention for example having the matter A 50 OF 2001 back before their courts with the jury and the police officers reconstructing the matter having a few beers lisent to CANDELS IN THE WIND having Justices like John Elliot banging a Child a doctor from the government giving them a medical advice that the Government Priviledges are OK THAT,S DRINKING WHILST ON DUTY under evidence Act 1958 Medical Practitioner Assesment see Rlevant Section also the Queen present with William and Harry that the Jury can answer how do they feel to give a GUILTY verdict Knowingly that the Consumption of alcoohol had caused so mutch pain and Suffering Knowingly that was only little alcohol as recorded on the Camerra also Knowingly that the Princess Buttler was of course a person that was respondent for the Princess Security a probability that he was a COP as well as the Driver was,t someone that was working for a bus driving company They can also invite Archbishop PELE and His WIFE at the reconstruction of the matter if they consider to have a Retrayl to bring to their attention that in their Family Christian Believes Forgivnes Plays an Important Role accordingly to their Religeos Believes.
THE APPLICANT WOULD ALSO LIKE TO BRING TO THE Commonwealth Colonial Government Personal ATTENTIONE THAT the applicant n and others are requesting to be Compensated with a very small sum of 10 000 000 Million Euros for 10 months exposure COMPENSATION it is the price that the applicant and others are requesting/demanding from the Colony THE Commonwealth Australia For exposure to a deadly asbestos[ then a ten millions Euros for every ten monts spent in prison based on corrupted Evidence of Refreshed Royal Crown Witness's ] a 20 000.000 Euros claim for exposure to deadly asbestos of the youngest Residents of this planet Childrens a small sum when considering that the Russian Tennis Player Earn this Much in a Year thats of Course For Pain And Suffering that she put her Body through the applicant and others believes that the Youngest Residents of this planet and others request must be considered as a very small or even Insignificant when consideringf the fact that the Commonwealth Colonial Australian Government Spend's more money in wars in Afganistan and Irak than being Family Orientated or Human Rights Orientated thats the so call Colonial Commonwealth Government Americanised System or as mentioned in Equality and Authority American Interest in Australia . The applicant and Others would also like to bring to yours attention that the Honorary UNHCR Representants and others that have visited the DEADLY Asbestos Incrceration Detention Centre should be compensated a 20 mill thats to understand that no Colonial coalition Australian Government should say words as SHAME to the UN Considering the facts that Doctors ENGINERS LABOURS and OTHERS HAVE BEEN SEND BY THE HONORARY OFFICE honnorary representants IN the Commonwealth /AUSTRALIA also considering the facts that those childrens and families as BAD CHARACTERS The applicant and Others Believe that a 10 000 000 Euros must be considered as a kindly and very law sum in compensating the Honorary Members of the United Nation Office In Geneva the HCR when considerig the fact that the Colonial Government had Fail to Respect their Honor as the United Nations had been Recognised by the Queen the applicant and others believes that the Queen or the Privy Council or the Queen in Council should see this request as Insignificant when considering the fact that she the Queen or Blair Government has done Nothing to Ensure that the Colonial Commonwealth Australian Government will never addressed to the Honorary office of the United Nation the way they have DONE See Def of bad Charracter Maquarie Concise Dictionary third Edition and consider that those Childrens may never perfom as a bad Charracter Tennis Player and that the asbestos will affect them and their families in the day to day life see refrences made by the Commonwealth Doctors HARDIE HARDWARE that can also be brought before the attention of the World Health Organisation also other documentation that can be obtained from the Sweedish MEDICAL SCIENCE centre regarding the effect that the asbestos and other esposure to stress and others can affect the young children their parents and how can those may be transmited to their childrens The applicant believes that whoever would like to bring an argument that the SUM it is Exagerated they should think that a soccer gets at least 15 to 20 mill in a 5 years a tennis player ,maybe moore The applicant believes that whoever wold like to oppose to such a payment the should have a hand full of asbestos for themselves and their childrens without being incarcerated deprived of they freedoms thats KINDNESS considering the fact that young childrens have been placed in a deadly asbestos centre also young childrens and others that have visited the centre some of them on daily bases without being worned by the government like plaicing WORNING SIGNS AT THE ENTRANCE OR wonings like they have addressed to the police officers not to be present at the Protesters meeting when protesters have protested against the Commonwealth Decision to have Humans incarcerated in such Conditions
Also the Romanian Gov Should Consider a 10 000000 euros Compensation for every person that have been incarcerated for Fraudulosely tryng to cross the border or illegaly crossing the border whilst under the communist regim considering the fact that those persons have been working EPLOATATED and that as a matter of fact None of those people would.v go illegaly accross the border if Romania Wouldv Respect the HUMAN RIGHTS AND OTHER UNO ONU CONVENTIONS THAT THEY HAVE SIGNED Also considering the fact that Romania Accnowledge they wrongdoing considering the fact that after the CUE they have Released PASSAPORTS and waive the Criminal Record of the Persons Incarcerated FOR SUCH OFFENCESS Thats a clear accnowledgment that they are RESPONSABLE AND ACCOUNTABLE for all the phisical abuse and others that those persons have been suffer
The applicant and other believes that the Governments Should Consider that Exploatating/ Exploating a person [EXPLOATATION OF THE MAN BY THE MAN] whilst incarcerated the government had never think that they Abuse it is affecting the Incarcerated Person family Stress and other stress Related Disorders when considerig the fact that the Person Incarcerated does prestate a productiv work whilst incarcerated and that the Government as Beneficiary are taking the working person earning without thinking about his family , his earnings not only his FREEDOM the Government had never think that at least 50 per cent of the Prisoner earnings should be send to HIS/HER family when considering the fact that it is very HARD to sustain a family when two Parents are Contributing Financialy in Building a Family life and Dreams The applicant and others would also like to bring to the attention of the Governments and whoever it may be concerned that as a matter of fact the Governments in having such system in place are as a matter of fact in breach of the Industrial Laws when considering the fact that a person whilst in the prison system working for let,s say Corrective Services Industries are Reciving a Different payment when placed on Work Released Program then before they are place in such programs understandably the whole period of incarceration it is a rehabilitation and a work Release program considering the fact that accordingly to the work related Reports assessments are made Regarding the person release on parole and others or other cponditions that are in place by the prison System for a person that it is a NON worker or Refuses to Work such as Isolation and other restrictive measures that are part of the Prison System
The Romanian authorities should also consider the facts that the Laws that placed a person in prison for a very long period of time for attemptin to or crossing Illegaly the Romanian Border where laws approved by the Magistrates and the Governing Political Party not by the Ceausescu thefore persons that where tryng to get their LAWFULL RIGHTS should be Compensated for the Unlawfull Punishments that they had recived considering the facts that Romania had SIGNED THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS AND OTHER Conventions and Protocoles
The applicant believes that the government should not find the sum excesive when considering the fact that those people have been exploatated and that their income has been placed in a special account as specified in the Criminal Investigation and that for 17 years those money have been used wisely in different investments by the Government without considering that those money where pain and suffering money that many people that as a matter of fact went to the Border twice have been shot and that the Government should be also responsable for all the Killings the Dead that are buried accross tjhe border in YUGOSLAVIA many of them unknown when considering the fact that they where catch like the dead fish from the AURORA Gold mining COMPANY by the Yugoslav Authorities etc etc etc etc
The applicant and others with all due respect would like to bring to the attention of the Romanian government and others that if any lawyers or government representants would like to bring argumentative submissions against a compensation pay out to all the Persons that had been Sentenced for their Rights to be FREE Should consider the above mentioned orders and the Post Mortem Medical Reports that the UNHCR can bring to their attention in that some of the DEAD are having Broken Skulls made with instruments such as AK 47 etc a probability that they would like to recive same treatment for the RIGHTS to be FREE or a life time sufference sufering of shock and other Health Related Disorders after the beatings that they recived at the border many of them NEVER TRAYNG SAME example Tomescu Florin being beaten until Bubles came out of his mouth Ephilepsy Convultions Kiss Ludovic having pain in his REABS for months and others like ROXA MARCEL CABA SILVIU MASTER DIETRIC Butucel Alexandru Hopitea Ioan Costin Dumitru etc etc etc.
Also AURORA Gold Extracting MINING INDISTRY should bring to the attention of the world health organisation and Scientific Medical Research in Stokholm and England the polution level that they have Created in Romania through the Speealage that they have done to the Subteran Water in romania and what effect can this have on the Population and how can this affect the next generation of romanians a clear indication that Aurora has a big debth to Romania and others thats IN the orders of BILLIONS
Also the Commonwealth should answer and be Responasble and Accountable to the Chinese families etc etc and their childrens for exposure to deadly asbestos whilst being held in detention centres Thats Kindnes From The Commonwealth Families That Are More Interesting In Wealth A Posibility That an Involvment In the Politics and Others In Romania with a total disregard of the population health they are having one purpose only that 100s of tones of gold to be extracted from Romania and send to The Great Britain UK they of course knew how Romania pay the International debts to the International Bank thefore they involvment in the Cue that removed Ceausescu from power and killed thousends of inocent people it is a reality. A lets say we dont want the Romanian King In Romania lets have someone that we can make them look like the Real Gentelmens that occupate INDIA kill and stole from the Aborigines their identity and their land their wealth in Australia See EQUALITY and AUTHORITY Australian Propaganda Manual .
Sincerely thank you Alexandru Pizlea
I believe that gramatical correcions can be addressed considering the fact that even in courts gramatical errors and others are being addressed by the Justice and others
This application will have changes in its contents once finished until then many unpleasent remarks are a Must necesity to ensure that whoever would like to respond ,, Der Protest,, or deciding not to respond will not be frustrated by excluding themselves as respondent parties thefore the unpleasent remarks will be errased only mention such as Those people as i have been in the past mentioned will stand as a Must the applicant believes that many Honorary people from the UNO and other Honorary Institutions wish that this will be a leson for many Standover above the Law Gods or others that believe that their Civil Rights or Family Rights are outweighting others that they consider as Criminals or Slaves A probabiolity that some of those people should watch SPARTACUS to learn that Even a Slave will Fight for HONOUR Also learn how a Senator SCREAM when Crucified a very good movie to watch please consider . The applicant with all due respect would like to bring before the attention of the Australian and UK Government that the forcefull separation Forcefull abandment of the family that they as a matter of fact are considering to be humanly legal the denail of the applicant to have the rights to visit his family or the Burial Grounds/Site of his Son until the applicant will pay 67.500 dollars and even then it wil be a maybe should give also the rights to the Turkish Government to Denny the ANZAC also known as ANZUS visitors that are comemorating and Remember the GALIPOLY their Rights to visit the SITE UNTIL THEY WILL PAY THE COSTS of the destructions of humans lifes that they had caused when Considering the facts that the Turkish Government has many PARENTS that are having their Childrens in the Commonwealth Australia etc without any family Rights as the applicant had brought to their attention and others like expectations to pay to the respective governments detention costs when in fact they never ask to be held in detention centres thats the respective government decision that as they say it is in the best interests of the Public when in fact the Politiciansd had made public Speaches that this bill it is suported by the Australian tax payers
With all due respect the applicant would like to bring to the attention of the Supreme Tribunal Romania that accordingly to the Romanian Law the appplicant wouyld like to bring before their attention that he would like the ask theTribunal to settle his family Property Rights Considering the fact that under the Romanian law after the faling of the Comunist Dictature in Romanian the Property that was taken from the People Shouldv been returned to the Rightfull Owners or their families the same way that they have taken the property such as establishing and Informing them about their Entytlements as they have donet in the past take it now theyu should returned the same way they have take it sending them the appropriate owner Property Documents Example my GRANDFATHER name Pizlea IOSIF My great grandmother name MADA ROSALIA Considering the fact that he was the Only son my father and I do have the Right to claim the property rights that she has from her family and also the property that was taken from my grandfather SUCH AS LAND A MILL FLOWER AND OTHER machinery that was taken with it that as a matter of fact the machinery was used in Salonta at the can factory that was the I believe Steam Locomotive or other considering the fact that i even know the exact location ,,GHIDA,,etc The Romanian Government should also know that my grandfather uncle Pizlea Petru was also sernig as a leutenent in the Romanian Army Left Romania in 1927 working in France also as a leutenant and his brother left for URUGUAY.
The applicant would like to thank to the Romanian Government and their administrative organisation Police and the Prosecution Office and their Magistarates for their welcoming being held in to the airport otopeni for hours and finding his lugage on the hole way with article missing such as Maquarie Dictionary Third Edition and the Australian law Reforms Commission Book Romanian BIBLE Law appendics and others the applicant Alexandru Pizlea was also asked to pay 36 Euros to have his lugage with him when in fact the tiket has been payed to timisoara including the laguage
The Romanian authorities and TAROM should also consider that the sum that the applicant was asked to pay was in EUROS not in Romanian curency that was the scum Charge for an internal not an international service for a Romanian Citizen knowingly that the applicant has returned from overses. Thefore they should not be surprised or bring any arguments that as a matter of fact will just worsen their Honour as an international Company Internationaly.
When in fact the applicant had his Tiket paid to Timisoara and as a matter of fact the applicant was not asked to pay any Extra Money in Germany by the Lufthansa Airline The applicant believes that the TAROM Airline should Compensate the applicant with 100.000 euros for each Euro that the applicant Alexandru Pizlea was asked to pay at the Airport The Applicant Believes that Tarom Airline should Consider this Very Low SUM as Kindness when considering that ading Few Zeros to Every Euro that they Unlawfully obtained from the applicant it is nothing Considering they ways of Respect as a big Corporation also ensuring that this will be a lesson for them when also considering the facts that they have also went through my luggage without myself being present stealing at their will. those considerations should be also brought before the attention of the Tarom Office as being the only way of Stopping Corruption in Romania there should also a lesson be learned that it is a possibility that the next person will claim a MIILLION FOR EACH EURO THAT THEY unlawfully obtained or ASK a Romanian citizen to pay when considering the facts that the Currency in Romania it is LEI
The applicant and others believe that if any payment misunderstanding had occurred a so called PROCESS VERBAL Investigatory document should,v been sent to Qantas when considering the fact that the instructions on the luggage and the Ticket was paid to TIMISOARA
The High Court Application Book A Pizlea v The Queen and other Documentation Accuracy of the Transcripts had been Faxed to the Honorary International Court for Justice Strassburg also this draft unfinished Document etc etc.
With all due respect the applicant Alexandru Pizlea and Others would like to ask the Respective Person that Recives this Document to approach Mr Gadafi consideing that the Applicant and others would like to ask mr Gadafi to send the Money that the Romanian Government has asked the Prezident to pay to the Romanian Government that had mentioned that those are Romanian People's Money not the Government Money that as a matter of fact have Sold Rom Petrol for Millions of Dollars to as they had Considered in their Thick Heads that Romanian Government can help the Romanian People Better with a 10 or 20 Per Cent tax that they will recive from the Profit of the Buyer The applicant and others would like to ask the Prezident to Send the Money to the UNITED NATIONS HONORARY OFFICE UNHCR Geneva considering the fact that Romania has to Compensate a Lot of Victims that have been abused by the Romanian Government Police and by the Judiciary With all due respect the applicant and Others believes that the Libian Prezident should also ask if therte are any Libian Citizens arrested accused of participating at the 1989 Genocide and if those Citizens Persons had been Arested and Interviwed by the Romanian People isame as they have Done with Romanian Police Officer Theodorescu [ Ref Book An Assumed Risk by Theodorescu ] where police officers had Written statements for Him to sign to Incriminate Himself or other Evidence such as mentioned by the applicant upon his Return to Romania [Otopeni Incident ]
The applicant and others would like to bring in Evidence that none of the Investigatorial Officers Involved in Teodorescus Matter had Been Arrested for Forgery and other Offences
Sincerely Thank You Alexandru Pizlea