National Service Scheme
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National Service Scheme is an Indian government-sponsored programme under the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. It was started in 1969.
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[edit] History
After the independence, the University Grants Commission headed by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan recommended introduction of national service in the academic institutions on a voluntary basis. This idea was again considered by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) at its meeting held in January, 1950 and after examining the various aspects of this idea and the experiences of other countries in this field, the Board recommended that students should devote some time to manual work on a voluntary basis and that the teachers should also associate with them in such work. In the draft First Five year Plan adopted by the Government of India in 1952, the need for social and labour service for the students of India for one year was stressed. In 1958, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his letter to the Chief Ministers mooted the idea of having social service as a prerequisite for graduation. He also directed the Ministry of Education to formulate a suitable scheme for introduction of national service into the academic institutions[1].
In 1959, a draft outline of this scheme was placed before the conference of the Education Ministers of the States. The Conference agreed upon the urgent need for trying out a workable scheme for national service and suggested the appointment of a committee to work out details of the proposed pilot project. As a result, a National Service Committee was appointed under the Chairmanship of Dr. C.D. Deshmukh on August 28, 1959 to make concrete suggestions in this direction. The committee recommended for introduction of national service for a period of nine months to a year. The recommendation of the Committee was not accepted because of its financial implications and difficulties in implementation[1].
In 1960, Government of India appointed K.G. Saiyidain to study about how the national service by students implemented in several countries of the world. He submitted his report under the title "National Service for the Youth" to the Government with a number of recommendations to develop a feasible scheme of social service by students in India. Later, the Education Commission headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari (1964-66) recommended that students at every stage of education should be associated with some form of social service. This was taken into account by the Education Ministers of the States during their conference in April 1967 and they recommended that the students at the university stage could join the National Cadet Corps (NCC) which was already in existence on a voluntary basis and an alternative to this could be offered to them in the form of a new programme, named the National Service Scheme (NSS). Promising sportspersons, however, should be exempted from both and allowed to join another scheme called the National Sports Organisation (NSO). The Vice Chancellors' Conference in September, 1969 welcomed this recommendation and suggested that a special committee of Vice Chancellors could be set up to examine this question in detail. In the statement of national policy on education of the Government of India, it was laid down that work experience and national service should be an integral part of education. In May 1969, a conference of the students' representatives of the universities and institutions of higher education convened by the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission also unanimously opined that the national service scheme could be a powerful instrument for national integration. The details were soon worked out and finally the Planning Commission sanctioned an outlay of Rs. 5 crores for National Service Scheme (NSS) during the Fourth Five Year Plan period. It was stipulated that the NSS programme should be started as a pilot project in select institutions and universities. On September 24, 1969, the then Union Education Minister Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao launched the National Service Scheme in 37 universities covering all States. At present, the scheme has been extended to all the states and universities in the country and also covers +2 level learning institutes in many states[1].
[edit] Motto
The Motto of the National Service Scheme (NSS) is "Not Me But You", which reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. This organisation engaged in all the social activities going on in and around. With a group of young and talented volunteers the organisation conducts its activities. The main activities include running of Bal Sanskar Kendras in nearby villages, running of seva and teaching works for the people of Dhobi, Sweeper Bastis etc, Interaction and recreation works for physically disabled children, organising Blood donation camps, pulse polio drives, organising sports meet for the village children and providing volunteers for many service activities going around for our rural people. The volunteers of NSS serve the society with great devotion and renunciation. For providing information about its ongoing works NSS has launched a yearly magazine named "SAMIDHA" with a punchline of "SEVA HAI YAGNA KUND SAMIDHA SAM HUM JALE,DHYEYA MAHASAGAR ME SARIT ROOP HUM CHALE".
[edit] Aim
This programme is to inculcate the social welfare thoughts in the students, and to provide service to the society without any prejudice. NSS volunteers work hard day and night to ensure that every one in our society who is needy gets the every possible help from them so that they can also enhance their standards and lead a life of dignity in the society with all of us. In doing so the volunteers themselves learn a lot from the people in villages like how to struggle and how to lead a happy life in the extreme scarcity of resources and so on. personality development through social service
[edit] Organisation
Most of the Government and Government Aided Institutions, both schools and colleges has NSS units comprising volunteers. Even the private institutions are encouraged to have NSS volunteers. A unit may typically count from 20 to 40 students. They are managed internally by a responsibility from school or college who reports to the regional NSS co-ordinator. Most of the institutions incorporate a separate uniform for NSS though it is not mandatory.
[edit] Camps
Camps are conducted annually. The camp is fully funded by the Government of India. The camp is usually located in a rural village or in suburbs. Volunteers may involve in
- Cleaning
- Afforestation
- Stage shows or Procession creating awareness on social problems, education, cleanliness etc
- Inviting doctors for health camps.
There are no pre-defined or pre-assigned tasks. It is the volunteers' imagination to provide the service to the society in whatever ways that are feasible. The camps may typically last for a week or ten days. Many short term camps are also conducted. Two camps have been successfully organised in BIT Mesra with 40-50 volunteers participating in each camp. The first one was from 8-18 December 2006 and the second one was from 8-18 December 2007.The enthusiastic volunteers donated 10 days time from their holiday and stayed in the campus for serving the society. Some of the intellectuala were also called to interact with the volunteers.
[edit] Other Programs
In some institutions, volunteers are involved in controlling traffic, regulating queues in temples, controlling stampede in functions. National conferences are held regularly to conduct white paper presentations, project presentations.
It is equivalent to Scouts, National Cadet Corps and other programmes developed for the welfare of the society and the nation.