National Rural Letter Carriers' Association

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Kevin O'Neill - Florida RLCA Area Steward
Kevin O'Neill - Florida RLCA Area Steward
National Rural Letter Carriers' Association
Founded 1903
Country United States
Key people Donnie Pitts, President

Don Cantriel, VP
Clifford D. Dailing, Secretary-Treasurer
Randy Anderson, Director of Labor Relations
Ronnie Stutts, Director of Steward Operations

Executive Committee: Jeanette Dwyer, William Gordon, Joey Johnson & Steven L. Traylor
Office location Washington, D.C.

Rural free deliver (RFD) began in the U.S. in 1896 with five routes. Seven years later, it had expanded to 15,119 routes covering 322,618 miles. The National Rural Letter Carriers' Association (NRLCA) was formed in 1903 at a cost of fifty cents per year in dues to its members. Since its inception, it's had an effective legislative program in the Congress to promote and protect the interests of rural carriers. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed executive order 10988 establishing employee-management cooperation in the federal service. Rural carriers selected the NRLCA as their agent, and they've held exclusive recognition to represent the rural carrier craft within the Post Office since. The NRLCA negotiates all Labor Agreements for the rural carrier craft with the Postal Service, including salaries. Rural Letter Carriers are considered bargaining unit employees in the United States Postal Service (USPS). This means that there is a contract between the Postal Service and the NRLCA. Only NRLCA can represent members of the rural carrier craft in the grievance procedure, including providing protection in disciplinary actions.


[edit] Early History

The NRLCA held its first annual national convention in Chicago, Illinois, September 11 - 12, 1903 (the only year since without an NRLCA national convention was 1918 due to World War I. During World War II, the convention was limited to a small conference in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1942, and Cincinnati, OH the following two years. In 1945, a National Board Session was held in lieu of a delegate gathering). In attendance were 52 delegates from 15 states. The host state was represented by the most delegates with 13, followed by Michigan with twelve. Indiana & Nebraska both had five, Missouri had four, Iowa had three, Minnesota, New York & Ohio each had two and Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts & Wisconsin all had one. While represented by the NRLCA, neither Kansas nor Oklahoma had a representative in attendance.

The first officers elected to serve the NRLCA on day two of the NRLCA's first national convention (September 12, 1903), were:
President: Frank h. Cunningham (Omaha, Nebraska)
Vice President: B. Pitts Woods (Cherokee, Iowa)
Secretary: W. F. Tumber (Lockport, New York)
Treasurer: W. L. Fetters (Buffton, Indiana)
Executive Committee: H. E. Niven (Berthoud, Colorado), F. A. Putnam (Dudley, Massachusetts) and E. E. Dwyer (Aurora, Illinois)

Full eagle logo (1970 - 1994)
Full eagle logo (1970 - 1994)

In 1906, rural carriers were granted six national holidays. Oddly enough, Christmas was not one of them, and didn't become a holiday for rural carriers until 1923. In 1908, women attended the NRLCA national convention for the first time. In 1924, a special association committee travels to Washington, DC to lobby for equipment maintenance allowance (EMA). The following year, it became law. In 1928, the NRLCA implemented term limits for its officers. However, term limits were repealed in 1932. In 1941, tire and gasoline rationing from World War II affect rural carriers. However, NRLCA president Wallker gains some exemptions from rationing for rural carriers. In 1946, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) expresses interest in incorporating RFD into their union. In 1947, the NRLCA politely declined.

In 1962, following the establishment of executive order 10988, the NRLCA and the USPS established their first national agreement on a contract for rural carriers. As a result of this contract, the Evaluated pay system is established. On August 12, 1970, President Richard M. Nixon signed the Postal Reorganization Act (PRA). The Post Office Department becomes the United States Postal Service, and the NRLCA becomes a union, with collective bargaining rights for wages and fringe benefits.

[edit] Membership

To be able to join the NRLCA, one must first be employed by the USPS and work in the Rural Carrier Craft as a Rural Carrier Associate (RCA), Substitute Rural Carrier, Rural Carrier Relief (RCR), Part-time Flexible (PTF) or Regular Carrier (Designation Code 71). Though temporary relief carriers (TRC's) are excluded from membership, article 7 of the contract between the NRLCA and USPS provide guidelines for the implementation of TRC's. Upon completion and processing of NRLCA form 1187, an official membership card is mailed, and the benefits of membership begin. NRLCA provides information and fellowship for its members at County, District, State and National meetings where all members may participate in a democratic process of developing Association policy. The NRLCA provides a monthly publication, The National Rural Letter Carrier, to keep its members informed on postal and legislative matters of vital interest.

[edit] NRLCA Constitution

The NRLCA ratified its first constitution on day two of its first national convention in Chicago, Illinois, September 12, 1903. H. H. Windsor, editor of the RFD News (now The National Rural Letter Carrier) and chair of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee, presented his committee's report, followed by discussion on each article. One of the many topics discussed was union dues. Originally, the NRLCA sought one dollar a year from its members, however, this was negotiated down to fifty cents a year by the time this constitution was ratified (In 1910, dues were raised to 75 cents per year. The following year, it was reduced back down to 50 cents a year. It took until 1919, for dues to reach the dollar originally sought). The articles were amended and approved in order, and after adoption of each separate article, the entire constitution was voted upon and adopted in its entirety.

[edit] Preamble

This Association is predicated upon the long-recognized need of those who work in our service industry for the establishment of a united force, free from divisive conflict, to accomplish the organization of all workers within its authority; to advance the economic and other interests of all members; to safeguard, enhance, and insure their job security; to enlarge upon their opportunities, and to provide in every respect their continuing full share of reward in the growth and expansion of the United States Postal Service to which they contribute so substantially in the commitment of their working lives.

This Association shall seek, in unity and with all of the resources at its command, to realize the highest aspirations of its members as workers and as citizens. It deems such realization to be their right, and it shall protect against all threats of impairment from any source.

This Association is dedicated to the discharge of its responsibilities and the achievement of its objectives in accordance with democratic principles, processes, and traditions which are embodied in this Constitution. As its basic charter, this Constitution establishes the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and the organic law governing its operation.

Seal of the NRLCA
Seal of the NRLCA

[edit] ARTICLE I: Name & Seal

The name of this Association shall be the NATIONAL RURAL LETTER CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION (NRLCA).

[edit] ARTICLE II: Purpose

The Association is established upon the long-recognized need of Rural Letter Carriers to organize and create a united force, advance the interests of all members, ensure job security, enhance opportunities and assure our full share in the success of the United States Postal Service to which we contribute so substantially. The Association shall seek, with all of the resources at its command, to assist its members in the realization of their highest aspirations as workers and as citizens. Such aspirations are our right and shall be protected against all threats. The Association is dedicated to the discharge of its responsibilities and the achievement of its objectives in accordance with the democratic principles embodied in this Constitution. The object of the Association shall be to improve conditions of labor with the United States Postal Service, advance the methods used by Rural Letter Carriers and promote fraternal spirit among its members. This Association shall not affiliate or merge with any other organization or group without a majority vote of the delegates at a National Convention.

[edit] ARTICLE III: Members

Section 1 Member in Good Standing
A “member in good standing” is a member who has made timely payment of dues and has not voluntarily withdrawn or been expelled or suspended by the Association.

Section 2 Classifications
A. Bargaining Unit Member Bargaining Unit Members in good standing are entitled to all voting rights and to hold both elective and appointive office at all levels of the Association. Membership is open to the following rural carriers:
1. Regular Carriers (Designation Code 71), including regular carriers who are in Injured-on-Duty/Leave Without Pay (IOD/LWOP) status and assigned to (980-989) rural routes;
2. Part-Time Flexible Rural Carriers (PTFs, Designation Code 76);
3. Substitute Rural Carriers (Designation Codes 72 & 73);
4. Rural Carrier Associates (RCAs, Designation Codes 78, 74, 79);
5. Rural Carrier Reliefs (RCRs, Designation Code 75);
6. Auxiliary Rural Carriers (Designation Code 77);
7. Rural Carriers in the Armed Forces of our country, provided they were members when their duty began.

B. Retired Member Retired membership is open to Rural Carriers who were members in good standing at retirement on an annuity. Eligibility for Retired membership expires on June 30 of the year following retirement. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Retired membership. However, a Retired carrier whose membership has lapsed, due to extenuating circumstances, may apply for reinstatement to the National Secretary-Treasurer by providing proof of prior membership and the current year’s dues. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall present the request for membership to the National Board for a decision. Retired Members in good standing are entitled to all voting rights with the exception of ratification of National Agreements. Retired Members may not be elected to National office.

C. Associate Member Associate membership is open to Rural Carriers who were members in good standing and are now either working in other non-managerial Postal Service jobs or have left the service and are not receiving an annuity. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Associate membership. Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.

D. Retired Associate Member Retired Associate membership is open to Associate Members who have retired on an annuity. Eligibility for Retired Associate membership expires on June 30 of the year following retirement. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Retired Associate membership. Retired Associates may not apply for reinstatement. Retired Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.

E. Honorary Member Honorary membership may be bestowed by the Association at the National Convention upon recommendation of the National Board. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.

Section 3 Restrictions
Members are prohibited from participation in the Association while serving in managerial or supervisory positions, such as Officer-in-Charge (OIC), Acting Supervisor (204-B) or Postmaster Relief (PMR). Members who accept managerial positions shall be deemed to have resigned from all elected and appointed positions within the Association and the QWL/EI process. Members are not prohibited from participation in the Association when utilized by the Postal Service to perform work that benefits both craft and management, such as assisting with route adjustments or mail counts, serving on automation or safety teams or serving as an academy trainer. In order to avoid any appearance of conflicts of interest, a steward utilized to perform such work shall notify the affected carriers whom to contact for representation in any dispute where the steward is involved.

Section 4 Affiliation
A. Organized States Members working in organized states shall affiliate with the state association representing the office from which the route originates. The state association shall determine affiliation with local, district and/or county units.

B. Unorganized States Bargaining Unit Rural Carriers working in unorganized states or possessions shall become members of this Association upon payment of annual National per capita dues. Such members may also affiliate with the following organized states by paying that state association’s per capita dues:
Alaska - membership in Washington
Hawaii - membership in California
Puerto Rico - membership in New York

C. Involuntary Reassignment A member involuntarily reassigned to another state may retain membership in the former state by payment of that state’s per capita dues. An individual with membership in two states may be a candidatefor National Delegate and shall have voting rights for selection of such in one state.
D. Retirees A Retired Member shall affiliate either in the state of residence or in the state where previously employed as a regular rural carrier.

Section 5 Application
The Association recognizes and accepts Standard Forms 1187 and 1187-R, Authorization for Deduction of Dues, for employees or retirees wishing to join the Association. Additionally, prospective members may make application by remitting in advance the appropriate annual cash payment.

Section 6 Dues
Annual National Per Capita dues shall be:
Regular, PTF & Associate - $153.00;
Leave Replacements (Substitutes, RCR, RCA & Auxiliary) - $50.00;
Retired & Retired Associate - $30.00.

From these amounts, $15.00 for each Regular & PTF and $10.00 for each Leave Replacement shall be placed in the National Steward Fund for use in training and support of the Steward System.

Section 7 Membership Year
The Association year shall be July 1 through June 30.

Section 8 Magazine
Members in good standing shall receive each issue of The National Rural Letter Carrier.

Section 9 Standards of Conduct for the Association and its Members
A. Maintain democratic procedures and practices;
B. Ensure members’ rights to participation in the affairs of the Association, fair and equal treatment under the governing rules and due process in any disciplinary proceedings;
C. Prevent discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, gender, religion, creed, national origin or disability, or on the basis of marital, economic, social or political status;
D. Maintain the fiscal integrity of the Association;
E. Prohibit business or financial interests on the part of its officers and agents which conflict with their duty to the Association.

Section 10 Discipline
The National Board may discipline any member of the Association or subordinate unit for misconduct or neglect of duty in office after a fair and impartial hearing. Any member so disciplined shall have a right of appeal as provided in this Constitution.

Seal of the Wisconsin RLCA
Seal of the Wisconsin RLCA

[edit] ARTICLE IV: State Associations

Section 1 State Associations
A state with at least 15 members may apply for charter to the National Board by remitting a charter fee of $5.00, national per capita dues for its members and a copy of its proposed Constitution for review by the National Board. No state constitution shall conflict with the NRLCA Constitution. The State Board shall have the authority to make interim amendments to the state constitution when necessary to conform to state and federal law. No state association shall offer representation to rural craft employees in matters relating to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), MSPB, OWCP or other non-contractual issues without prior written consent of the National Board.

Section 2 Officers
Each state association shall have a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (or a combined Secretary-Treasurer) and such other officers as the state association deems necessary.

Section 3 Dues
A state which fails to remit National per capita dues for all members before the close of business on the first day of the National Convention shall be suspended from membership in the Association. Should per capita dues remain unpaid after ninety days, the state’s charter shall be revoked.

Section 4 Annual Report
Each state secretary shall prepare an Annual Report immediately after the close of the state convention. The report shall be mailed to the National Secretary-Treasurer and shall include a roster of State Officers and Appointees, the roster of National Delegates and adopted resolutions which fall within the jurisdiction of the National Convention.

Section 5 Dissolution
In the event of dissolution or revocation of a state association’s charter, all assets shall become the property of the NRLCA. The balance of the aforementioned funds shall be returned when the state association resumes operation and/or is re-chartered.

Section 6 Units
States shall have authority to establish subordinate units. No unit’s Constitution shall conflict with the NRLCA Constitution.

Section 7 Trusteeship
A. Purpose The National Board may place any subordinate unit in trusteeship for any of the following reasons:
1. To uphold the principles of this Constitution;
2. To prevent or correct corruption or financial mismanagement;
3. To ensure performance of collective bargaining agreements or duties of a bargaining representative;
4. To restore democratic procedures;
5. To otherwise carry out the objectives of the Association.

B. Authority The trustee shall assume immediate control of the subordinate unit with full authority over all officers and property. The trustee shall act in such capacity for the duration of the trusteeship.
C. Hearing A trusteeship hearing shall be held before a committee of three members within 30 days of imposing trusteeship. The members shall be selected as follows: one member selected by the National Board, one selected by the Board in trusteeship and a chairman selected by the other 2 members. The committee shall have sole discretion regarding the conduct and procedures of the trusteeship hearing. Only Bargaining Unit Members may serve on this committee. No member of this committee shall be chosen from the State Association or Unit in trusteeship, or from the National Board. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the President as soon as practical following the hearing. The National Board shall determine whether to continue or to terminate the trusteeship.
D. Termination The affected subordinate unit may petition the National Board to terminate the trusteeship at 6 month intervals following the decision of the National Board. The board of the subordinate unit in trusteeship may appeal the decision of the National Board as provided in this Constitution. The National Board may terminate a trusteeship at any time.

[edit] ARTICLE V: National Officers

Section 1 Officers
The National Officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Director of Labor Relations, Director of Steward Operations and an Executive Committee of four members. The President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Director of Labor Relations & Director of Steward Operations shall be resident officers at National Headquarters.

Section 2 Duties
The National Officers shall perform such duties as are prescribed in this Constitution, by the National Board or in the adopted parliamentary authority.

A. President
1. Direct the Association’s affairs, including the Headquarters Office;
2. Preside at meetings of the Association and the National Board, and enforce the laws thereof;
3. Temporarily fill vacancies on the National Board, subject to the approval of the National Board;
4. At the close of each National Convention, appoint special committees and fill vacancies occurring therein during recess;
5. Make decisions on questions of governing law, subject to approval of the National Board, and report such for approval to the next National Convention;
6. Submit a written report of official acts to each National Convention;
7. Prepare a summary report on the disposition of those resolutions adopted at the previous convention;
8. Grant and issue charters in conjunction with the Secretary-Treasurer;
9. Appoint Association members, retain legal counsel and secure other services to fulfill the obligations of the Association related to Labor-Management Relations, with the approval of the National Board. Members appointed to such duties shall receive subhire as defined in this Constitution, reimbursement for necessary expenses and a daily meal allowance;
10. Sign papers & documents requiring the President’s signature;
11. Countersign checks issued in payment of obligations of the Association as required.

B. Vice President
1. Preside in the absence of the President;
2. Assume the office of President in case of the President’s resignation, removal or death and serve until such time as a successor shall be duly elected and installed;
3. Act on behalf of the majority of the National Board should the President become disqualified or refuse or neglect to discharge the duties of President;
4. Countersign checks issued in payment of obligations of the Association as required;
5. Perform other duties as prescribed by the President.

C. Secretary-Treasurer
1. Keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Association;
2. Conduct and keep a correct record of the correspondence of the Association;
3. Have charge of the official seal, books, papers & documents of the Association and affix the seal of the Association to official documents;
4. Prepare for publication in The National Rural Letter Carrier a correct copy of the entire proceedings of the National Convention or special meeting of the Association within 2 months of the close of said meeting. The report shall include a statement of the financial condition and membership of the Association;
5. Receive monies due and make timely deposits into the Association’s Treasury;
6. Cause to be written verified orders for payments drawn on the Treasury and issue checks in payment of properly itemized invoices, statements, authorized payroll payments and other obligations of the Association as directed by the National Board;
7. Invest Association funds, in excess of those needed for current operation, in U.S. Government Securities or federally insured financial institutions as directed by the National Board;
8. Keep in force a blanket bond covering the National Officers, National Office employees and state association officers in an amount determined by the National Board;
9. Keep a true and correct account of financial transactions. The Association’s books and records shall be audited at the end of each fiscal year by a certified public accountant selected by the President. The report of the certified public accountant shall be submitted to the National Convention;
10. Prepare a quarterly financial report providing both the statement of activities and statement of financial position for the Association. This report shall be published in The National Rural Letter Carrier;
11. Meet with the Finance Committee and provide a detailed overview of the total revenues, expenditures and financial position of the Association;
12. Submit a financial report to the Finance Committee at the National Convention that details the period July 1 to the opening of Convention;
13. Employ such office help as may be necessary to properly discharge the duties of the office, subject to the approval of the National Board;
14. Perform other duties as prescribed by the President.

D. Director of Labor Relations
1. Oversee the steward system in the field;
2. Develop educational programs for Local, Area and State Stewards;
3. Supervise Step 4 Grievance and Arbitration procedures;
4. Devote time to labor relations;
5. Perform other duties as prescribed by the President.

E. Director of Steward Operations
1. Develop and disseminate educational programs for stewards;
2. Coordinate operation of the steward system and training of stewards in the field with the Director of Labor Relations;
3. Perform other duties as prescribed by the President.
F. Executive Committee Members
1. Act as Trustees of the Association;
2. Administer the steward system and other labor relations activities in the Postal Areas to which they are assigned by the President;
3. Coordinate activities with the Director of Labor Relations and the Director of Steward Operations;
4. Perform other duties as prescribed by the President.

Section 3 Election
A. The nomination and election of officers shall take place at each National Convention. Nominations shall be in order at any time after 10:00 AM on the second day of business and until the time of elections.
B. No member shall be eligible for office in the Association who currently holds a position in Management in the Postal Service, or in another craft, or has not been a continuous member in good standing for 3 consecutive years prior to nomination.
C. The President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Director of Labor Relations and Director of Steward Operations shall be elected for one year or until their successors are elected and installed. Executive Committeemen shall be elected one each year for a 4-year term or until their successors are elected and installed.
D. The election of officers shall be by majority vote, and write-in votes shall not be considered valid. Election shall be by ballot when there is more than one nominee for the same office. When there are more than two nominees for the same office, the one receiving the least number of votes on the third ballot and on each succeeding ballot shall be dropped, until election is accomplished. When there is only one nominee for an office and nominations have been closed, the President or Secretary-Treasurer shall declare that the nominee is elected.

Section 4 Salaries
Officers shall be paid annual salaries as follows:

President $122,120
Vice President $116,411
Secretary-Treasurer $116,411
Director of Labor Relations $116,411
Director of Steward Operations $116,411
Executive Committee Members $99,293

Salaries shall be paid biweekly and are full payment for services rendered. Salaries shall be adjusted to reflect cost-of living adjustments received by regular rural craft employees plus an automatic pay increase equal to the dollar amount pay increase received by a 43K, Step 12 carrier. Officers shall not hold any other paid position in the Association or in connection with the Association. No officer shall be allowed compensation for services or expenses if the officer is receiving compensation from any other source for that service.

Section 5 Expenses
A. Travel Officers shall be paid actual travel and lodging expenses plus a $40.00 meal allowance per day while in travel status. Executive Committee Members are considered to be in a travel status when working at the Headquarters Office.
B. Lodging Resident officers shall be furnished living quarters in the Washington, D.C. area.
C. Review Itemized expenses shall be reviewed and approved for payment by the Executive Committee.

Section 6 Benefits
A. Retirement and Insurance The Association shall pay only the USPS portion of contributions for National Officers to continue in the Federal Retirement, Health and Life Insurance Programs in which they were enrolled prior to election to national office.
B. Annual Leave National Officers shall be granted 26 days annual leave per year, which may be accumulated up to 55 days. At the end of each fiscal year, all or a portion may be “cashed out” at the sub-hire rate. Within 6 months of termination of service, an officer or officer’s estate shall be paid for accumulated annual leave at the sub-hire rate.
C. Sick Leave National Officers shall earn 13 days sick leave per year. Unused sick leave shall be carried forward for future use. Within 6 months of termination of service, an officer shall be paid for accumulated sick leave at the sub-hire rate.

Section 7 Removal
The National Board may suspend with pay a national officer for misconduct or neglect of duty in office, pending a hearing before a committee of 3 members within 30 days of suspension. The members shall be selected as follows: one member selected by the National Board, one selected by the suspended officer and a chairman selected by the other two members. No national officer shall serve on the Committee. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the next National Convention. The National Convention, by a two-thirds vote, may remove the officer from office. An officer does not have the right of appeal.

Section 8 Vacancy in Office
A. President In the case of vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall serve as President for the remainder of the term.
B. Other Offices In the case of vacancy in any other office, the President shall appoint a successor, subject to the approval of the National Board. In the event the vacancy occurs within 60 days preceding the National Convention, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the Convention.
C. Separation An officer who voluntarily separates from the rural craft shall be deemed to have resigned from office. An officer whose separation from the rural craft is determined by the National Board to be through no fault of the officer shall remain in office until the next National Convention. Should an officer retire to avoid detrimental effects to retirement benefits because of changes in the retirement system or tax laws, such officer shall remain in office until the next National Convention.

Section 9 Association Property
Officers shall account for and deliver to their successors or to the National Board all monies, books, papers, securities or other property of the Association at the end of their term of office or when requested by the National Board.

[edit] ARTICLE VI: Meetings

Section 1 National Convention
A convention shall be held each year between August 1 and September 30 on dates determined by the National Board.

Section 2 Site Selection
The National Convention shall select the host city at least 5 years in advance from 2 cities submitted by the National Board from the following regions, in this order: Mid-States, Southwest, Western, South Atlantic and Eastern. The state association or conference selected shall be granted $1.00 per member for expenses incurred, with $0.50 per member paid 2 years before, and $0.50 per member paid one year before the scheduled convention. Expense guidelines shall be established by the National Board. The state association or conference selected shall provide a detailed financial report to the National Secretary-Treasurer no later than 3 months after the close of the convention. The Association/Conference shall return to the NRLCA any unspent funds.

Section 3 Delegates
A. Eligibility
1. Each state association shall be entitled to representation by one delegate for every 100 members or major fraction thereof and one Delegate-at-Large. Membership shall be based on the number of dues withholding and cash pay members. In order for a state to receive credit for cash pay members, dues must be received no later than the close of business on the first day of the Convention. 2. Only Bargaining Unit Members & Retired Members in good standing may be nominated, elected or seated as delegates. Such “good standing” status shall be the sole prerequisite for determining eligibility or entitlement to service as a delegate or to any payment or benefit, except that a state may establish reasonable rules to ensure attendance at the Convention.
3. A member who from the time of nomination through the end of the convention holds any position in USPS management or a job which competes with the USPS or this Association shall be ineligible to serve as delegate.

B. Nomination
1. Within each state association, nominations for National Delegate shall be submitted by U.S. Mail to the Secretary-Treasurer on a nominating ballot or copy. The nominating ballot shall be signed and show the name and address of the member making the nomination, and may include self-nomination. The nominating ballot shall be published in the February, March, April and May issues of The National Rural Letter Carrier.
2. Nominations must be received in the office of the State Secretary at least 40 days prior to the opening of the state convention. Upon receipt, the State Secretary shall send a notice of nomination to the candidate by U.S. Mail.

C. Elections
1. A member must be on the rolls at least 40 days prior to the opening of the state convention in order to be eligible to vote for National Delegates. 2. The State Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing the candidates for National Delegate. Instructions on each ballot shall include the number of delegates to be elected, the deadline for return of the ballot and the mailing address of the designated post office box. The number of votes cast on each ballot shall not exceed the number of delegates to which the state association was entitled at the previous convention.
3. The State Secretary shall cause the ballot to be mailed to eligible members at least 20 days prior to the opening of the state convention. In addition, the State Secretary/Designee shall arrange for the rental of a post office box for the receipt of the ballots and another for the return of undeliverable ballots.
4. An envelope marked “Ballot” shall be provided in which to seal the ballot. To permit verification of membership and to maintain the integrity of the voting procedure, an outer envelope, also marked “Ballot” which clearly identifies the name and address of the member, shall also be provided. The sealed envelope containing the ballot shall be placed in the outer envelope by the member and mailed to the designated post office box.
5. An Election Committee shall be appointed by the State President. No candidate for National Delegate may serve on the Election Committee. After the deadline for receipt of ballots, the Election Committee shall collect and tabulate the ballots at the state convention. The post office box designated for the return of ballots shall be accessible only to the Election Committee.
6. Any candidate or designee may observe the ballot tabulation. In reporting the results of the election, the candidates shall be placed on a roster in the order of votes received. The number of delegates to which the state is entitled shall be declared regular delegates; the remaining candidates shall be declared alternates.
7. Each state association shall be entitled to one Delegate-at-Large from the roster of elected regular delegates. That position shall be filled by a state officer in ranking order, beginning with the State President. A state officer may not be automatically declared a delegate by virtue of office unless elected by direct vote of the membership. National-Paid Delegates shall be named in accordance with the plurality of votes received.
8. The State Secretary shall prepare credentials in duplicate for the Delegate-at-Large, regular delegates and an appropriate number of alternates immediately following the state convention and send originals to the National Secretary-Treasurer. The duplicate shall be provided to the delegate for identification. The state’s seal shall be embossed on the face of credentials.
9. Delegates holding proper credentials shall be seated at the National Convention if their state has paid National Per Capita Tax for members in good standing. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall notify each state association of the status of its National Per Capita Tax at least two weeks prior to the National Convention.

Section 4 Compensation for National Paid Delegates.
The National Association shall pay the Delegate-at-Large from each state for mileage at twice the IRS reimbursement rate for one-way travel as determined by the Mileage and Per Diem Committee and $75.00 per diem during sessions of the Convention. Additionally, the National Association shall pay mileage and per diem on the same basis to one regular delegate for each 800 members, provided this shall not increase the total number of delegates to which each state is entitled. No Delegate-at-Large shall receive a per diem until the Committee on Credentials receives the state delegation roster under the seal of the State Secretary. This roster shall be furnished no later than the first session of the Convention.

Section 5 National Officers
Each National Officer shall be entitled to vote on every question before the National Convention, except the election of National Officers. The immediate past National President shall have the status of Delegate-at-Large at the National Convention immediately following his term of office and shall be entitled to vote on every question before the National Convention, except the election of National Officers.

Section 6 Quorum
The quorum at any meeting of the National Convention shall be a majority of the voting delegates who have been registered as in attendance, representing not less than 25 states.

Section 7 Order of Business
The National Convention Program shall be the order of business. The President may make changes for a session to expedite the proceedings or accommodate guest speakers. The order of business may be transposed by a majority vote of the Convention, with the following exceptions:
A. The first item of business shall be the preliminary report of the Credentials Committee. The final report of the Credentials Committee shall be given no later than 9 AM on the second day of the Convention.
B. Beginning Wednesday afternoon, the report of the Constitution Committee, followed by the report of the Resolutions Committee, shall be the order of business without interruption, unless suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Convention.

Section 8 Special Meetings
A special meeting of the Association may be called by the President upon written request of the majority of the States holding charters, provided no meeting shall be called within less than 30 days’ notice.

[edit] ARTICLE VII: National Board

Section 1 Members
The members of the National Board shall be the officers.

Section 2 Duties
The National Board shall perform such duties as are prescribed in this Constitution as well as the following:
A. Maintain and distribute The National Rural Letter Carrier, the official publication of the Association. Employ an editor, publisher and other employees as necessary;
B. Maintain a Headquarters Office in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area;
C. Set the annual salaries of personnel employed in the Headquarters Office;
D. Submit, individually, a written report at each National Convention or special meeting of the Association.

Section 3 Meetings
Meetings of the National Board may be called by the President or by a majority of members of the National Board.

[edit] ARTICLE VIII: Committees

Section 1 Convention Committees
The following Convention Committees shall be appointed by the President from the elected National Delegates:
A. Constitution Committee of at least 5 members appointed at least 2 full weeks before the National Convention, which shall compare, combine, correct (retaining their intent), compose and report proposed changes to the Convention with a recommendation.
B. Credentials Committee of at least 5 members appointed at least 2 full weeks before the National Convention, which shall verify the credentials of National Delegates and shall prepare a report listing, by state, membership and the number of votes to which each state is entitled
C. Finance Committee of at least three members appointed at least 2 full weeks before the National Convention, which shall review the Association’s financial records from July 1 of the previous year through opening day of the convention and consider suggestions from members of the National Board and delegates. The Finance Committee shall submit recommendations for dues, general expenditures and officers’ salaries, benefits and expenses. These recommendations shall be reported to the Convention and submitted to the Constitution Committee. The Finance Committee shall have access to the Association’s CPA firm and to necessary records.
D. Media Committee which shall be responsible for displaying proposed constitutional amendments & resolutions for discussion by the delegates.
E. Mileage and Per Diem Committee of at least 5 members appointed at least 2 full weeks before the National Convention, which shall determine the allowance for National Delegates assigned to committees, delegates-atlarge and other national paid delegates.
F. Press Room Committee of at least 5 members appointed at least 2 full weeks before the National Convention, which shall publish a daily convention newsletter and provide copy service for official convention business.
G. Resolutions Committee of at least 5 members appointed at least 2 full weeks before the National Convention, which shall compare, combine, correct (retaining their intent) and report proposed resolutions to the Convention.
H. Sergeants-at-Arms Committees which shall maintain order and carry out instructions as directed by the presiding officer.
I. Tellers Committees which shall assist in counting votes and shall distribute, collect and tabulate ballots as necessary.

Section 2 Appeals Committee
Such Appeals Committees as may be necessary shall be appointed by the President comprised of 5 Bargaining Unit Members. No national officer, members who have participated at any level of the appeal, or members from the state with a pending appeal shall serve on the committee. Such committees shall be provided complete files prior to the Convention.

Section 3 Chaplain
A Convention Chaplain shall be appointed by the President.

Section 4 Committee Meetings
Committees shall meet at the Convention site on a date to be determined by the President.

Section 5 National Appeals Commission
The National President, with the approval of the National Board, shall appoint a National Appeals Commission of five Bargaining Unit Members as follows: one member from each geographic area served by the four Executive Committeemen and a fifth selected at large. The President shall appoint one member as Chair. No national officer shall serve on the Commission. No member shall serve more than 3 consecutive years. Members of the National Appeals Commission shall be excluded from participation in appeals from their state.

Section 6 Special Committees
Special committees may be created as necessary by the President or the National Board.

Section 7 Committee Compensation
Compensation equal to the maximum daily rate of salary payable at the top step of the Rural Carrier Evaluated Schedule, exclusive of Equipment Maintenance Allowance, shall be defined as subhire.
A. National Convention Committees Committee members shall receive sub-hire, a daily meal allowance, actual lodging expenses and any additional travel expenses deemed appropriate for one day of travel to the convention site and for meeting days prior to the official opening day of the Convention. Committee members may not receive a daily meal allowance and per diem for the same day. Committee members shall receive per diem during the sessions of the convention and mileage to be determined by the Mileage and Per Diem Committee.
B. Other Special Committees Members assigned to special committees shall receive sub-hire, a daily meal allowance and necessary expenses.

[edit] ARTICLE IX: Steward System

Section 1 Responsibility
Representation, provided for in the National Agreement, shall be accomplished through the Steward System. The NRLCA shall be responsible for the Steward System throughout the Nation. The NRLCA Stewards shall be responsible for processing grievances and appeals through the Grievance-Arbitration procedure. The Association, as the exclusive bargaining agent, is the only organization authorized to represent Rural Carriers in matters of labor-management relations.

Section 2 Role of State Associations
A. State associations, under the direction of the assigned National Executive Committeeman, shall be responsible for the implementation and operation of the Steward System within their state.
B. State associations shall recommend to the National Association the name of a member to serve as State Steward, and in conjunction with the State Steward, shall recommend to the National Association the name(s) of a member(s) to serve as the Assistant State Steward(s) and as the Area Steward(s).

Section 3 State Steward
A. The State Steward shall be responsible to the State and National Associations for the performance of all duties. The State Steward shall serve a term of office as determined by the state association.
B. Duties
1. Supervise and administer the Steward System within his/her state;
2. Submit the names of the Assistant State Stewards to the National Office for certification;
3. Certify the Area and Local Stewards, with notification to appropriate postmasters and the National Office;
4. Train Assistant, Area and Local Stewards prior to certification, utilizing training materials provided by the National Office;
5. Provide enhancement training to all Stewards on an annual basis;
6. Appeal grievances to Step 2 and Step 3, in conjunction with the Executive Committeeman; 7. Act, or designate another to act, as Steward in the event an Area or Local Steward is unavailable.

Section 4 Assistant State Stewards
A. The Assistant State Steward shall be responsible to the State Steward and to the State and National Association for the performance of all duties.
B. Duties
1. Represent carriers in offices assigned by the State Steward;
2. Serve with the same authority as the State Steward, under his/her direction;
3. Appeal grievances to Step 2 and Step 3 in the absence of the State Steward and in conjunction with the Executive Committeeman.

Section 5 Area Stewards
A. Area Stewards shall be responsible to the State Steward. Area Stewards shall be certified in no more than 20 offices in a specific geographic area, as determined by the State Steward. Area Stewards are equal in authority to a Local Steward and have no authority in an office that currently has a Local Steward.
B. Duties
1. Represent carriers in offices assigned by the State Steward;
2. Process grievances through Step 1;
3. Appeal grievances to Step 2 and forward the original file to the State Steward.

Section 6 Local Stewards
A. Local Stewards shall be responsible to the State Steward and have no authority until certified.
B. Selection
1. Any member in a local office or a delivery unit may be elected Local Steward and shall serve until a successor is elected and certified or until he/she resigns. Where a local steward is in place, any member may call for an election in the month of July of every fourth year. An election may also be called for any time the position is vacant, or when a majority of the members submit a petition to the State Steward for approval.
2. Local steward elections require written notification to all members at least 15 days before the date of the election. Election shall require a majority of votes cast by members in a local office or a delivery unit. In the event of a tie vote, the state association, upon recommendation of the State Steward, shall select a steward to serve in that office or delivery unit until a new Local Steward has been elected and certified.
3. When more than one Local Steward has been elected in a delivery unit, a Chief Steward shall be elected by the members of that delivery unit. When an office is comprised of multiple delivery units, a Chief Steward shall be elected from among the current local stewards by all members of that office and shall represent the craft in matters that concern the entire office. A Chief Steward shall be selected by the State Steward in the event of a tie. The Chief Steward for the office shall also serve as the Local Steward for delivery units where no Local Steward has been elected.

C. Duties
1. Assist any rural craft employee who feels aggrieved and accompany the grievant during any discussion with management, if the employee desires;
2. Meet with the Postmaster or designee as expeditiously as possible to jointly develop the facts in the grievance file and attempt to resolve the grievance when the Step 1 discussion has failed;
3. Appeal grievances to Step 2 and submit the original file to the State Steward;
4. Represent the rural carrier craft in the office or delivery unit;
5. Maintain certification by attending annual enhancement training and other training as required. Failure to do so will result in decertification by the State Steward.

Section 7 Discipline
Any steward may be disciplined for violation of the Constitution or policies set forth by the Association. The National Board, by a three-fourths vote, may suspend or expel a steward from office. Charges may be filed on the following grounds:
A. Neglect of duty or breach of the Constitution;
B. Conduct detrimental to the welfare and interests of the membership of the Association;
C. Conduct which hinders the due process of the grievance procedure;
D. Instigating or engaging in acts on the side of management that violate the principles of the National Agreement or Constitution.

Section 8 Stewards Acting as Managers
Any steward, while serving in a supervisory or management capacity and for 60 days thereafter, shall not represent the rural craft. Said steward shall notify craft employees whom to contact for representation.

Section 9 Funding.
Primary responsibility for financing the Steward System shall rest with the state association. The National Steward Fund shall provide each state an annual reimbursement of $4.00 per route, paid quarterly. Upon completion of training and certification of stewards, an additional annual reimbursement of $4.00 per route shall be provided.

[edit] ARTICLE X: Appeals

Section 1 State
'A. A member aggrieved by any action of a state association, officer or steward shall have the right to appeal to the State Board.
1. Appeals must be in writing and be filed with the State President within 30 days of having knowledge of said action.
2. Within 10 days of receipt of the appeal, the State President shall notify all members of the State Board and the assigned Executive Committeeman and shall request that the Charging Party provide a letter outlining the specific charges and any relief sought. This letter of specificity, along with complete documentation, must be returned within 20 days of receipt of the President’s request.
3. Upon receipt of the letter of specificity, the State President shall forward a copy to the Charged Party for response. The Charged Party shall have 20 days to respond in writing and provide documentation to the State President.
4. The State Board shall review the Charging Party’s letter of specificity, documentation, relief sought and the response of the Charged Party. The State Board is authorized, in consultation with the Executive Committeeman, to take the necessary action to resolve the issue within 30 days. Extension of this 30-day time limit, when necessary, shall not exceed 15 days. The Charging Party(s) and Charged Party(s) (hereafter referred to as the Party or Parties) shall be notified in writing of the decision of the State Board.

B. A Party not satisfied with this decision, or any other action of the State Board on said appeal, shall have the right to appeal to the National Board.
1. This appeal must be in writing and be filed with the President of the National Association within 30 days of receipt of the State Board’s decision.
2. Within 15 days of receipt of an appeal, the National Board shall notify the National Appeals Commission. The President shall notify the State President and the Parties that the appeal has been received and forwarded to the National Appeals Commission.
3. Within 30 days, the National Appeals Commission shall investigate each appeal and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the National Board. Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations of the Appeals Commission, the National President shall notify the Parties that the findings and recommendations are before the National Board. The National Board shall render a decision and notify the Parties in writing within a reasonable period of time.

C. A Party not satisfied with the decision of the National Board shall have the right to appeal to the next Convention of the National Association.
1. This appeal must be in writing and be filed with the National President not less than 45 days prior to the National Convention.
2. Within 15 days of receipt of said appeal, the President shall notify the Parties that the appeal has been received and shall be forwarded to a National Appeals Committee.
3. The Appeals Committee shall complete an investigation and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the Parties and to the President of the state association at least 24 hours before the report is presented to the National Delegates.

Section 2 National
A. A member aggrieved by any action of the National Association or Officer thereof shall have the right to appeal directly to the National Board.
1. The appeal must be in writing and be filed with the National President within 30 days of the action.
2. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the National Board shall retain the appeal for investigation, forward the appeal to the National Appeals Commission or, if received within 90 days of the first business session of the National Convention, refer the appeal to the Appeals Committee. The President shall notify the Charging Party(s) of the appeal’s receipt and disposition.
3. Should the National Board retain the appeal, it shall investigate, render a decision and notify the Charging Party(s) in writing within a reasonable period of time.
4. Should the National Board forward the appeal to the National Appeals Commission, the commission shall complete an investigation and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the National Board within 30 days. Upon receipt, the National President shall notify the Charging Party(s) that the Commission’s report is before the National Board. The National Board shall render a decision and notify the Charging Party(s) in writing within a reasonable period of time.
5. Should the National Board refer the appeal to the Appeals Committee, the appeal shall be handled in accordance with the provisions that follow.

B. A Party not satisfied with a decision rendered by the National Board shall have the right to appeal to the next National Convention.
1. The appeal must be in writing and be filed with the National President not less than 45 days prior to the National Convention.
2. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the President shall notify the Party(s) that the appeal has been received and shall be forwarded to a National Appeals Committee.
3. The Appeals Committee shall complete an investigation and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the Parties at least 24 hours before the report is presented to the National Delegates.

Section 3 Administration
At every level of appeal, members shall be afforded the rights of due process and the right to appeal an adverse decision to the next level. The National Board shall have full authority to intervene to protect the members of this Association. Correspondence shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested. Costs of the state investigation and action shall be borne by the state association; costs of the National Appeals Commission and Appeals Committee shall be borne by the National Association. No legal proceeding may be initiated until the appeal procedures provided herein have been exhausted.

[edit] ARTICLE XI: National Agreements

Section 1 Presentation
National Agreements reached between the Association and the USPS shall be presented to the membership via The National Rural Letter Carrier and in Ratification Meetings held nationwide. At least one Ratification Meeting shall be held within each state association.

Section 2 Ratification Vote
A ballot vote of the members of the Association shall determine the ratification of the proposed National Agreement. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall mail a ballot by First Class mail to Bargaining Unit Members. The ballot shall clearly define a YES vote as “in favor of” ratification and a NO vote as “opposed to” ratification. The ballot shall also clearly indicate a deadline for receipt in the National Office, as determined by the National Board.

Section 3 Ratification Committee
A National Ratification Committee of nine Bargaining Unit Members shall count the ballots. The members shall be selected as follows: 2 members selected from each geographic area served by the 4 Executive Committeemen (one member who holds an elected State Board or a State Steward position and the other from the general membership) and a ninth member selected at large. No National Officer shall serve on the committee. The National President, with the approval of the National Board, shall make appointments to the National Ratification Committee, including the designation of a Chair.

Section 4 Ballot Tabulation
Ratification ballots shall be totaled by state, and the results posted on the NRLCA Website and reported in the next available issue of The National Rural Letter Carrier. The proposed National Agreement shall be considered rejected in the event of a tie.

[edit] ARTICLE XII: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or any special rules of order the Association may adopt.

[edit] ARTICLE XIII: Amendment of Constitution

This Constitution may be amended at any National Convention by a two-thirds vote. Amendments shall take effect immediately, unless otherwise ordered by the Convention. The National Board shall have the authority to make interim amendments to the Constitution of the Association when necessary to conform to federal law. Any provision of this Constitution which conflicts with federal or state law, regulation or ordinance shall be inoperative as to those jurisdictions in which said federal or state law, regulation or ordinance is in force.


In compliance with Federal Labor Laws, all Local and/or District Units must have a Constitution. All sections in this Uniform Local Unit Constitution must be included. However, adoption of this Uniform Constitution by the Local or District Unit eliminates the need for any other Unit Constitution. The Local and/or District Unit may make amendments to this Uniform Constitution, but no amendment shall be in conflict with the State Constitution or Bylaws or the NRLCA Constitution.

[edit] Uniform Local and/or District Unit Constitution

[edit] ARTICLE I: Name

The name of this Association shall be the _______________________, hereafter referred to as the Unit. This Association shall be a subordinate unit of the __________________________Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (__RLCA) and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA).

[edit] ARTICLE II: Objects

The purpose of this Unit shall be as provided in Article II of the NRLCA Constitution.

[edit] ARTICLE III: Members

Eligibility for membership in this Unit shall be in compliance with Article III of the NRLCA Constitution and with the assignment of subordinate units by the (state)____________RLCA.

[edit] ARTICLE IV: Representatives

Section 1 Officers
The elective officers of this Unit shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (or a combined Secretary-Treasurer) and such other officers as the Unit deems necessary.

Section 2 Duties
The Unit Officers shall perform such duties as are prescribed in this Constitution, by the State Board or in the adopted parliamentary authority. No Officer of this Unit shall incur any indebtedness on its behalf or appropriate any money without authority from the Unit. Officers shall account for and deliver to their successors or to the Unit all monies, books, papers, securities or other property of the Unit at the end of their term of office or when requested by the State Board.
A. President The President shall be responsible for the supervision of all activities of the Unit and shall enforce compliance with the NRLCA Constitution and the (state) _____ Constitution or Bylaws. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall be entitled to one vote on all matters to come before the Unit. The President shall sign papers or documents requiring the President’s signature.
B. Vice President The Vice President shall serve in the absence of the President and perform other duties as prescribed by the President.
C. Secretary The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes, handling of finances, reports and correspondence relating thereto and shall establish an approved accounting and record keeping system. The Secretary shall make a report at each regular meeting of all monies received and expended, report on all official correspondence and shall file any necessary governmental reports. The Secretary shall perform other duties as prescribed by the President.
D. Treasurer The Treasurer shall make a report at each meeting of all monies received and expended, shall make timely deposits of all monies into the Unit’s accounts and pay all authorized bills.
E. Executive Board An Executive Board is optional with each Unit, but shall consist of all of the Unit Officers and not more than 6 additional members, if authorized. The Executive Board shall have authority to act for the Unit Membership between meetings.

Section 3 Election
Only members in good standing shall be eligible to nominate, vote or hold office in this Unit. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot and shall take place at the annual meeting. The Unit President shall make appointments when necessary to fill vacancies in elective positions until the next annual meeting.

Section 4 Convention Delegates
All delegates to the State Convention shall be elected by secret ballot.

[edit] ARTICLE V: Meetings

Section 1 Meetings
Meetings shall be held as determined by the Unit. Failure to hold a meeting at least once a year shall cause revocation of the Unit Charter. A permanent record of the minutes which accurately reflects the business transacted at each meeting shall be kept by the Secretary.

Section 2 Special Meeting
A special meeting may be called by the Unit President or at the request of 25% of the members. No business other than that for which the special meeting is called shall be transacted.

Section 3 Quorum
Those members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the Unit’s business at any meeting.

Section 4 Annual Meeting
Notice of the annual meeting for the purpose of election of Unit officers shall be given in writing to each member not less than 15 calendar days prior to the meeting date. The annual meeting must be held at least 40 days prior to the State Convention. The meeting notice shall be mailed to each member at the last known address.

Section 5 Agenda
A suggested order of business may include:
Call to Order
Reading and Approval of Minutes
Reading of Financial Report
Unfinished Business
New Business

Dodge Caravan used for rural delivery in Omaha, Nebraska
Dodge Caravan used for rural delivery in Omaha, Nebraska

[edit] ARTICLE VI: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution or revocation of the Unit’s charter, all assets shall become the property of the State Association.

[edit] ARTICLE VII: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Unit in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or any special rules of order the Unit may adopt.

[edit] ARTICLE VIII: Amendment

This Constitution may be amended at a Unit meeting by a two-thirds vote, provided that each member has been notified in writing at least 15 days prior that Constitutional changes will be considered. All amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon approval of the (state) ________ Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.

[edit] See Also