National Public Security Force

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National Public Security Force
Força Nacional de Segurança Pública
Established 2004
Jurisdiction Flag of Brazil Federal
Chief Aurélio Blacksmith Rodriguesis
Superintendent-in-Chief Luiz Fernando Correais

The National Public Security Force (Portuguese: Força Nacional de Segurança Pública; FNSP), created in 2004, is a joint cooperation of various Brazilian Public Security forces, co-ordinated by the National Secretariat of Public Security (SENASP), of the Ministry of Justice. It was an agency created during the administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, idealized by the Minister of Justice Márcio Thomaz Bastos.


[edit] Command

The Secretary of the SENASP, Delegate(Federal Sheriff) of Federal Police Luiz Fernando Correa, is in overall charge of the Force, while the Colonel of the Military Police of Rio Grande do Sul Aurélio Ferreira Rodrigues, has operational and direct control of the force.

[edit] Training

The National Force is composed by policemen of the Military Police of the various states, in coordination with the Secretariats of Security of its respective States.

Agents receive approximately 100 hours of further education, divided in ten days of lessons. They are: human rights, control of civil riots, ostensive policing, management of crisis and techniques of shooting.

[edit] Performances

The National Force was called on several operations in the States of Espirito Santo and Mato Grosso do Sul, primarily to help to contain rebellions in penitentiaries. The Federal Government offered to send the National Force to the State of São Paulo, during the attacks to the state public security forces that occurred in 2006, but its offer was refused by the state government.

The governor of the State of Rio De Janeiro, Sérgio Cabral Filho asked for support from the National Public Security Force back in 2007 when the state suffered from a wave of attacks by several criminal factions. The Federal Government agreed to send a contingent of about 500 men and 52 vehicles to patrol 19 critical points within the state.

[edit] See also
