National Presbyterian Church

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The National Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC, has a history that spans four congregations since 1795, and is a traditional mainline church of the Reformed faith. The following historical timeline begins with the designation of the congregation as the national church of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Worship services are held at 9:15 and 11 a.m. each Sunday, and classes for adults, children, and youth are held at 9:15 a.m. To learn more, visit: National Presbyterian Church's web site: [1]

1946 - General Assembly votes to designate First Covenant Church as the National Presbyterian Church.
1947 - Dr. Edward Elson called as Senior Pastor. - National Church dedicated in Washington with President Truman and Dr. Elson - Sunday Evening Club founded.
1949 - Proposals from several architectural firms for possible design and location of the new church.
1953 - Chancel Choir perform at opening concert of the National Symphony Orchestra.
1955 - Dr. Billy Graham preaches at NPC.
1956 - Chancel Choir gives first Washington performance of Aaron Copland’s “Canticle of Freedom” with National Symphony.
1957 - Queen Elizabeth II of England and Prince Phillip attend worship.
1960- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale opens Lenten Service Series. - Chancel Choir performs at White House at state dinner for Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker.
1963 - Chancel Choir gives first Washington performance of the Duruflé “Requiem” while President John F. Kennedy’s body lies in state at Capitol.
1964 - Henry M. Luce III, J. Howard Pew, and Hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart join in the Building Fundraising Program.
1965 - Building fund program surpasses the $5 million mark.
1966 - June 5, last service at N Street church. - May 22 ground-breaking ceremonies held at Nebraska Avenue campus during “Worship under Canvas.”
1967 - October 14, Cornerstone laid at Nebraska Avenue location with President Eisenhower and Dr. Elson.
1969 - September 6, 1969, First worship service held in Nebraska Avenue sanctuary.
1970 - Duke Ellington and Orchestra play as part of yearlong celebration in new sanctuary.
1972 - Dr. Lowell Russell Ditzen, Director of the National Presbyterian Center broadcasts weekly TV program of Current Religion on NBC.
1973 - Dr. Louis H. Evans, Jr. called as Senior Pastor.
1978 - Mother Theresa speaks at church to Women’s Association event.
1980 - Associate Justice of the Supreme Court William O. Douglas state funeral held at National. - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Vesper Service is initiated at church.
1981 - Dr. Thomas A. Stone retires as Assoc. Pastor; fellowship hall named in his honor.
1982 - NPC’s handbell choir is established.
1983 - C. S. Lewis Summer Institutes begin in the Christian Education Program.
1986 - Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly Moderator Rev. Benjamin Weir freed as hostage in Lebanon; NBC broadcasts his remarks live from sanctuary.
1987 - August 9, Dr. Peggy Cantwell called as first woman Assoc. Pastor at NPC.
1988 - Parish system established for church families according to geographic regions.
1989 - President of South Africa, Fredrik W. de Klerk attends worship service with Dutch Ambassador.
1991 - Dr. Bryant M. Kirk-land called by Session as Interim Pastor.
1993 - Dr. M. Craig Barnes called as Senior Pastor.
1995 - Church Member and Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, Warren Burger funeral – President Clinton and Cabinet attend with Congress. - Church celebrates it’s Bicentennial with a grand celebration in October.
1997 - Women’s Association Bazaar nets $43,000. for mission programs.
2002 - Dr. Thomas A. Erickson is called by Session as Interim Pastor.
2003 - February 16 snowstorm paralyzes Washington with more than 17” of snow. Church services cancelled for first time in more than 40 years.
2004 - In July, the Congregation calls Dr. Gareth W. Icenogle as the new Senior Pastor at National.