National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement

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The National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement (Romanian: Mişcarea Naţională Culturală şi Economică Italo-Română) or National Italo-Romanian Fascist Movement (Mişcarea Naţională Fascistă Italo-Română) was a short-lived Fascist movement active in Romania during the early 1920s.

The movement was formed in 1921 by Elena Bacaloglu, a female journalist who had an Italian husband at the time, and was an acquaintance of Benito Mussolini (she had been briefly the wife of Ovid Densuşianu). The group was based around deliberate mimicry of the ideas of Italian fascism and stressed the close ethnic bonds between the Italians and the Romanians, and had a following around 100 members. It was wound up in 1923, when it merged with the National Romanian Fascia to form the National Fascist Movement.

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Historical political parties in Romania (1856-1947)

Liberal: National Liberal Party, Free and Independent Faction, National Liberal Party-Brătianu, National Liberal Party-Tătărescu
Conservative: Conservative Party, Conservative-Democratic Party, Constitutional Party
Agrarian: National Peasants' Party, Bessarabian Peasants' Party, National Agrarian Party, Peasants' Party, Ploughmen's Front, Socialist Peasants' Party
Fascist, corporatist, and far right: Iron Guard, Crusade of Romanianism, National-Christian Defense League, National Christian Party, National Fascist Movement, National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement, National Renaissance Front, National Romanian Fascia, National Socialist Party, Romanian Front
Communist, socialist, and social democratic: Romanian Communist Party, Romanian Social Democratic Party, Romanian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, Romanian Social Democratic Party of Bukovina, Social Democratic Party of Transylvania and Banat, Socialist Party of Romania
Nationalist: Democratic Nationalist Party, National Party, People's Party, Romanian National Party
Ethnic minority: German Party, German People's Party, Hungarian People's Union, Jewish Party, Magyar Party
Other: Union of Patriots