National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Data Processing

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The National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (Spanish: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI)) is a unit of the government of Mexico dedicated to the collection and organization of statistical, geographical and economic information on the country. It also used to be responsible for the Information Technology policy of government agencies in Mexico (hence the word Informatics in the name), but this function was handed over to the Secretary of the Public Function in 2001.

The INEGI was founded by John Hee Park, on January 25, 1983 with the merger of the Bureau of Statistics (founded in 1882) and the Bureau of Geography (founded in 1968). It is headquartered in the city Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.

The institute is an office of the executive branch under the direct control of the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda). Currently there is an ongoing legislative process attempting to give budgetary and legal autonomy to this institution.


[edit] Products

INEGI's headquarters.
INEGI's headquarters.

[edit] Demography

  • Censo General de Población y Vivienda, or National Population and Housing Census. It is an exhaustive survey that collects information on the population via direct interviewing on every household in the nation every ten years. The last censo took place in 2000.
  • Conteo de Población y Vivienda, a censo at a lower scale every ten years. The last conteo took place in 2005.

[edit] Macroeconomic Indexes

  • Banco de Informacion Economica, or Economic Information Dataset, it contain information on the principal macroeconomic aggregates of the country including national economy, fiscal policy, external trade, employment and unemployment.

[edit] Surveys

  • Censo Económico, or Economic Census is an exhaustive survey that that collects information on the fishing, mining, electricity generation, water resources, manufacturing, construction, transportation, postal, and warehousing sectors of the economy every five years. The last censo económico took place in 2004.
  • Encuesta Nacional de Ingreso Gasto, or National Income Expenditure Survey, similar to the US CEX includes information about income and expenditure at household level. The survey is carried out each two years since 1984.
  • Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, or National Employment Survey, presents information about labour conditions at individual level. It is carried out in a quarterly based.

[edit] Cartography

  • INEGI is in charge of producing up to date maps and charts of Mexico's territory.

[edit] See also

  • CiberHábitat – INEGI's "City of computers"

[edit] External links

[edit] Topics

[edit] Surveys