National Democracy (Spain)

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Democracia Nacional (Spanish for National Democracy) is a far-right political party in Spain. It is modelled after the Front National (FN) and grew indirectly out of several defunct parties like the CEDADE group or Juntas Españolas.

The party was founded in 1995.

Their leader is the former skinhead Manuel Canduela Serrano, old leader of Accion Radical (a terrorist nazi group active in the Valencian Community that was involved in the murder of Guillem Agulló i Salvador, for which Canduela was in the prison for half a year).

In the Spanish general election of 2004, the party obtained 15,180 votes throughout Spain, amounting to a 0.06% of the total vote. In the Spanish general election of 2008, they obtained 12,588 votes, amounting to a 0.05% of the vote.

Democracia Nacional has been criticised for being xenophobic and racist due to the creation of a poster showing white sheep in an aggressive attitude towards a black sheep. This image had previously been used both by the suiss SVP and the German DVU. In November of 2007, the magazine, Interviú, published a report including a recording from a concert organised by the youth section of the party in which shouts from the crowd could be discerned as “Heil Hitler”, “Sieg Heil” or “Duce”.

On the eleventh of November, 2007, Carlos Palomino, a young member of an anti-fascist organisation was brutally murdered in Madrid close to a demonstration organised by the party against immigration. Carlos was stabbed by Josué Estébanez, a member of the armed forces who defended himself as a patriot, admitting that he had been going to the demonstration organised by Democracia Nacional. Josué Estebanez was not a member of any party as members of the armed forces are prohibited from having any political or syndicalist allegiances, and was also injured in the fight.

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