National Cyber Security Center

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The National Cyber Security Center is a recently created office in the Department of Homeland Security. The NCSC was created by a presidential directive signed in January 2008, and the new position will be a direct report for DSH Secretary Mike Chertoff. The National Cyber Security Center is tasked with protecting the United States Government's communication networks across the federal government. This center will monitor, collect, and share information on systems belonging to the NSA, FBI, DoD and the DHS.

The first director appointed to head of this recently created office is Rod Beckstrom. Rod Beckstrom is a successful entrepreneur and co-author of The Starfish and the Spider. The US Government is under ever increasing cyber attacks. The hope was to find someone that could tap into the best and the brights from Silicon Valley to help stem the tide of attacks. Some consider Beckstrom's appointment somewhat controversial given that Beckstrom does not have a strong background in security, computer, or communication systems technologies.

This NCSB has been reaching out to key individuals in the industry creating a think tank to better understand the magnitude of the challenges as well as to rapidly develop solutions to counter these challenges. Some of the individuals recently approached are forward looking leaders experts in the industry such as Craig Newmark of Craigslist, Peter Thoeny of TWiki, and Craig Tobias of Cisco Systems


[edit] Misson

The NCSC has not officially published their misson, however when they do it will be something along the lines of: Protected the United States Goverment's computer and communication systems from domestic and foreign treats.

[edit] History

The NCSC was formed in early 2008 and received its first director in April of 2008. This organization is currently in the building phases and therefore little or no history exist as of the creation of this article.

[edit] Structure

The structure of this organization is still being defined

[edit] See also
