National Book Award for Poetry

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The National Book Award for Poetry has been given since 1950 and is part of the National Book Awards, which are given annually for outstanding literary works by American citizens. No award for poetry was given 1985-90.


[edit] Winner and finalists for 2007


Robert Hass Time and Materials (Ecco/HarperCollins)
Other finalists:
Linda Gregerson Magnetic North (Houghton Mifflin Company)
David Kirby The House on Boulevard St. (Louisiana State University Press)
Stanley Plumly Old Heart (W. W. Norton & Company)
Ellen Bryant Voigt Messenger: New and Selected Poems, 1976-2006 (W. W. Norton & Company)

Judges: Charles Simic (chair), Linda Bierds, David St. John, Vijay Seshadri and Natasha Trethewey.

[edit] Winners

2007 Robert Hass Time and Materials
2006 Nathaniel Mackey Splay Anthem
2005 W. S. Merwin Migration: New & Selected Poems
2004 Jean Valentine Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965-2003
2003 C. K. Williams The Singing
2002 Ruth Stone In the Next Galaxy
2001 Alan Dugan Poems Seven: New and Complete Poetry
2000 Lucille Clifton Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000
1999 Ai Vice: New & Selected Poems
1998 Gerald Stern This Time: New and Selected Poems
1997 William Meredith Effort at Speech: New & Selected Poems
1996 Hayden Carruth Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey
1995 Stanley Kunitz Passing Through: The Later Poems
1994 James Tate A Worshipful Company of Fletchers
1993 A. R. Ammons Garbage
1992 Mary Oliver New & Selected Poems
1991 Philip Levine What Work Is
1990 No Award
1989 No Award
1988 No Award
1987 No Award
1986 No Award
1985 No Award
1983 Charles Wright Country Music: Selected Early Poems
1983 Galway Kinnell Selected Poems
1982 William Bronk Life Supports: New and Collected Poems
1981 Lisel Mueller The Need to Hold Still
1980 Philip Levine Ashes : poems new & old
1979 James Merrill Mirabell: Book of Numbers
1978 Howard Nemerov The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov
1977 Richard Eberhart Collected Poems, 1930-1976
1976 John Ashbery Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror
1975 Marilyn Hacker Presentation Piece
1974 Adrienne Rich Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972
1974 Allen Ginsberg The Fall of America: Poems of these States, 1965-1971
1973 A. R. Ammons Collected Poems, 1951-1971
1972 Howard Moss Selected Poems
1972 Frank O'Hara The Collected Works of Frank O'Hara
1971 Mona Van Duyn To See, To Take
1970 Elizabeth Bishop The Complete Poems
1969 John Berryman His Toy, His Dream, His Rest
1968 Robert Bly The Light Around the Body
1967 James Merrill Nights and Days
1966 James Dickey Buckdancer's Choice: Poems
1965 Theodore Roethke The Far Field
1964 John Crowe Ransom Selected Poems
1963 William Stafford Traveling Through the Dark
1962 Alan Dugan Poems
1961 Randall Jarrell The Woman at the Washington Zoo
1960 Robert Lowell Life Studies
1959 Theodore Roethke Words for the Wind
1958 Robert Penn Warren Promises: Poems, 1954-1956
1957 Richard Wilbur Things of This World
1956 W. H. Auden The Shield of Achilles
1955 Wallace Stevens The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens
1954 Conrad Aiken Collected Poems
1953 Archibald MacLeish Collected Poems, 1917-1952
1952 Marianne Moore Collected Poems
1951 Wallace Stevens The Auroras of Autumn
1950 William Carlos Williams Paterson: Book III and Selected Poems

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • [1] National Book Foundation Web site