Nathaniel Gottfried Leske

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Leske, Nathanael Gottfried (22 October 1751 in Muskau- 25 November 1786 in Marburg) was a natural scientist and geologist.

After his studies at Bergakademie of Freiberg in Saxony and the Franckeschen Stiftungen in Halle, Leske became a special professor of natural history at the University of Leipzig in 1775.

From 1777-1786 he taught economics at this university, and in 1786 he was called to the chair of financial science and economics at the University of Marburg. However, he had a fatal accident on his way to Marburg.

Throughout his life Leske corresponded with his teacher and close friend of Abraham Gottlob Werner, famous geologist and mineralogist at Weimar.

Leske possessed an extensive mineral collection, which was arranged after his death by Gustav Karsten and later, in 1792, sold to the Dublin Society. The collection included other natural history specimens many from the collections of Johann Friedrich Gmelin and Johan Christian Fabricius.These specimens are now in the National Museum of Ireland.

[edit] Works

  • Anfangsgrunde der Naturgeschichte. Zwote [sic] verbesserte und viel vermehrte Ausgabe. Leipzig: Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius, 1784.
  • Reise durch Sachsen in Rüksicht der Naturgeschichte und Ökonomie unternommen und beschrieben. Leipzig: J.G. Müllersche Buchhandlung, 1785
  • Ichthyologiae Lipsiensis specimen. Lipsiae: Siegfrief Lebrecht Crusius, 1774
  • Museum N. G. Leskeanum. Pars entomologica ad systema entomologiae Cl. Fabricii orkinata... Lipsia: J.G. Müllersche Buchhandlung, 1788.