Nash Brennan and Jessica Buchanan

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Jessica (Bree Williamson) and Nash (Forbes March).
Jessica (Bree Williamson) and Nash (Forbes March).

Nash Brennan and Jessica Buchanan are fictional characters and a supercouple from the American daytime drama One Life to Live.[1] Nash was portrayed by Forbes March, and Jessica is portrayed by Bree Williamson.[1] The couple drew a large fanbase. They were a prominent couple on the series from 2005-2008.[1]


[edit] Storyline

Nash, an aspiring vineyard owner, comes to fictional Llanview after falling for a woman named "Tess". He then discoveres that Tess is actually an alternate personality of newspaper heiress Jessica Buchanan, who sufferes from dissociative identity disorder. To complicate matters, Jessica/Tess is pregnant, and the father is either Nash or Antonio Vega, Jessica's longtime fiancé. Matters are made worse in early 2006 when Tess pays a visit to Claudia Reston, Nash's crazed ex-girlfriend. But Nash stands by Tess, who gives birth to a daughter, Brennan, in early May 2006. Threats by George Reston (Claudia's angry father) to harm Tess and Brennan keep Nash at distance from them. Soon, a DNA test confirmes that Nash is the father of baby Brennan, later nicknamed "Bree." Nash then decides to take down George, and even convinces Claudia to turn against her father. This ends badly in July 2006 when Claudia accidentally killes George as he attackes Nash.

When Jessica and Tess are finally integrated in September 2006, Jessica officially becomes the dominant personality, leaving Nash heartbroken. He lets go of Tess, whom he knew is never coming back, only to fall for Jessica, who is now married to Antonio. A confused Jessica admittes sharing his feelings, but refuses to leave her husband. Ultimately, she gives in, and tells Antonio that she was in love with Nash.

Jessica is soon diagnosed with Hepatitis C, presumably a result of Tess' wild lifestyle. It is also determined that as a result Jessica has now has a related form of liver cancer and needs a transplant. As the search for a suitable donor begins, Jessica tells Antonio about her feelings for Nash; furious and devastated, he leaves town with Jamie. Antonio turns out to be a match, but not even his mother Carlotta knows where he is. Nash manages to track Antonio down and convince him to return to save Jessica. An explosion during the surgury forces Nash to help save Antonio's life by closing his open incision. Jessica and Antonio divorce in July 2007, but she collapses in the courthouse as her body rejects the transplanted liver. David Vickers is determined to be a suitable liver donor; he makes a deal with Clint to donate in exchange for $10 million. Fearing that she won't make it, Nash arranges a wedding ceremony in Jessica's hospital room. The two are married before Jessica goes into surgury. Jessica pulls through the surgury and begins a recovery. Nash sets up a faux version of Niagra Falls in Jessica's hospital room to serve as a temporary honeymoon until she is well enough to go on a real one.

Recently released from prison, the mysterious Jared Banks arrives in Llanview in August 2007 with a particular interest in the Buchanan family. He manipulates Natalie into giving him a job at Buchanan Enterprises, swindles Nash at a game of poker and buys Antonio's shares of Nash's vineyard. It revealed that Jared shares a secret past with Tess, who had been responsible for sending him to prison and ruining his chances at a good business job. Jared wants revenge on Jessica, not believing that "Tess" had ever existed. His attraction to Natalie and understanding of Jessica's former mental illness soften him toward Jessica, but his ambition prompts him to step into the role of Asa Buchanan's long-lost son when the opportunity arises. Wanting to keep the identity of the real Buchanan heir — David Vickers — a secret to protect the family, Asa's butler Nigel goes along with Jared's plan. Suspicious of Jared, Jessica pretends to be Tess to hopefully gain his confidence; he counters by notifying the doctors at St. Ann's, who take Jessica into custody under her own orders established should Tess ever return.

While at St. Ann's, Jessica comes face to face with Allison Perkins, who claims to know a huge secret about Jessica's family. Her interest piqued, Jessica eventually makes a deal with Allison; Jessica will help her escape from St. Ann's in exchange for what she knows. Jessica is released, but she and Natalie smuggle Allison out, planning to return her once they have heard her tale. Once free, Allison manages to elude them, but not before collecting a mysterious package from the Lord family mausoleum where Viki's father is buried. Allison later confronts Jessica with a gun but Jared steps in to save her; Allison lets herself fall from the Palace Hotel balcony, preferring to die with her secret rather than return to St. Ann's. She survives, but is left comatose and in critical condition.

Wanting to get out of business with Jared, Nash hastily agrees to take a deal with shady investors. They are a seemingly too goo to be true deal as they give him money to fund projects as needed. However, Nash eventually learns that his deal was too good to be true when the investors declare that the vineyard is not a good investment and they want to tear it down to build a mall.

Jared's lie that he was a Buchanan was exposed by Dorian Lord at a share holder's meeting at Buchanan Enterprises. Dorian also exposed that Jared and Natalie had been sleeping together. She declared that all deals made under Jared were null and void. She declared that she ownded Buchanan Enterprises. Of the deals made null and void, was the one Jared had made with Nash's investors, resulting in Nash loosing the vineyard.

Nash comfronts Jared and Natalie on the roof of Buchanan Enterprises. While chastizing Natalie's behavior, Nash is pulled by Jared away from her and is thrown over a ledge. Nash crashes through a skylight and falls two stories below.

Nash is rushed to the hospital where every attempt is made to save him. But it is too late as the doctors declare that his injuries are too servere. Jessica's family says goodbye to Nash. Jessica brings Bree into the room to say goodbye to her father. She also tells Nash that she is pregnant with another child. After Bree leaves the room, Jessica and Nash share a tearful goodbye which includes one final kiss. Jessica tells Nash "You are my heart". Nash draws a heart on Jessica's hand with his finger. A few moments later, Nash flatlines with Jessica's head on his heart.

[edit] Recurring theme

[edit] "My Heart"

A recurring theme in their romance is the drawing of a heart. When Jessica is sick in the hospital, Nash breathes on the window of her hospital room and draws a heart.

While on his deathbed, he draws a heart on Jessica's hand, taking her back to that moment in the hospital. Jessica tells Nash that he is more than in her heart, he is her heart, and always will be.

[edit] Impact

MSN/TV Guide referred to the couple as a supercouple on more than one occasion. The couple generated a loyal fanbase and were quickly labeled a supercouple, frequently being listed as a top supercouple to watch.[1]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links