Talk:Narco Analysis
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I want to kind attention towards the Legality of the Narco Analysis test in the world for investigationand prevation of the CRIMES.
First of all we know very well this test start by the famous Detctive Agencies of the World for the Dtctive use. When Crime level is Increase the invetigating agencies start this test for Investigation with the perior permision of the Hon'ble Court (in India). Now some question are as under
1. What is the Impact of the Human Body of thei test?
2. What is the Harms of the above said test on Human Body?
3. Is it too necessary for investigation?
4. Whether it is not voileted the Human Reght?
5. Whethers this test violate the Fundamental Rigt?
6. In How many Countries Narco test is Legal?
7. Is Thruth Serium a kind of Drugs?
Amit kumar Chawla Advocate