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In film theory, narrativity refers to the processes by which a story is both presented by the filmmaker and interpreted by the viewer. The term must be distinguished from narrative, which refers to the story itself.

Narrativity is a common subject of debate in film theory. Many believe that the interpretation of a film's narrative is subjective. In other words, the same story may appear differently to a viewer, depending on their background. Other important aspects explored by film theorists are the factors which distinguish narrativity in film from that of other art forms.

When exploring narrativity in film, several factors must be taken into account. For example, the order in which the events of the story are presented. Films often employ non-linear storytelling, which refers to a story not presented chronologically. Another important facet of narrativity is montage, or the juxtaposition of images. Perhaps most importantly of all, are the images themselves. A filmmaker's choice of what to show, and what not to show, is key to understanding them as an artist and a storyteller.