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Narcotoline (C21H21NO7, molecular weight 399.4
Narcotoline (C21H21NO7, molecular weight 399.4

Narcotoline is an opiate alkaloid chemically related to noscapine. It binds to the same receptors in the brain as noscapine to act as an antitussive[1], and has also been used in tissue culture media.[2] It can be obtained from the opium poppy Papaver somniferum. It is present at much higher levels in strains used for culinary purposes (poppyseed production) than in high-morphine strains used for opium production.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ PMID 3350041
  2. ^ US patent 2004063205 "Composition and method for culturing potentially regenerative cells and functional tissue-organs in vitro"
  3. ^ PMID 15921406

[edit] External links