Namoa (Siosaia Tupou)

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King Siosaia Tupou, originally known as, Namoa became Tu'i Kanokupolu after his brother KING ALEAMOTU'A, died in about 1830 at the age of 93 years old.

King Siosaia Tupou(Namoa) was the initial owner/ holder of the title, SIOSAIA TUPOU.Namoa was the only royal member of King Mumui Tu'i Kanokupolu, children that was referred to as, Young Tupou/ Tupou. The term 'young' dropped as he was getting older, and Tupou remained throughout his life,as his title.

Namoa was born in 1755. In 1830 he was crowned as, King Siosaia Tupou. He reigned as Tu'i Kanokupolu from 1830-45. King Siosaia Tupou died in 1845, at the age of ninety years old.

Siosaia Tupou was the only child, of Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, the last female Ruler or Tu'itonga fefine,of the Tu'itonga dynasty. Siosaia Tupou's father was, King Mumui, Tu'i Kanokupolu dynasty. Namoa (King Siosaia Tupou) did have three older brothers and they were Tuku'aho, Tupoumalohi, Aleamotu'a.

In 1826,Namoa married Lady Lesieli(Rachel) Koloamatangi. Namoa was the first royal family member, to marry in a Christian wedding ceremony.

Namoa ( King Siosaia Tupou) and Lesieli Koloamatangi had two children and they were, Siaosi Niumeitolu and Vika Mafile'o.

Siaosi Niumeitolu was born in 1826. He married 'Ilaisaane Tu'ivakano Tanginoa. 'Ilaisaane was the first grandchild of Noble Tu'ivakano (Uhi)of Nukunuku, and her mother was Lolohea Tu'ivakano and father, Tanginoa ( Chief Commander) of Hule fortress, Nukunuku. Lolohea Tu'ivakano did have a young sister,who married to Kaho from Ha'apai. The Kaho family is the current holder of, noble title, Tu'ivakano.

Siaosi Niumeitolu and 'Ilaisaane had three children and they were: 'Ana Niumeitolu, Peni Tupou, and Salote Mafile'o Tupou. In 1860,Siaosi Niumeitolu died and King Siaosi Tupou 1, took his body and buried at 'Uiha, Ha'apai, beside, his father's(Tupouto'a) grave. Siaosi Niumeitolu's children were brought up by King Siaosi Tupou 1 (Taufa'ahau) at the Royal Palace, in Nuku'alofa. 'Ana Niumeitolu married to Sioeli and they have descendants.

Peni Tupou married to Vika Latai Ha'amoa Katoa and have children : 'Ilaisaane Tupou,Siaosi Niumeitolu, Lolohea, Finau Tangata Lakepa and the youngest is,'Aisake Tupou Niumeitolu. Peni Tupou did have a daughter prior to his marriage to Vika and she was, Lesieli Tupou.

Siaosi Niumeitolu, youngest daughter, Salote Mafile'o Tupou, married to Kama from Ma'ufanga.

Siaosi Niumeitolu's sister, Vika Mafile'o Tupou married Noble Vaha'i of Fo'ui. Vika Mafile'o, acquired the title Namoa, as surname for the Noble Vaha'i lineage. Namoa was the initial name of King Siosaia Tupou.Vika Mafile'o, the daughter of King Siosaia Tupou did marry Noble Vaha'i of Fo'ui, at Vava'u. Her close relatives who attended the wedding were: 'Ana Niumeitolu, Manutu'ufanga and Tevita Tapueluelu ( Governor of Vava'u).

King Siosaia Tupou (Namoa) did have children prior to his marriage to Lesieli Koloamatangi.

They were, Soatame Puakakotoa, Mele Moala, Finau Tangata Lakepa and 'Alilia Funakitoutai Tupoutoutai Tupou ( usually refers to as 'Alilia funakitoutai/'Alilia).

Soatame Puakakotoa and Mele Moala were born in Ha'apai, during the period, when he was bringing up Taufa'ahau ( King Siaosi Tupou 1). Namoa brought up Taufa'ahau since Tupouto'a(Taufa'ahau's father), died in 1812. When Tupouto'a died in 1812, Namoa automatically became the rightful guardian, to his great nephew, Taufa'ahau.

Namoa, stayed in Ha'apai until 1826. In 1826, Namoa and his great nephew, Taufa'ahau, returned to Tongatapu, ready to consolidate all of the ruling power in Tongatapu under Taufa'ahau. Although, Namoa ( Siosaia Tupou) was a great uncle, Taufa'ahau was looking at him, as both a grandfather figure and a father figure.

Namoa's children, Soatame Puakakotoa and Mele Moala, have descendants, who are still living in Ha'apai.

Namoa other children prior to his marriage were, Finau Tangata Lakepa and 'Alilia Funakitoutai Tupoutoutai Tupou.

Finau Tangata Lakepa, married,Tae Ma'atu, daughter of Noble Ma'atu and they did have children. Their children were, Manutu'ufanga, Vavahe'a and Tali Topulangi Tupou.

'Alilia Funakitoutai Tupoutoutai Tupou, married Noble Fulivai and had children, then left Noble Fulivai to marry, Naufahu ( a young brother of 'Ulukalala). 'Alilia's children with Naufahu were: Tevita Tapueluelu and Afuha'apai. 'Alilia left Naufahu, to marry Afuha'amango, the supreme warrior of Vava'u and they had children. Today, most of 'Alilia's descendants are the nobility class of Vavau. Princess Nanasipau'u who married the current, Crown Prince Tupouto'a is a descendant of 'Alilia.

'Alilia, brought up Siale'ataongo, son of Ma'afutu'itonga (Enele Ma'afu). Siale'ataongo was a grandson of King Aleamotu'a( King Siosaia Tupou's brother). One of Siale'ataongo direct descendant is the current Queen mother, HRH Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho.

King Siosaia Tupou, who was initially known as Namoa, did have nicknames or names used to mark a certain event in his life. He was referred to as, Tangata Lakepa ( The Man of Lakepa). As Siosaia Tupou (Namoa), loved seafaring between Tonga and the Lau Groups, Fiji.

Siosaia Tupou did name one of his sons, Finau Tangata Lakepa ( always referred to by Enele Ma'afu as, Lakepa/ Finau, his brother).

Siosaia Tupou (Namoa) did have other nicknames like,'Ikale Tahi(Sea Eagle) and Mafile'o. Ikale Tahi was referred to him because, not only he was a skilful seafarer around the Pacific Islands. He seems to know the Pacific Islands like the, palm of his hand.

The other nickname, Mafile'o means bravery and fulfilling the utmost difficult task given to him by the Tu'iKanokupolu dynasty. That was the raising Taufa'ahau( King Siaosi Tupou 1) since the age of six years old,including training him with various skills that will fully equipped him ( Taufa'ahau) to be the undisputed heir and ruler of Tonga.


King Siosaia Tupou's parents were, both rulers. King Mumui from Tu'i kanokupolu dynasty and Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, Tu'iTonga was a female ruler of the Tu'iTonga dynasty. There was never in the history of Tonga that a monarch married a monarch, until this era, when Fatafehi 'o Lapaha married Mumui and they have one child only,named, Namoa,who later as King Siosaia Tupou( 1830-45).

Fatafehi 'o Lapaha,was the last Tu'itonga fefine or to put in a simple perspective, she was the last female ruler from the Tu'itonga dynasty. Fatafehi 'o Lapaha's father was the Tu'itonga, Fuanuinuiava and her mother was Fisi'ipeau from the Tu'i Ha'atakalaua dynasty. Fatafehi had one brother who was at least 14 years younger than her and his name was, Tu'ipulotu. Tu'ipulotu was the father of, Laufilitonga the last, Tu'itonga.

When Mumui Tu'i Kanokupolu married Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, some of his supporters questioned ,his (Mumui) choice to marry a daughter of a foe, King Fuanuinuiava of Tu'iTonga dynasty. Mumui replied, " Koe pala 'a kahokaho". Mumui illustration meant that, by tradition, kahokaho yam is the apex of all yam types, therefore fit for a King( yam is a food tuber which is part of stable diet of Tongans). Although Fatafehi 'o Lapaha was regarded as an opponent, she was the apex of the Tu'itonga dynasty. Fatafehi 'o Lapaha was the highest female rank in Tonga society.


Fatafehi 'o Lapaha only child was named, Namoa. Namoa was crowned as King Siosaia Tupou in 1830. Namoa was born in early year of 1755. Because his mother was a Monarch, it was taboo, to be breastfed by his mother, Fatafehi 'o Lapaha. The crying of a newborn like, Namoa, wanting to be breastfed by his mother but it was taboo by tradition, a Tongan word, emerged, Fehuhu (fie huhu). Fehuhu is a term, refers only to, mother of a King.

Namoa means Healer. The baby food that was given to the newborn Namoa, was from juice of a fresh coconut. From that date to today, that babyfood is still known as, Namoa, which named after the newborn, Namoa.

Namoa in his early twenties years of age, loved seafaring around the Pacific islands, the older members, of his royal household, often referred to him as the, 'Young Tupou'.At that age, his oldest brother, Tuku'aho was assassinated, therefore he automatically assumed the role of a father, to his nephew, Tupouto'a ( Tuku'aho only son).Although Tuku'aho had a different mother to Namoa, the closeness between him and his youngest brother( Namoa) was indisputable.

SIOSAIA TUPOU, only  : Namoa was crowned as King Siosaia Tupou. There was no other name or other title added before the name Siosaia Tupou or after Siosaia Tupou. It was just the, Siosaia Tupou/ Josiah Tubou, as the pioneer missionaries called him.

King Siosaia Tupou( Namoa/ a.k.a. Tupou) died in 1845, at the age of over 90 years old.

His great-nephew Taufa'ahau succeeded him as King Siaosi Tupou I.

[edit] References

  • Crosby, Rev. Ernest E, Tonga (1846).
  • London Missionary Society, Tongatabu ( 1797.1801.1804)
  • Rowe,Stringer.G, A Pioneer. A Memoir of the Rev. John Thomas( 1885).
  • Tucker, Rev.Charles, Journal (1846).
  • Turner, Rev. Nataniel, The Pioneer Mission (1872).
  • Mitchell Library, Sydney.