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West coast of Naissaar
West coast of Naissaar
Mine shells
Mine shells

Naissaar (Nargö in Swedish, Nargen in German) is an island northwest of Tallinn (but belonging to Viimsi Parish) in Estonia. It held a large Swedish minority until World War II, and during Soviet rule it was a military area and off-limits to the public.

In December 1917, a group of Russian sailors commandeered Naissaar and proclaimed an independent "socialist republic" under the leadership of Stepan Petrichenko. The Russian sailors, numbering about 80-90, formed a self-styled government and levied taxes on the local population.[1] The "republic" ceased to exist on February 26, 1918 when German forces occupied the island and the Russians fled.[2]

Viimsi parish
Viimsi parish

[edit] See also

List of islands of Estonia

[edit] References

  1. ^ (Estonian) Jalutuskäik saladusliku Naissaare lõunarajal (HTML). Eesti Loodus. Retrieved on 2007-10-24.
  2. ^ (Estonian) Naissaare kroonika (HTML). Retrieved on 2007-10-24.

[edit] External links

"Jalutuskäik saladusliku Naissaare lõunarajal"
Fortress of Naissaar
Fortress of Naissaar
Photographs of Naissaar
"Naissaar, Former Soviet Navy Base"
Pictures and maps of Naissaar
F.F. Raskolnikov, "Tales of Sub-Lieutenant Ilyin. A prisoner of the British"

Coordinates: 59°34′N, 24°31′E