Nahum Rakover

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Nahum Rakover is a former Deputy Attorney General in Israel, responsible for bringing modern Israeli law into conversation with traditional rabbinic law (Halakha).

Rakover is a prolific author on Jewish law and associated with the Mishpat Ivri movement. In addition to important monographs, he has compiled several bibliographies on the use of Jewish law in Israeli judicial opinions, legislative deliberations, and scholarship.

[edit] Selected works

  • Rakover, Nahum. Law and the Noahides: law as a universal value.
  • ___________, ed. Jewish Law in the Israeli Courts (HaMishpat HaIvri b'Psikat Batei HaMishpat b'Yisrael) 2 vols., 1132 pp. (English translation published as: Modern Applications of Jewish Law; Resolution of Contemporary Problems According to Jewish Sources in Israeli Courts)
  • ___________, ed. Jewish Law in the Debates of the Knesset (HaMishpat HaIvri b'Chakikat HaKneset) 2 vols., 1310 pp.
  • ___________. Guide to the Sources of Jewish Law
  • ___________. Multi-Language Bibliography of Jewish Law
  • ___________. Commerce in Jewish Law (HaMischar b'Mishpat HaIvri)
  • ___________.Copyright in Jewish Law {Zchut HaYotzrim baMekorot haYehudiyim}
  • ___________.The Rule of Law in the Jewish Sources (Shilton haChok b”Yisrael)
  • ___________.Unjust Enrichment in Jewish Law (Osher v'Lo b'Mishpat)
  • ___________.Human Dignity in Jewish Law (Gadol Kvod haBriot)
  • ___________.Ends that Justify the Means (Matara haMekadesheket et haEmtzaim)
  • ___________.Sacrificing One to Save Many (Mesirut Nefesh - Hakravat haYahid l'Hatzalat haKlal)
  • ___________.Environment and Judaism, Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (Eichut haSeviva) 160 pp.
  • Nahum Rakover, ed., Jewish Law and Current Legal Problems, Jerusalem: The Library of Jewish Law, 1984, Pp. 253
