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Nage-no-kata (投の形?) is a throwing kata in judo. The kata is composed of 3 techniques from each of the five throw groups in judo: hand techniques (te waza), hip techniqes (goshi waza), foot techniques (ashi waza), rear sacrifice techniques (ma sutemi waza) and side sacrifice techniques (yoko sutemi waza). Each of these 15 techniques is performed twice in the specified order, once with kumi-kata (grip style) to the right and once to the left. Demonstration of this kata as tori is often included in tests for the shodan rank. The role of uke requires being thrown 30 times, and is traditionally filled by the more senior partner.

The kata was developed by Jigoro Kano in 1887 in the Kodokan school.


[edit] Video of Nage-no-kata

[edit] Te waza (hand throws)

[edit] Koshi waza (hip throws)

[edit] Ashi waza (foot throws)

[edit] Ma sutemi waza (rear sacrifice throws)

[edit] Yoko sutemi waza (side sacrifice throws)

[edit] External links