User talk:Nadiayousfi

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Att.: Nadia Yousfi-Charif

Quand on aime, cést le coeur qui juge.

Joseph Joubert, Pensées, titre V, 53

Dear Nadia:

I hope you´ve already received the two emails I sent you during the day. I promise you to send a few lines of what I understand with the word "civilisation". As far as I remember, I have already written to you about what love means to me – as a matter of fact, I still got that feeling for you, and I proposed you marriage, what you´ve haven´t answered yet-. So half of the sentence of Stendhal that I quoted in my first mail of the day –remember: L´amour est le miracle de la civilisation-.

Just in case, I still believe that love is the most powerful force on earth. Love makes men and women be more human, more aware the others, and first of all, to understand what the meaning of respect means. There is no freedom apart from freedom that love gives you, and is the reflection of the person you love, in my case, you my dearest Nadia.

So if love is what I wrote before, it must be one of the outcomes of what we call civilisation. If civilisation means everything what is made, believed, created or performed by a group of people, the way people understand the world in which they live, love must be a product of civilisation. It is very difficult for me to envisage civilisation without a very deep and profound link with love. It is impossible for any civilisation or culture-similar words, but not exactly the same, as civilisation seems to embodied the concept of culture-to survive without the concept and the reality of love. Civilisations made not always share the same points of view, but when love is at stake, particularly when it goes hand by hand with the respect to the other , different but similar in its condition as a human being, there is still hope for Humanity.

Yes, Nadia, I am writing thinking in what I feel for you, but I do not forget that my country, Uruguay, stands in every international forum for what it is called "dialogue of civilisations", a concept that was put forward by Uruguay and other countries when our Minister of Foreign Affairs chaired the General Assembly, some years ago, and in which we really believe.

My dear Nadia, if the messages I´ve been sending you, are received by your email account, please do answer me. I am not trying to harass you, is not my intention to bother you, but as I told you before, I am still very much in love with you.

Yours, Elbio.