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A country grouping reportedly proposed by Australian and Norwegian economists, consisting of Norway, Australia, Canada and Argentina. NACAR countries are characterized by middle to high income per capita, a low population density and a concentration of exports in natural resources (though this is not as clear in the case of Canada). The set was christened in 2005 in opposition to BRIC. The inclusion of Argentina in this group has been put into question for its relative poverty as compared to the other three -- while Norway stands #1, Australia #2 and Canada #3 in the U.N. Development Index[1], for example, Argentina ranks only #34.

It has been argued, though, that this classification is arbitrary, originated in the lunacy of an Argentinian historian and economist, Rollo Tomasi [2], who sees patterns everywhere as famous Noble Prize-winner John Nash. Opposing NACAr to Bric has no sense as Bric is by no means a homogenous group economically speaking. Russia and Brazil share no characteristics of importance neither with China nor India. Not only that, Russia is less densely populated than Argentina or even Norway. Finally, Canada exports less natural resources than Russia or Brazil.