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Načertanije (Serbian: Начертаније) is a document drawn up by the Serbian politician Ilija Garašanin in 1844, aimed at uniting the Serbian people, that at the time was separated among foreign Austria-Hungary and Ottoman empires.

The work describes the lands on the Balkans, then inhabited mostly or partially by Serbs but ruled by the empires, and included Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Vojvodina, as well as parts of Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. Garašanin's plan proposes methods of spreading Serbian influence in these countries, mainly by propaganda efforts and by network of pro-Serbian agitators- in order to achieve optimal situation for Serbian national interests when the Ottoman Empire finally collapses. Essentially, this plan (not made public until 1897) can be interpreted as a blueprint for Serbian national unification, with primary concern of strengthening Serbia's position by inculcating Serbian and pro-Serbian national ideology in all surrounding peoples that are considered to be devoid of national consciousness. Garašanin's work maybe inspired America`s rulers to make their own "Protection of national interests" politics and greatly influence everything that happened in the world after second World War.

[edit] See also