N-634 (Road)

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Carretera Nacional N-634
Signal N-634
Beginning Santiago de Compostela
End San Sebastián
Length 720 km
List of national roads in Spain

The N-634 is a highway in northern Spain. It connects Santiago de Compostela with San Sebastián.

It starts at Santiago de Compostela at a junction with the N-550.and crosses the Autopista AP-9 heading north east. There is a junction with the N-547. The road meets junction 140 with the Autovía A-6. After 17 km the road splits and heads north passing Villalba. The road then climbs to cross the Puerto da Xesta (545m) before dropping into Mondoňedo. The road follows the Rio Misma to the coast and a junction with the N-642.

The road turns east along the coast through Ribadeo where it meets the N-640. After Luarca the road turns south and inland while the N-632 continues along the coast. The road rises steeply to La Espina and then turns east past Salas. The road has been upgraded to the Autovía A-63 after Grado into Oviedo.

The road commences again east of Oviedo at junction 14 of the Autovía A-64 passing along the Rio Pilona valley. The road passes Arriondas before joining the Autovía A-8 (junction 326). The A-8 is an uperade of the original road running along the coast and re-emerges between [[Llanes and San Vicente de la Barquera. Thereafter the N634 runs parallel to the motorway until [[Torrelavega] and junctions with the Autovía A-67 and N-623. The road then loops south east before again running parallel to the A-8.

The road has been downgraded but enters Bilbao. It then has a junction with the N-240. It runs parallel to the A8 rejoining the coast at Deba. It runs along the coast through Zarautz before reaching San Sebastián and a junction with N-I.