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Still Navodari in now a nice town . Unfortunatelly there are a lot of manelars in that town . The number of people who listen to rock music is still small , compared to the number of manelars ... the thing is , not much can be done in this situation ... many of the rockers however relenquish in the fact that the manelisti will work minimum-wage jobs , will be salahors , and generally will lose themselves in a mundane life , with a wife that's ugly and beaten by them and children .. usually 2 or 3 , that they do not want ... And also a reason for joy is the fact that the manelars will never go to a university , or if they do , they will never excell , never be smart .. and nobody will ever call them "sir" so this is why the small number of rockers here in navodari are happy . Not opposing the system , but rather embracing it , becouse "The System" gives great opportunities to those that are smart egough to take them .

User: 19:06, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] sunt rasist urasc manelistii...darexplicatia anterioara e chiar criminala..:))) 16:37, 17 February 2007 (UTC)hay ca ati fost tari cu manelistii si consolarea despre reusita lor in viata.:)))))))))) tare rau.....