Néron model

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In algebraic geometry, a Néron model (or Néron minimal model, or minimal model) for an Abelian variety AK defined over a local field K is the "best possible" group scheme AO defined over the ring of integers R of the local field K that becomes isomorphic to AK after base change from R to K.

They were introduced by André Néron (1964).

[edit] Definition

Suppose that R is a Dedekind domain with field of fractions K, and suppose that AK is an Abelian variety over K. Then a Néron model is defined to be a universal smooth scheme AR over R with a rational map to AK. More precisely, this means that AR is a smooth scheme over R with general fiber AK, such that any rational map from a smooth scheme over R to AR can be extended to a unique morphism.

Néron models exist and are unique (up to unique isomorphism) and are group schemes of finite type over R. The fiber of a Néron model over a closed point of Spec(R) is an algebraic group, but need not be an Abelian variety: for example, it may be disconnected, or unipotent, or a torus.

[edit] References