Mythos (computer game)

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Developer(s) Flagship Studios Seattle
Publisher(s) Ping0
Designer(s) Travis Baldree
Engine Developed In-House
Platform(s) PC (Windows)
Release date TBA 2008
Genre(s) MMORPG

Mythos is a multiplayer computer game under development by Flagship Studios Seattle. The game is similar in style to the award winning Diablo series, utilizing a similar interface and perspective, extensive map and item randomization, and a high fantasy setting. Its development is led by Travis Baldree, creator of the action RPG FATE. The game started as an MMORPG intended to test the networking technology behind the multiplayer component of Flagship Studios' Hellgate: London, but has since grown into an independent game scheduled for a separate release. The game is currently in a closed beta testing stage, but is expected to advance into open beta in the coming months.

Mythos will not be sold in shops, but rather be digitally distributed by Flagship Studios subsidiary Ping0 in North America and Europe. The game will be free to play and download, but optional in-game items will be available for online purchase to help finance the game.

Mythos shares the same core engine and technology that Hellgate: London uses. Features between the two games are often shared since they are so similar in technology.


[edit] Gameplay

The gameplay of Mythos is very similar to that of the award winning Diablo series using Point-and-click movement from overhead isometric view. Players fight monsters in randomly-generated instanced dungeons, collecting items, gaining experience points, and completing quests. The graphics are rendered in fully 3D polygons, rather than pre-rendered 2D sprites on a 3D perspective plane.

[edit] Game Modes

‘’Mythos’’ offers four different play styles. There are Normal, Elite, Hardcore, and Hardcore-Elite. During character creation you choose which mode you wish to play by checking the Elite or Hardcore box. Players of each mode can only play and trade with players of the same mode, but guilds are not limited to each mode and members can be of all types.

[edit] Normal

The Normal Mode for Mythos is the standard way of playing Mythos. There is one benefit to Normal, and that is respec. Normal is the only mode where you are allowed to respec your character. Respec is free if your character is under level 5. After level 5, it will cost you 1 gold the first time, and double in price each use.

[edit] Elite

Elite Mode in Mythos causes the damage dealt to monsters to be reduced, while the damage caused by the monsters is increased. Items in Elite mode also sell for half of their normal sale price. Elite mode also offers more champion monsters, which are stronger monsters who drop rarer items.

[edit] Hardcore

Paying homage to the ‘’Diablo series’’, hardcore mode in Mythos gives you no room for error. One death and it is all over. If your character dies in Hardcore, you will not be able to play it again or retrieve any items from it. If you wish to make things harder for yourself, you can play in a Hardcore Elite mode, where both Elite and Hardcore settings are on.

[edit] Shadowlands Only

Shadowlands Only constrains the player to the Shadowlands, which is the Player versus Player zone. This mode can be combined with Elite or Hardcore modes for extra difficulty.

[edit] Trading

Mythos allows players to trade currency and items to each other. There is also a mail system that allows players to send items, money, and messages to each other while in town.

[edit] Player vs. Player

Mythos will have an open Player vs. Player (PvP) play style if you choose to participate. There are two sides to the world, Normal and Shadow. If you are on the Normal side, randomized levels are for you and your party alone except roadways. However, if you are on the Shadow side, levels are randomly generated and other players may join the same one you are in and attack you. If you are killed in PvP combat (aside from duels) you will drop one inventory item depending on how good/bad your Anarchy level is and depending on if the attacker is over 10 levels higher.

[edit] Crafting

Mythos also features a crafting system. Each time you level up you gain Crafting points. These can be spent in a tiered crafting bar to make your skills in crafting better. Crafting points are also granted as a reward for some quests. The more you invest in a specific crafting tree, the higher quality your items may become as well as the more you can customize the craft. Crafting supplies can be found by exploring, created by breaking down equipment, or purchased from vendors. Recipes can be found as treasure or purchased from vendors.

[edit] Races

Currently there are four races in the closed beta with two more in development. The races are ‘’Human’’, Satyr, Gremlin, and Cyclops while an unnamed secret race is in development. Each race has a racial bonus that is unique to itself.

Humans are your average human race, while Gremlin, Cyclops and Satyr offer something new. Gremlins are a very short race of people with pointy ears, equipped with sunglasses and cigars on the males; while having an affinity for technology and machines. The Satyr’s on the other hand are of similar height to Humans and are inspired by the Greek mythological creature of half goat half human people. The Cyclops are one eyed creatures also inspired by many mythologies.

[edit] Classes

The three classes are Bloodletter, Pyromancer, and Gadgeteer. The Bloodletter can be considered "the warrior," Pyromancer "the mage," and Gadgeteer "the marksman." However, each class has three different skill trees, supporting a large degree of variation in character builds. For example, a Pyromancer with "Cinderblade" skills can be played as a strength-based melee fighter, almost an entirely different class compared to mage-like Pyromancer builds. Each class can potentially summon minions that work independently of their master (without control).

A Gadgeteer can summon fire/lightning turrets and widgets, small airborne machines that have abilities ranging from damaging foes to healing the Gadgeteer and his party to giving the Gadgeteer additional damage in their presence. Widgets last for a set amount of time, and turrets last until damaged or recast. This is the range of the Gadgeteer's Tinker group. Marksman skills expand the Gadgeteer's ranged attack ability with rifles, and Grenadier skills allow the Gadgeteer to throw bombs and traps.

Flamecaster Pyromancers learn ranged attacks such as Flaming Dart and Meteor. Pyromancers with Coalsmasher skills have two summons: Flame Wisp and Burning Colossus. Flame Wisps fire streams of missiles at enemies and only last until a set number of shots are used up. The Burning Colossus primarily takes damage but moves slowly, and lasts until it takes a maximum amount of damage. The Cinderblade skill tree focuses on fire-based melee attacks and abilities that protect the user in close combat.

A Bloodletter may use melee attacks from the Martialist skill tree, specializing in bladed weapons. Crimsonate Bloodletters build their skills around "bleed" effects which buff themselves and weaken (or possibly even explode) their enemies. Red Hand Bloodletters fight using minions summoned from corpses: Bloodlings (melee attackers) and Blood Imps (ranged attackers). The Bloodletter may have six of each at maximum level, creating a small personal army.

[edit] Payment

The Mythos developers have stated that they will implement a Real Money Trading system, instead of a monthly subscription-based system. They've noted that their in-game currency will be called "ingots" and that it will be freely traded between players who choose to purchase ingots and players who do not. The developers have also stated that ingots will not tip the balance towards players who purchase them and players who do not, which can be seen in many other games.

[edit] Trivia

In the game Hellgate:London (another Flagship Studios game) while in one of the stations in the London underground you will find posters of Mythos on the walls.

[edit] External links
