Talk:Myra Brandish

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We need a picture of young Myra from the flashbacks. A great shot was right when the flashback starts, when she's flying the X-1 Jet with Doctor Venture: it's only a fraction of a second, when her face is "neutral", because then her face scrunches to get a sidelong look at something: be sure to get the one of her face in "neutral", I mean as soon as the fade in stops: we need this pic of young Myra to put right next to a picture of Hank, to show how Young Myra and Hank look really similar (she looks like an adult female version of Hank, but in the present day its harder to tell because she's in her 50's and looks really haggard).

Added. Allie 18:28, 7 October 2006 (UTC)
Excellent! Try to find a pic of Hank in a similar pose (facing left, with his face's neutral expression) to put next to it for comparison. - Striking similarities to Sharon Stone. Reference or coincidence?

[edit] Just some non serious silly

Myra's original story has a lot of similarities to Sasha Bordeaux and Batman. I just thought it funny.

Lots42 09:14, 2 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Misleading

"During the Monarch's interrogation by the Guild of Calamitous Intent, Myra appears in a flashback as Dr. Venture's bodyguard. Even this may be unreliable, however, as the Monarch tells the Guild a different story -- that Venture was protected by "a private army of ex-Navy SEAL cyborg ninja-witches" -- and admits to having a foggy memory of the event."

This runs just a tad misleading, extremely misleading to anyone who hasn't watched the show. The Monarch's reaction to the events was supposed to be humorous, since the way he described it was him simply trying to sound "macho" after the revelation that he was nearly beaten to death by a woman and H.E.L.P.E.R