
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, I'm an opinionated 14-year old from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne or there and back again. I have a YouTube Channel, in case you're interested.

Back to Wikipedia, I haven't done much yet. I'll let you know when I do something useful, and let me know if you think there's something useful I should do.

Maths Television & Film Food & Drink Music
0.\bar{9}=1 This user knows that 0.9...(repeating) is exactly 1 and can prove it. But wishes that other people could understand in the way he does.
This user is a Doctor Who fan.
This user drinks so much milk that their bones can cut diamonds.
Pi ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264

33832795028841971693993751058 20974944592307816406286208998 62803482534211706798214808651 32823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701 93852110555964462294895493038 19644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648 56692346038610454326648213393 60726024914127372458700660631 55817488152092096282925409171 53643678925903600113305305488 20466521384146951941511609

This user is a Jedi.
This user is a non-drinker.
  All in all, this user's just another brick in The Wall.
This user is The Stig.
This user believes that Caffeine is necessary in large doses daily.
007 This user likes his martinis shaken, not stirred.
This user eats at McDonald's
£ This user knows the first rule of the con: you can never cheat an honest man.
This user prefers Coca-Cola over Pepsi.
Rolling Stones
This user still can't get no
This user enjoys thinking in Four Dimensions.
IT Hello, I.T. , have you tried turning it off and on again? Is it definitely plugged in?
This user loves Toad in the hole.
This user has kaleidoscope eyes.
This user likes geometry.
1+1=10 This user likes binary.
This user owns a 40 GB PlayStation 3 and wishes it had PS2 backwards compatability.

This user's PSN ID is MyNameisTheStig.
This user still enjoys playing games on the Sega Master System.
