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MyEclipse is a commercially available Enterprise Java and AJAX IDE created and maintained by the company Genuitec, a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation.

MyEclipse is built upon the Eclipse platform,[1] and integrates both proprietary and open source solutions[2] into the development environment.

MyEclipse has two primary versions (apart from the "Blue Edition," referred to below): a professional and a standard edition.[3] The standard edition adds database tools, a visual web designer, persistence tools, Spring tools, Struts and JSF tooling, and a number of other features to the basic Eclipse Java Developer profile. It competes with the Web Tools Project, which is a part of Eclipse itself, but MyEclipse is a separate project entirely and offers a different feature set.

Most recently, MyEclipse has been made available via Pulse,[4] a provisioning tool that maintains Eclipse software profiles, including those that use MyEclipse. Additionally, MyEclipse is offering a customized version for IBM products, "MyEclipse Blue Edition,"[5] that adds specific support for Rational Software and WebSphere development.

Other notable, commercial Java IDE tools include the IBM Rational Software toolkit, JetBrains (IntelliJ IDEA), and BEA Systems tools.[6]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ "[Eclipse Kick Start, Carlos Valcarcel, Sams Publisher, ISBN978-0672326103]"
  2. ^ "NetBeans Evangelist blog"
  3. ^ "MyEclipse Features Matrix"
  4. ^ "Pulse Announcement, eWeek"
  5. ^ InfoWorld Article
  6. ^ "Java IDE Comparative Analysis"