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Muziris is also a genus of jumping spiders.

Traditional scholars identify Muziris with the town of Musiri, located in upstream river Kaveri, near the ancient capital of Cheras, Karur in Tamil Nadu. Roman coins and amphorae are found in abundance along with Chera-Roman collaborative mint. Also noteworthy are the Beryls and other semi-precious stones and metal work in the region as described by Periplus. Salem steel, antimony and lead in Egypt also confirms this to be an even more ancient port. The distance between Musiri and the sea is around 500 stadia as Periplus accounts. It is mentioned in the first century Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, the first century Natural History of Pliny, the second century Geographia of Ptolemy, the second century Muziris Papyrus (p. Vindob G480822), the forth century Tabula Peutingeriana and in poems of the Tamil Sangam literature of the first centuries CE.

Tabula Peutingeriana (section) — Tabula Peutingeriana clearly shows Muziris (Musiri) to be after Tabrobane (Tambapanni/Tamraparni/Sri Lanka) on the east coast, on the side of the (Ganges), along a river (Kaveri) after Paleris (Palar), near the township of Coriara (Karuvur/Karur) and up the river from Pattinam (Kaveripattinam/Poompuhar)
Tabula Peutingeriana (section) — Tabula Peutingeriana clearly shows Muziris (Musiri) to be after Tabrobane (Tambapanni/Tamraparni/Sri Lanka) on the east coast, on the side of the (Ganges), along a river (Kaveri) after Paleris (Palar), near the township of Coriara (Karuvur/Karur) and up the river from Pattinam (Kaveripattinam/Poompuhar)

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  • Dr. Nagaswamy R., 1995, Roman Karur [1]
  • Raghava Aiyangar, R.,1932, Vanci Managar, Madras.
  • [2]