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MUVE (plural MUVEs) refers to online, multi-user virtual environments, sometimes called virtual worlds. While this term has been used previously to refer to a generational change in MUDs, MOOs, and MMORPGs, it is most widely used to describe MMOGs that are not necessarily game-specific. The term was first used in Chip Morningstar's 1990 paper The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat. A number of the most popular and well-known MUVEs are listed below, although there are a number of others. Modern MUVEs have 3D isometric/third-person graphics, are accessed over the Internet, allow for some dozens of simultaneous users to interact, and represent a persistent virtual world.

Habitat (1987) and Club Caribe (1988) could be considered the first graphical MUVEs.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

Morningstar, C., & Farmer, F. R. (1990). The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat. In M. Benedikt (Ed.), Cyberspace: First steps (The First Annual International Conference on Cyberspace ed., ). Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. from