Mutimir of Croatia

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Muncimir or Mutimir was a Duke of Dalmatian Croatia, reigned 892910. He was a member of the Trpimirović dynasty.

Muncimir was the third son of Trpimir I and brother of Petar and Zdeslav. Muncimir succeeded Branimir in 892 as the Duke of Croatia, restoring the line of the Trpimirović dynasty to the throne of Littoral Croatia. He reigned from Biaći near Trogir (today in Kaštela).

Duke Mutimir restored to the Archbishopric of Split the lands that were taken away from it and given to the Bishopric of Nin by Branimir. Mutimir took control of Littoral Croatia and ruled it independently of both pope and Byzantium as divino munere Croatorum dux (with God's help, Duke of the Croats). During Mutimir's reign, the exiled Prince Peter Gojniković of the Serbian House of Vlastimirović that stayed in Dalmatian Croatia returned to Rascia and seized power there. Prince Peter exiled his cousins that where pretenders to the Grand Princely throne: Pribislav, Bran and Stephen; who Mutimir received and put under his protection.

He was succeeded by Tomislav, first king of Croatia. Family relation between Muncimir and Tomislav is unknown; Tomislav was probably Muncimir's son.

Preceded by
Duke of Littoral Croatia
Succeeded by