Template:Musical group individual bio

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{{{name}}} ({{{tenure}}}) : ({{{roles}}})

This template is used to create an entry in the individual bios section of an article about a musical group.


{{Musical group individual bio
| name = [[Malaclypse the Younger]]
| img = Broccoli-thumbnail.png
| Caption = Mal is a broccoli
| tenure = joined [[1776]], left [[2005_in_music|2005]]
| roles = synthephone, [[guitar]]
| text = Malaclypse co-founded the band with Celine in 1776. He played lead synthephone until his illumination in 2005.
{{Musical group individual bio
| name = [[Hagbard Celine]]
| tenure = joined [[1776]]
{{Musical group individual bio
| name = George Dorn
| roles = Co-conspirator, [[bassist]]
{{Musical group individual bio
| name = Simon
| text = [[tantric]]
Mal is a broccoli
Malaclypse the Younger (joined 1776, left 2005) : (synthephone, guitar)
Malaclypse co-founded the band with Celine in 1776. He played lead synthephone until his illumination in 2005.
Hagbard Celine (joined 1776) :
George Dorn