Mustansiriya School

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Mustansiriya school, main entrance
Mustansiriya school, main entrance

Mustansiriya School (Arabic,المدرسة المستنصرية) is one of the oldest Islamic universities (see Madrasah) in the world, established in 1233 by the Abbasid Caliph al-Mustansir, based in Iraq. It's building, a beautiful 13th century Abbasid structure on the left bank of the tigris river, survived the Mongul invasion, and has been restored, it remains one of the main attractions in Baghdad, it's close to the Saray souq, the Baghdadi museum, the Mutanabbi Street, the Abbasid Palace and caliph's street.

It should not be confused with the similarly-named modern day educational institute Al-Mustansiriya University, also in Iraq.

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