Murray Cotterill

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Murray Cotterill (died February 23, 1995) was a Canadian trade union activist and organizer for the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF).

In the 1930s, Cotterill was one of the organisers of the Co-operative Commonwealth Youth Movement. In the 1940s he was a CCF municipal candidate in Toronto and, in 1942, ran for the leadership of the Ontario CCF, losing to Ted Jolliffe. He was also an aide to Charles Millard in organizing the Steel Workers Organizing Committee and was active in rooting out Communists in the fledgling Steelworkers union and was the union's public relations director for many years. He also worked as a labour relations specialist for the Congress of Canadian Labour and its successor the Canadian Labour Congress. Cotteril was also the leading force in the OFL's Political Action Committee which helped create an informal alliance between the CCF and the labour movement that later led to the formation of the New Democratic Party as a formal CLC-CCF project.

In retirement, Cotterill moved to Saskatchewan and spent two years working for the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party government of Allan Blakeney.