Multiservice edge router

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A multiservice edge router can deliver any combination of data, voice and video services.

Multiservice edge routers are typically deployed by telephone companies, cable operators, and other broadband service providers to deliver triple-play services, which is a combination of broadband, phone and TV services.

An all-in-one router platform for broadband, phone and TV

Typical network applications managed by multiservice edge routers include broadband subscriber management (broadband services), edge routing (voice and business services) and Ethernet aggregation (video services). In the future, many traditional server applications also are expected to be managed by multiservice edge routers. This includes audio and video downloads, network security, even financial transactions.

Multiservice edge routers are replacing an older generation of single service routers, which were first deployed by carriers in broadband networks in the late 1990s. Instead of using three different routers for data, voice, and video services, a multiservice edge router is an all-in-one router platform for broadband, phone, TV services.

Multiservice edge routers are 50 percent cheaper to operate

Multiservice edge routers use a converged network architecture to manage different network applications on a single router. Managing different broadband services on one router allows carriers to save up to 50 percent in network operation costs. It also gives carriers a more flexible platform to deploy and manage new services.

Multiservice edge routers represent a $10 billion market

Carriers are phasing out single-service networks for multiservice broadband networks. Video and mobility are driving these network upgrades. Carriers are expected to invest more than $10 billion on multi-service edge routing by 2012 (Yankee, Infonetics, and Heavy Reading). This is the largest single routing market in more than ten years. This massive shift in router spending is analogous to another technology period, when multi-application PCs disrupted the mainframe computer market more than 25 years ago.

Multiservice edge routers will make every communications service portable

Within the next five years, multiservice edge routers are expected to play a central role in connecting wired and wireless infrastructures. Multiservice edge routers are access agnostic. They can connect wireline and mobile networks and enable service roaming. Imagine your cable TV service roaming like your cell phone service. Multiservice edge routers will make every communications and entertainment service as portable as your network connection.