Multiply perfect number

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sets of integers
Form of factorization:
Prime number
Composite number
Powerful number
Square-free number
Achilles number
Constrained divisor sums:
Perfect number
Almost perfect number
Quasiperfect number
Multiply perfect number
Hyperperfect number
Superperfect number
Unitary perfect number
Semiperfect number
Primitive semiperfect number
Practical number
Numbers with many divisors:
Abundant number
Highly abundant number
Superabundant number
Colossally abundant number
Highly composite number
Superior highly composite number
Deficient number
Weird number
Amicable number
Friendly number
Sociable number
Solitary number
Sublime number
Harmonic divisor number
Frugal number
Equidigital number
Extravagant number
See also:
Divisor function
Prime factor
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In mathematics, a multiply perfect number (also called multiperfect number or pluperfect number) is a generalization of a perfect number.

For a given natural number k, a number n is called k-perfect (or k-fold perfect) if and only if the sum of all positive divisors of n (the divisor function, σ(n)) is equal to kn; a number is thus perfect if and only if it is 2-perfect. A number that is k-perfect for a certain k is called a multiply perfect number. As of July 2004, k-perfect numbers are known for each value of k up to 11.

It can be proven that:

  • For a given prime number p, if n is p-perfect and p does not divide n, then pn is (p+1)-perfect. This implies that an integer n is a 3-perfect number divisible by 2 but not by 4, if and only if n/2 is an odd perfect number, of which none are known.
  • If 3n is 4k-perfect and 3 does not divide n, then n is 3k-perfect.

[edit] Smallest k-perfect numbers

The following table gives an overview of the smallest k-perfect numbers for k <= 7 (cf. Sloane's A007539):

k Smallest k-perfect number Found by
1 1 ancient
2 6 ancient
3 120 ancient
4 30240 René Descartes, circa 1638
5 14182439040 René Descartes, circa 1638
6 154345556085770649600 Robert Daniel Carmichael, 1907
7 141310897947438348259849402738 485523264343544818565120000 TE Mason, 1911

For example, 120 is 3-perfect because the sum of the divisors of 120 is
1+2+3+4+5+6+8+10+12+15+20+24+30+40+60+120 = 360 = 3 × 120.

[edit] External links