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Multiply-with-carry is a method invented by George Marsaglia for generating sequences of random integers based on an initial set of from two to many thousands of randomly chosen seed values. The main advantages of the Multiply-with-carry (MWC) method are that it invokes simple computer integer arithmetic and leads to very fast generation of sequences of random numbers with immense periods, ranging from around 260 to 22000000.
As with most RNGs, the resulting sequences are functions of the randomly chosen seed values, but MWC RNGs seem to behave as well as—and often better—than others in tests of randomness.[citation needed]
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[edit] General theory
A MWC sequence is based on arithmetic modulo a base b, usually b = 232, because arithmetic modulo that b is automatic in most computers, but sometimes a base such as b = 232 − 1 is used, because arithmetic for modulus 232 − 1 requires only a simple adjustment from that for 232, and theory for MWC sequences based on modulus 232 has some nagging difficulties that use of b = 232 − 1 avoids.
In its most common form, a lag-r multiply-with-carry random number generator (MWC RNG) requires a base b, a multiplier a, and a set of r+1 random seed values, consisting of r residues of b,
- x0, x1, x2 ,..., xr−1,
and an initial carry cr−1 < a.
The lag-r MWC sequence is then a sequence of pairs xn, cn determined by
and the MWC RNG output is the sequence of x's,
- x'r' , xr+1 , xr+2, ...
The period of a lag-r MWC RNG is the order of b in the multiplicative group of numbers modulo abr − 1. It is customary to choose a's so that p = abr − 1 is a prime for which the order of b can be determined. Because b = 232 cannot be a primitive root of p = abr − 1, there are no MWC RNGs for base 232 that have the maximum possible period, one of the difficulties that use of b = 232 − 1 overcomes.
A theoretical problem with MWG generators, pointed out by Couture and l'Ecuyer (1997) is that the most significant bits are slightly biased. Complementary multiply with carry generators do not share this problem.
[edit] Comparisons with congruential RNGs
Many congruential RNGs are implemented as
because most arithmetic processors are able to put the multiplier a and the current x in 32-bit registers, form the 64-bit product in adjoining registers, and take the lower 32 bits as the product, that is, form
Adding the 32-bit c to that lower half then provides ax+c mod 232. If a mod 8 is 3 or 5 and c is odd, the resulting base 232 congruential sequence will have period 232.
A lag-1 multiply-with-carry RNG allows us to make the period nearly 264 by using those same computer operations, except that this time we use the top half of the 64-bit product rather than ignore it after the 64 bits are formed. We use it as a new carry value c rather than the fixed carry value of the standard congruential sequence: Get ax+c in 64-bits, then form a new c as the top half of those 64 bits, and the new x as the bottom half.
With multiplier a specified, each pair of input values x, c is converted to a new pair,
The period of the resulting multiply-with-carry sequence will be the order of b = 232 in the multiplicative group of residues modulo ab − 1, that is, the smallest n such that b32n = 1 mod (ab − 1). If we choose an a of 28 to 31 bits such that ab−1 is a safe prime, that is both ab − 1 and ab/2 − 1 are prime, then the period will be ab/2 − 1, approaching 264, the maximum possible number of 32-bit pairs (x, c).
Here is a comparison of congruential and MWC sequences for the simple case of arithmetic modulo 10; here the "registers" are a single digit, adjoining registers are two digits:
Starting with x0 = 1, the congruential sequence
has this sequence of adjoining registers:
and the output sequence of x's, (the rightmost register), has period 4:
Starting with x0 = 1,c0 = 3, the MWC sequence
has this sequence of adjoining registers
- 31,10,01,07,49,67,55,40,04,28,58,61,13,22,16,43,25,37,52,19,64,34 31,10,01,07,...
with output sequence of x's having period 22:
- 1,0,1,7,9,7,5,0,4,8,8,1,3,2,6,3,5,7,2,9,4,4, 1,0,1,7,9,7,5,0,...
Notice that if those repeated segments of x values are put in reverse order,
we get the expansion j/(ab−1) with a=7, b=10, j=31:
This is true in general: The sequence of x's produced by a lag-r MWC RNG:
when put in reverse order, will be the base-b expansion of a rational j/(abr − 1) for some 0 < j < abr.
Also notice that if, starting with x0 = 34, we generate the ordinary congruential sequence
we get the period 22 sequence
- 31,10,1,7,49,67,55,40,4,28,58,61,13,22,16,43,25,37,52,19,64,34, 31,10,1,7,...
and that sequence, reduced mod 10, is
- 1,0,1,7,9,7,5,0,4,8,8,1,3,2,6,3,5,7,2,9,4,4, 1,0,1,7,9,7,5,0,...
the same sequence of x's resulting from the MWC sequence.
This is true in general, (but apparently only for lag-1 MWC sequences):
Given initial values x0,c0, the sequence resulting from the lag-1 MWC sequence
is exactly the congruential sequence ynayn − 1 mod(ab − 1), reduced modulo b.
Choice of initial value y0 merely rotates the cycle of x's.
[edit] Complementary-multiply-with-carry RNGs
Establishing the period of a lag-r MWC generator usually entails choosing multiplier a so that p=abr − 1 is prime. If p is a safe prime, then the order of b will be p − 1 or (p − 1)/2. Otherwise, it is likely that p − 1 will have to be factored in order to find the order of b mod p, and p = abr − l1 may be difficult to factor.
But a prime of the form p = abr + 1 will make p−1 easy to factor, so a version of multiply-with-carry that involves the order of b for a prime p = abr + 1 would reduce considerably the computational number theory required to establish the period of a MWC sequence.
Fortunately, a slight modification of the MWC procedure leads to primes of the form abr + 1. The new procedure is called complementary-multiply-with-carry (CMWC),
and the setup is the same as that for lag-r MWC: multiplier a, base b, r + 1 seeds
- x0, x1, x2, ..., xr−1, and cr − 1.
There is a slight change in the generation of a new pair (x, c):
That is, take the complement, (b−1)−x, when forming the new x.
The resulting sequence of x's produced by the CMWC RNG will have period the order of b in the multiplicative group of residues modulo abr+1, and the output x's, in reverse order, will form the base b expansion of j/(abr+1) for some 0<j<abr.
Use of lag-r CMWC makes it much easier to find periods for r's as large as 512, 1024, 2048, etc. (Making r a power of 2 makes it slightly easier (and faster) to access elements in the array containing the r most recent x's.)
Some examples: With b=232, the period of the lag-1024 CMWC
will be a2327652, about 109867 for these three as: 109111 or 108798 or 108517.
With b = 232 and a = 3636507990, p = ab1359 − 1 is a safe prime, so the MWC sequence based on that a has period 3636507990243487
With b = 232, a CMWC RNG with near record period may be based on the prime p = 15455296b42658 + 1. The order of b for that prime is 241489*21365056, about 10410928.
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- G. Marsaglia and A. Zaman, A new class of random number generators,
- Annals of Applied Probability V. 1, No. 3, 462--480
- G. Marsaglia, Random number generators,
- Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods,V. 2, May 2003.
- G. Marsaglia, On the randomness of Pi and other decimal expansions,
- Interstat, October 2005, #5,
- Couture, Raymond & L'Ecuyer, Pierre (1997), “Distribution properties of Multiply-with-carry random number generators”, Mathematics of Computation 66 (218): 591-607.