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The Mullagori (also Malagori) are a Pashtun tribe that inhabit the Khyber Agency, one of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan.


[edit] Origins

The Mullagoris are believed to be one of the tribes descended from Muhammad of Ghor. They settled just north of the Khyber Pass during the times when Islam was brought to South Asia.

[edit] Sub-Tribes

The forefather of the Mullagori was said to have had four sons. Each of these sons went on to progenate a sub-section of the Mullagori tribe. The four sub-tribes are:

  • Pahar Khel
  • Taar Khel
  • Ahmad Khel
  • Daulat Khel

[edit] Livelihood

There are on the order of 120 marble factories in the area, which serve as the livelihood not only for the Mullagori tribesmen but also for the residents of nearby villages.

[edit] Demographics

The Mullagori tribespeople inhabit two main areas: the Khakata Mena (or lower area) and Lowarha Mena (or upper area). The ‘Tatara’ hill, a famous resort for tourists, separates the Mullagori tribepeople from the Afridis, while the Kabul River separates them from the Mohmand tribe.